"You talk nonsense." When Bing Yu heard it, he was anxious: "It's obviously that you are sitting on the sidelines and are not willing to help. All of you are taking care of your own interests. You don't think about the interests of the collective at all. If you didn't stand by, maybe they would not escape. gone!"

Facing the icy rain hysteria, the old Maoshan Dao man jumped immediately: "Little girl film, this time they can escape, you also have a great responsibility!"

"You!" Bing Yu was even more annoyed.

"Well, don't make any noise." The old man glared at several people.

The scene fell silent immediately.

Xiao Han didn't say anything, thinking that he firmly believed that justice was at ease.

"This time, no one is wrong!" The old man sighed and said: "The main reason is our lack of strength."

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and then said, "This time, we are under-expected and under-prepared!"

"How do you say?" the old man asked.

"First of all, we don't know enough about the enemy!" Xiao Han glanced at the old man and said: "Moreover, even now, we don't seem to know them very well. What is the strength of the opponent and how many people are there? Moreover, the opponent has Shura, that's it. We did not expect it. Secondly, our people are really not united..."

"Xiao Han, you are talking nonsense..." The old man laughed.

"Shut up!" The old man suddenly reached out his hand to stop the old man in Maoshan Road.

The old man Maoshandao hurriedly lowered his head, stopped talking, but looked at Xiao Han with a vicious look. Obviously, he didn't want Xiao Han to discredit himself. Although Xiao Han was telling the truth. The old man glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, keep talking!"

"In the logistics department, I don't talk about intrigue, but it's a fact that people's hearts are not aligned." Xiao Han sighed, and then said: "I fought with Han Le and Shura, but others watched. As the old saying goes, everyone is in harmony. It was profitable. However, we did not do it."

The old man nodded slightly and said: "Okay, needless to say."

Obviously, the old man does not want to continue listening to this.

Seeing that he was unwilling to listen, he naturally didn't say much.

The old man from Maoshandao was happy, and laughed alone. It seems that he feels better than himself. He looked at Xiao Han with a triumphant look. The old man's attitude had already explained everything, which showed that he was a little disgusted by Xiao Han's words.

The old man Mao Shandao smiled, and then said: "Minister, this time..."

The old man Maoshan Dao was just about to slander Xiao Han, but he was stopped by the old man. He raised his head and said, "Needless to say, no one has done anything for this matter, and no one has done anything wrong. It is our intelligence error. It is not an expression of merit, it is. Because one member was sacrificed and the fault was not held accountable, it was because indeed everyone was right. Okay, let's just do this. Everyone is gone."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

The wounded were left for treatment, and everyone else left.

Xiao Han and Han Le left the scene side by side.

After coming out of the courtyard, Han Le asked, "Xiao Han, where do you live?"

"Oh, I live in school." Xiao Han said.

"Are you still a student?" Han Le looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"Well, a student of Shuimu University!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Oh!" Han Le nodded and said, "Would you like to sit down with us?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Bing Yu hugged the little girl rescued from the ruins, who was already asleep. A few people got in the car and soon arrived at a villa in the suburbs. Han Le and Bingyu live together. The two seem to have a good relationship, but they have not reached the relationship between boy and girl friends.

He smiled, then said, "Sit down."

Bingyu settled the little girl in the room. Then I took some fruits from the refrigerator.

Three people sit on the sofa.

Han Le took the lead and said, "Xiao Han, are you really incompetent?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "I practiced myself, and I stepped into this line unintentionally, how about you?"

"Me?" Han Le heard it and laughed: "I was forced to practice."

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I and Bingyu are orphans." Han Le turned to look at Bingyu, showing a touch of distress, and said: "We are often bullied in the orphanage, because our younger and older children are specifically bullied. The two of us. Later, I accidentally discovered that I have a special ability."

"What ability?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I found that I can absorb the aura in the air, and can forward it to my fists, legs and feet as quickly as possible." Han Le smiled bitterly: "However, the feeling is too painful. I tried for a while and gave up. Once again, someone bullied Bing Yu, I absorbed the spirit and beat them up. From then on, they were in awe of me. I didn't dare to bully us anymore, so I vowed to improve my strength. Then I worked hard to become stronger. Slowly, I gradually became stronger. Later, I was recruited by the logistics department!"

"Then... Where's the ice rain?" Xiao Han asked in surprise.

