The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 967: Little ghost

Li Xiao turned around and left. Zhang Cuishan hadn't reacted for a while. He was feeling inexplicably strange. It was just asking Li Xiao to arrange a house. How could this be done?

Even if the houses on the island are relatively tight and there are no vacant rooms, but this Xiao Han is a guest invited by the island owner, can he just vacate a room, why would he bring Xiao Han to this place, here? How to live?

But Li Xiao turned around and left, which made Zhang Cuishan a little dumbfounded. He didn't know that Li Xiao had been instructed by the elder to deliberately make things difficult for Xiao Han, so he did not know the inside story. Li Xiao left, Zhang Where can I find a room for Xiao Han on Cuishan?

Li Xiao doesn’t care if Xiao Han is willing to bow his head like him. Anyway, if Xiao Han bows his head, then Li Xiao can also get a little benefit. Anyway, he has already followed the instructions of the elder to make things difficult for Xiao Han. You kid dare to offend the elder. It's awesome, and it's not subdued by Lao Tzu.

If Xiao Han refuses to lower his head and let him settle the accommodation by himself, Li Xiao will be more apt to invite credit and rewards on the side of the elder. Even if Xiao Han goes to the island owner to go to Li Xiao, he is not afraid. Anyway, the house on the island Nervousness This is everyone knows, Li Xiao can completely pretend to be innocent and push the blame away.

As the saying goes, the king is easy to see, and the kid is difficult to deal with. Don’t look at Li Xiao’s strength and power in his hand, but this kind of small role is actually the most difficult to deal with. If you beat him, it’s you If you are wrong, if you don't beat him, then you can only suffer a dumb loss.

Li Xiao was about to step out of the room when Xiao Han shouted, "Stop!"

Only then did Li Xiao stop his figure, and turned around with a smirk and said: "Fuck, I don't want to hang you here, you are not going to bow your head, are you? Say it? Are you going to take something to please me? Even if you give me the money, I can't spend it on Penglai Island!"

With that, Li Xiao walked back to Xiao Han's side.

Xiao Han didn't pay attention to Li Xiao, but turned his head and looked at Zhang Cuishan and asked, "Who is the biggest one besides the owner of Penglai Island?"

Zhang Cuishan didn't understand why Xiao Han suddenly asked about this. Of course he was very puzzled, but he answered honestly, "Uh, who is the biggest besides the island owner? Of course it is the Great Elder!"

Xiao Han suddenly realized that the reason why things have evolved like this is that someone is behind the scenes. Otherwise, how could a small person who is equivalent to a dormitory administrator stand up inexplicably and embarrass himself. This kind of trivial matter comes to play by topic.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Is it the elder who told you to disgust me? What I said, a little dormitory administrator dare to neglect the guests invited by your island owner!"

Although Xiao Han smiled, Li Xiao could still see a sharp killing intent in Xiao Han's eyes. He hit a violent spirit all over his body, and a chill rushed into his heart. At this moment, he suddenly had a bad feeling. Hunch.

Li Xiao walked back unmovingly. As long as he got out of this room, he ran outside, forgiving him that Xiao Han didn't dare to move him in broad daylight, so Li Xiao still didn't get soft on his lips. He stepped back and quibbleed: "What do you want to do? How can I neglect you, don't you spit out!"

Xiao Han pressed forward step by step, and smiled as he walked: "Do you think you are a disciple of Penglai Island and I dare not move you?"

"Do you think I won't make a fuss to your island owner?

"Do you think I will either please you, or just sleep in the mountains?"

"You are very smart, too smart. People like you generally don't live for three episodes in a TV series."

Xiao Han’s last words made Li Xiao feel flustered, and his face became a little ugly, could it be said?

Li Xiao's last thought just flashed, before he could react, suddenly a quaint long sword appeared out of thin air from Xiao Han's hand, and the blade of the long sword exuded a dazzling white light.

"What do you want? Don't you dare to kill people?" Li Xiao was so scared that his face was pale, he pointed to Xiao Han and shouted, "I tell you, my uncle is the elder of Penglai Island, you dare to kill me ?"

Although Li Xiao's mouth looks terribly hard, but he only has a hard mouth, but his feet are terribly soft. One inadvertently, Li Xiao knocked down the door of the room, and fell back and just lay down like this Fell to the ground.

Zhang Cuishan was also shocked and pale. He didn't expect a small incident to cause such a big trouble. Even if Xiao Han beat Li Xiao violently, but if Xiao Han was really impulsive When Li Xiao was killed, the matter became difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Zhang Cuishan, who was standing on the side, rushed up and pulled Xiao Han in a low voice comforting: "You should calm down, don't be familiar with this kind of person. I will go and discuss with a few brothers and sisters, where we live. Free up a house for you!"

