Xiao Han raised the long sword and slashed it fiercely. At the same time, Shura spit out a huge black energy from his mouth.

"Xiao Han!" Han Le and Bing Yu yelled out almost coincidentally.


There was a muffled sound, the sound was not loud, but everyone felt the vibration from the ground. Then, what caught everyone off guard was a shocking sound exploded, and then everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

On the ground, a crack exploded. Then, the crack expanded.


The crack tears at an extremely fast speed.

"Run!" everyone shouted.


The crowd fled quickly.

However, the crack speed was too fast, and some people actually fell into the crack. Some daring crowds watching in secret also couldn't bear to escape at this time, but unfortunately, the aftermath of the scene would obviously not let them go.

"Ah, help!"

"No, I don't want to die!"

These voices only disappeared without a trace. It was gone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was astonished, their faces were wrong.

Bing Yu hugged the girl, and Han Le stood beside Bing Yu to protect her. The old man of Maoshan Road stood on a boulder, and several other lingering logistics members also stood behind the old man.

The Liu Family Courtyard has completely turned into a ruin, filled with smoke and dust.

"How's it going?" the old man of Maoshan Road asked.

"I don't know!" The gray-robed man shook his head.

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Sura is not dead!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked, it turned out to be a man in black. This guy was looking at everyone coldly. The old man from Maoshandao said, "How do you know?"

"My heavenly eyes have seen it." The black-clothed man closed his eyes, and a faint light flashed between his eyebrows.

A few people were immediately dumbfounded.

The black-clothed man took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Han's breath is also very weak."

"Ah!" Han Le was shocked and said, "Where is he?"

"Five meters deep ground." The man in black hurriedly said: "Sura is also five meters deep on the ground!"

"I'll save him!" Han Le rushed over.

"Don't go!" Bing Yu hurriedly pulled him.

"Xiao Han's breath is very weak now, if he doesn't save him, his life will be in danger!" Han Le said hurriedly.

"But..." Bing Yu frowned and said, "If you go, your life will be in danger, what should you do?"

"It's okay!" Han Le shook his head and said: "Xiao Han sacrificed himself in order to help us. How can we stand by at this time?"

After speaking, Han Le rushed out without hesitation.

Within a few jumps, Han Le had disappeared in the smoke. Seeing Han Le left, Bing Yu looked at the Maoshan Dao old man, and then said: "Are you planning to look around like this? Both of them almost sold their lives to kill Shura, but you are still watching here? "

The old man of Maoshan Road sneered and said, "That's their business. If you act rashly under the premise of unknown circumstances, it will be vain to kill your life!"

"Yes!" The man in the gray robe nodded and said, "My leg was cut by the kid Han Le just now."

"You!" Bing Yu was furious as soon as he heard it, and said: "You bastard, if Han Le hadn't cut your calf in time, you would have already turned into a pool of corpse water."

"Huh, who is rare?" The gray-robed man shook his head.

Seeing that they were all indifferent, Bing Yu could only sigh with emotion, and said, "It's no wonder that the Central Logistics Department has not been able to develop. It is because you people are not united enough. That led to the current situation. It is really sad."

"Less nonsense!" The old man of Maoshan Road snorted coldly: "We have also worked hard for the logistics department. However, this Shura is extremely powerful, and we are not his opponents. Moreover, now is an extraordinary period. Acting rashly will only make us in vain. Death. Who wants to?"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

When everyone was arguing and holding on to their own opinions, Han Le had already jumped into that crack, and in the cracks, waves of heat swept across. It is incredible that the geothermal under the ground has extended to this point.

Han Le braved the heat wave and moved forward in the dark.

However, Han Le quickly saw Xiao Han. Xiao Han was intact. He stood on a raised stone panting.

"Xiao Han, are you okay?" Han Le rushed over.

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "What can you do with me?"

"But..." Han Le was stunned. The black-clothed man said that Xiao Han's breath was not strong just now. what is this? Han Le didn't expect that there was actually a weak magnetic field in this place, which affected the normal performance of the man in hi black clothes.

Not far away, Shura lay there dying. On the side, the two Japanese men were standing next to Shura.

The man sneered: "Unexpectedly, you would hurt Shura like this!"

"Today, none of you want to leave!" Han Le roared.

The two snorted coldly, and said: "This place, we come as we want, and leave as we want!"

