The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 966: Allocation of premises

Zhang Cuishan led Xiao Han to a house at the gate and found a disciple in Penglai Island who was responsible for arranging the house.

This disciple was named Li Xiao, and he was the nephew of an elder on Penglai Island. He joined Penglai Island much later than Zhang Cuishan's time, and his talent was a little bit worse. Needless to say, his realm was even worse.

However, there is an uncle who is an elder in the family, so although this Li Xiao has a low level of qualifications, he has mastered the most fat and oily problem in the whole Houshan, and is in charge of the distribution of houses. Not to mention Zhang Cuishan, it is just ordinary Elder, be polite to this junior. After all, he might want to change the house one day, and he still needs to trouble him, the younger junior, to allocate and allocate.

This Li Xiao relies on the support of an uncle who is an elder, and he controls the distribution of the house. Among the many disciples on Penglai Island, it can be said that he is like a bully, and almost no one wants to provoke him.

Just like now, other disciples are all cultivating in the front mountain, cultivating homework, and doing homework, and what is this master doing? The grandfather sat on a chair with Erlang's legs up and licked melon seeds. Zhang Cuishan took Xiao Han into the house. He didn't even have the basic etiquette to get up and greet him.

Zhang Cuishan arched his hands at Li Xiao who was eating melon seeds, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, this is the guest invited by the island owner. The name is Xiao Han. Please ask Brother Li to arrange a house for this guest to stay in. rest."

Upon hearing this, Li Xiao who was eating melon seeds threw the melon seeds in his hand to the ground, then stood up, patted his palms, and laughed: "Xiao Han? Are you Xiao Han?"

Xiao Han stunned: "What? Do you know me?"

Li Xiao laughed and replied: "Don't know? I didn't know each other before today, don't you know now?"

Just now Zhang Cuishan came in to say hello to Li Xiao and Li Xiao didn’t react at all. It wasn’t until Zhang Cuishan uttered Xiao Han’s name that it reminded Li Xiao that the elder sent someone to inform him and asked him to find a chance to make things difficult. His name is Xiao Han.

In other words, this Li Xiao is not afraid of everything in Penglai Island, even the owner of Lu Xuan is not afraid, but only one person—the great elder.

I am not afraid of Lu Xuan, the owner of the island. It is not that Li Xiao is really not afraid of Lu, but the emperor is far away. The island owner does not bother to manage this trivial matter, so he can’t control Li Xiao’s head. .

But the great elders are different. The great elders are responsible for all affairs in Penglai Island. Li Xiao is not afraid of the island owner, but he is still very jealous of this great elder who has accumulated a lot of authority among ordinary disciples. Besides, Li Xiao’s The uncle who was an elder was just an elder. Although the elder and the great elder were only one word apart, the difference between them was not even a bit.

The great elder suffered a dark loss under Xiao Han's hand. Of course, he felt uncomfortable. However, Xiao Han was the guest invited by Island Master Lu Xuan. He was going to enter the Penglai Wonderland tomorrow. Maybe it would be great to die in Penglai Wonderland. possible.

The elder wanted to make Xiao Han a little trouble, even if he couldn't hurt Xiao Han, he would feel more comfortable in his heart.

The Great Elder knew that Xiao Han would stay in Penglai Island tonight, so he quietly sent someone to call Li Xiao and let him do something like this.

Li Xiao finally found an opportunity to please the elder, and of course he would work hard to clean up Xiao Han.

But Li Xiao is not a fool. This Xiao Han is a figure that even the elder dared to offend. He must have something to rely on. Either the island owner will support him or his own strength is tyrannical, no matter the former or Li Xiao couldn't afford the latter.

However, relying on the power in Li Xiao's hands, it would be innocuous to use a little trick secretly, so as to please the elders without irritating the unknown Xiao Han.

This also led to Xiao Han later staged a big uproar on Penglai Island before entering Penglai Wonderland.

Li Xiao glanced at Xiao Han who was standing not far away, with an imperceptible smile, "Let's go, I will take you to the guest house."

Xiao Han and Zhang Cuishan followed Li Xiao along the corridor at the back of the house, and then came to a small courtyard in the corner. Li Xiao took Xiao Han and others into the small courtyard, and after crossing the front house, walked. Stopped in front of the innermost room.

Li Xiao stretched out his hand and said, "That's it. Now our room on Penglai Island is quite tense. Only this room is vacant for the time being! Xiao Han, you can live here tonight!"

The house is built of wood, and it looks no different from other houses on Penglai Island, except that behind this room is a section of exposed mountain, which seems to be a house built after the rock was excavated, and the walls of the house It was a little mottled, and it was covered with mildew.

