No matter whether these five groups of things shrouded in the black mist are evil spirits or evil spirits, Xiao Han is not afraid. You must know that Xiao Han is a character who almost broke the sky in the ghost domain.

However, since the blind old man specifically instructed Xiao Han to be careful of these evil spirits, it shows that these evil spirits are indeed scary.

This kind of gloomy ghost all over the body should be similar to the evil ghosts in the ghost domain, but Xiao Han still thinks about it, most of the evil ghosts in the ghost domain are ordinary before they die. Human, so the combat effectiveness is limited, and it poses no threat to Xiao Han.

These evil spirits were different. Before they died, they were all Qi refiners with a very high cultivation level. Although they did not know that they had retained a few points of their strength after death, according to Xiao Han's estimation. The strength of these evil spirits should not be underestimated.

Five evil spirits surrounded Xiao Han, they did not move, Xiao Han had no choice but to stand still, and the two sides confronted each other like this.

Xiao Han was wondering what these evil spirits were waiting for, how could they have remained silent for such a long time and hadn't done anything.

"Jie Jie Jie"

Suddenly, the five evil spirits made a weird cry, and five groups of black mist floated from their bodies at the same time, attacking Xiao Han. There was a trace of death in the black mist, and it had not yet reached Xiao Han. Xiao Han had already felt that this death would make him feel cold all over his body, his breathing was a little unsmooth, and even the spiritual flow in his body had slowed down a bit.

Xiao Han hadn’t seen this kind of sinister scene, but he was still able to sense that the black mist coming from these evil spirits was more than any horrible ghost spirit Xiao Han had encountered before. Much more powerful.

Before he got close, he could affect the movement of the spirits in Xiao Han's body, causing Xiao Han's breathing to be a little unsmooth. These evil spirits were even more evil than Xiao Han had imagined.

If Xiao Han didn't have any special means to deal with these evil spirits, these five evil spirits alone would have caused Xiao Han to suffer a big loss. If he couldn't beat them, he would have to run away.

However, Xiao Han also has a soul orb in his body that specializes in dealing with such unclean things as ghosts, ghosts, and so on. Of course, he will not be afraid of these evil spirits.

When the black fog had reached Xiao Han's front, Xiao Han planned to greet the soul beads in his body, but the next moment, Xiao Han's expression changed, because he found that he would always call it. The soul orb that flicked away did not appear.

Damn it, can't these magic weapons be summoned in this Penglai Wonderland?

Xiaoyue of the golden python clan was the same before. Xiao Han didn’t respond to whatever he called it. After thinking about it, the only possibility is that there is some kind of restraint against Xiaoyue in this Penglai Wonderland, so Xiaoyue has no choice. Appeared beside Xiao Han.

At that time, Xiao Han hadn't thought so deeply. He just thought that a certain restriction in Penglai Wonderland only worked on Xiaoyue, a primordial spirit that didn't exist, so he couldn't summon it, but he didn't expect that even soul orbs are now Can't be summoned.

The parallel world that exists in the soul orb is now dominated by Xiao Han, and can continuously provide the power of faith for Xiao Han. Now not only the power of faith cannot be used, even the soul orb can't come out.

Like the soul orb, Xiaoyue of the Golden Python clan is an important and secretive method for Xiao Han. Whether it is fighting people or encountering difficult problems, the help to Xiao Han is very large, but now it is small. Moon couldn't appear, nor could the soul orb be summoned, so Xiao Han lost a lot of barriers during the battle.

Xiao Han was still in astonishment, seeing the black fog drifting to Xiao Han's front. If these black fog touched Xiao Han, it would definitely affect Xiao Han's combat effectiveness.

Before Xiao Han could react, the five groups of black mist had already surrounded Xiao Han, and the gloomy and terrifying will of death slowly enveloped Xiao Han's body. What is terrible is that Xiao Han has not thought of dealing with it until now. The way of these evil spirits.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth. If the soul orb is here, where he still needs to think hard about what countermeasures, and directly sacrifice the soul orb, he will be able to swallow these five evil spirits easily.

Seeing that Xiao Han's face became paler and paler under the influence of the five clouds of fog, Xiao Han's heart suddenly flashed, and he thought of a very crucial question, that is, what are ghosts and ghosts afraid of?

Of course, ghosts and ghosts are afraid of the awe-inspiring righteousness in the Qi refiner, and they are afraid that the Qi refiner can kill demons and eliminate demons. But in all things, Qi refiners, except for some guys who specialize in absorbing ghosts and evil ways, even the most ordinary ones. Qi refiners will also have some magic weapons and methods to restrain evil spirits. The reason why Xiao Han is helpless now is mainly because he encountered a similar situation before. As long as he sacrificed his soul orbs, he would basically be done.

