The great elder also realized that something was wrong, why all the disciples of Penglai Island were standing behind Xiao Han, and the current scene seemed to be the disciples of Penglai Island who followed Xiao Han and condemned him as the great elder.

These people just stood behind Xiao Han, and looked at the elder He in the center of the venue with hatred, and they didn't even have a good face to the elder.

He Changgong and Li Xiao’s activities in ordinary days have also been heard by the elders, but in his opinion, they are all innocuous and trivial. Besides, the elder He Changgong has always been close to himself and has always made his own decisions. Following his words, the great elder regarded He Changgong as his own person, so the great elder did not take those innocuous little things into his heart.

From this perspective, Li Xiao and He Changgong are indeed very unpopular among the disciples.

The elder sullenly said, "Xiao Han, you killed my disciple on Penglai Island. You always want to buy me Penglai Island for this matter, right?"

"Explain?" Xiao Han smiled disapprovingly: "I killed Li Xiao, just to help you clean up the door of Penglai Island. For scum like Li Xiao, staying on Penglai Island also ruined your atmosphere on Penglai Island!"

Before the great elder could swear, He Changgong, who had been squatting on the ground, suddenly stood up and pointed at Xiao Han and cursed: "Bold Rats, dare you to speak wild words? I will kill you to avenge Li Xiao!"

As soon as the voice fell, He Changgong’s figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Xiao Han. It was a moment of effort. He Changgong had crossed a distance of more than ten feet and appeared in front of Xiao Han with an iron fist. The sound of breaking wind hit Xiao Han.

Although this He Changgong is not comparable to the great elder, he is also a gas refiner who is about to enter the Yuan Ying stage. He is also a master in the entire Penglai Island. Now he is angry, completely disregarding his identity, and facing the younger generation of Xiao Han. It's a close attack when it comes up.

Because He Changgong wanted to make Xiao Han embarrassed and prepared to use Thunder's killer move, he killed Xiao Han in his palm in one move.

When He Changgong's figure moved, most of Penglai Island's disciples did not realize that Elder He had already attacked Xiao Han at the first time because of the angle problem. When Elder He's fierce fist wind stirred the surrounding air, Everyone found something was wrong.

This Xiao Han is young, can he take over Elder He's ultimate move?

The disciples who were too late to remind them all mentioned that their throats were coming, and they all had an idea in their hearts at the same time: an elder-level master is a killer move against a younger generation, and it is shameless. I didn't know if Xiao Han could take the trick of Elder He.

Seeing that Elder He's old fist had reached Xiao Han's chest, but Xiao Han still stood still on the spot, neither attempting to block nor stepping back, and even the expression on his face had not changed.

Could it be that Elder He made the move too fast, and Xiao Han hadn't had time to react? Otherwise, how could it not even move?

Many people couldn't bear to watch Xiao Han being brutally killed by Elder He in this way. They didn't want to see this scene and turned their heads. Although Xiao Han is not a disciple of Penglai Island, and has nothing to do with them, but he just got rid of the scourge of Li Xiao for them, and now he wants to watch him be killed by Elder He, which makes these Penglai Island people How can the disciples bear it?

Among the people on the square, only the Great Elder knew that Xiao Han was not that simple, and even Elder He might not be able to win Xiao Han.

Before in the midair of the floating island, the elder ate Xiao Han and suffered a dark loss, but the elder did not think that he could not defeat Xiao Han, it was entirely because he underestimated the enemy at that time.

However, Xiao Han had no reaction to Elder He's ultimate move. What the **** is this?

Could it be said that Xiao Han is confident that he can take He Changgong's trick?


The great elder knows the depth of He Changgong the best, and it is only a little bit worse than the great elder like him. Even if the great elder insists on He Changgong himself, it is difficult to avoid some internal injuries.

Thinking of this, the corner of the elder's mouth showed a sneer.

As the person who launched the attack, Elder He was of course the first to discover that something was wrong. Since Xiao Han had no response to his ultimate move?

No matter if Xiao Han was too late to react, or if he was arrogant and ready, Elder He wouldn't have the slightest softness.

Just before He Changgong's iron fist was about to hit Xiao Han's shoulder, He Changgong desperately mobilized the vitality of his whole body, only to be sure to kill Xiao Han with a punch, just to avenge his nephew Li Xiao.

A trace of hideousness appeared on He Changgong's face, and he shouted, "Go to hell!"

