He Changgong was over sixty years old, and he seemed to be only in his forties because of his cultivation, with a small goat beard between his lips. When the elder asked questions, he raised his head and cried out sadly when he was lying on the ground: "My nephew Li Xiao helped that Xiao Han arrange a house. Xiao Han should be dissatisfied with the house arranged by Li Xiao. He actually killed Li Xiao in a fit of anger, asking the elder to be fair for Li Xiao and Penglai. The disciples of the island preside over justice!"

The elder squeezed and got up from the seat, exclaiming: "What? Killed?"

The elder knew that Li Xiao was He Changgong’s nephew, the disciple responsible for the allocation of the Houshan house, and he had previously sent someone secretly to inform Li Xiao and let him be responsible for making things difficult for Xiao Han, even if Xiao Han could not be cleaned up. At least he should be disgusted, but he didn't expect Xiao Han to kill Li Xiao directly.

Originally Li Xiao died when he died. Anyway, he was He Changgong’s nephew, and not his own nephew, but Li Xiao made things difficult for Xiao Han. The elders are not indifferent either.

Besides, from another perspective, Xiao Han publicly killed a disciple of Penglai Island in broad daylight. The nature of this matter has completely changed. The great elder used this matter to attack Xiao Han and let the island owner severely punish Xiao. cold.

The elder said in a deep voice: "This Xiao Han is really bold. He actually just killed our Penglai Island disciple on Penglai Island. I will go to see the island owner and let the island owner hold justice for you!"

After Xiao Han killed Li Xiao cleanly, he turned around and took a look at Zhang Cuishan.

Zhang Cuishan trembled all over, he stammered: "Why did you kill him?"

Xiao Han smiled faintly: "If you don't kill this kind of people, keeping your food on Penglai Island is a waste!"

Zhang Cuishan hurriedly ran to Li Xiao's side, put his hand in front of his nose, and made sure that he was dead and could not die anymore. Then he sat on the ground with a dead face and smiled bitterly: "This is over. You have caused a disaster!"

Then, Zhang Cuishan looked at Xiao Han and said, "Although this Li Xiao has a low level of cultivation, his mother's uncle is the elder He Changgong and He from Penglai Island. You killed his nephew, how could he give up with you! "

Xiao Han's face was calm and calm, and he chuckled softly: "This kind of scum, kill and kill, what can he do to me? What kind of elders are not elders, I Xiao Han still doesn't care about it."

Zhang Cuishan: "Uh"

He suddenly remembered the unmatched aura that Xiao Han exuded just now, and then he realized that this young man who looked only in his early twenties was actually a super master with an amazing cultivation level.

Regardless of whether this Xiao Han can bear the anger of an elder, this has nothing to do with Zhang Cuishan. Anyway, it was Xiao Han and not Zhang Cuishan who killed him. Thinking of this, Zhang Cuishan's face was finally better.

Looking at Li Xiao who was lying on the ground and couldn't die anymore, Zhang Cuishan peeked around and found that except for Xiao Han, who was standing indifferently, there was not even a single figure around here, and Zhang Cuishan's face appeared. A trace of cruelty.

He got up from the ground, suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked Li Xiao's thigh fiercely, kicking and cursing:

"I let you bully others!"

"I make you arrogant!"

"I will make you fake!"

"Aren't you very awesome? Don't you often bully ordinary disciples like us? Isn't this a retribution?"

"Fuck you uncle, I will kick you a few feet to relieve your anger when you die!"

The more he kicks, the happier he gets, the more excited he gets. It can be seen that Zhang Cuishan is usually bullied by this Li Xiao.

After a while, Zhang Cuishan stopped panting. When he saw Xiao Han looking at him, a smile appeared on his mouth, so he laughed twice and explained: "This guy is in front of us ordinary disciples. Feiyang is used to being domineering, and usually bullies us, but there is an elder's patron behind him. Apart from cursing a few words behind his back, we people really dare not do anything to him. You killed him today. I was just right. On behalf of the disciples who are usually bullied by him, let out a bad breath!"

Seeing Zhang Cuishan's hatred look, Xiao Han also laughed dumbfounded. It seems that he killed this Li Xiao casually, and inadvertently actually helped the disciples on Penglai Island get rid of a scourge. Thinking of this, he felt more relaxed. Up.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "Very well, yes, since you have finished your anger, then it is my turn to seek justice!"

Xiao Han walked to Zhang Cuishan's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Let's go, come with me to the floating island!"

After speaking, Xiao Han strode out of the courtyard.

