The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 847: China-Japan friendship

Suddenly, a huge mountain fell from the sky.

"Ah!" Xiao Han exclaimed. He was just about to resist, but found himself awakened.

"Fuck, what are you kid doing?" Zhang Dagu asked hurriedly.

"Xiao Han, have you had a nightmare?" Zhang Feng asked.

Liu Bin also looked curious, and leaned over: "What is your kid doing?"

Xiao Han was full of big men, panting. His eyes were red, and his arms were full of green veins. He shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

"Okay." Several people nodded, and then said: "It's fine if it's all right."

"Why do you all get up so early?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Today is the Day of Sino-Japanese Friendship Exchange!" Liu Bin said with a smile: "These two girls got up and dressed up early in the morning!"

"Fuck, the kid got up the earliest today." Zhang Feng retorted unceremoniously.

"Yes!" Zhang Dagu snorted coldly, and then said: "This kid got up the earliest, so I am ashamed to say us!"

Xiao Han stood up and said, "Sino-Japanese friendly exchange meeting? Shouldn't it be night?"

"All day today!" Zhang Dagu said.

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "I looked at the arrangement. In the morning, the two sides had cultural exchanges in the classroom, afternoons were sports exchanges, and evenings were dance parties and dinner parties. The arrangements were quite rich, and some of us were from the Finance Department Representative."

"Really?" Xiao Han stretched out, came back at two o'clock yesterday, and it was three o'clock after a while. It's only past seven o'clock now, and I only slept for about four hours.

"You kid, get up quickly," Zhang Dagu said.

"What's the hurry!" Xiao Han glanced at the two of them, and then said: "It's still early!"

"Hmm!" After hearing this, several people nodded and said: "Fuck, the ten o'clock exchange meeting, it's only less than eight o'clock now, what's the hurry?"

After waking up, he briefly washed himself, and then went to the restaurant to eat something. All of them are handsomely dressed, and they are still relatively gentle. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "You guys, what are you doing in such a bright dress?"

"How else do you attract the attention of the Japanese girl?" Liu Bin grinned.

"What do you expect to happen in one day?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

Time is fleeting.

It was ten o'clock soon, and several people hurried to the school conference room.

There were more than fifty people in this exchange meeting. About fifteen students from the University of Tokyo in Japan came to the scene. There are more than 30 people in Mizuki University. And the 101 dormitory turned out to be all representatives, Zhang Dagu is the representative of the sports department, because Zhang Dagu's sports performance is still good. And Liu Bin is the representative of the computer department, because his computer technology is obvious to all. And because Zhang Feng has a good relationship with Xiao Han, Lan Yudie simply gave both places to the 101 dormitory.

After arriving in the conference room, they immediately noticed that there were a lot of people here.

Xiao Han and others were seated according to their names, and the few people actually formed a row again.

Before long, fifteen students from the University of Tokyo in Japan arrived at the scene, ten boys and five girls. Boys wear all suits, while girls wear all sailor suits. These are school uniforms. The clothes are uniform and tidy. Most importantly, they all look very vigorous.


At the scene, a warm applause broke out, and everyone cheered. The boys were all exclaiming because they saw the Japanese schoolgirl they had dreamed of, and they were still Japanese schoolgirls in sailor suits.

"What's so beautiful, not as good as the girls in our school!"

"Yes, these Japanese girls are nothing special."

Many people are discussing in private.

Among the crowd, Liu Yiyi sat in the first row. As the first person on the flower list of Mizuki University, she naturally participated in this meeting as the image representative of the girls of Mizuki University. However, her existence quickly attracted the attention of Tokyo University boys. Liu Yiyi's stunning beauty and that sweet smile really make people feel seductive.

Liu Bin sat on Xiao Han's right hand, he hurriedly reached Xiao Han's ear, and said, "On the left hand, the second girl, not bad."

Xiao Han was not interested originally, but when Liu Bin said so, he looked over curiously. The second girl, with pure looks, big eyes, long eyelashes, willow eyebrows, cherry lips, is really good, under the short skirt, two slender legs, very attractive. The looks are very good, and the figure is very attractive.

"Nine points." Xiao Han gave a point.

"Tsk tsk, I can give you ninety points, not bad." Liu Bin hurriedly asked, "How many points do you give Liu Yiyi?"

"Ninety-nine points!" Xiao Han replied, "It was originally a full score, but Liu Yiyi is so beautiful, I can only give a ninety-nine point, leaving a little suspense."

