Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up slowly.


Where does the smell come from?

Xiao Han looked around, and he realized that there was a layer of dirt on his body. The layers of dirt and the smell were so unpleasant that people felt very uncomfortable. Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said, "Damn, it's the smell of me?!"

Looking at the rippling lake with blue waves.


Xiao Han plunged into the lake.

In December, the air is cold, but there is a warmth in the water. Xiao Han swam in the water for a while until he washed the dirt on his body before he went ashore, and then returned wet.

"Xiaohan, you...Where did you go?" When Li Xiaoya saw Xiao Han, she was shocked and left because of this guy. He didn't expect that he would come back and he was still wet.

"I went swimming." Xiao Han smiled.

"What kind of swimming are you going to swim in such cold weather!" Li Xiaoya rebuked, and said distressedly: "What if you catch a cold? Don't you feel bad about your body?"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sister, my body is great, not afraid!"

"Smelly boy, go up and change clothes." Li Xiaoya said, "I'll have breakfast right away."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

There were clothes on the third floor, so Xiao Han changed and came down.

When Li Xiaoya saw Xiao Han again, Li Xiaoya looked surprised and said: "Xiao Han, have you...did you wipe your skin care products?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head.

Li Xiaoya smiled, and then said: "Then why is your skin so good all of a sudden?"

Li Xiaoya was surprised.

It really made Li Xiaoya curious. Last night, Xiao Han's skin was not so good, but now it has improved so much, which is indeed very strange, and also makes people feel extremely puzzled.

Li Xiaoya couldn't help but squeezed Xiao Han's skin thousands of times. It was baby-like skin. She was surprised and said: "It's as tender as my son's skin, how did you...how did you get it?"

"Natural." Xiao Han smiled.

"I really envy!" Li Xiaoya looked envied.

In fact, Xiao Hanming, this is entirely because he has just broken through a small realm, so he has such a skin. However, Xiao Han didn't want to tell Li Xiaoya, otherwise, Li Xiaoya would not be scared to pass out.

"Sister's skin is good too!" Xiao Han looked at Li Xiaoya.

"Oh, people are getting old." Li Xiaoya shook her head and said, "The skin has also dimmed a lot, so I don't dare to think too much."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "As long as you insist on wearing that amulet, your skin will get better and better."

"Really?" Li Xiaoya asked

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

Li Xiaoya smiled slightly, and said, "Well, I'm sorry for you. I have breakfast."

After breakfast, Li Xiaoya went to work, while Xiao Han returned to school.

There was a cold night, all the students in the school put on autumn clothes, and the cold wind blew, all of them shivered. Autumn seems to be passing soon.

Xiao Han is still dressed in cool summer clothes, walking around the campus, a bit strange and weird. However, no one cares about these, and no one cares about them.

There are not many courses in one day, and self-study is still in the afternoon.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie found Xiao Han.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Let’s eat together tonight." Lan Yudie smiled and said, "I’m a treat!"

While speaking, Lan Yudie patted her chest and said, "How is it?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "But who did you invite?"

"You don't need to worry about this!" Lan Yudie shook his head and said, "At night in the banquet hall of Junru Hotel. This time, I have lost my money!"

"Uh..." Xiao Han wondered, "Yes... why?"

"Hehe, you'll know at night!" Lan Yudie grinned.

After finishing talking, Lan Yudie walked away, looking at the back of Lan Yudie, Xiao Han was a little puzzled and a little surprised. What's wrong with this girl? Why did you pay for a treat suddenly? Still in such a luxurious place?

Although I don't know why, Lan Yudie is his nominal girlfriend, and he has no reason not to go.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han was very thankful that he didn't promise Li Xiaoya to go to the auction yesterday, otherwise, he wouldn't have the skill to do so.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Junru Hotel.

There are many luxury cars at the door.

Xiao Han's BMW car is also considered a luxury car, a car worth more than two million yuan. The security guard took a look and hurried over, saluted, and said politely: "Sir, do you need help parking?"

Xiao Han got out of the car and gave the key to the other party.

In the evening, Xiao Han took care of himself specially and put on an evening gown, which was very formal and handsome.

After entering, I saw Papa Lan entertaining guests from a distance.

"Uncle!" Xiao Han walked over.

"Xiaohan, are you here?" Dad Lan greeted him with a smile, and said, "Quick...Go in, Xiao Yu is there waiting for you!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

There are already quite a few people inside, and everyone is dressed more formally. The scene is also more grand. The crowd gathered together and seemed very happy.

