The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 947: Ghost Commander

If it had been back then, maybe Xiao Han was not the opponent's opponent, but now that Xiao Han is almost a master who has stepped into the **** transformation stage, how can he be afraid of such ghosts? Xiao Han dismissed it and snorted coldly.


The Ruyi stick in his hand hit the opponent's chest fiercely.


The leading man stepped back several steps, he highlighted a bit of blood, he looked at Xiao Han in amazement, and said in disbelief: "You...your strength has grown!"

"Hey, it's not that you have grown, but you have grown to a point where you can't believe it!" After that, the spiritual power in Xiao Han's body was injected into the Ruyi Stick.

This black stick turned into extremely bright in the next second.

"No, no!" the man yelled, and then he yelled, "Run!"

It's a pity that before the other party escaped, Xiao Han's wishful stick had been smashed down.


There was a loud noise.

Then, the mountain shook for a while, and at that moment, the opponents all flew out. Suddenly lose consciousness.

A few people suddenly lost their voices. Xiao Han walked over slowly.

The leading man broke his arm, he was struggling painfully, clutching his wound. Seeing Xiao Han coming over, he was frightened: "You... don't come over!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Let's talk about it, who instigated it behind his back."

"No, even if it's dead, I can't say it." The leader gritted his teeth.

"Huh!" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and said, "I'll let you say it."

"I don't want to die." After speaking, the man bit the poison hidden in his teeth. On the spot, the man died of anger, vomiting blood.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han was a little shocked. Indeed, this is definitely the first time Xiao Han has seen someone who dared to be so cruel to him. He looked extremely shocked and extremely surprised. He looked at each other dumbfounded, but he soon came to his senses.

"Want to die? It's not that easy!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth and grabbed at the void.

A dark shadow was caught out of the void by him.

"No, no!" The shadow struggled.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

"No, it's impossible!" Sombra struggled.

"As a ghost commander in the underworld, how can I not even deal with you?" Xiao Lian laughed.

The black shadow was dumbfounded, looking at Xiao Han dumbfounded, and said: " are actually the ghost commander of the underworld? It's impossible..."

"Today, let you take a look at my handsome seal." Xiao Han stretched out his hand and waved.

In the void, a large gilded seal appeared in front of him.

"Master Guishuai!" Soi Ying hurriedly knelt down.

"Say, who instructed you to come?" Xiao Han asked.

Black Shadow hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's... from the Qin family, it's Qin Jun!"

"Sure enough it is him!" Xiao Lian laughed.

In fact, seeing these ninjas appear, Xiao Han had already thought of what Qin Xiaotian said, but he was not sure. After all, who knew if Qin Xiaotian came to hack his eldest brother on purpose? I want to help him kill Qin Jun.

But now it seems that Qin Xiaotian has told the truth.

In that case, Xiao Han didn't need to be polite.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Han waved his hand.

Shuai Yin pressed down fiercely, and under the strong light, the dark shadow was immediately wiped out. It turned into a bubble.

Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said: "Give you a chance, you don't know how to cherish, but you want to provoke the power of the ghost commander."

Several people were wiped out by Xiao Han, their souls shattered, and they completely disappeared from this world.

After finishing these ninjas, Xiao Han decided to go to Qin Jun to settle accounts now.


On this day, Qin Jun did not go home early. But has been waiting for news in the Qin Group.

Qin Jun's secretary lowered his head.

For Qin Jun, she gave a lot and was insulted by Director Zhao, but she never dared to say about this matter. Moreover, she was almost always on call for more than a year. She worries that her own affairs will be revealed. Therefore, in this more than a year, she has almost all become Director Zhao's, and despite his various vents, she dare not make any noise. She chose forbearance because she wanted to stay by Qin Jun's side and to become Qin Jun's woman.

Now, she got her wish.

Qin Jun was finally willing to touch himself. One night three months ago, Qin Jun was drunk and threw her on the bedside, giving her a severe vent. Since then, Qin Jun's attitude towards her has also become much warmer, not as cold as before.

"Ms. Qin, aren't you going home yet?" Secretary Yang asked.

"Hmm!" Qin Jun shook his head and said, "There is still something to do."

"Then I will accompany you." Secretary Yang said.

"Okay, come here!" Qin Jun nodded.

Secretary Yang twisted the water snake's waist and walked over, then said shyly: "Mr Qin, do you want me to serve you!"

"Come!" Qin Jun smiled.

Secretary Yang hurriedly got under the desk, and then untied Qin Jun's belt.

