The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 865: Beautiful and delicious

"Tomorrow?" Xiao Han hesitated and said, "Maybe not free."

"Forget it!" Li Xiaoya shook her head and said, "Just forget it if you don't have time."

At this time, the maid came and said, "Madam, dinner is ready."

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

Later, Xiao Han and Li Xiaoya walked to the table.

The dinner is very rich, with imported ingredients, which are very expensive. Li Xiang, the former head of Hunan Satellite TV, now lives a life of a rich wife, and her food is very luxurious, but her food is still not as expensive as the food at Li Xiaoya's family.

These ingredients are all from abroad. Li Xiaoya and a few rich wives put together an order together. Almost all of them have to import some ingredients from abroad. Several families share them together. The storage of these ingredients in the refrigerator basically does not exceed three. Heaven, once three days have passed, no matter how precious the ingredients are, they will be disposed of.

Of course, if it is dealt with, it is actually brought home by the maid at home and shared with the family.

After all, it is just three days of food, there is no need to waste it.

The dinner was very hearty, Xiao Han ate a lot, and the craftsmanship of the family cook was very good. Xiao Han almost ate half of the dinner. The soup is also very delicious.

"Sister, why is your food so delicious?" Xiao Han asked.

"That's..." Li Xiaoya blinked, and then said: "Because I saw me, so beautiful and delicious!"

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled.

After dinner, Li Xiaoya and Xiao Han walked hand in hand in the community.

People come and go in the community.

It is the golden autumn season, so it looks very beautiful and romantic.

"Mr. Li, hello."

"Xiaoya, come out for a walk?"

Many people who saw Li Xiaoya greeted with a smile. The enthusiasm that he didn't have in the ordinary days was now taken out by him. Li Xiaoyaxian was embarrassed, she rarely took a walk on weekdays, and finally came once with a man. The big guy would definitely think that there is an ulterior relationship between this man and himself.

Li Xiaoya was a little embarrassed, and then said: "Xiaohan, I..."

"Sister, don't need to explain." Xiao Han shook his head.

"I'm not afraid of your misunderstanding." Li Xiaoya smiled.

The two walked around the lake.

Has been silent.

After a long time, Xiao Han said, "Sister, do you know about the Hanmen Group?"

"I know!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "Actually, I am proud of you."

"Risks are everywhere now!" Xiao Han sighed and said, "Some people want to take things from our poor group."

Suddenly, Li Xiaoya stopped, and then said: "As a business, you will encounter such things sooner or later. Especially if the company has reached a certain level, after reaching a certain height, the things encountered will make people shudder. , I guess, you should have already met."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Li Xiaoya took a deep breath and said, "So, you have to be careful."

"I will be careful, but not afraid!" Xiao coldly laughed.

Li Xiaoya raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then said, “No matter what, it’s better not to confront them head-on in this matter, but to fight their wits and courage to convince them. In short, you must always remember one sentence, no matter how powerful people are. , And definitely cannot fight the government easily. Understand?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "The official is very powerful, I know this!"

"So, you have to make a good escape!" Li Xiaoya said earnestly: "In fact, when you developed the conference, I already thought that you would have a escape!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "As long as they dare to offend me, I will move the company to the United States. I have no loss at all, maybe it will be of great benefit to me."

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said, "But, they are not very offensive. When you developed the conference, it was so obvious that you are not afraid that they will defend you?"

"How to prevent it?" Xiao Han asked.

"For example..." Li Xiaoya smiled, and then said: "Use a simple method to prevent your money from being transferred. The foreign exchange bureau will jam your money and leave the country."

When Xiao Han heard this, he was immediately stunned.

He really hadn't thought about this. You must know that when money goes from China to the United States, it must first be converted into foreign exchange and then converted into U.S. dollars. Otherwise, what if you don’t have money to set up a factory or business in the United States? If the country does not let your money go out, it will be penniless. There is simply no way to go.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han had a sadness rising from deep in his heart.

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "Okay, very good!"

Xiao Hanlian said three good words.

This kind of thing, who can swallow this bad breath.

Thinking about it makes people feel angry.

Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han and said, "Actually, you don't need to worry at all!"

"Why?" Xiao Han asked.

Xiao Han really doesn't quite understand or understand the enterprise. However, Li Xiaoya is different. Li Xiaoya is a small expert in shopping malls, and has experienced many battles and has been ups and downs for several years. Possess powerful capabilities. For Xiao Han, this ability is beyond his reach.

