King Power Sword

Bai Qiuen looked at Wang Yu and coughed lightly: “Since you are here for the first time, let me be your tour guide.”

Wang Yu nodded and said, “No problem. After the matter is completed, I will give you another hundred yuan.”

“Fuck! Then what are you waiting for, let’s go in quickly.” Bai Qiuen pulled Wang Yu excitedly and rushed inside.

Wang Yu turned his head and saw Qingtong lowering her head, wondering what she was thinking, and grabbed her limp little hand, making Qingtong scream, and the three of them quickly entered the first floor of the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

After entering the first floor, Bai Qiuen said: “The first floor is for low-level magic weapons, the second floor is for intermediate-level magic weapons, and the third floor is for high-level magic weapons. Which floor do you want to go to?”

Wang Yu suddenly thought that when he looked at the Magic Treasure Pavilion just now, it seemed that there were five floors in total.

According to Bai Qiuen, the fourth floor should be the top magic weapon, so what about the fifth floor?

Without stopping, Wang Yu took Qingtong and walked directly to the stairs on the second floor around the corner.

On the other side, Hong Zhong rushed into the public restroom of Yiqi Daomeng. Facing the sink, he kept washing his face carefully.

It took a while for the nausea in my heart to disappear. Staring at herself in the mirror, Hong Zhong couldn’t help complaining: “It’s true, leader, you don’t even wash your hands after going to the bathroom.”

“Wait, I don’t remember my toilet near the Magic Treasure Pavilion?” Hong Zhong frowned, thinking of a possibility, and maliciously thought: “The leader doesn’t defecate anywhere, does he?”


The door of a toilet behind Hong Zhong was opened, and from the mirror, Hong Zhong saw a familiar figure.

“Leader! Why are you here!” Hong Zhong suddenly turned around and said in shock.

The person who came out was the real Patriarch Wang.

Lifting his trousers, Patriarch Wang came out slowly, and said slowly and kindly, “Young man, don’t make a fuss. No matter what you do, don’t be frizzy.”

“It’s not… the leader, I mean why did you appear here?” Hong Zhong was stunned. There was a leader here, so who was he meeting in front of the Magic Treasure Pavilion just now?

Patriarch Wang walked to the edge of the sink, washed his hands and said, “Why did it appear here? Isn’t it human nature to go to the toilet? Don’t you need to go to the toilet?”

“No… that’s not what I meant.” Hong Zhong quickly waved his hands and said, “I mean, didn’t the leader go to the bathroom just now?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I said Hongzhong. Are you tired recently? I can grant you a few days off. Go home and have a good rest.” Patriarch Wang looked at him pitifully.

Hong Zhong was speechless for a moment, paused, and shouted: “Leader, I saw you in the Magic Treasure Pavilion just now, and you still covered my mouth with your unwashed hand in the toilet.”

“Ah? Hongzhong, you really are seriously ill, and you’re starting to have paranoia.”

Shaking his head, Patriarch Wang wiped his hands with the towel hanging by the side.

“I didn’t go to the Magic Treasure Pavilion today, probably you are hallucinating.”

“Is…is that so?” Hong Zhong was a little uncertain about what he was told, and there was a trace of doubt about himself in his memory.

“That’s right, it must be like this.” Patriarch Wang affirmed, “Tell me what happened, and I’ll help you analyze the symptoms.”

Hong Zhong thought for a while and said, “Today, I appraised the demon removal list for Senior Li, and then I heard from Xiao Li that two people brought ten corpses of demon kings to claim the reward.”

“After I followed, I found that one of them turned out to be Master Wang Yu.” Having said that, Hong Zhong looked at Patriarch Wang.

Patriarch Wang raised his head and asked curiously, “And then?”

Afterwards, Hongzhong talked about what happened to him afterwards. How did he meet Wang Yu, and how did he meet Patriarch Wang again?

After listening, Patriarch Wang fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said slowly: “Your paranoia is quite serious, and I didn’t notice anything wrong.”

“Really? But I always feel that something is wrong.” Hong Zhong scratched his head with a gloomy expression on his face.

Patriarch Wang patted him on the shoulder: “Don’t worry too much, it’s probably an illusion caused by overwork, maybe you’ll be fine after a few days of rest. ”

Patriarch Wang said a few words of comfort. Unexpectedly, at this time, Hong Zhong’s cell phone rang suddenly.

Hongzhong answered the phone and found that it was Xiao Li who opened it.

