"That's for sure." Yang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it with Teacher Lan's assistance? Don't worry, we will work hard to get the greatest return, and then support more underachievers."

"Yes!" The vice president nodded. He looked at Lan Yudie and said, "Teacher Lan, I won't say more if there is extra. I think you know more about how many students in difficulties at Mizuki University are than I do."

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded and said, "I will definitely try my best."

Some comfort.

The inauguration ceremony of the Hanmen Charity Fund was very successful.

Blue Raindie suddenly became a popular figure in Mizuki University, and was on the list of people in Mizuki University Forum. She was originally an obscure female teacher, but now she suddenly became a powerful figure. You must know that the list of poor students provided by Shuimu University needs to be reviewed and approved by Lan Yudie. Otherwise, the subsidy of five thousand yuan for a semester will not be available.

"Teacher Lan, how could the Hanmen Group choose you?"

"Yeah, so many people have chosen you?"

Many voices of doubt arose. Of course, most of these voices of doubt came from within. For them, this questioning voice has obviously changed, as if it has become an interrogation.

Without waiting for Blue Raindie to speak, Yang Chen spoke first: "Want to know why?"

In front of all the media reporters, Yang Chen smiled and said: "First of all, the image of Teacher Lan fits the image of an intellectual woman. Secondly, Teacher Lan is a financial professional, so she knows how to operate this large fund. I have limited abilities by myself. Teacher Lan can help me, why not do it, one person has dual use. This is the best candidate."


The crowd applauded.

Those voices of doubt soon disappeared. They can only envy and hate. Watching Lan Yudie hold the power, and even more than 8,000 yuan a month's salary, enjoying more benefits from the Hanmen Group, this is something that many people cannot achieve.

"Manager Yang, thank you just now." Lan Yudie smiled: "If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to answer this question."

"You're welcome!" Yang Chen shook his head, then said: "These are all things I should do."


Xiao Han mixed in the crowd and looked at Lan Yudie with a smile.

Today's blue rain butterfly is very beautiful, very beautifully dressed, very sexy, appearing in the crowd, immediately makes many people dim. Lan Yudie also saw Xiao Han from a distance, and she hurriedly said to the person on the side: "Manager Yang, I have something to do, let's go now!"

"Good!" Yang Chen nodded.

Afterwards, Lan Yudie quickly walked towards Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han." Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han excitedly.

"Xiao Yu, you are so beautiful today!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Really?" Lan Yudie asked. She looked down at the dress she was wearing and smiled: "This girl is naturally beautiful and looks good in everything she wears!"

"Haha, I agree with this!" Xiao Han nodded.

Blue Yudie excitedly stopped Xiao Han's hand, and then said, "It's over here, let's go."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the two left the scene holding hands. The school is still answering questions from reporters.

Yang Chen looked at Xiao Han's back from a distance and was a little surprised. He didn't expect the relationship between Lan Yudie and Xiao Han to be so close. However, if Xiao Han is such a successful man, if Lan Yudie is with him, he will naturally be convinced. But what if they are just friends? Yang Chen thought for a while, and decided that he could not give up. In any case, Lan Yudie is the girl she has been struck by for the first time in so many years. Her image is in line with the image of a goddess in her mind, and her personality is also very good, and her knowledge matches her own. Such a girl is hard to find with a lantern.


Chen Aiguo has been staring at Liu Yiyi very carefully in recent days.

He measured Liu Yiyi's body changes almost every six hours, especially the changes in blood. The health of a person's body depends mainly on the cleanliness of the blood, especially for patients who have undergone transplantation, which can be reflected to a large extent.

However, after two consecutive days, there were hardly any problems. Even without taking the medicine, Liu Yiyi's body is the same as a normal person, with almost no changes, no abnormalities, and no so-called rejection reactions.

Liu Yiyi's performance is also very normal.

"Yiyi, do you have any discomfort?" This is the question Chen Aiguo has asked the most these days.

"No." Liu Yiyi shook his head. Similarly, this is also the question Liu Yiyi answers the most.

Chen Aiguo raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Very good, good!"

"Principal Chen, haven't you got the information you want?" Liu Yiyi held a box of sashimi in his hand, pinched a piece of sashimi with his slender fingers, and threw it into his mouth after dipping some sauce. One bite by one, the girlfriends on the side also ate very enthusiastically.

