The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 848: Sanbonmurarou

At this point, Xiao Han paused, everyone on the scene was extremely quiet and silent.

"It's true that nowadays, the class is fixed, and it is difficult for the poor to have a good son. But it is not impossible." Xiao Han said seriously: "What is the biggest benefit of exam-oriented education? It is the fairness and justice of education and the fairness and justice of social selection of talents Everyone, whether you are poor or rich. To be admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University, you must be selected for examination-oriented education. You must be cold for ten years and study hard for ten years. This is the fairest for underachievers Thing."


There was enthusiastic applause from everyone.

Blue Yudie breathed a sigh of relief, and Liu Yiyi's eyes also showed a touch of excitement.

"China is different from Japan. We have a large population, but you have a small population." Xiao Han smiled and said, "So, the education system is different. Also, what you said about playing with female students doesn't mean everything. If you don't believe me , You can try to stay at Shuimu University for a few days to see if you can play as a female student as an international student. If you do, I will give you 5 million yuan."


The applause was warm again.

Mihonmuraro's face was gloomy.

"Why is the Chinese government willing to give high subsidies to international students? Is it because our country is rich? No, our country is not rich!" Xiao Han raised a finger, then shook it, and said, "It's just that we want to improve. The image of the country is just that. We squeeze some money from our teeth to donate to others. How can it become synonymous with a lot of stupid money in the eyes of others?"

Having said that, Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Students, we will become the backbone of this country sooner or later. I propose to everyone here that once we become the master of this country, we must, do... Don't beat the dog with meat buns, because there is no return."


There was a warm applause on the scene again. Xiao Han not only smashed Mibonmuraro's rebuttal, but also satirized the opponent fiercely. The group of Tokyo University in Japan looked very embarrassed.

Of course, this rebuttal also allowed many girls on the scene to recognize the thoughts of the international students, and let them see the true colors of these international students. Therefore, they decided to clean themselves up and never give up to these international students, but to rationally recognize the relationship between the two sides.

"Classmates, this time the debate between Murango and Xiao Han is very exciting." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "However, the smell of gunpowder was also strong just now. Therefore, I suggest not to discuss some tit-for-tat issues. We are students. There can be academic exchanges, but political issues are still better."

The next exchanges became more interesting. The two sides communicated and exchanged in the field of literature, mathematics, and even finance.

At noon, the school arranged for meals in the canteen on the third floor.

The original plan was to treat these exchange students with hospitality in a certain hotel. However, because the communication in the morning felt that the other party was not good, the school immediately changed its strategy and simply arranged for them to dine in the canteen on the third floor with students from Mizuki University. , From the standard of 10,000 yuan directly down to two or three hundred. It can be described as a cliff-like decline. However, the students of the University of Tokyo did not respond, and seemed to take it for granted.

More than fifty people dine in a restaurant, which is more harmonious.

Xiao Han and Zhang Feng gathered at the table.

At this moment, Mibon Murano and the most beautiful girl came over.

"Student Xiao Han, can I sit here?" asked Sanbonmuraro.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "You are guests, you can do whatever you want!"

"Mao Keng will do too!" Zhang Dagu replied irritably.


Several people suddenly laughed.

Sanbonmuraro didn't seem to be angry, but sat down with the girl smiling. Mihonmuraro said earnestly: "I would like to introduce to you, this is our classmate in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo, Nishioka Mokho."

"Student Baisui, hello!" Xiao Han nodded slightly.

Nishioka Mokho, this name is rare even in Japan. The person is beautiful and the name sounds nice. As soon as Nishioka Mokho took his seat, the three perverts in the dormitory immediately came to meow. The three huddled together and whispered.

"Student Xiao Han, I apologize to you for my presumption today." Sanbonmura Lang looked at Xiao Han seriously.

Xiao Han put down his chopsticks and said with a smile: "It is not me who should apologize, but the whole country."

"Yes!" Sanbonmuraro nodded slightly.

"Okay, it's all over." Xiao Han smiled, and said: "You will stay here for a few days. It won't be long before you are leaving!"

His face changed when he heard this.

Baisui Nishioka smiled immediately: "Student Xiao Han, are you really a student of Mizuki University?"

Xiao Han was a little surprised when he heard it, and he didn't understand why the other party would ask such a sentence. He looked very surprised.

"Baisui, why do you ask like that?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Not why!" Nishioka Baiho showed a sweet smile, even a sweet smile, it was difficult to conceal the other's vigilant eyes.

