The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 849: Xiao Han played

"Fuck." Xiao Han scolded with a smile: "If you do your best, you will lose if you lose, but you will lose to others secretly. It's really a shame to lose even."

Blue Yudie is also very helpless, she also wants to win. However, schools have school arrangements and schools have school assessments.

The sports meeting was naturally a complete mess. Because of this sports meeting, the row at the school was really disappointing.

Shot put.

Zhang Dagu is good at it. As the most powerful person in the shot put of Shuimu University, more than ten meters in one breath is not for nothing.

"Otani, it's up to you to win a round now." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "Damn, those trash, it's nothing to raise them. One by one loses like a dog."

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu nodded.

The opponent is a tall and mighty boy who looks like a sumo wrestler.

"Come on!" the man waved.

After all, at the referee's signal, the man made a strong throw and flew out. The five kilogram shot put flew far.

The referee measured, and was shocked: "Twenty-two meters three."

This is too amazing. With a random throw, it is more than 22 meters. You know, the world record is only more than 23 meters. This is only about one meter less than the world record. And the other party is just a student, and the future potential is still great.

"It's an exaggeration." Everyone exclaimed.

Indeed, the performance of this guy is really scary. Throwing more than 20 meters in one breath, even Zhang Dagu was dumbfounded. His best result was 19.8 meters. This result was considered a bad result at the University Sports Meet, but people easily lost it. More than twenty meters is really shocking.

"Dagu, are you sure?" Xiao Han leaned over.

"No!" Zhang Dagu looked ashen, and then said: "I can't cast this distance at all!"

"Let me come." Xiao Han hurriedly grabbed Zhang Dagu's number plate and stuck it on his chest.

Everyone was surprised.

Xiao Han walked over and said, "I am also a member of the exchange group. I am qualified to represent Shuimu University."


Everyone applauded.

Xiao Han walked over, and he picked up the shot from the ground. A shot put is worth ten catties. It takes a lot of strength to throw more than 20 meters with a weight of ten catties. It's just that for Xiaohan, this is simply a breeze.

Sanbonmuraro and Nishioka Mokho watched.


Xiao Han's movements are not standard and very unprofessional. However, under Xiao Han's throw, the shot surpassed the opponent's landing point and fell directly 20 centimeters in front of the opponent's landing point. The distance control is just right.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "How is it? Farther than you."

The opposite is frosty. Mihonmuraro and Nishioka Mokho seemed to have seen the result a long time ago, so their expressions were plain, without any expression at all. Just stood there blankly without speaking. Lan Yudie cheered loudly: "Okay, great, Xiao Han, you won."

With an exclamation, everyone reveled.

There was enthusiastic applause at the scene. Zhang Dagu patted Xiao Han on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, I'll take you fucking!"

Xiao Hanneng is a literary and martial artist, a sprint champion, and an outstanding artistic talent. Now he is even so good at shot put. It is really compelling.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I didn't want to make a move, it was forced."

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said, "You have won honor for our school."

More than a dozen projects, the only one winning project, Shuimu University will not lose face.

However, Xiao Han's performance attracted the other's attention.

"It seems that he still can't help but shoot." Sanbonmuraro said.

"Yeah!" Nishioka Baiho nodded, with a smile on his face.

Sanbonmuraro smiled, and then said: "This kid is good at strength, but he feels like he will ruin our big business."

Nishioka Mokho shook his head and said, "How come?"

"Definitely!" Mibon Murano frowned, then said, "Let's watch it first."

The afternoon sports meeting was finally completed. Everyone is happy.

Mizuki University will not lose face, but also makes the students of Tokyo University happy. This is obviously a matter of both ends.

Dinner is still served in the cafeteria on the third floor.

The cafeteria on the third floor seemed relatively empty. After the morning and afternoon exchanges, everyone became more familiar. In addition, the students who came to Mizuki University this time to communicate are basically students with relatively high Chinese proficiency, so there is no major obstacle to the exchange between the two sides.

Five girls are even more popular. However, Japanese boys basically do not have girls close to them. Because Sanbonmuraro's words in the morning made them very grumpy and unhappy. So, originally still holding a mentality of chasing stars and holding the moon, these girls basically ignore them.

In the cafeteria.

A handsome-looking boy walked up to Liu Yiyi and said, "Student Liu Yiyi, can I sit next to you?"

Liu Yiyi and the two girls ate together, and the three of them chatted together. Suddenly disturbed.

"You..." Liu Yiyi saw that the other party's Chinese is so good, and asked: "Are you a student at the University of Tokyo?"

