The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 999: Penglai Fairy Mountain

Originally, Xiao Han was a bit strange. How could there be such a big spider in this Penglai Wonderland, a spider larger than the millstone, completely refreshed Xiao Han’s understanding. The most important thing is that these giant spiders are hard and hard. Generate the kind of small spar used to supplement spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han wondered: "Old Taoist, there is no grass in this Penglai Wonderland, and no creatures can survive for a long time. So how do these magic spiders survive?"

The remnant soul smiled and said: "How do they survive? That's how they survive. During the day, they can walk sideways in the entire Penglai Wonderland. In this Penglai Wonderland, these magic spiders have no natural enemies, except for people from time to time. The gas refiners of the clan came to this Penglai wonderland to explore and experience, and kill some magic spiders easily, or be killed by them."

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "Old Taoist, I mean since there is no grass in this Penglai Wonderland, no creatures can survive for a long time, so what do these magic spiders eat?"

The remnant soul gave a wry smile, and then explained: "This is the strangest place, strong man, have you noticed that a lot of sand in the entire Penglai Wonderland is black?"

How did this old man suddenly mention the sand in Penglai Wonderland? Although he didn't know what he was trying to say, Xiao Han nodded and replied: "Yes, most of the sand is black, and some of the sand is khaki. What's wrong, what's weird about this."

The old Taoist smiled bitterly: "The reason why I say those magic spiders are weird is because they eat soil or sand, and what they excrete is the black sand."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Xiao Han suddenly couldn't believe it. This old man actually said that the kind of millstone-sized magic spiders eat soil for a living. So there really are creatures that specialize in eating soil in this world?

The old Taoist nodded blankly, as if he wasn't surprised by Xiao Han's astonishment at all. He went on to say, "Yes, these magic spiders use the sand, gravel and dirt in the Penglai Wonderland as food! It is said that after the original fairy-devil war, the devil spiders left over are very rare, but after thousands of years of reproduction, now in Penglai Wonderland, the number of such demon spiders is very scary."

Xiao Han is a little strange. This old Taoist said that the number of magic spiders in Penglai Wonderland is terrifying. Since the word "horror" is used, it means that the number of such spiders is really very large, otherwise. There is no need to use the word "terror"!

However, Xiao Han only encountered sixteen giant magic spiders from beginning to end today. This number is a lot less, but not too many!

Xiao Han stunned: "Old Daoist, you said that the number of demons in this Penglai Wonderland is terrifying, that is, there are magic spiders everywhere in Penglai Wonderland, but I didn't feel how terrifying the number of magic spiders here. feel?"

The old man smiled and said: "Strong man, you don't know anything. In the entire Penglai Wonderland, the place with the most magic spiders is on the towering mountain. The closer to that mountain, the more magic spiders are. Surprisingly, we are only in the outer area now, so the number of magic spiders is not much, and the distribution is relatively scattered. By the way, the towering mountain used to be called Penglai Xianshan. It was originally only a few thousand meters high. After the leader sealed the army of the demon clan outside the territory, this mountain became towering into the sky, so people later called it the Demon Suppression Mountain, and the remaining demon spiders were almost all around the Demon Suppression Mountain!"

It turns out that Xiao Han's current location is only the outer area of ​​Penglai Wonderland. No wonder Xiao Han has not encountered too many magic spiders.

The old Daoist went on to say: "The demon spiders are powerful, and they are generally group activities. If a certain number of demon spiders cooperate with each other, ordinary gas refiners are not opponents, and basically they only have to run away from the wind!"

Xiao Han nodded, because Xiao Han had only fought a dozen demon spiders during the day, so he agreed with the old sayings. He smiled: "Those demon spiders are indeed hard, just like you said. They fought together in a very tacit agreement. During the day, I killed 14 demon spiders, and it took a lot of hands and feet."

"What? You killed fourteen demon spiders at the same time?" The old Taoist showed an unbelievable expression.

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

The old Daoist shook his head gently, and smiled: "That's not true. I just think your strength is very good. You have already cultivated to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage at a young age!"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Dao Master, you can see through my realm at a glance. I'm afraid your strength during your lifetime should be extremely strong, right?"

"The old way I used to" said this, the old waymaster paused, and did not continue to follow this topic, but smiled bitterly: "I don't want to mention it, I am just a remnant soul, even if it is Yankou Can Chuan won't last long, and I may dissipate between the heaven and the earth at any time!"