In the past few days, Liu Yiyi has asked for something, and Chen Aiguo has responded. She said she wanted to eat sashimi. Chen Aiguo went to the Japanese restaurants in the provincial capital and bought the best sashimi. Liu Yiyi wanted to eat French food, so Chen Aiguo drove to a French restaurant to pack it back. All the food she wants to eat must pass Chen Aiguo's hands. Only then will Chen Aiguo have confidence in his test.

"Almost!" Chen Aiguo nodded repeatedly.

Time flew by, and three days passed, and Chen Aiguo's test data was flawless.

"Good, good, good, great!" Chen Aiguo held a stack of data, which was the result of his three-day test.

"How?" Liu Yiyi asked: "Can I go home today?"

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo nodded, and said: "The test is very good, you...do you really have no reaction?"

"No!" Liu Yiyi shook his head and said: "I haven't had any unusual reactions since Xiao Han showed it to me last time."

"Well, that's good!" Chen Aiguo nodded.

Liu Yiyi said playfully, "Principal Chen, thank you for the three days of hospitality."

"Thank you Principal Chen!" My girlfriends also thanked again and again.

"No, you are welcome, it should be me thank you!" Principal Chen was very excited. Although he spent a lot of money these days, it was mainly because Liu Yiyi was too edible, and the food was very expensive. However, for the sake of testing, President Chen couldn't take care of that much.

After a few days, the test results were perfect.

"Okay, great." Principal Chen was still immersed in excitement.

Liu Yiyi and the others left, and Principal Chen quickly went to the school to find Xiao Han, and all the worries in his mind were relieved at this time. At this moment, he couldn't wait to find Xiao Han, and then told him that this project was feasible.

However, President Chen also has a doubt in his heart, that is... how did Liu Yiyi cure it? This is the key. The success of Liu Yiyi's clinical trial means that Xiao Han already has a successful drug in his hands?

If there is a potion, it means that the project has been half successful. At least there is no problem with financing projects. Moreover, I believe that it will not take long for countless funds and venture capital to flood in. Moreover, once this news turns out, it will inevitably arouse the attention of medical circles at home and abroad. Honors, money, beauties...there are endless and endless.

Chen Aiguo couldn't help but increase the throttle under his feet.

Fortunately, there was no danger on the road and arrived at the school safely.

Chen Aiguo had experienced the speed of life and death on the road. He drove steadily throughout his life. He never jumped in line or violated regulations. Even the occasional violation is because the car was lent to the victim. However, this time Chen Aiguo speeded almost all the way and then overtaken.

At eleven in the morning, after arriving at school, Chen Aiguo quickly went to the Finance Department.

First class of finance.

Lan Yudie is in class, Xiao Han is sitting in the last row and attending the class casually. He pinched his fingers and counted. Today is the last day of Chen Aiguo’s test. I guess the results should come out today. I don’t know how it is now. .

Just when Xiao Han was thinking about it.

"Mr. Lan!" Suddenly, a voice came from the quiet classroom.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie turned to look at the outside of the classroom, it turned out that Chen Aiguo was standing there. She hurriedly asked, "Principal Chen, what's the matter?"

"Can you...call Xiao Han for me?" Chen Aiguo said excitedly.

"Good!" Lan Yudie nodded hurriedly.

Before Lan Yudie could speak, Xiao Han had already stood up and walked out.

"Hey, Xiao Han!" Chen Aiguo was so excited that he was almost speechless.

"How is it?" Xiao Han asked with a smile, "How did the test result?"

"Okay, very good!" Chen Aiguo was excited, and then said: "Perfect, too perfect. This project is feasible, it is too feasible."

If it was someone else, Chen Aiguo might not believe it, but he knew Liu Yiyi's condition very well. As a leader in the medical field, although he later became the president of Mizuki University, this did not affect his authority in the medical field. He once participated in the analysis meeting of Liu Yiyi's condition. For Liu Yiyi's panda blood type bone cancer, he is really a little bit unable to start. Of course, his knowledge of Liu Yiyi's illness is still very profound.

He was shocked by the failure of the first operation. However, he did not have much joy with the success of the second operation, because the 10-year survival rate of patients with this type of bone marrow transplantation operation is not high. In other words, Liu Yiyi It is estimated that it will be difficult to live another ten years. Moreover, it is necessary to take immunosuppressive agents every day, that is, rejection drugs.

However, in this test, Chen Aiguo was almost crazy.

Although Chen Aiguo didn't know much in the field of organ transplantation, he knew that this must be the most sensational medical miracle ever. If it can help those transplant patients get rid of immunosuppressive agents, this is absolutely shocking and exciting news.

(End of this chapter)

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