Blue Yudie wore a long blue skirt, deep v, deep gully, very **** and charming. Moreover, the snow-white neck was white. Blue Rain Butterfly walked among the guests with a glass of red wine.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie said hello from a distance.

Xiao Han hurriedly walked over, and Lan Yudie introduced to his sisters: "Sisters, let me introduce to you, this is my boyfriend!"


Everyone turned their heads, exclaiming.

Of course, their exclamation was not because of Xiao Han's handsomeness, but because Lan Yudie boldly announced that he had a boyfriend. You know, the pursuit of Blue Rain Butterfly can be described as numerous. Now, with her announcement, isn't she going to make these people crazy?

Most importantly, the biggest suitor of Blue Rain Butterfly is Qin Jun.

Who is Qin Jun? That is the head of the Qin Group. Once married to Qin Jun, it is equivalent to marrying a rich family. That is the endless glory and wealth.

"What's the background?"

"do not know!"

"I haven't seen him."

Many women whispered, obviously, they are not optimistic about Xiao Han. Compared with Qin Jun, they are more optimistic about Qin Jun. Regardless of looks, family background, background...anything, it is estimated that the opponent can kill Xiao Han in seconds to some extent.

"Xiao Yu, what does your boyfriend do?" someone asked.

"I know!" someone interrupted in the crowd, and then said: "He seems to be a student of Xiao Yu? He is just a student of Mizuki University!"


Everyone was shocked.

Many people covered their red lips, showing surprises one by one.

"Xiao Yu, isn't it true?" Everyone was surprised.

Lan Yudie smiled slightly, full of confidence, and said: "Yes, he is a student of mine, and he is just a student of Shuimu University."

On the surface, Lan Yudie looked at them politely. In fact, their heart is full of contempt for them.

These women, after graduating from college, went to work and integrated into the society, some of them married and had children. However, there is no longer the innocence that used to be. They all look at material things. Everyone is material women.

However, how do they know that Xiao Han's wealth has been a small achievement. The Hanmen Group is now a large group company that is well-known at home and abroad, and it can be described as a super big company. Moreover, the Hanmen Group recently held a press conference, which shocked China and foreign countries. A new type of drug turned out, what does it mean? This means that the Hanmen Group will become a dragon from then on.

The most important thing is the patent of the Hanmen Group, they have the most advanced immunosuppressive methods. In other words, once they continue in this direction, more incurable diseases will be brought under control, and from then on they will completely become a powerful company group in the world.

The self-confidence on the surface of the blue rain butterfly is because of its confidence.

"You..." Everyone said helplessly, "Why do you find a poor student?"

"Yes, how good is a high-quality man like Qin Jun?" A group of people persuaded, "Hurry up with Qin Jun. Make sure you will be a rich wife in the future."

A group of people said one after another.

Lan Yudie shook her head and said, "My feelings cannot tolerate the taint of money. I only find people I like."

"Then... he is not as handsome as Qin Jun," someone said.

Lan Yudie smiled and said, "Qin Jun is handsome, but that's not my food."

Blue Rain Butterfly shook his head.

Indeed, Lan Yudie had a good impression of Qin Jun, but did not feel it. For a long time, she didn't have much feeling for Qin Jun. She chose Xiao Han and even tolerated Xiao Han's ambiguity with other girls, because she really liked Xiao Han and people could not be deceived by her own heart.

"Oh, what food is not food!" said a girl in a red dress: "Women choose men in two directions, one is looks and the other is money. People Qin Jun not only has good looks, but also has money. His education is also very good. Well, such a man is hard to find with a lantern."

Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "That said, but I don't care!"

"Okay!" Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, they had to give up.

After all, the virgin boyfriend is someone's business, and it has nothing to do with him.

A group of people quickly shifted to other topics. Everyone knew that Xiao Han was just a poor student, so they ignored him. Instead, they took the blue rain butterfly to chat on the spot.

Seeing that no one paid any attention, Xiao Han had to hide in the corner alone.

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Wow, Qin Jun is here!" everyone exclaimed.

Sure enough, outside the door, a handsome figure walked up, a white suit, meticulous hair, and an elegant smile on his face. As soon as he entered, he immediately became the focus of the audience. Handsome, elegant, and a lot of money. Which woman doesn't like it?

(End of this chapter)

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