Therefore, he appeared very violent.

Once...twice...numerous times...

Li Xiaoya has stood on the cloud countless times, and the sheets have been thoroughly soaked. She felt that her body seemed to have undergone some kind of flip, some kind of earth-shaking change had taken place. Let her feel very fierce.

This feeling is painful on one side and joy in heaven on the other.

With more repetitions, Li Xiaoya felt that her body was overwhelmed, her body was constantly overdrawn, and her physical strength was also extremely exhausted.

Li Xiaoya took a deep breath, and she almost took time out.

This time, it lasted more than an hour.

Li Xiaoya felt that her whole body was almost emptied, and the water in her body was almost dried up. She smiled bitterly: "Xiaohan, I'm going to die soon, don't... don't..."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Suddenly, his speed suddenly increased. At that moment, Li Xiaoya felt that she was about to take off again.

"Ah!!" screamed. Li Xiaoya finally reached the fifth peak of today.

And Xiao Han also relaxed at this time.

Li Xiaoya felt a hot current in her body surging continuously.


She took a deep breath, her whole body convulsed and absent.

Xiao Han pressed heavily on Li Xiaoya, and the two hugged tightly.

Li Xiaoyatang was on the head of the bed, only exhaling but not taking in.

After a long time.

"Sister Xiaoya, are you okay?" Xiao Han asked.

"I...I'm almost killed by you." Li Xiaoya showed a wry smile.

"Is it that exaggeration?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Of course!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "You have taken me out five times, each time you emptied my strength. Don't you know how uncomfortable this is?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

"Then next time, I'll be lighter!" Xiao Han said.

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya hugged Xiao Han tightly.

Although the two were wet and sweaty, they did not dislike each other. Still hugging tightly.

The two hugged tightly together until Li Xiaoya fell asleep heavily. Xiao Han just got up from the bed and took a shower in the bathroom.

When she came out, Li Xiaoya had already opened her eyes.

"Sister Xiaoya, why did you wake up?" Xiao Han smiled.

"I'm afraid you are leaving." Li Xiaoya pursed her lips.

"How come?" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Why not?" Li Xiaoya snorted softly and said: "You always leave after I fall asleep."

Xiao Han smiled bitterly, and said inwardly that I can leave only after you fall asleep, otherwise, I will feel guilty in my heart.

"I'm not leaving!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"This is what you said." Li Xiaoya smiled.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Li Xiaoya also hurried to the bathroom, but she limped while walking. This time, Xiao Han seemed a bit too much. She almost broke down. Fortunately, she also survived.

In the morning, the two have been lying on the bedside chatting.

"Sister Xiaoya, haven't you encountered any trouble recently?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes." Li Xiaoya smiled bitterly and said: "How can there be no trouble in doing business? If not, then this business is probably not big."

"Oh?" Xiao Han smiled, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoya smiled, and then said: "Recently, the Qin family seems to be a bit too much. They have robbed Huihong Group of several businesses, but that's all, if they are willing to lose money, let them rob them. I think they pay. How long can it last?"

"The Qin family?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Is that the eldest son of the Qin family Qin Jun?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said, "It's him."

"This is a bit too much." Xiao Han frowned, and then said: "He actually attacked Huihong Group?"

"Maybe it's commercial competition." Li Xiaoya said helplessly: "This **** is not a good thing. He didn't have any conflict of interest with me before. I don't know why he wants to attack me now."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It won't be over soon."

"Why?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"Because the Qin family may be changing hands." Xiao Han smiled.

"Change of ownership?" Li Xiaoya frowned and said: "What is change of ownership?"

"It's about to change the owner." Xiao Lian laughed.

Li Xiaoya said in surprise: "How old is Qin Jun? It seems that he has just been the head of the house for a short time? How could he change ownership?"

"Sister, believe I'm right." Xiao Han grinned, and said, "When the Qin family changed hands, you would sell the shares of the Qin Group crazy. Let the Qin family be in trouble and let them know that the Qin family is now It's not the boss of the provincial capital."

"If there is such a day, I will do it." Li Xiaoya said.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

After talking for a long time, it was time for lunch.

At noon, it's time for dinner.