Even if he does not sacrifice his soul orbs, Chen Jin, the ghost king who originally hid in the soul orbs, is himself a ghost, and he is a ghost that cannot be more fierce. Dare to hurt Xiao Han.

Now that the ghost king Chen Jin is not there, the soul beads can't greet him, and Xiaoyue of the golden python clan is also gone. Everything must be done by Xiao Han's own means.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han clings to his mind, circulates the aura in his body frantically, and then releases the vitality in his body, giving off a burst of pride.

After the sky sword in Xiao Han's hand was filled with spiritual energy, it immediately emitted a dazzling light. The sword energy on the sword was like the substance, spreading around, and the five clouds of mist that surrounded Xiao Han seemed to have encountered a nemesis. Generally, it disintegrates instantly without a trace.

Not only that, when Xiao Han's whole person and the sky sword in his hand exudes dazzling light, the five evil spirits standing not far away looking at Xiao Han seem to be aware of the dangerous aura, and their mouth emits There was a wailing, and he slowly backed away.

How could Xiao Han let this evil spirit escape so easily, and had not made a decisive decision with Xiao Han, who had never really called the evil spirit before, leaped high with this sky sword in his hand, and slashed at one of the evil spirits.

Xiao Han's sword in the sky struck the evil spirit, and the sword river in the sky touched the evil spirit, and the evil spirit wailed, and the body that was originally shrouded in a black mist disappeared.

Sure enough, these evil spirits weren't real entities, but existed like remnants of souls, but I didn't know why, these evil spirits would have such a terrifying aura on their bodies.

Xiao Han struck down five and divided two, killing the five evil spirits one by one. Even without the help of soul beads, Xiao Han wanted to eliminate these evil spirits and it would take a little more time and effort. He almost said before, mainly It was because Xiao Han suddenly realized that the soul beads could not greet him, so there was a momentary gap in his head, and he was almost succeeded by these evil spirits.

After slaying the five evil spirits swiftly and neatly, Xiao Han still gained something for his first hands on the evil spirits.

Although these evil spirits are eerie and terrifying, and the black mist wafting out of them is also evil, Xiao Han still discovered one of their shortcomings, that is, whether it is the evil spirit body, or the wafting out of them. Regardless of Tuan Heiwu, the running speed is not very fast, in Xiao Han's eyes, it should be regarded as surprisingly slow.

With Xiao Han's quick physical skills, as long as the sky sword is still in his hands, he is not afraid of evil spirits.

Behind the pile of rocks a few hundred meters away, the shadowy figure watched Xiao Han behead the five evil spirits cleanly, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

You know that he was chased and killed by these five evil spirits for a long time. When it was just dark, he came out of his hiding place. He originally planned to go out and stroll around, but he did not expect to bump into it when he came out. For the five evil spirits, he ran around for a long time, but he could not escape the pursuit of these evil spirits.

Had he not noticed the breath of a living person nearby from a distance, he had only then led the five evil spirits to the living person’s vicinity and escaped by himself. He didn’t expect to see it with his own eyes before he could go far. The living people were not afraid of the evil spirits, and they killed the five evil spirits one by one.

The figure that appeared in Ruoyingruo pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something, his face showed a burst of ecstasy, and then shouted at Xiao Han in the distance: "The strong man stays, the strong man stays!"

After Xiao Han killed the five evil spirits, he looked around and found that there were no other evil spirits. Then he relaxed. It didn't take long after dark. If he was in the world, it would be around 8 o'clock in the evening. At this time, Xiao Han usually finishes dinner and goes out for shopping, it is still early to go to bed.

Thinking of dinner, Xiao Han couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva. From entering Penglai Wonderland to now, Xiao Han has not eaten a grain of rice or drank a mouthful of water. Although the feeling of hunger is not very strong, but thinking of dinner, he thinks Xiao Han couldn't help sighing for the delicious food he usually ate.

Before Xiao Han swallowed the small spar found in the sixteen onion giant spiders in his stomach, not only did his aura recover a lot, but Xiao Han's hunger was also reduced a lot, but when he thought of dinner, Thinking of food, Xiao Han is still a little moved.

No way, Xiao Han remembered that there was half a bag of leftover potato chips in Qiankun's bag, and his heart moved. The half bag of potato chips appeared in Xiao Han's hand from Qiankun's bag, and Xiao Han poured some into it. In the mouth.

Xiao Han was about to turn around and leave when a voice came from a distance.

"The strong man stays, the strong man stays!"

Xiao Han was shocked and turned his head in disbelief. Xiao Han originally thought it was impossible to meet other people in Penglai Wonderland, but now someone is calling him. Could it be that there are other people in Penglai Wonderland?

(End of this chapter)

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