The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 998: A ray of remnant soul

Since he entered the Penglai Wonderland, this is the first time he heard someone’s voice. Xiao Han was not only surprised, but also a little excited. After all, being alone in this Penglai Wonderland is really boring. If there is someone Talking about it, even if it's enemies, it's good to yell at each other a few times, it's better than staying alone in this uninhabited Penglai Wonderland.

From a distance, one could see a figure walking in his direction. Xiao Han was about to meet him when he suddenly found something wrong.

The figure is indeed a figure, but Xiao Han can still clearly see that his lower body is floating in the air, and the whole person seems to be translucent, a little faint.

Xiao Han was shocked, and then he realized that it was not a person who came to him, but a remnant soul.

This person was dressed in a Taoist robe, but the Taoist robe was dirty and unbreakable. Fortunately, the whole person was in a state of illusion, and he couldn't see it unless he looked carefully.

Moreover, Xiao Han also saw that this man is not dressed up as a modern person, even his hair is the same. The long hair is wrapped in a Taoist bun on top of his head, but the simplest one is inserted in the bun. Wooden hairpin.

The remnant soul floated in front of Xiao Han, and smiled at Xiao Han: "This strong man, you are so polite!"

Xiao Han couldn't figure out the purpose of this remnant soul suddenly jumping out, so he said non-committal: "You are a ghost, I am a human, what are you doing so politely?"

The man's face became stiff, and he looked at Xiao Han with a dry laugh. It was impossible for him to lure the five evil spirits to Xiao Han's side just now, and then tell him about his escape!

However, as soon as Xiao Han spoke, it showed the difference between the identities of the two people. The meaning of the expression was already obvious. It was a bit unsuitable for people to come to the door by themselves.

"Don't get me wrong, a strong man, I don't have any malicious intent towards you, absolutely no malicious intent!"

Xiao Han didn’t put a remnant soul in his eyes, at least Xiao Han was sure, whether in the secular world or in this Penglai Wonderland, a remnant soul would not be a threat to him, but Xiao Han was a little curious. Remnant Soul found what purpose he was in.

Based on his own perception, Xiao Han has clearly realized that there is not much remaining soul left on this remnant soul, so his figure will appear as if it is translucent, as time goes by. Elapsed, if another year and a half passed, I was afraid that this remnant soul would be dissipated, completely dissipated in the world, and even the last possibility of reincarnation would no longer exist.

Xiao Han nodded, and his face eased. He smiled and said, "I know you are not malicious. You are so weak and you can be so weak at any time. If you are really malicious to me, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing yourself? "

The remnant soul was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't accept Xiao Han's words to explain his own fiction, he thought to himself, this person is also too direct, really merciless!

The remnant soul arched his hands at Xiao Han once again, and said with a smile: "Brilliant man, the old Dao wants to discuss something with you!"

Xiao Han carefully looked at the remnant soul in front of him. No matter what the person said to discuss matters, at least this remnant soul must have existed in the Penglai Wonderland for a long time. For outsiders, there are many things that can be learned from this old moral.

Xiao Han is alone in this Penglai Wonderland, not to mention treasure hunting and expeditions, even knows nothing about the specific situation in Penglai Wonderland, let alone want to find the treasure of neon clothes feathers, that is even more of a point. There is no news. If it weren’t for encountering two groups of giant spiders during the day, Xiao Han discovered that the small spar on these giant spiders could restore the aura in the body. Otherwise, Xiao Han was in this Penglai Wonderland. Without supplies and materials, it is really a rhythm that can only wait for death.

It's good to encounter a remnant soul here, Xiao Han can try to see if he can learn some news about Penglai Wonderland from him, so as to make plans for the next move.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han waved at the remnant soul and smiled: "This is not a place to talk, come with me!"

With that said, Xiao Han turned and left. When he reached the stone wall, Xiao Han bent his knees and stepped on a raised boulder in mid-air, and then jumped to the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Xiao Han's vigorous skill, that remnant soul nodded secretly when he recalled the simple and clean fighting style when he killed five evil spirits before.

The remnant soul followed Xiao Han and floated to the hole Xiao Han dug.

Before Xiao Han stepped on the protruding big rock with one foot, so now the location of the cave entrance is even narrower. After standing on Xiao Han, it already appears very crowded. Fortunately, the remnant soul does not occupy a position. Floating directly in the air, Xiao Han sat down directly at the entrance of the cave and quietly looked at the old man in front of him.