Qin Jun’s expression was immediately enjoyable, he was very excited

Then, Secretary Yang got out from under the desk and said, "Mr. Qin, are you still satisfied?"

"Well, yes, there has been improvement recently." Qin Jun smiled.

"Hehe..." Secretary Yang smiled triumphantly when he heard it, and then said: "It's President Qin, you have trained well."

"Okay, go back and rest soon." Qin Jun said.

"Yes!" Secretary Yang nodded.

Secretary Yang knows Qin Jun very well, that's why Qin Jun can't stop it. Qin Jun is a man who talks about one thing. It is almost impossible to change anything as long as he makes up his mind. Therefore, when Qin Jun asked her to go back, she went back honestly, dare not say anything.

Secretary Yang just left. A knock on the door sounded.

"Didn't you let you go back?" Qin Jun frowned.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not answer, but opened the door directly.

Qin Jun is a little annoyed, is Secretary Yang so confused? He was a little annoyed, and just about to get angry, he saw that the figure who came in was not Secretary Yang. Qin Jun's face suddenly sank. Because this person annoys himself more than Secretary Yang.

"It's you?" Qin Jun frowned.

"Yes!" Xiao Han walked in slowly, and then said: "Mr. Qin, it's nine o'clock in the evening. I didn't expect you to be here? What are you waiting for?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Qin Jun squinted his eyes and put his hand in the drawer of the office week.

Inside, there is a black box with a black pistol hidden in this box. This pistol was bought by Qin Jun for self-defense. Under normal circumstances, he will carry it with him. Only put in this box in the office. Unexpectedly, this time Xiao Han took the initiative to come to him?

It seems that the few Japanese did not find Xiao Han. Well, if I kill Xiao Han this time, maybe everything will be gone.

"Of course it does matter!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Isn't President Qin waiting for someone? I tell you, those Japanese people have already been killed by me!"

"What did you say?" Qin Jun looked at Xiao Han in astonishment.

"The Japanese people died terribly." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Even my soul was shattered."

"You!" Qin Jun immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Xiao Han, then said, "No matter how good your martial arts is, what can you do? I can blow your head with one shot!"

"You can shoot and try!" Xiao Han said.

Qin Jun sneered: "Do you think I dare not?"

Xiao Han walked towards Qin Jun slowly, and as he walked, he said, "Do you think you can deal with me with a pistol? Then you are too naive!"

"Don't come over, otherwise I would really shoot." Qin Jun said angrily.

"You can shoot!" Xiao Leng Leng smiled.

A trembling flashed in Qin Jun's eyes, he was really afraid to shoot and kill, but Xiao Han was pressing hard. This forced him to shoot in self-defense.


Suddenly, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet suddenly came out of the gun.

Xiao Han shook his hand with a light wind.

Qin Jun looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, this guy was standing in place like a human being. He was a little unbelievable. The gun statement had just sounded. Could it be...... Didn't the bullet in this gun come out?

Just when Qin Jun was stunned, Xiao Han spread his hand and said, "Don't look, the bullet is here!"

Qin Jun looked intently, and was immediately dumbfounded.

"Oh my God!" His eyes were almost falling off.

"I said that this kind of gun is not threatening to me at all." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Originally. If you don't shoot, I intend to give you a way to survive, but you The gun was fired. Therefore, you must die."

After speaking, Xiao Han threw the bullet in his hand towards the opponent.


The bullet was thrown out at an extremely fast speed, exceeding the speed of the pistol bullet. The bullet penetrated Qin Jun's eyebrows, his eyes widened, and Qin Jun slowly paralyzed on the chair. When his head tilted, he immediately closed his eyes and died of anger.

"It's fine if you die." Xiao Han smiled, and said: "If you have an afterlife, don't be too cruel. If you are a Chinese, I won't shatter your soul!"

"Thank you Guishuai!" A dark figure came out of him.

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said, "Let's go."

"Yes!" The dark shadow disappeared immediately.

Xiao Han turned and left, coming and going without a trace.

the next day.

Police cars roared, and more than a dozen police cars assembled below the Qin Group.

The news soon followed up: Qin Jun, chairman of the Qin Group in z province, committed suicide.

Judging from the various traces of the scene, no struggle or fighting was found. No trace of anyone else was found in the office. The murder weapon was a gun of Qin Jun, and it was the bullet in the gun that killed him. Therefore, the police basically concluded that Qin Jun committed suicide.

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