The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 945: Existence is reasonable

Come out from the hotel.

Xiao Han glanced at the sunlight outside. This sunlight is a bit dazzling.

Mizuki University, the students are almost gone.

As soon as the final exam was over, a large number of students packed up and rushed home. It is eager to return home, of course, some students stay part-time and do summer jobs.

In the 101st dormitory, Zhang Feng is gone, Zhang Dagu is gone, and Liu Bin seems to be leaving today.

"Hey, why are you back again?" Liu Bin packed his bags.

His home is in the provincial capital, so he stays at home if he or she leaves.

"Oh, I'll come back to pack things up, and pack the quilt." Xiao Han said.

"We have done it for you." Liu Bin smiled and said, "Look!"

Sure enough, the bed was completely clean. Xiao Han's cabinet was opened and everything was neatly arranged. Seeing this scene, Xiao Han was deeply moved. After all, it is interesting enough that students in the same dormitory can do this.

Not only is the bed clean and tidy, but the table is also neatly organized.

"Thank you." Xiao Han smiled.

"What are you polite!" Liu Bin shook his head and said, "When are you leaving?"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Tomorrow."

"Sure, then I won't accompany you." Liu Bin glanced at Xiao Han and said, "The better Xiaotong and I go to travel, I have to go back first."

"Go, go!" Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Bin left the dormitory with a heavy bag.

For a while, Xiao Han was left alone in the dormitory. Looking at the empty dormitory, Xiao Han was a little uncomfortable. He sighed, and then said, "Oh... there is only one widow left!"

Opened the desk and took out his computer. Almost useless this semester, but still spotless. Thanks to a few brothers in the dormitory for helping clean up.

turn on computer.

Chen Zihan sent a message to himself.

However, these news are relatively old news. I have left school for more than three months. During these three months, Xiao Han was almost in other planes. Looking at the news sent by Chen Zihan, they were all heartfelt. Express the pain of your thoughts.

Xiao Han couldn't help returning a paragraph of text.

Didi di...

There was an answer soon there. And a video communication was sent soon.

Xiao Han connected to the video. On the other side of the video, Chen Zihan was sitting in the office. He was busy for months and lost a lot of weight. She excitedly said, "Xiao Han, are you back?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "I just turned on the computer and saw these messages from you."

"Ang..." Chen Zihan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Han, I miss you so much!"

Today, Chen Zihan and Xiao Han are in a fair and honest relationship. It used to be because Chen's mother didn't support it, but now it's different. The Chen family can't wait to hold Xiao Han's thigh. Can't wait to let Chen Zihan hurry up with Xiao Han.

"I miss you too!" Xiao Han replied.

"Then why don't you come to America?" Chen Zihan asked.

"Isn't there still something to deal with in China?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Then...when are you coming?" Chen Zihan asked.

"Come here when I have dealt with the matter at hand!" Xiao Han replied.

Chen Zihan grinned and said: "Okay, this is what you said."

"How's the situation in the US?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Zihan.

"Very good!" Chen Zihan chuckled, and said: "The factory here has been completed. We rented the office building temporarily. After the assembly line is completed, we can start production. The US government has opened up green for us. The channel allows us to complete production quickly."

"That's good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Chen Zihan said a lot of things nagging. The main thing is to tell Xiao Han that she misses him.

Finally turned off the video. Xiao Han wondered whether after solving Qin Xiaotian's matter, he would go to the United States? After all, the career in the United States has just started, and almost all the people I love are in the United States.

After pondering for a long time, there was no result. Xiao Han turned off the computer and went out.

School gate.

A black BMW Seven Series stopped at the school gate.

A charming and charming woman was standing in the front of the car. She was looking at Xiao Han pretty and said, "Don't tell me when you come back?"

"Sister Xiaoya, you..." Xiao Han scratched his head embarrassedly. Then said: "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, can you come to me?" Li Xiaoya snorted softly.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Isn't I about to find you?"

"Who did you lie to?" Li Xiaoya glared at him, and then said: "Hurry up, get in the car."

Xiao Han nodded, then got into the car.

Li Xiaoya drove and left quickly.

The two returned to the villa.

Today is not only a summer holiday, but also a weekend.

It is rare for Li Xiaoya to give herself a vacation.

"Go upstairs!" Li Xiaoya took Xiao Han's hand and walked upstairs in a hurry.