The maid has prepared lunch. A sumptuous lunch is already on the table.

There are more than ten dishes.

Xiao Han expended a lot of physical energy, and he needed to get it from food. Although it is the lowest level to obtain physical fitness from food, it is rare to enjoy the food on earth. Maybe one day I am not interested in these. Therefore, Xiao Han took advantage of the interest in these delicacies now, and he started to eat these delicacies crazy.

"You slow down!" Li Xiaoya said.

"It's delicious, sister, eat too." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Why do you look like a war every time you eat?" Li Xiaoya asked.

Xiao Han chuckled and said, "That's not because I just consumed a lot of physical energy."

"Fuck you!" Li Xiaoya's face turned red when she heard it.

After lunch, Li Xiaoya took a lunch break, and Xiao Han also took a lunch break on the third floor of the villa. He said it was a lunch break, but it was actually cultivation. If you don't practice at this time, when will you wait?

Unconsciously, an afternoon passed.

After dinner in the evening, Xiao Han left the villa.

It was quite dark outside at half past eight.

As soon as he got out of the villa, Xiao Han stopped a taxi and headed straight for Shuimu University.

Along the way, Xiao Han felt that someone was following all the way from behind.

Although the opponent's skills are very adept, but Xiao Han can't escape Xiao Han's keen awareness.

"Master, stop by the side of the road and I'll be here." Xiao Han greeted.

"Good!" The taxi driver didn't have any awareness at all.

Collected the money and went all the way.

Xiao Han got out of the car, and the two black Honda Accords behind slowly stopped over.

"Is it interesting to follow you all the way?" Xiao Han smiled and glanced at several people.

"Xiao Hanjun!" The leading man smiled and said, "Do you still know me?"

The other party came over.

Xiao Han glanced at him. He was a little strange and didn't know him. Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Who are you?"

"Hehe..." The leading man smiled and said, "The last time I saw Xiao Hanjun in Japan, I didn't expect it to be more than a year."

"Japanese?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Yes!" The man nodded.

At this time, several men had come from all around.

Xiao Han glanced at them, and then said: "It seems that you are not good at coming?"

"Xiao Hanjun, this time someone paid a big price for your life!" the man said.

"Who?" Xiao Han asked back.

"I can't tell you this." The man smiled, and then said: "However, I can only tell you this time, you will definitely die!"

"Oh?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "What can you do?"

The man waved his hand, and seven men immediately surrounded Xiao Han from behind.

"Rely on you waste?" Xiao Han said mockingly.

"We are not rubbish!" The leading man smiled and said: "Tell you the truth, we are from the Ninja League. This time, someone will pay for your life and the price is not low, so I took it. This single. I also understand your strength. The last time you fought against Qingyang Daochang in Japan, I also saw your ability. Since I dare to come, it means I am confident to defeat you!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed and said, "Although let go!"

"Go!" The leading man waved.


Seven people rushed up at the same time.

Everyone's speed is very fast, and their agility is also quite high, definitely higher than the average person, more powerful than the average person.

The strength of this group of people is very strong, although different from ordinary monks, but their speed, strength and agility are super strong. Ordinary people are not their opponents at all, let alone ordinary people, even ordinary monks might not necessarily be their opponents.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, he sneered, and then said: "Although they are powerful, these people are not my opponents!"


A few cold lights flashed suddenly.

Xiao Han avoided subconsciously and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

However, Xiao Han is almost bathed in such an environment with many people, swords and shadows. For ordinary monks, they simply couldn't stop the opponent's swift and brutal attack. After a few rounds, Xiao Han was still fine. For him, this kind of attack did not pose much threat. In hell, which war is less brutal than this? Which ghost does not need these people to be great?

"Looking for death!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.


Ruyi stick hit one of the men's chest fiercely.


The other party suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out. A formation immediately lacked one person, and its power immediately dropped a lot.

Xiao Lenglin snorted, then glanced at the other person, a weird smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Humph!" The other party snorted coldly.

Holding a Oriental sword in his hand, the leading man quickly rushed towards Xiao Han, extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning falling from the sky.

"Weak, weak, weak!" Xiao Han disdain.


The other party's Toyo sword slashed on Xiao Han's Ruyi stick.

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