Hearing this remnant soul began to sigh with emotion. Although Xiao Han could not put himself in and feel his helplessness, Xiao Han still had some respect for this old man. Xiao Han did not know the so-called extraterritorial demons. How powerful, but almost all the super masters in the entire world participated in the battle against the demon race outside the territory, and the result of losing both sides, from another angle has confirmed the strength of the demon race outside the territory.

If it weren't for the leaders of the eight major sects to join hands to seal, maybe the current secular world is already the territory of the outer demons, and it has become as barren as the current Penglai Wonderland.

After a while, the old Daoist came to his senses from his thoughts. He went on to say: "But I still want to remind you that those demon spiders come from outside the demon world, they are monsters created by the demon clan, you The dozen or so that I met today are nothing more than larvae of demon spiders. To put it bluntly, they are demon spiders that have not yet grown up. Although they are powerful, it is not difficult to kill them. If you meet those grown-ups Devil spiders, let alone fourteen, just four. With your current strength, you can only turn around and run!"

Xiao Han cried strangely: "What? Those are just magic spiders that haven't grown up yet?"

The old Dao nodded and said: "Yes, our current position is only on the edge of Zhendevil Mountain. There are almost no adult demon races. Moreover, the human monks who enter Penglai Wonderland now generally descend on the periphery of Zhendevil Mountain. There are at least a few hundred li in Zhen Demon Mountain. Otherwise, if a human monk descends at the foot of Zhen Demon Mountain as soon as he enters the Penglai Wonderland from the outside, I am afraid that no matter how high the realm is, he will only be besieged to death!"

Xiao Han now looked at the dark scene outside with a dazed expression. He thought of the demons that he had encountered during the day, who were bigger than the millpan. Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed an swear word: Fuck you old man.

Do those giant spiders grow to the size of a millstone, and they are still called devil spiders that have not grown up? Also called the larva of the magic spider? How big can the grown up magic spider be? Bigger than a bathtub? It's really bad.

It’s just a larva that hasn’t grown up. If it’s an adult demon spider, let’s not talk about its size, let’s say whether the outer shell on its body will be more rigid. Those demon spider’s forelimbs with the thickness of arms, Xiao Han is still It can be cut with the Sky Sword. If the forelimbs are as thick as a bucket, it is hard to say whether the Sky Sword can be cut. It is not just an increase in volume.

Just like what the old Taoist said, maybe Xiao Han could only turn around and ran away when he encountered four adult giant magic spiders.

Xiao Han's face is a little serious. According to the situation introduced by this old way, this Penglai Wonderland is indeed much more dangerous than Xiao Han imagined. It seems that Xiao Han will have to pay more blood and sweat if he wants to find neon clothes. , Let’s not say whether you can find the neon clothes feathers, whether you can save your life is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han lowered his head and said nothing. If there are enough supplies in this Penglai Wonderland, it is not difficult for Xiao Han to survive, but if he wants to find neon clothes and feathers, he has to add up.

But what Xiao Han lacks now is the supplies for survival. If the Great Elder of Penglai Island had not replaced Xiao Han's food and drinking water with bricks, Xiao Han would not have fallen to the point of worrying about eating and drinking.

"Right, veteran"

Before Xiao Han finished speaking, the remnant soul waved his hand and interrupted: "Strong man, my surname is Li, and my dao name is Sheng Xu. You can call me Dao Chief Li or Dao Sheng Xu!"


Xiao Han almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, kidney deficiency? Kidney deficiency is long? This name is too existential.

The old Taoist named Shengxu looked at Xiao Han. Whether it was from his face or the look in his eyes, Xiao Han's expression was very weird. Shengxu said with a smile: "Strong man, what are you doing? Look at me with this look?"

Xiao Han only reacted, but he couldn't help laughing when he thought that the name of the remnant soul in front of him was Shengxu.

"Oh! It's nothing, the kidney is weak and the road is long, or you don't call me strong. You see, although I am very tall, I am really not strong at all. Besides, in my hometown, I use strong to describe it. A person, then it has the same meaning as the word fat!" Xiao Han went on to say: "Kidney deficiency can call me Xiao Han!"

Dao Sheng Xu smiled and nodded, and asked, "Okay, Xiao Han, I don't know what your last name is?"



Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "My name is not Xiao Han, my last name is Xiao, and my single name is cold!"

(End of this chapter)

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