"Hangmen Group has now become a group company of global concern." Li Xiaoya smiled and said: "Moreover, it has a great reputation in the world. If you want to go to the United States to set up factories and enterprises, I am afraid that many venture capital companies Will run after you."

When Xiao Han heard it, his eyes lit up.

With that said, I don't need to be afraid of those black hands in the country.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoya smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said, "The drugs recently developed by the Hanmen Group are even more eye-catching. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

Xiao Han really didn't have much impression of this medicine, but he only had impression that this medicine could save the dead.

"It means this is a vault." Li Xiaoya smiled.


The profit of the drug is very considerable, and the therapeutic effect of this drug is very powerful. The most important thing is that there is no branch in this one. If you want to buy it, you must buy the drugs from the Hanmen Pharmaceutical Company. In this way, the wealth of the world belongs to one place. If the Hanmen Group is in China, it can bring huge foreign exchange and huge profits to the country. This shows that this drug is definitely profitable enough.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

In fact, Xiao Han is still very confident in this medicine. Now it has applied for the production number to the bathroom and the Food and Drug Administration.

Once rejected, Xiao Han must make the next step.

After walking around the lake with Li Xiaoya, the two walked around and then returned to the villa.

In the villa.

Naturally, the two of them are indispensable.

On the next morning, Xiao Han got up early, and he went to the lake to meditate and vomit.

Recently, Xiao Han vaguely showed signs of a breakthrough. It's like a person is sneezing, and it feels faintly, but it hasn't been seen. It's uncomfortable.

In the morning, clouds and mist around the lake. The weather is gloomy.

Sitting in a hidden corner, Xiao Han felt very comfortable. This feeling was very amazing. The surrounding clouds and mist seemed to be the aura from the bottom of the lake, this aura has always made Xiao Han feel very comfortable. Xiao Han took a deep breath and continued to meditate with luck.

The aura in his body kept pouring in from the outside world, and it didn't take long for Xiao Han to feel a lot of aura in his body. It didn't take long for this kind of aura to cover his body. Gradually, this kind of aura continued to deepen and poured into the body.


With a loud noise, Xiao Han felt that his Tianling Cap was about to explode. This feeling made him very painful and even desperate to live.

"It hurts me!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

However, even if it is painful, you have to insist on it, if you can’t persist, I’m afraid you will fall short.

When walking here last night, he clearly felt that there is a strong spiritual energy here, so he sneaked out to practice early in the morning in order to hurry up and improve himself. Now he is just a monk in the Golden Core stage. After the ghost domain, there will be countless high-level evil spirits looking for themselves. At that time, I am afraid it will be difficult to dodge.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, quickly suppressed the aura in his body, and used the aura in the golden core to absorb the aura that poured in from the outside.

However, the capacity of the pubic area is limited, even in the golden period, there is a certain capacity. If you want to increase the capacity of the pubic area, you must find ways to improve yourself.

The pain is getting stronger and stronger.



countless times……

Xiao Han felt that his body seemed to have reached its limit.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to hold on any longer, Xiao Han hurriedly released a red talisman, the red talisman flashed, circles of spirit patterns rippling in the air, Xiao Han immediately felt a lot more comfortable, this feeling was like It seemed that the body suddenly became a lot bigger, and suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.


Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief.

However, the realm is still unbroken, so he must grit his teeth and persevere. He gritted his teeth and worked hard to make himself stronger and more powerful. With aura pouring in, Xiao Han felt that there was a thin piece of paper in his body. On the left was the breakthrough force, and on the right was the force suppressed by the laws of nature. The two forces are constantly anxious, constantly impacting and fighting each other.


Suddenly, that piece of white paper split instantly.


The nectar from the sky is dug into it instantly.

"It's done!" Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Open your eyes, the sun is shining, and the clouds are clearing.


Xiao Han only had these two words in his mind. Very comfortable. It's not comfortable anymore.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Finally, you're done, breaking through the middle of the golden core and entering the peak of the golden core."

The strength is divided into Dacheng and Xiaocheng, and the realm is three or six or nine.

The Jindan period also has three realms: the first stage, the middle stage, and the peak. Every breakthrough is not easy. And breakthroughs in every realm are also very difficult. Xiao Han seemed extremely painful, but also extremely refreshing.

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