"Haha..." When Liu Bin heard it, he laughed and said, "I just checked it, shit, the corporate legal person of Shuimu University is not Xiao Han."

"Oh..." When everyone heard it, they suddenly felt.

It really wasn't Xiao Han. Everyone had a glimmer of hope for Xiao Han just now, but after checking now, it really wasn't Xiao Han. To be honest, they didn't have much hope for Xiao Han either. I just feel that the name of the Hanmen Group is the same as the Hanmen Restaurant.

However, they do not know that a corporate legal person does not mean that it is the owner of the business. The owner of a business should be based on the number of shares. In other words, the owners of a business are composed of shareholders.

The registered person of the Hanmen Group is Yang Lu.

After all, Xiao Han is only a child in his early twenties. If he becomes a corporate legal person, he will definitely arouse suspicion. Therefore, when the group company was registered, it was registered in the name of Yang Lu.

Now, Xiao Han's troubles have been relieved.

"I said it wasn't mine." Xiao Han smiled.

At this time, a classmate rushed over and said, "Xiao Han, someone is coming to you!"

"Who?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Mo Shaocong!" The boy said timidly.

Before he left, Mo Shaocong had already walked in.

Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong. He hadn't seen him for a few months. Mo Shaocong became more vigorous and his body complexion turned into a barley color.

"Brother!" Mo Shaocong looked at Xiao Han with joy.

"Brother Mo, after a long time no see, you are stronger." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Where did you go?"

"Haha..." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "It's hard to say a word. Why...Shall we find a place to have a good talk?"

"Also!" Xiao Han nodded.

For Mo Shaocong, Xiao Han is heart-warming and knows everything.

Xiao Han left the dormitory under the eyes of the three people in the dormitory.

Mo Shaocong drove Xiao Han to a cafe.

After seated, Xiao Han ordered a cup of grinding iron, and then made a dessert.

Mo Shaocong started straight to the point, saying: "In the past few months, I went to Thailand to take a Muay Thai master as my teacher. I studied Muay Thai seriously."

"Why did Big Brother Mo suddenly want to learn Muay Thai?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"What happened last time hit me a lot!" Mo Shaocong glanced at Xiao Han and said: "At the same time, it also made me understand that only by constantly improving my strength can I have the right to speak in this world!"

"It's good if you can recognize this way." Xiao Han nodded.

"I only came back one day, and I heard that your poor family group has made trouble." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "I didn't expect it."

"Little trouble!" Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"It's still a little trouble?" Mo Shaocong was surprised, and said, "You kid this is the most profitable industry. The development of new drugs, wherever it is, is definitely a profitable business. You kid really. Don't take it seriously. Be careful of being targeted by others!"

"Someone is already watching." Xiao Lian laughed.

"Huh?" Mo Shaocong said in shock, "This...what's going on?"

"Someone wants to take my patents in the name of the country!" Xiao Han said with a smile, "However, I won't give them easily."

"What is not easy?" Mo Shaocong heard it and said, "Just ignore them. Now you have the bargaining chip for this new medicine and the latest research results. If anyone offends you, you Just go straight to the United States. I believe they will think carefully. After all, the national influence is now the first. Who dares to pull the national hatred? That is the national sinner, let alone the old people in Zhongnanhai. I dare not!"

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said nothing.

Mo Shaocong trembled when Xiao Han was silent.

"You..." Mo Shaocong looked at Xiao Han in shock.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I'm afraid it's one of them!"

"Naughty!" Mo Shaocong frowned and said: "How is it possible. Don't think about it, even if it is. They don't dare to mess around. After all, in the face of national justice, anyone must bow their heads."

Xiao Han nodded.

The two quickly avoided this topic, and Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "What have you been up to?"

"There are a lot of busy things." Xiao Han smiled.

"You kid, you don't have a word of truth!" Mo Shaocong shook his head helplessly.

"I've got my heart out of my big brother," Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Really?" Mo Shaocong looked at Xiao Han and said, "There is such a big movement, but you have never told me."

"Oh, I have never been like a big brother." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Blam me too!" Mo Shaocong laughed, and then said: "I haven't contacted you."

"Isn't Big Brother always in the capital?" Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong curiously, and said, "Why... come back to the provincial capital?"

"Yes!" Mo Shaocong nodded, and then said, "I'm back this time, there are some things."

"What?" Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong suspiciously.

From his appearance, it seems a little unspeakable.