The remnant soul saw Xiao Han's overnight spot arranged for him, fully considering the possibility of danger, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and asked: "Old Taoist, you should talk first or I should talk first!"

The remnant soul pointed at Xiao Han and said, "This brave man, you should have just entered this Penglai Wonderland? Did you come to Penglai Wonderland to hunt for treasures or to find opportunities?"

"Opportunity? Does anyone come here specifically to find opportunities?"

The remnant soul nodded and smiled: "Yes, the battle between gods and demons was found in this Penglai fairyland. After those great monks fell, there are many treasures and inheritances left in Penglai fairyland, waiting for those who are destined. Come."

Gods and Demons? Xiao Han had heard people talk about the battle between gods and demons several times before, but Xiao Han knew very little about the situation of this battle between gods and demons. Xiao Han thought about it, and then asked: " Daoist, can you tell me why this Penglai Wonderland has become like this!"

The remnant soul sighed, and then, he drifted to Xiao Han's side, sat side by side on the rock at the entrance of the cave like him, looked at the stars in the distant sky, and began to tell Xiao Han about the battle between gods and demons. cause.

Thousands of years ago, Penglai Wonderland was not just a forbidden place on Penglai Island, but a well-known Dongtian blessed land in the entire cultivation world. In Penglai Wonderland, there are plenty of spiritual energy and many geniuses and treasures. In addition to Penglai Island, many repairs The major gates in the practice world have their own cave mansion in the Penglai fairyland.

However, I didn’t expect that the extraterritorial demons also took a fancy to the treasure of Penglai Wonderland, and wanted to take the entire Penglai Wonderland as their own. Of course, the real purpose of the extraterritorial demons was to pass the Penglai Wonderland as a pedal. Occupying outside the Penglai Wonderland, using Penglai Wonderland as a stronghold, it will erode the entire secular world and eventually rule the entire human world.

After the training world learned the news, the various sects began to invite people with lofty ideals from all over the world, and almost all the Qi refiners in the entire training world who had not yet ascended to immortals were summoned to the Penglai Wonderland, preparing to jointly resist the invasion of the demons outside the territory.

After the battle between gods and demons, the entire Penglai fairyland was almost destroyed in that battle between gods and demons, and the original blessed land became a piece of scorched earth.

As if remembering the unbearable past, the old Dao sighed softly, then fell silent.

I have never heard of any extraterritorial demons before, and what kind of ghosts are extraterritorial demons? Hearing this, Xiao Han murmured to himself: "Exterior Demon Race? Why did the Extraterritory Demon Race disappear after the God-Devil War? And in this Penglai Wonderland, it seems that there are only evil spirits left by the practitioners after their death!"

"You don’t know. In fact, those evil spirits are contaminated with the demonic energy of the demon race. After death, they did not become remnants like me, but became evil spirits that are not like people and demons. The extraterritorial demons who attacked Penglai Wonderland were defeated by the elites of our practice circles, but the elites of all factions were almost completely damaged. In the end, the eight masters of the big sects united and tried their best to save the rest. The demons are sealed.

During the day, have you noticed that there is a towering mountain in the distance?

The eight heads of sects sealed all the remaining extraterritorial demons under the mountain. There are eight giant stone statues on the top of that mountain, which are the original heads of the eight big sects. "

Xiao Han then remembered that as soon as he entered the Penglai Wonderland during the day, Xiao Han had already seen the towering mountain peak in mid-air. It turned out that this kind of mountain was the place where the head of the eight major sects sealed the demons. .

The remnant soul continued: "In addition to the evil spirits, there is also a terrifying existence in Penglai Wonderland, that is, the demon spider that followed the demon army outside the domain to Penglai Wonderland!"

"Demon spider? Is it a magic spider or a magic bead?" Xiao Han was taken aback. He remembered the giant spiders larger than the millstone he encountered during the day. Could it be that those giant spiders were the magic spiders that the old way said?

The remnant soul nodded and said, "It's the devil spider, a very fearful creature. After the war between immortals and demons, the demon spider almost died, but this kind of ghost has a very strong reproduction ability. After thousands of years The Penglai Wonderland is now all over the Penglai Wonderland! During the day, the entire Penglai Wonderland is the world of these magic spiders. When the sky is completely dark, these magic spiders will hibernate. When the next day dawns, they Will crawl out of the cave."

The old way said that in the daytime, Penglai Wonderland was the world of magic spiders, but Xiao Han didn't seem to encounter many magic spiders in Penglai Wonderland today. He encountered them twice, which was only sixteen in total.

(End of this chapter)

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