I don't know why, although Xiao Han is already trying, but he still has a funny feeling inevitably.

How can anyone put this little stone-like thing in his mouth? No matter how you look at it, this behavior is a bit strange.

Xiao Han's heart was stunned. It was just a small stone anyway. It didn't matter if he swallowed it. Then, Xiao Han swallowed the small spar in his mouth directly into his stomach.

It seems that there is no discomfort! And after swallowing it in, Xiao Han could no longer feel the existence of the little spar, and Xiao Han was relieved.

Xiao Han thought for a while, did he try to activate the aura in his body and see if the small spar in his body reacted.

When Xiao Han really started to urge the vitality in his body to work, a warm feeling suddenly came from Xiao Han’s stomach. This warm feeling made Xiao Han’s whole spirit refreshed. The exhaustion caused by fighting with 14 giant spiders and digging holes in the stone wall with the sky sword afterwards has also been reduced a lot. Xiao Han even felt that even his strength had increased a bit. What surprised Xiao Han most was , There was actually a hint of aura from the little spar. After that little spar was dissolved by the aura in Xiao Han's body, that trace of aura merged into Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han was overjoyed. It seemed that the small spar in his hand was indeed useful.

I felt it carefully. Although Xiao Han's aura has not changed at all, after swallowing this spar, once the aura is activated, the little spar will directly transform into a warm feeling. Let Xiao Han's five internal organs and hundreds of skeletons be shaken up, a feeling of refreshing and crookedness appeared in Xiao Han's mind.

Since this kind of small spar has such a magical effect, Xiao Han did not hesitate, and directly swallowed the small spar in his hand into his stomach one by one. Then, Xiao Han mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, and the remaining ten Five small spars also turned into a warm air current and appeared in Xiao Han's body, but strangely, the feeling brought by the fifteen small spars behind was the same as that brought by the first small spar before. It feels no different, the only difference is that Tang Rushui feels that his body's aura has gradually increased a lot.

During the day, part of the aura that Xiao Han consumed in the battle was slowly replenished, that is to say, the small spar obtained from the body of the giant spider can be used to supplement the aura.

If the small spar on the giant spider has such a magical effect, then Xiao Han does not have to worry about the existence of aura in Penglai Wonderland, because the small spar obtained from the giant spider can make Xiao Han's body The aura is replenished, which is equivalent to Xiao Han as long as he has this small spar, even if he has a Qi recovery pill.

Although I don't know the effect of Penglai Island's Qi Qi Pill, Xiao Han still feels that the vitality that he has swallowed just now will not be much worse than a Qi Qi Pill!

Xiao Han had already made up his mind. After encountering such giant spiders in the future, as long as there are not hundreds of thousands, Xiao Han is ready to kill as many as he sees, and collect the small spars in the giant spiders one by one.

In addition to replenishing the aura consumed in the body, what surprised Xiao Han the most was that after he swallowed the little spar just now, in addition to the increase in the aura in the body, even the feeling of exhaustion of the whole person was reduced a lot, although in his stomach There is still some hunger, but the whole person is much more energetic.

At least the problem of no aura in Penglai Wonderland can be solved.


Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't restrain the joy in his heart. He stood up from the huge boulder, and excitedly stepped on the boulder with his feet, and his whole body rose into the air. Xiao Han just came in mid-air. A beautiful backflip, and then landed firmly on the boulder.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise among the huge boulder under Xiao Han's feet. Then, the overwhelmed boulder fell off the wall and fell straight down.

"Oh fucking"

Xiao Han, who was really on the boulder, was really caught off guard this time. The good news just now made him a little overwhelmed. He stood in place excitedly and had a backflip. Who knew that he was just stepping on the boulder. The stone wall fell off.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and he didn't seize the opportunity to retreat from the boulder to the cave. Therefore, after the boulder fell, Xiao Han also fell.

Xiao Han fell from a height of more than ten meters to the depression below. This height of more than ten meters is really a kind of pediatrics for Xiao Han now, so when Xiao Han fell on the ground with the huge boulder , The injury is not enough, but besides some small stones, there are a lot of debris and dust falling down with the boulder. Xiao Han who is standing below will inevitably be a little bit ashamed.