"I plan to go into official career." Mo Shaocong looked up at Xiao Han.

"Huh?" Xiao Han was surprised when he heard this, "You...want to be an official?"

"Yes!" Mo Shaocong sighed, then said: "I have my pressure too!"

"What pressure?" Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong in surprise.

"A lot of pressure." Mo Shaocong looked at Xiao Han seriously, and then said: "Xiao Han, to tell you, I'm in love."

"This is a good thing, but what does this have to do with your career?" Xiao Han didn't understand.

"It has a great relationship." Mo Shaocong smiled bitterly, and then said: "The woman is the daughter of the Deputy Minister of National Defense. She graduated from the National Defense University and is now the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry of National Defense. I... Moreover, the woman’s family asked me to enter the official career, saying that I must enter the official career to be eligible to fall in love with his daughter.

"It's pretty good too." Xiao Han said in surprise, "Your dad is a high-ranking official, and his dad is from the Ministry of National Defense. If you enter the official career, you will surely become prosperous."

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded and said, "I also figured it out. I'm not as good as you in fighting, doing business...not to mention, my current company is not one-tenth the size of yours. I'm still alive and well. But , I think you must be inferior to me as an official."

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed, and said, "Big brother, you are not inferior to me in business, but you don't care. As for being an official, I am definitely no better than you."

"I will become an official in the future. If Xiaohan has anything to help, just say it." Mo Shaocong patted his chest and agreed.

In any case, Xiao Han is Mo Shaocong's friend and the only brother he recognizes. Xiao Han's favor, he must help.

The two sat in the cafe for an afternoon, and it was a long conversation.

After talking for a long time, Mo Shaocong left.

Seeing Mo Shaocong leaving behind, Xiao Han was a little sleepy and sad.

People can have dreams, but in the face of reality, dreams are not worth mentioning.

In a person's life, everything seems to be destined, and everything seems to be given by heaven. Everything seems to have its own arrangements. Mo Shaocong said that his dream is to be a businessman and feel the ups and downs of the mall. However, now he has entered the official career.

These may be fate.

It's just that, is my life arranged in secret?

Xiao Han looked extremely sad, and also looked a little depressed.

Is it because of Mo Shaocong's change, or because of the definite future in his life?

Xiao Han didn't think too much, he looked a little tired and tired. After all, there are some things that really shouldn't be thought of. Thinking more will only get more tired.

Coming out of the cafe, Xiao Han went directly to Kelly Jewelry Shop.

The agreed half-month has passed, and I don’t know if the oversized diamond has been processed.

I just arrived at Kelly Jewelry, the owner of Kelly Jewelry, Merlin, and a few people are in the office.

Seeing Xiao Han coming in, several people hurriedly stood up.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here!" Mei Lin saw Xiao Han, excited, and said: "I want to thank you!"

"Oh?" Xiao Han asked with a surprised look, "Why?"

"Thank you for the diamond." Merlin was excited, and then said: "If it weren't for your diamond, my Merlin would not have the brilliance today."

Xiao Han frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Merlin said excitedly: "Let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Pete, the owner of the largest jeweler in the United States. This is Eun, the largest jeweler in the UK. They have seen your diamonds. I want to have a chat with you."

"Mr. Xiao, hello!" The two were extremely excited.

"You two..." Xiao Han was a little confused.

"We really want to tell you..." Pete took the lead and said: "Your diamond really shouldn't be cut."

"Yes!" Eun nodded repeatedly, and then said: "The beauty of diamonds lies in their scarcity. People all over the world are sought after for his scarcity. There are many small diamonds in this world, but big diamonds are rare. Especially like The diamond in Mr. Xiao’s hand is even more rare. The weight has already ranked among the top five in the world, but its purity is definitely the first. It is more refined than the diamond on the crown of the Queen of England."

"Oh?" Xiao Han looked at each other in surprise, and said, "So what?"

Pete and Eun froze for a moment.

"This..." Pete didn't know what to say. After all, the diamond belongs to someone else, and if someone wants to cut it, that's also someone else's business, and it has nothing to do with him. Therefore, Pete can only turn to Eun for help.

You En smiled and said: "There is a saying in China that the world seeks profit. Since you are alive, you must chase profit. Diamonds are nothing more than for people. So..."

Having said that, Eun shrugged, as if to say it again, you know.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Money is meaningless to me. I intend to give this diamond to my beloved one. Therefore, it is more meaningful to cut it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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