The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 806: Research team established

"That..." Xiao Han said.

However, before he finished speaking, Chen Aiguo hurriedly said: "My hospital personally led the team and concentrated all the strength of Mizuki University to develop this drug."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

"That's right!" Chen Aiguo said hurriedly, "How did you cure Liu Yiyi's condition? Is there any clinical medicine?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "The Hanmen Group will have a general direction for research. I believe that within three months, you should make a breakthrough in this area."

"God!" Chen Aiguo was shocked.

Three months? !

What kind of magical speed is this? We must know that in the entire medical field, the birth of any kind of medicine can take several years at least to several decades. This is because it has to go through various experiments, undergo various clinical verifications, and finally obtain national approval before it can be allowed to go on sale. The manpower, material resources, and financial resources consumed are huge. However, Xiao Han could make a breakthrough in three months. This is too much praise, right?

"Yes!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "The Hanmen Group has been conducting research for several years. The reason why Shuimu University is needed to cooperate is firstly to enhance the international influence of Shuimu University, and secondly, In order for you to get the respect you deserve, finally, with the participation of you and senior medical professors of Mizuki University, I believe we will make a breakthrough in the fastest time."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chen Aiguo said three good words again and again, he thought for a moment, and then said: "Mizuki University will definitely put aside everything and assist the poor group in making a breakthrough in immunosuppressive agents, but..."

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han saw Chen Aiguo's concern, and said: "If it succeeds, the research paper will be signed by you and the old professors of Mizuki University. Also, once it is put into production, the profit generated by my medicine , 5% is owned by Mizuki University."

"Good." Chen Aiguo was overjoyed when he heard it.

Although 5% of the profit is not much, once it is publicized. The five percent profit is amazing.

"Principal Chen, I have to make one thing clear." Xiao Han looked at Chen Aiguo seriously.

"You said." Chen Aiguo nodded.

"About this scientific research, it is the result of our research team under the Hanmen Group." Xiao Han glanced at Chen Aiguo and said, "Of course, you and Shuimu University may not be able to do without your help in the future. It's just that everything is the same. Confidential. At that time, I will send someone to sign a confidentiality agreement and a cooperation contract with you."

"Okay, no problem." Chen Aiguo looked firm and said: "I still have this character."

"That's good!" Xiao Han smiled. He didn't want to take the lead, let alone show the limelight. The reason why he said this was to let Chen Aiguo keep a secret. Of course, the most important thing was that he didn't want people to know that he was behind it.

Chen Aiguo left the teaching building excitedly, and then hurried back.

While walking, Chen Aiguo started calling some senior professors in the school's medical department. He wants to immediately form a medical team and set up an immunosuppressant conquer team.

Soon, in Chen Aiguo's office.

More than a dozen people gathered together.

Some people are gray-haired, some have white frost on temples, and there is a middle-aged person with gray hair.

A group of people sat in the office.

The leading white-haired old professor said, "President Chen, what can you do if you gathered us here?"

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo's face was ruddy, with a spring breeze, and said, "I want to officially announce one thing today."

Everyone looked at Chen Aiguo curiously.

"The immunosuppressant attack team is officially established." Chen Aiguo took a deep breath and said: "From now on, you all put down your work, and now we have to concentrate on this work."

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

"Principal Chen, what is going on?" everyone asked curiously.

"It takes a lot of money to set up a research team to focus on a medical research project." The gray-haired old man said seriously, "I haven't heard of any research funding."

"Don't worry, everyone!" Chen Aiguo glanced at everyone, and then said: "This is a project we cooperated with Hanmen Group."

"Cooperation?" The old man looked surprised.

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo smiled and said: "The Hanmen Group has started research on immunosuppressive agents several years ago, and it is now in the cervical stage. Therefore, they asked us for help, hoping that we could assist them in joint development. And promised that, once successful, all papers in the research field will be signed by everyone on site."

"By the way, this project is..." the old man asked.

"Allow transplant patients to get rid of the trouble of immunosuppressive agents, increase the life span of patients, and improve the quality of life of patients." Chen Aiguo said seriously.


There was an uproar at the scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

" this too exaggerated?"

"How do I feel that it is a research project that cheated funds?"