"Yes!" The boy nodded and said, "My name is Yiben Saburo."

"Oh!" Liu Yiyi nodded, and said: "Go to your classmates. My classmates and I are chatting."

"Liu Yiyi, I admired you when I first saw you." Ichimoto Saburo looked at Liu Yiyi seriously, and then said: "I hope you can give me a chance to pursue you. I absolutely It's not the kind of scumbag that the village man said, so please give me a chance."

Liu Yiyi smiled, and said, "Ichiben Saburo, don’t get me wrong. I don’t have any thoughts about you. So, please don’t have any thoughts about me. In addition, if you want to play with girls, you can Look for those who worship foreigners, look for those girls who are willing to kneel and lick foreigners."

Yiben Saburo was taken aback, and immediately dumbfounded. He looked a little embarrassed and said: "Yiyi, I really like you."

"But I have no feeling for you." Liu Yiyi shook his head, and then said: "Besides, I also have a boyfriend. So, please don't spoil the relationship between us, okay?"

"No, you don't have a boyfriend." Ichimoto Saburo shook his head and said, "I have observed you for a day. You basically haven't had close contact with any boys. According to the "ten hours" rule of love, you should just have no boys. friend."

"What is the'ten hours' rule of love?" the girl beside her asked curiously.

"The so-called'ten-hour' love rule means that within ten hours, lovers who fall in love will definitely meet each other, and be gentle, or have a love story." Saburo Ichimoto smiled and said: "Even if it is a phone call, Talking about information counts. But you never have."

Several people were surprised, and it seemed that there was such a thing. Don't say it is ten hours, even if they don't see each other for an hour, the two will panic.

Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "I don't understand your ten-hour love rule, but I only know that I am not interested in you, and I have a boyfriend."

Ichimoto Saburo frowned, very upset and uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath, and then said, "Student Liu Yiyi, I really like you. If you get along well, I can marry you and take you back to Japan. Let you live a Japanese life, and let you enjoy something different. happy."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who wants to go abroad?" Liu Yiyi sneered, and then said: "Then you are very wrong. Not only do I don't want to go abroad, but I have no interest in Japanese people. Good impression. In my opinion, Japanese and Africans should be of the same rank."

When I heard this, Ichiban Saburo was immediately angry: " dare to slander our Yamato nation!"

"Don't talk about ethnic hatred with me!" Liu Yiyi smiled calmly and said: "I am a little girl who doesn't understand this, I just come from my heart."

"Huh!" Ichiben Saburo snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Liu Yiyi raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, looking at Yiben Saburo's back, she was relieved a lot. As long as this guy doesn't pester himself.

"Yiyi, he is the most handsome among these Japanese boys." A girl said hurriedly.

"So what?" Liu Yiyi sneered.

"This..." the girl said embarrassingly: "So beautiful, why don't you agree? If he pursues me, I will agree!"

"Have you forgotten what they said this morning?" Liu Yiyi looked at her.

"Oh, let me talk about it." The girl grinned and said: "It's your own business to be cool, what do others do?"

"Nevertheless, girls still have to respect themselves, understand?" Liu Yiyi persuaded.

"Of course I know!" The girl nodded and said: "If you associate with him, you definitely don't expect an ending. I just think that he is so handsome, and I have the advantage of having **** with him!"

"I'm going!" The other girl almost squirted out the rice in her mouth.

Liu Yiyi took a deep breath, and then said, "Can't you, a girl, have self-respect?"

At this time, Xiao Han came over and sat down in front of Liu Yiyi.

"Xiao Han." Liu Yiyi said with a smile on his face, "You are so amazing today."

"The devil was looking for you just now, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hey, guess what?" Liu Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Xiao Han, that Yiben Saburo wants to chase our family Yiyi." The **** the side hurriedly said, "You kid, don't you seize the opportunity?"

"Do I still need to seize the opportunity?" Xiao Han smiled, and even reached out and pinched Liu Yiyi's nose. Liu Yiyi didn't hide, but smiled shyly. The two girls on the side were immediately stunned.

I always thought that Liu Yiyi did not have a boyfriend. Just now Liu Yiyi said that he already had a boyfriend. They all thought that Liu Yiyi deliberately said that, and wanted to let Ichiban Saburo retreat. Unexpectedly, all this turned out to be true. Especially when Xiao Han just pinched the tip of Liu Yiyi's nose, it was a natural movement without any pretentiousness. If it were not for the lovers who have been in love for a long time, it is absolutely impossible to make such a move.

(End of this chapter)

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