The Japanese man opened the black box, and Shura immediately turned into a cloud of black air and took it back into the box. Han Le saw that the other party was about to leave. Without a word, he rushed up immediately. The other party gave a cold snort.

The woman who hadn't done anything just now stood up, with ten slender white fingers intertwined, and a strange smile flashed in her eyes.

Xiao Han saw a red tattoo on the woman's thumb and a very beautiful red rose.


In an instant, countless swords in their hands shot towards them.

"Be careful!" Xiao Han was shocked. He jumped up and grabbed Han Le who was too late to react.

Bang bang ......

The shuriken hit the stone wall behind the two, splashing bursts of light.


Then, two groups of white smoke flashed by, and the two of them disappeared instantly. When Xiao Han and Han Le stood up, they realized that they had disappeared.

"Damn it!" Han Le slammed heavily on the ground, and said angrily: "You let them run."

"Who makes us lack of ability?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "There is nothing to regret."

"Hey..." Han Le sighed, then said, "Then what should I do now?"

"Notify the military and let them continue to block the scene." Xiao Han replied.

"Yeah!" Han Le nodded.

The two quickly jumped out of the underground crack.

When the two came out, the anxious icy rain finally let out a sigh of relief. She hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"Let them run!" Xiao Han said helplessly.

"Run?" The old Maoshan Dao man was anxious when he heard it, "Why let them run away, won't you stop them?"

When Bing Yu heard it, he coldly snorted: "Why didn't you talk just now when you were asked to go? Now people are running away, but you are standing up and chirping. If you have the ability, you go!"

Reprimanded by the ice rain, the old man couldn't help but flushed, and several people snorted coldly.

Not long after, Xu Jianguo hurried over with someone.

"How's it going?" Xu Jianguo asked.

"Running." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "However, they don't think they dare to make any moves in the near future. Since they ran, it proves that the opponent has not defeated us. Therefore, we still need to find the opponent's whereabouts as soon as possible. !"

"Yeah!" Xu Jianguo nodded, and when he spoke, Xu Jianguo's eyes fell on Bing Yu's body.

Without waiting for Bing Yu to speak, Han Le said: "Colonel Xu, we are all injured now, and it is not suitable to continue fighting. We need to rest for a few days."

"Okay!" Xu Jianguo nodded and said: "Then you guys go back first, and the rest will be handed over to our military!"

"Good!" Han Le nodded.

Later, people from the logistics department withdrew, and a large number of soldiers entered the scene.

There was a lot of noise in the Xu family compound, which naturally attracted the attention of many people. Many people were watching nearby, and some even took photos of the giant snake. However, because it was night, the sky was very dark and the photos were blurry, or the pixels were very low.

There must be some rhetoric from the government for such a big movement, otherwise the people's hearts cannot justify it.

Soon, the Propaganda Department released a message through the official Weibo through radio and television stations: On the night of November 6th, during a joint military and police exercise, a missile did not fall into a residential house because of food manipulation. People died and more than 20 people were injured. The provincial secretary, senior officials, and several members of the provincial party committee rushed to the scene as soon as possible. The people at the scene were emotionally stable, and the families of the injured were emotionally stable. Follow-up work continues...

The official statement gave the public a sigh of relief.

However, some posts soon appeared on the Internet, indicating that the Xu family compound was haunted, and photos of Orochi and Shura were posted.

However, most people don't believe it at all, and the replies below the post are almost all critical.

"Brother, can you replace your 500,000-pixel scum phone?"

"Every time I encounter this kind of mysterious event, the pixel is scum."

"This must be ps, whoever believes in foolishness!"

Almost all these types of replies, of course, there are also some who believe.

"Damn, I have a relative, the family is dead, and the household is destroyed."

"I was there at the time, it was too scary, too exaggerated!"

However, there are relatively few such posts. After all, the Xu Family Courtyard was cleared, and the people around were basically not allowed to approach. Therefore, not many people believe.

It didn't take long for things to ferment, and soon disappeared.


Xiao Han and others retreated from the scene.

Returned to the courtyard.

In the enclosed courtyard, the old man looked frosty. He did not expect that this action would have caused a huge loss. One died and three were injured. The most important thing is that the Japanese escaped unexpectedly, and it sounds like the other party didn't have any loss.

"Minister." The old man Maoshan Dao looked embarrassed and said: "This time, we are doing our best. Of course, if it weren't for Xiao Han's kid to be too aggressive, we might not let them leave so easily."

(End of this chapter)

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