Faced with the project proposed by Chen Aiguo, everyone felt a little suspicious, and even thought the project was too unreliable. Many advanced medical research teams in foreign countries have not made any breakthrough progress in this field, relying on these people alone? Want to make a breakthrough?

"What? No confidence?" Chen Aiguo's mouth raised a weird smile.

"Principal Chen, are you sure you are not joking?" the white-haired old man asked.

"Lao Zhang, you are a senior professor in our Medical Department. I have a copy of the data here. Take a look!" Chen Aiguo handed the data recorded in three days to Lao Zhang.

Old Zhang glanced curiously, puzzled.

"This is the three-day test data of Liu Yiyi, without taking rejection drugs!" Chen Aiguo smiled.

"Ah!" Zhang Lao was shocked.

He understands Liu Yiyi's situation. Like Chen Aiguo, he participated in Liu Yiyi's condition analysis meeting. He knew very well about Liu Yiyi's situation. Now, Liu Yiyi got rid of immunosuppressants, which is too surprising.

" it true?" Zhang Lao asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo nodded seriously.

"Then... there are finished drugs?" Zhang Lao asked.

"The Hanmen Group seems to have it, but it's a semi-finished product." Chen Aiguo smiled, and then said: "It's just that it succeeded in Liu Yiyi."

"Good, good, good!" Zhang Lao immediately thought of many, honor, money, rights...

Honestly, diligent and diligent research for a lifetime, but got nothing, is it... when I am old, I will achieve something? He said excitedly: "Okay, I support this project!"

With Zhang Lao taking the lead, everyone naturally joined the research team without hesitation.

In this regard, the research team was established. All the professors put aside their work. For this reason, the curriculum of the Department of Medicine has undergone earth-shaking changes. The students didn't care much, thinking it was just some adjustments in the course.


For the Hanmen Group, Xiao Han has ordered people to prepare for the research institute.

In the provincial capital, Xiao Han asked Zhao Lizhong to help contact a villa. Whether it was renting or buying, it had to be in place within three days. The Hanmen Group already had a related scientific research team under its control. Before Liu Yiyi fell ill, Xiao Han had ordered people to start researching leukemia-related drugs. Unfortunately, there has been no breakthrough this year. This time, Xiao Han had a new idea when he treated Liu Yiyi.

Therefore, he gave his ideas and some related drugs to the research team, so that they can make breakthroughs in this area as soon as possible.

In fact, the so-called research team has only three people. These three people are not ordinary, one is a professor at the medical school of Sun Yat-sen University. One is Slack from the New York State Institute of Medicine. Is the main role of this research team.

A year ago, Slack was dug into the Hanmen Group by Zhao Lizhong. Slack barely stayed until Xu paid a lot of money. Take two domestic medical experts to conduct research.

However, a few months ago, Xiao Han put forward an idea and gave them relevant information to let them develop in this direction, which made Slack see the light. Therefore, they began to research day and night. Unfortunately, the composition of drugs and targeted diseases have not made much breakthrough.

It's like a fly standing on a piece of glass, clearly seeing the light, but no matter how hard it tries, it can't break through the obstacle of this piece of glass.

"Oh, it failed again!" Slack shrugged helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, at least we already have theoretical support." Professor Liu on the side smiled and said: "Shrek, once we succeed this time, we will inevitably become famous figures in human history."

"Yes!" Slack nodded.

At this time, Zhao Lizhong hurried over.

Under normal circumstances, the medical research team is not linked to other departments and will not be interfered by other departments. You know, this research team is just a very costly team, and the money spent on this team a month is tens of millions. There is no return.

However, everyone knows that this research is a gold mine. All the investment in the early stage is only necessary for mining gold mines. Once mining is successful, wealth will continue to flow.

"Slyk, come here." Zhao Lizhong greeted hurriedly and said, "Let's have a meeting!"

"What's the matter?" Slack asked suspiciously.

Everyone got together.

Zhao Lizhong smiled and said, "From today, our research team will be expanded. Professors from the Faculty of Medicine of Mizuki University will assist us in the research!"

The three were stunned.

Although I feel unhappy in my heart, after all, what I have worked so hard to study, now I want to be shared with others. However, they still didn't say anything, but smiled: "Welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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