Entered the master bedroom on the second floor.

Li Xiaoya hurriedly took off her clothes, leaving only her underwear and panties. She pointed to the red talisman on her neck and said, "Xiao Han, this talisman you gave me is not easy, right?"

"This..." Xiao Han smiled, and said, "Sister Xiaoya, I see you took off your clothes so impatiently that you thought you were going to do something like that with me. I didn't expect you to just ask me about this. Mentally handicapped?"

"Or?" Li Xiaoya smiled.

Xiao Han looked embarrassed, and then said, "This red talisman is really not easy. It can not only protect you, but also regulate your body. It contains a kind of heaven and earth energy that can moisturize your body. Your skin will It is getting better and better than before, and the body's functions will be stronger and stronger than before!"

"I feel it." Li Xiaoya nodded, and said: "Sleep at night, wearing this, sleep very securely. Without this, the quality of sleep is not good!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Xiao Han, where did you come from?" Li Xiaoya asked curiously.

She seemed to smell a business opportunity from here.

How did Xiao Han not find out? He smiled and said, "Sister, this thing is not as simple as you think. This thing is very expensive. A red talisman is worth more than ten million, and there is no market. This kind of thing can only be said to be true. There is no market."


Li Xiaoya took a breath, this thing is worth tens of millions?

But think about it, relative to health, ten million is very small. The business atmosphere in my mind soon disappeared. She smiled and said, "Xiao Han, I never believed in cows, ghosts and snakes before, but now I believe it a little bit."

"Sister, there are many things in this world that modern technology can't explain." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Existence is reasonable."

"That's right. Existence is reasonable." Li Xiaoya nodded, and then said: "Xiao Han, you gave me such a big gift, how can I thank you?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

Li Xiaoya twisted her body, her waist like a water snake was even more attractive and beautiful.

Xiao Han throbbed a little.

Although it was said that the night rain was given last night, it was just a momentary impulse. How can it be compared to a mature young woman like Li Xiaoya? What is the advantage of young women? It’s because you pat her **** and she knows what to do next.

"Come on, let me serve you!" Li Xiaoya said with a grin.

After speaking, Li Xiaoya immediately pushed Xiao Han to it.

The slender fingers unbuttoned Xiao Han and his waistband.

Li Xiaoya raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, her face like a peach blossom. Since she wore the red talisman, her body was indeed better than before, whether it was the gloss of the skin or the dark spots on the face, there had been a certain degree of change.

Before long, both of them were naked.

Li Xiaoya is already the mother of a two-year-old child. Logically speaking, after giving birth, she has more or less loose skin or out of shape. However, Li Xiaoya did not. Her figure was still as bumpy as an eighteen-year-old girl, and even more charming than those girls. This is the best among women.

Xiao Han looked extremely happy, and even more excited.

He laughed, and then said, "Sister, you have a great body."

Xiao Han couldn't help but touched Li Xiaoya's body with his hands, arched in the front and warped in the back, concave and convex, water snake waist and bee hip. It's really exciting. Xiao Han couldn't help holding her tightly, warming his body with her body. The contact on the skin gave Xiao Han an indescribable throbbing. The feeling of heartbeat, the feeling of enthusiasm. He held her tightly, wishing to incorporate Li Xiaoya into his body, wishing to make her a part of his body.

"Xiaohan..." Li Xiaoya's voice was very angry. She bit her red lips and said, "I want you!"

"Sister Xiaoya, I want you too!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

"Then what are you hesitating about?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"I..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I can't wait to incorporate you into my body."

"Really?" Li Xiaoya smiled and said, "Come on then."

After speaking, Li Xiaoya pushed away Xiao Han's hand and walked onto Xiao Han's thigh like a water snake, and then...


It didn't take long before a war of intestines began in the room.

The battle was fierce, it was a battle of two people, it was a battle of one man and one woman. The two were naked and changed their fighting position.

I don't know how long it lasted.

It just felt that Li Xiaoya was almost suffocating. She felt that she had never been so happy in her life, and had never been so happy. Wave after wave, wave after wave. It seems that I have been standing at the peak of the wave.

Xiao Han's muscles exploded, like a muscular man, his constant impact and constant squeezing made his body more powerful. Xiao Han's body is not lacking in strength, he feels that his body has a steady stream of strength, so he plans to take Li Xiaoya to a new peak.

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