Just as He Changgong’s fist was about to hit Xiao Han’s shoulder, the island owner Lu Xuan appeared on the edge of the floating island. When she saw He Changgong attack Xiao Han, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes, but she He looked at He Changgong instead of Xiao Han, who stood still on the spot.


There was a loud bang in the square. Behind Xiao Han, many disciples from Penglai Island were stepped back by the shock wave caused by He Changgong's punch. Some disciples with poor foundations and low realm were not only unsteady. , The blood qi in the body was also shaken.



Then there was a sound of broken bones from the gentleman in the square, followed by a scream.

Turning their heads and couldn't bear to see that Xiao Han was killed by Elder He, the disciples of Penglai Island opened their eyes. They were surprised to find that the person who fell on the ground and howled was not Xiao Han, but He Changgong who took the initiative to attack.

He Changgong was holding his arm, and he was lying on the ground howling in pain, his entire face was a little distorted, his complexion pale and scary, but Xiao Han was still standing steadily on the spot, when He Changgong hit his body with that punch , He didn't even shake his figure at all.


I don’t know who took the lead and called,

After everyone opened their eyes, a lot of "Fuck!" sounded in the square.

How could this be? There was nothing wrong with Xiao Han who was beaten, but Elder He who beat him fell to the ground injured. Is this too weird?

The result of the duel between Elder He and Xiao Han shocked everyone. Not only was Xiao Han not injured, but Elder He was injured instead.

Xiao Han didn't move from start to finish, and even the corners of his mouth still kept a smile. If he really wanted to say that he moved, it would only be a blink of an eyelid, nothing more. A little elder didn't put him in his eyes, let alone a punch, even with ten punches and eight punches, Xiao Han could resist without any injury.

One is the peak of the Golden Core Period and the other is the peak of the Nascent Soul Period. The whole difference is a level. The difference here is not only a little bit, it is evident from the fact that Xiao Han can completely ignore He Changgong's fierce killer moves.

In the past, Elder He punched Xiao Han's body without ever shaking, "Xiao Han, you have the courage to kill my disciple on Penglai Island, and now I am seriously hurting Elder He on Penglai Island. Are you acting like Penglai Island? people?"

"I said the elder, are you blind?"

Xiao Han's answer was very impolite. He chuckled softly, "Didn't you see it? It was Elder He who wanted to hurt people. From beginning to end, he didn't even move! Elder He's hand broke, could it? Can you blame me? If you don't see clearly, there are hundreds of people standing behind me, or you can ask them, did I hurt anyone?"

At this moment, many of the hundreds of disciples on Penglai Island behind him nodded gently.

Of course, they can only nod lightly, indicating that what Xiao Han said is right, facing the great elder who has accumulated a lot of power among the disciples of Penglai Island, how dare these ordinary Penglai Island disciples blatantly oppose the great elder.

"You, you," the great elder pointed at Xiao Han, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer the conversation. After you have been for a long time, you are surprised that you didn't have a fart.

The great elder is now a dumb person who eats coptis can't tell!

But what Xiao Han said was the truth. Xiao Han didn't move from beginning to end, and he didn't even dodge. Elder He hit Xiao Han with his fist, and the result was so broken. Who can blame it?

It's as if you punched a tree and broke your hand. Can you blame that tree?

Obviously not, because the tree is innocent. You are the one who killed it yourself and you have to hit the tree. Who is the blame?

By the same token, the current situation is the same as that of the tree. Xiao Han is also innocent, because he hasn't moved. Elder Ho himself did his own death and had to hit Xiao Han's body. Who blamed him?

The Great Elder shouted angrily: "Xiao Han, don't be too arrogant. This is Penglai Island. You killed my Penglai Island disciples and hurt my Penglai Island elders. The attitude is so bad. Do you think I Penglai Island is afraid of you?"

"Elder, you can eat anything, don't talk nonsense, so you don't want to accuse me indiscriminately!" Xiao Han waved his hand and laughed softly: "I don't mean to look down on Penglai Island, Penglai Island. As a first-class martial arts group, I, Xiao Han, absolutely respect Penglai Island, and respect the disciples of Penglai Island. Otherwise, I would not be able to accept the invitation of Ludao Master. , Come to Penglai Island!"

"However, my respect for Penglai Island does not mean that Xiao Han is afraid of some despicable people on Penglai Island. If you have opinions about me, Xiao Han, you can put it in person. Those who stabbed the knife in the back. I, Xiao Han, look down the most!"

Xiao Han's words caused the disciples on Penglai Island behind him to nod frequently, and a strange color flashed in Lu Xuan's eyes on the floating island, which made the grand elder's face extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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