"Okay." Liu Bin shrugged.

At this time, Blue Rain Butterfly walked in from outside. The image of Blue Rain Butterfly was almost a representative of Shuimu University. When Mizuki University publicizes, the image of Blue Rain Butterfly is printed on the brochure. In this international exchange, Blue Rain Butterfly naturally appeared here as a representative.

"Students, today is our China-Japan friendly exchange day!" Lan Yudie stood in the middle of the venue, and then said with a smile: "Let us first welcome the students from the University of Tokyo, Japan with warm applause!"


There was fierce applause at the scene.

The students of the University of Tokyo are also whispering in private, and most of the discussions are focused on Liu Yiyi. However, several girls are whispering secretly. However, the beautiful Japanese girl's eyes kept staring at Xiao Han, with a touch of complicated color in her eyes. From the look in her eyes, she should know Xiao Han. Moreover, it seemed that it was not only the first time they met.

"Next, we will enter the free discussion session." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "It is rumored that Japan's education system is different from ours in China. So, let's start with education today."

Before Lan Yudie finished speaking, a disdainful voice came: "When it comes to education, Japan's education can be said to be the world's leading. China is too far away from us."

As soon as the sound came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Why do you say that?" someone from Shuimu University asked.

"Our Japanese education focuses on nature, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, and respects students' creativity." The Japanese student smiled and said: "In contrast to China, exam-oriented education kills children's creativity and obliterates any nature. This cruelty Education, we can only say that Chinese students are learning machines, not the fruits of education."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Indeed, China’s test-oriented education has great drawbacks, stifling the creativity of students, obliterating children’s nature, and creating learning tools. Although they score high in the exam, they lack practical skills. A student can only take exams and do test questions. What can you do after entering society? In the end, it is just a waste of resources for society.

Naturally, it is difficult for everyone to refute, because China's exam-oriented education does have bad news in the international community.

"So what?" At this time, a student wearing glasses stood up, and said: "According to the Ministry of Education, there are more than 700,000 Japanese students studying in China each year. Thirty percent of the number of international students. What does this mean? It means that you Japanese like our education system."

"Is the truth really like this?" The Japanese boy smiled and continued: "If you really think so, then you are very wrong. You may not know, I will give a very simple example. I have a classmate who did not study well. However, when he heard that China had subsidies for foreign students, he came with the mentality of experimenting. The result? Didn’t get a girl student in China and played with a lot of girls. In the month, the Chinese government subsidized 3,000 yuan for living expenses. After returning to Japan, he not only didn't spend a penny, but made hundreds of thousands back."

Everyone was shocked again.


This is a naked insult. In the words and sentences of the other party, there is no feeling for the Chinese female students. This made the students present even lose face, especially the girls. Maybe, what he said is a bit exaggerated, but the phenomenon is true. Chinese girls are fond of foreigners and always think that the moon abroad is round. Looking for a boyfriend always feels that finding a foreigner is very good. As everyone knows, foreigners look down on her at all, and leave after playing pat.

Moreover, in order to increase its international influence, the Chinese government not only does not charge foreign students, but also reimburses living expenses. In order to attract foreign students. You must know that the poverty allowance for impoverished college students in China is only four to five hundred yuan a month, but the living allowance for overseas students is as much as three thousand.

Everyone was silent.

Japanese students are triumphant and proud of being prepared.

Lan Yudie didn't expect the other party to be so tit-for-tat, and Lan Yudie's face was very embarrassed. These problems really existed.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xiao Han stood up and smiled: "This classmate, what is your name?"

"My name is Sanbonmuraro." The boy bowed slightly, seemingly polite, and he asked: "Your Excellency is..."

"My name is Xiao Han!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you for the questions you just said. At the same time, let all the girls at the scene be alert. Don't be so fanciful. I also know that the girls at the scene want to see the University of Tokyo. Male students. I want to see the prototypes of the warm guys in Japanese anime. Of course, the reason I stood up was to ask you a question."

"Your Excellency, please enlighten me!" Sanbonmuraro nodded.

"The exam-oriented education you mentioned, I can tell you this clearly. Our country has persisted in the exam-oriented education for so many years. There must be his reason." Xiao Han walked out from his seat and took the microphone from Lan Yu's hand. Weiwei said: "Our country is different from Japan, and even from most countries in the world. Our country has a population of 1.4 billion, a large population, and a huge gap in poverty. Over the years, we have been paying attention to a slogan called "Happiness" It's hard to get a son."

(End of this chapter)

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