There was a trace of struggle on Zhang Cuishan's face, and he rationally told him not to go to the muddy water, but at the end of the day, Zhang Cuishan was heartbroken. He raised the corpse on the ground and hurriedly followed Xiao Han. Footsteps.

Xiao Han walked in front, Zhang Cuishan carried Li Xiao and walked behind. The two walked in tandem on the road from the back mountain to the front mountain.

At this point in time, it happened to be the time for the disciples on Penglai Island to finish a day of training and to rest in the house from the front mountain to the back mountain. So when Xiao Han was walking on the road, he met many disciples from Penglai Island.

Originally, Xiao Han, an outsider, was walking on the road. The disciples of Penglai Island were so great to look at them more. But when they found Zhang Cuishan behind, especially when they saw Li Xiao in Zhang Cuishan's hands, many people The face has changed.

Then, the expressions on their faces were shock, joy, hatred, luck, and fear.

Li Xiao was killed?

For the disciples on Penglai Island who only know how to bury their heads in cultivation, this is an earth-shattering thing!

So many people pondered for a long time, and began to quietly follow Zhang Cuishan's body, pointing at Zhang Cuishan's body as they walked.

When some people heard the cause and effect of the incident from Zhang Cuishan's mouth, these disciples realized that it was the young man in front who removed the famous little bully Li Xiao from Hou Shan.

As a result, many people began to speak loudly, of course, almost all of them were scolding Li Xiao.

What a deadly death!

God has eyes!

It's not that it's not time to report it!

What a pity to die!

Words such as these were called out by ordinary disciples on Penglai Island. At first, they just whispered. Later, when there were more and more disciples behind Zhang Cuishan, many people began to condemn Li Xiao’s perpetration. Of crime.

"Li Xiao, the bastard, when I first started, my grandma secretly stuffed me a bunch of ancestral Buddhist beads. After being known to Li Xiao, he said that he borrowed him to take it for two days, but he never returned it to me!"

"Just because I accidentally hit him while walking, he broke my leg and spent three months on the bed. Li Xiao, a bastard, is really deceiving!"

"That is, since I started, this guy Li Xiao has never washed clothes by himself. Every day, I am forced to wash his clothes. I dare not not wash them!"

"What's the matter? I live next door to Li Xiao. Before going to bed every day, he asks me to massage the soles of his feet. If he doesn't massage him until he falls asleep, I will not even dare to go back to bed!

Later, there were more and more disciples on Penglai Island gathered behind Xiao Han and Zhang Cuishan. There were hundreds of people. Except for some of them to watch the excitement, most of the remaining disciples came to denounce Li. Xiao, supports Xiao Han's feat of eliminating harm for the people.

Xiao Han took Zhang Cuishan and the others to the bottom of the floating island, and stopped at the square under the floating island.

At this moment, the great elder and He Changgong and the elders also happened to walk to the square. When they saw the body of Li Xiao in Zhang Cuishan's hands clearly, the faces of the great elder and He Changgong became very ugly.

The elder looked at Xiao Han with a green expression, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: You said you killed Li Xiao, right? Did you bring his body to the floating island? Are you here to demonstrate? This junior is really arrogant.

As soon as Li Xiao’s uncle, He Changgong and Elder He saw Li Xiao’s body, he hurriedly rushed over and cried as he played: "Li Xiao, Li Xiao, you have died so miserably. What face does Uncle have to meet your dead parents?"

Originally seeing this kind of picture, as long as the individual is a bit sad, after all, the nephew of He Changgong and Elder was killed, but the group of disciples on Penglai Island did not have the slightest pity on their faces, and they had to just relieve their anger. Some are just gloating, because Li Xiao is not a good thing, and that is because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

This Elder He Changgong He is not a good thing either. When I see these ordinary disciples, he looks domineering and domineering. He doesn’t do anything about bullying. It’s just that due to the identity of Elder He Changgong, all the disciples are Dare to be angry but dare not to speak, even if Elder He cried out this time, these disciples would not have the slightest pity.

From where these disciples stood, one can actually tell that the two groups of people on the square are quite distinct, and the gap between them seems to be surprising.

The leader on the left standing at the front of the team is Xiao Han, behind him are Li Xiao and several hundred ordinary disciples from Penglai Island.

Elder He Changgong He is in the middle. He is now squatting beside Li Xiao, crying with snot and tears.

There was only one person standing on the right, it was the Great Elder standing alone. The huge momentum of the gathering of hundreds of Penglai disciples made it even more so that the single figure of the Great Elder was a bit lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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