Zhang Cuishan grabbed Xiao Han's arm tightly, and leaned into Xiao Han's ear to remind him in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, his uncle is the elder of Penglai Island. He holds great power and has advanced cultivation, compared with the elder. It's not much difference, there is no need to offend people for such trivial matters!"

Seeing Xiao Han being held tightly by Zhang Cuishan, Li Xiao, who was lying on the ground, was calm and relieved. He was frightened by Xiao Han’s appearance just now. He was usually on Penglai Island. From the disciples to the other elders, whoever was polite to him, no one dared to provoke him, which also led him to develop this arrogant and domineering character.

Now Xiao Han is being pulled by Zhang Cuishan, and he is also some distance away, and Li Xiao doesn't believe that Xiao Han really dared to kill a disciple on Penglai Island, so Li Xiao's courage has grown a lot.

He slowly got up from the ground and said with a sneer: "Fuck, you have the ability to kill me? I really don't believe it. This is Penglai Island, not your damaged courtyard. You dare to kill people on Penglai Island. Have you eaten the guts of the bear heart and leopard?"

Originally, Xiao Han did not intend to let Li Xiao go. Whether he begged for mercy or hard-mouthed, today this Li Xiao must die, and now this Li Xiao is more than just screaming, relying on his own support. Before he died, he actually provoke Xiao Han. It seemed that he didn't die fast enough.

Xiao Han shook his arm, and Zhang Cuishan, who had been dragging his arm steadily, only felt an unrivaled force coming from him, shaking him away from Xiao Han's side.

Before Zhang Cuishan could react, Xiao Han grinned and walked towards Li Xiao. The Yuan Ying-period monk's aura was released unreservedly, and he sneered at Li Xiao: "Killing you? But it's just like killing a bug. What's the matter? Don't dare to kill?"

Li Xiao looked at Xiao Han who was like a murderous god, and for the first time he felt regretful. He was shocked by the killing intent emanating from Xiao Han and couldn't even move his feet.

The Celestial Sword stayed in the air for an inch in front of Xiao Han as if being guided, and shot at Li Xiao at a speed that the naked eye could not see clearly, but in a short moment, the Celestial Sword penetrated Li Xiao’s chest. A deep hole the size of a fist was left in his heart, and his heart had been churned into dregs by the sword aura of the sky sword.

After an instant, Li Jian left a big hole in his body and the sky sword flew back and stayed in front of Xiao Han again. The whole body of the sword was trembling constantly, making a buzzing cry, as if it had spirituality, as if Inviting credit to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han nodded lightly, and the sky sword that appeared out of thin air once again disappeared in front of Xiao Han out of thin air. The whole process lasted at most two seconds.

At this moment, Li Xiao hadn't died yet, but the sharp pain from his chest and the fear in his mind occupied his whole body. At this moment, he knew that he was about to die.

Before Li Xiao's consciousness disappeared at the last touch, he tilted his head back and fell. What stayed in his mind was Xiao's cold and stern face and Zhang Cuishan's terrified look. Unfortunately, he didn't even have the possibility of revenge. Except for the next life.

Standing on the side, Zhang Cuishan watched this scene from beginning to end. A good man was pierced through his atrium by a simple long sword that appeared out of thin air, and Xiao Han did not even blink his eyelids from beginning to end, Li Xiao just died.

What is this special method? It's weird.

This was Zhang Cuishan’s thinking at the time. He looked at Xiao Han as if he had seen a ghost in the daytime. It was only then that Zhang Cuishan was shocked to discover that the aura exuding from Xiao Han was extremely powerful, and Zhang Cuishan was the first time he had come into contact with him. With such a powerful force, even the great elder has never felt such a powerful force.

Xiao Han didn't bother to deal with this kind of scum. If it weren't for the ghost king Chen Jin in the ghost domain, today's Li Xiao's **** would happen to be cheaper than Chen Jin. Chen Jin would like this young body very much if he wants to come.

"Elder, please call the shots for my Li Xiao."

After coming down from the floating island, the great elder returned to his usual practice place to drink tea and rest, his buttocks were not hot yet, and a man cried and opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered the room, he prostrated himself and kneeled on the ground. Up.

Seeing that the visitor was an elder, and the elder He Changgong who was in charge of the logistics of Penglai Island, a trace of anxiety flashed in the heart of the elder, he put the tea cup in his hand heavily on the table, and said displeased: " What's going on, in what manner are you yelling?"

(End of this chapter)

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