Xiao Han stared at the other person's eyes, suddenly a little in a daze. These eyes seemed to be familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere. This made Xiao Han a little strange, where did he see these eyes? However, in the next second, Xiao Han was shocked. He clearly saw a tattoo on his thumb, a red tattoo, and a red rose.


Xiao Han's mind instantly exploded.

accidental? Still the same person at all!

Xiao Han felt that there was a short circuit in his mind, and he didn't understand why he would meet her in this place. Isn't this tattoo one of the two Japanese men I met last night? No wonder they were so familiar when they first saw those eyes, and the feelings are because they have already seen them.

"Miss Baisui, we seem to be familiar." Xiao Han suddenly said.

When Nishioka Mokho heard this, his face suddenly sank, a little flustered.

"This is my first time in China." Baisui Nishioka lowered his head to eat, and said while eating, "Xiao Hanjun, when have we met?"

"Oh, it may be a misunderstanding." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I have been to Japan, and I think Miss Baisui's eyes are very familiar and familiar. However, it may really be a misunderstanding."

"Yes." Sanbonmuraro laughed and said, "Nishioka Momoko has come to China for the first time. You must have misunderstood."

Mihonmuraro and Nishioka Mokho didn't sit long before they left in a hurry.

Looking at the backs of the two, Zhang Dagu looked inexplicable, and then said: "It's weird, what do you mean? Just sitting down and leaving in a few seconds!"

"Maybe people are full." Liu Bin smiled.

"Why do I always feel these two people are sneaky." Zhang Feng frowned.

Zhang Feng's vigilance has always been high, and he is also very accurate in seeing people. However, this time he was a little confused. Xiao Han smiled on the side and said, "Don't grind, hurry up and eat your meal. There will be sports in the afternoon. You don't want to lose to the Japanese, do you?"

"Fuck, lose to them, I won't eat anymore." Zhang Dagu roared.

"What's the use of not eating?" Liu Bin on the side retorted, and said: "A word of not eating can wash away the shame?"

"Isn't this still incomparable?" Zhang Dagu frowned.

"Hey, work hard this afternoon!" Liu Bin smiled.

The afternoon is sports competition, which can be described as all aspects of competition, from field competitions to competitions. This is the object of mutual discussion. However, the competition this afternoon was basically arranged by the school. The school arranged for students from both sides to compete in the gymnasium of Mizuki University.

After lunch, everyone went back to the dormitory to rest. The University of Tokyo students went back to the hotel to rest.

In the hotel, Sanbonmuraro knocked on the door of Nishioka Mokho's room.

"Hyakusui, did he notice any clues?" Mibon Murano asked suspiciously.

"No." Nishioka Mokho hurriedly shook his head, and then said: "If he noticed, he would definitely expose me on the spot, but he didn't."

When Xiao Han asked about her, Nishioka Baisui had doubted whether Xiao Han recognized herself, but she quickly denied it. Because she really didn't realize that Xiao Han had too many doubts, that kind of doubt also flashed past.

"That's good, I hope I haven't found it." Sanbon Murano nodded and said: "Otherwise, our plan will probably be changed."

"No." Nishioka Baiho hurriedly shook his head.


After the lunch break, under the leadership of Lan Yudie, the two sides came to the gymnasium of Mizuki University.

The gymnasium of Mizuki University is newly built, and the gymnasium facilities are very complete and brand new. Even the runway uses infrared timing, it can be said that every second is not bad. Very accurate.

Arrived at the school gymnasium, almost all the teachers in the physical education department were transferred here, and they were busy with this exchange.

Both sides are already in place. Xiao Han glanced, Sanbonmuraro and Nishioka Baisui all put on sportswear. Obviously, they are going to fight.

"Xiao Han, why didn't you change into sportswear?" Lan Yudie asked suspiciously.

"The school arrangement didn't have me play." Xiao Han shook his head in distress.

"Let me ask!" Lan Yudie also found it strange. Although Xiao Han is not in the Department of Physical Education, Xiao Han's physical performance is better than that of the students in the Department of Physical Education. There is no reason why Xiao Han should not be arranged to play.

However, when Lan Yudie asked, she returned with a gloomy expression.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Sorry, Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie shook her head and said, "This is really the school arrangement!"

"Why do you want to arrange this?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"The school says friendship is first, and competition is second. In the morning, we have already shown our sharpness, and we have to converge a little in the afternoon, not too sharp." Lan Yudie sighed and said: "It said we should be polite to each other. "

(End of this chapter)

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