"Bing Yu is because under my guidance, she has awakened the talent in her body." Han Le smiled and said: "I just hoped that she could be like me. I didn't expect that she could control paper cranes and could Let the paper crane penetrate the object at a very fast speed. It has become her current skill."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded.

The great world is indeed unsurprising. Han Le was forced to become a monk, but he couldn't count as a monk because he didn't have a dantian or spiritual energy in his body. He can get aura in the air at an extremely fast speed, and then forward it to the limbs and even weapons. This is enough to shock people.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said: "So you are all orphans."

"Yes!" Han Le nodded.

Bing Yu smiled and said, "Xiao Han, eat some fruit."

"Thank you!" Xiao Han nodded.

Han Le glanced at Bing Yu and continued: "However, we are doing well now with our own abilities. Those who have bullied us before, now dare not face us."

"That is." Xiao Han said with a smile: "People are very realistic now. Actually, the world of cultivation is a world where the weak and the strong eat the weak!"

"Xiao Han, have you seen many sects?" Han Le asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I participated in an alliance competition, and there are indeed many sects!"

Han Le's eyes lit up: "By the way, are they all great?"

"There are great ones, and there are also some who make up for it." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Your strength is also very powerful in the spiritual world."

"Really?" Han Le couldn't believe it, and said, "Isn't it said that the monk is very powerful? You are so young and so powerful, then the cultivation world must be a master everywhere!"

Han Le's words made Xiao Han a little bit dumbfounded. What would he think if he told him that he was the leader of this league tournament?

"I... my strength is pretty good. However, among the younger generation of monks, there are not many people with my strength." Xiao Han smiled.

"Oh!" Han Le nodded.

"By the way, what about this kid?" Xiao Han asked.

"Let's find a way to help her find her parents!" Bing Yu said, "If her parents are gone, let's adopt her. We don't want to send her to the orphanage because that place is too dark!"

"Yes!" Han Le nodded and said, "If her parents are gone, we will raise her."

"Very good idea." Xiao Han nodded and said, "You are all kind people."

"We don't want her to repeat our mistakes." Han Le smiled and said, "If you go in that place, you will be bullied by the older kids inside."

"Yeah." Bing Yu nodded.

After sitting in the villa for a while, Xiao Han got up and said goodbye.

After leaving the villa, Xiao Han returned to the school directly.

When I returned to school, it was already half past two in the morning, and the dormitory was quiet and dark. Zhang Dagu's purring has been trembling, and he can feel the bed trembling. Liu Bin was still talking in his dreams, and seemed to be having a spring dream, only Zhang Feng slept more peacefully.

After a brief wash, Xiao Han immediately got into the bed.

Lingcheng is more than two o'clock, and the air is relatively cool. The thin quilt has been covered. Before long, Xiao Han fell asleep. This time, Xiao Han also slept very unsteadily. He felt as if he had fallen into a dark space, as if it was an empty void, and seemed to be floating in an infinite universe.

"In my whole life..." a long sighing voice came: "Grabbing yin and yang, stealing good fortune, against the destiny...but in the end it didn't change my destiny."

Xiao Han suddenly saw a bright shadow in the infinite distance, and that shadow seemed to gradually approach him. Xiao Han felt a person who was very shocking. Xiao Han was horrified. In the void, Xuan Lingzi's huge figure floated in the air. The silver hair danced with the wind, and his eyes showed the vicissitudes of life, and he was low.

"Senior Xuanlingzi!" Xiao Han hurriedly shouted.

However, the sound does not spread, and there is no mustard to spread the sound in the void space.

That huge figure seemed to be floating in the air like this. His voice was long and sad: "In my whole life, I have never thought of rewriting the destiny. However, my wife, my son... left me early."

Xiao Han looked at him as if there was a feeling of sadness. This feeling made him very uncomfortable and made him very sad. It seems that there is a life connection between the two people, and it seems that there are inexhaustible connections between the two people.

Suddenly, the sorrow in Xuan Lingzi's heart spread to Xiao Han's body. To a certain extent, he has always been influencing Xiao Han's thoughts, his thoughts, and even his practice.

"Xiao Han, you are the person I chose after a thousand years." Xuan Lingzi's eyes suddenly gathered on Xiao Han.

"Ah!" Xiao Han was shocked.

"Today, I will give you a good luck!" Xuan Lingzi palmed his hand, and patted Xiao Han with his right palm far away.

(End of this chapter)

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