I heard Xiao Li say: “Captain Red, I have transferred the rest of the money to Master Wang Yu’s card. Are you still with Master Wang Yu?”

Hong Zhong: “…”

Patriarch Wang: “…”

“Leader, could it be that…Xiao Li also suffers from paranoia?” Hong Zhong stammered.

Patriarch Wang was also taken aback, and clapped his hands in a sudden realization: “This proves that what you just said is true, and you don’t suffer from paranoia.”

“Huh! It seems that there is no need to give you a vacation.” Patriarch Wang stroked his mustache and said with a smile.

“Leader, the point doesn’t seem to be here, does it?”

Red was speechless.

“Isn’t this the point?” Patriarch Wang asked doubtfully.

Hong Zhong explained: “The point is that you haven’t been to the Magic Treasure Pavilion, but I saw you there.”

“You’re right, it’s really unbelievable. If it’s true, why did he pretend to be me?”

Patriarch Wang put his chin in his hand and nodded seriously.

Then he paused and raised his head abruptly: “The Magic Treasure Pavilion, his goal is the Magic Treasure Pavilion!”

Hong Zhong: “Leader, have you just reacted?”

Looking helplessly at Patriarch Wang who hurried out, Hongzhong felt worried about the other party’s IQ.

He didn’t expect that if it wasn’t for Xiao Li’s phone call, Hongzhong would probably believe that he had delusional disorder.

Actually, I can’t blame the two of them. Where is this place? This is the headquarters of the Yiqidao League.

The two of them never thought that someone would appear in the Magic Treasure Pavilion in the form of the alliance leader.

The Yiqidao League is the strongest alliance of mankind. If anyone really dares to do this, it will be a complete provocation to all mankind.

For thousands of years, no one has dared to do this, so they didn’t think in this direction.

Hong Zhong paused for a moment, made a few quick phone calls, and then ran towards the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

He had a premonition that something big might happen today.

Pretending to be the leader, this is the rhythm of the He Yi Qi Dao League.

On the fifth floor of the Magic Treasure Pavilion, Wang Yu and the others came here smoothly.

What is strange is that this Magic Treasure Pavilion is obviously a place where magic treasures are stored, yet no one is guarding it.

“The fourth floor is the ultimate magic weapon, so the fifth floor must be the best thing here.” Wang Yu pushed open the door and found that the entire floor was empty.

It’s not like the other floors, which are full of shelves.

With a glance, there are only two items in the whole room.

One is a huge golden ancient clock taller than a person, and the other is a black sword case.

Patriarch Wang, played by Bai Qiuen, looked around curiously. When he first saw the huge ancient clock, his expression changed obviously.

“Fuck! It’s the Hunyuan Qizhong, the magic weapon of Daomen second only to the King Quan sword. If I sell this, I will be rich.” Bai Qiuen licked his lips, and a thought of stealing it came to him. .

But he dismissed it in an instant. He remembered that the current user of the Hunyuan Qi Clock was the one whose head was like a bucket of cold water being poured on it.

Bai Qiuen put his eyes on the black sword box. Wang Yu walked in and found that the whole box was about half a meter long and the whole sword box was made of unknown wood.

After a slight sniff, you can smell the unique fragrance from the sword box.

This made him even more curious about what was inside.

Driven by curiosity, Wang Yu stretched out his hands and gradually opened the sword case.

In the eyes, a golden yellow sword was lying quietly in the sword box.

The sword body is pure white, the hilt is made of gold, and the middle of the hilt is engraved with two large characters of King Power. Since the Wang Quan sword was opened by Wang Yu, it emitted a golden light.

And it carried a kind of sword intent that suffocated him. Wang Yu knew that this was the sword intent of kingship.

He also never thought that he would see the King Quan Sword here.

With this strong sword intent, Wang Yu is sure that this sword is definitely the highest quality magic weapon he has ever seen.

Even the Yashen mirror in Wang Yu’s body seemed to be under some kind of threat, constantly emitting red light.

Wang Yu was shocked. This sword is probably at the same level as its Iori mirror, a semi-immortal weapon.

What makes him regret is that his major is Qinglian Sword Intent, so he cannot use this sword.

“It’s a pity.” Shaking his head slightly, Wang Yu put the Wang Quan sword back.

Excalibur has a spirit.

Since he opened the sword case, the King Quan sword has been exuding a sharp golden light, not in the rhythm of wanting to recognize the master.

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