"Bah Bah Bah"

Xiao Han spit out some dust that accidentally got into his mouth, and then he hurriedly patted the dust off his body, clothes and the top of his head.

The dust in mid-air settled slowly, and Xiao Han finally cleaned up his body. Although he was not injured just now, Xiao Han was embarrassed. It seems that the saying goes well, it is easy to be sad after the extreme joy. , The ancients did not deceive me.

Xiao Han was about to turn around and jump up again. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that something seemed to be standing in a dark place not far away, as if he was staring at him.

It is a group of very dark things. The starlight and moonlight in the night sky can’t illuminate them, but they don’t have a specific shape. The whole body seems to be surrounded by a cloud of smoke. The only thing that can be seen clearly, It was two small scarlet things that looked like eyes emitting a faint light. If it weren't for their scarlet eyes, Xiao Han wouldn't be able to find this kind of thing shrouded in black mist.

After careful calculations, Xiao Han found that the black shadows were at least 50 meters away from him, but they stood still and didn't seem to intend to rush up.

Xiao Han looked at the black shadows in front of him with a solemn expression. On them, Xiao Han felt the gloomy life.

Could it be that these are the "evil spirits" that the blind old man on Penglai Island said before?

But even though their bodies were covered in a black mist, they still seemed to be able to see a general human form, but I didn't know if they could be called human by such a thing.

These ghostly and intimidating things don’t know if they have been waiting for Xiao Han, or if Xiao Han’s movement of collapsing the huge boulder just a moment ago was so loud that they alarmed them. Anyway, Xiao Han felt that these five groups of shadows It should be the evil spirit that the blind old man said before.

During the day, Xiao Han encountered giant spiders in the desert, and at night he encountered evil spirits here. It seems that dangers may be lurking everywhere in Penglai Wonderland.

I just don’t know if giant spiders only appear during the day, while such evil spirits appear exclusively at night. If this is the case, Xiao Han must keep it all the time whether he is on the road during the day or when he finds a place to rest at night. High alert.

Xiao Han thought for a while and asked softly, "Are you humans or ghosts?"

The groups of shadows on the opposite side did not say anything at all, let alone that they didn't even breathe. It seems that these groups of shadows must be people, not people, of course they are ghosts.

Xiao Han then asked, "Can you speak?"

Xiao Han asked a few words, but the other party didn't respond at all. Xiao Han couldn't help but muttered in his heart: Are these evil spirits all dumb? They can't speak at all?

The first time he encountered this kind of thing called evil spirits, Xiao Han was also a little unsure of how these evil spirits attacked people, so he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

The two sides faced each other in this way, and no one moved further.

There are a total of five evil spirits standing not far away, and there is no difference between them. They look exactly the same, but Xiao Han can still feel the incomparably cold aura from them. , And even brought the temperature around Xiao Han down a lot.

Just as Xiao Han and the five evil spirits were facing each other silently, among the rocks a few hundred meters away, there was a Ruoyingruo figure looking at Xiao Han and the five evil spirits in the distance.

The strange thing is that this person is obviously a person, but his figure seems a bit unreal, it looks a bit translucent, and there is no trace of a living person on his body. Except for the translucent upper body, the lower body is almost floating. In mid-air, it was like a legendary soul.

Now, this "person" looked in the direction of Xiao Han, with a very jealous look on his face, but he was more jealous of the five evil spirits, looking at Xiao Han's eyes, it was mocking. Excessive sympathy, after all, in Penglai Wonderland, there are only two people who dare to confront the evil spirits and run without turning around. One is the stunned green who does not understand the horror of evil spirits. Most of these people have just entered Penglai Wonderland. Among them, I haven't seen the terrible place of evil spirits.

The second is the stunner who was frightened by the evil spirits. Seeing this ghastly ghost that I had never seen before, his feet were so frightened that he could no longer move his legs.

But judging from the dignified expression of the man in the distance, it doesn’t look like the kind of stunned blue who doesn’t know the severity at all. He seems to know that the five black shadows in front of him are very tricky, but they don’t seem to be evil. The soul frightened the person and turned around and ran away.

Could it be that this person is so strong that he can ignore the five "evil spirits" in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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