As soon as he got here, Zhang Cuishan's face changed, and he felt a little uneasy. He wondered how Li Xiao had arranged such a place for Xiao Han.

There was no abnormality on Xiao Han's face, he just glanced at Li Xiao intentionally or unintentionally, and a glimmer of light seemed to flash in his eyes.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, stretched out his hand on the door and pushed it open. After pushing the door open, an unpleasant musty smell came over his face. Even Xiao Han couldn't help covering his nose. The smell was so heavy. I felt choked when I stayed in the room for a while, let alone living in it.

After I walked into the room, I realized that in addition to the unpleasant smell, the whole room had a bit of dampness on the floor and walls, and even the table was full of water drops. It can be seen that the location of this room is too close to the mountain. It belongs to a location that is particularly susceptible to moisture. In addition, Penglai Island is an island, and the humidity is inherently heavy, so this room will be even more humid.

In addition to being very humid, the room has been unoccupied for a long time. The seats and benches are full of dust, even on the headboards, and many places are covered with spider webs.

In fact, that’s all. Xiao Han is not a difficult person to serve. Anyway, he has been accustomed to suffering since he was a child. This little thing is not difficult for him, but Xiao Han walked to the bed and touched it, and found that he was even connected. The quilts are damp, how can you sleep?

Penglai Island was originally relatively humid, which is understandable, but this room seems to have been idle for a long time. It has not even been exposed to the quilt, and no one has cleaned it. How can people live here?

Although he didn't understand why Li Xiao wanted to target himself, Xiao Han still endured it, and just chuckled softly: "This is the place your Penglai Island arranged for me?"

The face of Li Xiao, who was still smiling, was pulled down in an instant. He snorted and said in a deep voice: "Yes? What's the matter? Are you still unsatisfied? If you are not satisfied, just live under the tree. Room!"

Xiao Han hadn't spoken yet, and Zhang Cuishan, who was standing on the side, quickly stepped up and said, "That Junior Brother Li, this Xiao Han brother is a guest of the island owner. There are really some here. Could you please arrange for another room? Right?"

Even Zhang Cuishan can't see it, but Li Xiao is the person responsible for arranging the house after all, and Zhang Cuishan thinks that he can't blame him, so he tries not to offend him, so that Li Xiao will wear his own shoes in the future, so in the words Still quite euphemistic.

Who knows that Li Xiao glared and sneered: "Arrangement? Where do I go to make arrangements? In the past two years, our Penglai Island has become more prosperous and our strength has risen. There are more and more people here who come to visit us. Although Penglai Island is a big sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, most of the houses left over are old houses hundreds of years ago. The new houses have not been built yet. It is good for ordinary disciples to have a place to shelter from wind and rain. Is it damp or not? Is it clean or not? Is it good to have a place to live?

Besides, even if the owner of the island personally came here, I am rightly confident. We really don’t have any spare rooms on Penglai Island. Where do you want me to arrange? You know it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice? "

Speaking of this, Li Xiao waved his hand arrogantly and said, "Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, you can't help it, if you don't live here, just find a place to stay by yourself!"

Li Xiao's eyes rolled, and he suddenly looked at Xiao Han's suggestion: "Otherwise, if you have any gadgets that you can tell, you give it to me, and I will give you my room. Will I go to other brothers in one night?"

If it was exactly what the Penglai Island disciple said, there were no more rooms on the island, even if it was arranged for him and ordinary disciples on Penglai Island to be together for one night, Xiao Han would not say anything.

But this Penglai Island disciple who was responsible for arranging the house took the opportunity to blackmail Xiao Han, and that was touching Xiao Han's inverse scale.

Since childhood, Xiao Han was born in poverty. Before he had resuscitation, he was accustomed to suffering. He suffered from outsiders’ troubles and blindness, especially after Xiao Han’s father passed away. Xiao Han watched his mother do Taking care of this home, he suffered all kinds of bullying and blind eyes from outsiders, which made Xiao Han especially uncomfortable with this kind of perverted personality who likes to pose.

Xiao said coldly: "Want me to please you? Don't talk about the door, there are no windows! Besides, what are you, and I am worthy of Xiao Han to curry favor with you?"

"Yes, it seems that you are going to toast and not eat fine wine?" A cruel color flashed across Li Xiao's face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since you are so awesome, then you find a place by yourself. Go to sleep, I'm not waiting for you!"

With that said, Li Xiao turned around and was about to leave, preparing to hang Xiao Han and Zhang Cuishan in this person and let them solve the problem by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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