The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 804: Rejection drugs

"Research on rejection drugs?" Chen Aiguo asked.

"Similar." Xiao Han nodded slightly.

Having said that, Chen Aiguo was once again cold, and he laughed: "The current immunosuppressive agent has developed to a very high level. And it has gone through four generations of development, with anti-il-2 receptor monoclonal antibodies. , Ftyzo, etc. as representatives, the main role is to change the cytokine worms, such as inhibiting th1 and enhancing th2. Now I want to develop newer immunosuppressive agents on this basis, is it not easy?"

"Indeed!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "However, we plan to develop a way for transplant patients to get rid of immunosuppressive agents from now on. From then on, they will live a normal life. Moreover, postoperative life expectancy and surgery will be improved. After the quality of life."


Chen Aiguo was shocked when he heard it.

"You... are you kidding?" Chen Aiguo asked.

"Of course not!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I already have some relevant information. Of course, the most important core technology is here!"

Xiao Han pointed at his head.

"You!" Chen Aiguo said angrily when he heard it, "You kid, make fun of me."

"President Chen, you have helped me so many times, why would I make fun of you?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Aiguo seriously, and then said: "It is precisely because you help me so selflessly that I am willing to let Shuimu University and The Hanmen Group shared this astounding honor."

"Are you really kidding?" Chen Aiguo looked at Xiao Han seriously.

"Of course not!" Xiao Han was also very serious.

"Okay!" Chen Aiguo took a deep breath, and then said: "Within three days, you will prepare a detailed material for me, a material that is enough to attract and convince me. If I think it is feasible, I will put it down. Everything, I will gather all the resources of the entire Mizuki University to do it with you!"

If it is true as Xiao Han said, this is indeed an industry that is capable of attracting millions of funds. In today's society, people are impetuous, and many capitals cannot be used effectively. Similarly, many people in the world hold a lot of money and want to invest in a field that can have crazy returns. If this project is true, then there is no doubt that this project will become the most attractive project in the world.

Such a huge glory may be immortal in human history. Who doesn't want to do it? ! Chen Aiguo is also a layman. He likes money but is not greedy. He longed for glory, but he never faked it. This is his rule of life. Of such a great glory, he would naturally not let it go easily.

"Actually, you don't need to prepare, I already have a living case." Xiao Han's mouth raised a weird smile.

"What?!" Chen Aiguo almost fell off the sofa when he heard it.

"Liu Yiyi, you know?" Xiao Han asked.

"I know, a girl from the foreign language department, with leukemia, seems to have succeeded in the second operation!" Chen Aiguo said.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "I have completely freed her from immunosuppressive drugs, that is, rejection drugs. Today she went to the hospital for an examination, and this is the result of the examination!"

After speaking, Xiao Han placed the inspection results in his hands in front of Chen Aiguo.

Chen Aiguo glanced at the test results and said, "A test without medication for a day?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Looking at the test results, it seems that all the blood data are in line with the routine." Chen Aiguo nodded and said: "But...I need to inquire in person and check her personally!"

"Yes." Xiao Han smiled and said, "However, you'd better get your consent."

"I have a good relationship with her, she shouldn't refuse!" Chen Aiguo tried hard to control his inner joy.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Three days is enough, I am waiting for your reply!"

"Good!" Chen Aiguo nodded.

Later, Xiao Han got up and left.

Chen Aiguo was sitting in the office and didn't know if it was true or not. All this is nothing but one-sided words of Xiao Han alone, and no one knows whether it is true or not. So he needs to investigate. Need to call Liu Yiyi to inquire about the situation.

Chen Aiguo calmly dialed Liu Yiyi's phone, and then asked some questions.

After detailed inquiry, Chen Aiguo said, "Yiyi, can you... let me observe for a few days?"

"What to observe?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Observe you!" Chen Aiguo said seriously: "I need some information, okay?"

Chen Aiguo helped Liu Yiyi a lot to keep her degree so that she could leave the class at any time without affecting her credits. Therefore, Liu Yiyi is still very grateful to Chen Aiguo. Liu Yiyi thought for a while: "How do you observe?"

"You move to my house and I will be with you 24 hours a day." Chen Aiguo said excitedly: "I need to measure the changes in your body at any time, including changes in your blood."

"I..." Liu Yiyi wanted to refuse.

"You can bring someone." Chen Aiguo said, afraid of Liu Yiyi's misunderstanding, "Bring a girl, eat and drink with you and sleep with you."

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi reluctantly agreed.

According to Chen Aiguo's request, Liu Yiyi was not allowed to bring anything to Chen Aiguo's country, and the first thing in the entry was to change into the clothes Chen Aiguo prepared for her. You are not allowed to go out for 72 hours after you enter the door, you can only move around in the house, you can use the phone, you can surf the Internet, and you can watch TV. In short, as long as you don't touch any food. Chen Aiguo prepared all Liu Yiyi's food and drinks.

Everything in the room was half-empty. Although Liu Yiyi was boring, she brought a little sister of her own, and the two chatted in the, watching TV...not too boring .


the next day.

The ceremony for the establishment of the charity fund was originally intended for Chen Aiguo to take the stage to give a speech. However, this time Chen Aiguo did not come to the school and instead arranged for a three-day vacation. The establishment ceremony of the charity fund was personally presided over by the vice president.

The Hanmen Group was led by Yang Chen. For Mizuki University, Blue Rain Butterfly came to power.

In the midst of the huge salute, the Hanmen Charity Fund was established. Yang Chen was the head of the fund, and Lan Yudie was the deputy manager of the fund company and was suspended. Although it is suspended, you can check the fund's activity at any time.

In this way, the school's rumors are self-defeating.

"Damn, why do I suspect that we were being fooled?"

"Yes, the guys who spread rumors on the Internet must not die."

The students who learned of the situation were angry. These days, they almost spared no effort to scold Xiao Han. And now it's alright, Xiao Han not only invested 1 million, but directly invested 5 million.

Fang Miao was also in the crowd. Seeing the establishment of the charity fund, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Xiao Han unexpectedly didn't choose himself, which caught him a little off guard. Now it's fine. He took other people's money, but didn't help them. And the money has already been spent, what can I do?

Fang Miao panicked.

Didi di...

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Fang Miao, shouldn't your kid explain to me?" The girl's voice came on the phone.

"I..." Fang Miao was anxious and said awkwardly, "I didn't know it would be like this."

"Don't talk nonsense, return the money to us." The girl said: "Otherwise, we will announce to the public that you made the rumors."

"I..." Fang Miao panicked, and said hurriedly: "Don't, I'll return the money to you!"

"It's about the same." The girl nodded.

Fang Miao was a little anxious after hanging up the phone. Ten thousand yuan is not a small sum for him. It is not a small sum for any student. You should know that the living expenses of students who threw a total of about 1,500 yuan a month are quite high. Ten thousand yuan is almost a year's living expenses for a student. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Fang Miao to repay this 10,000 yuan.

At this time, an idea flashed in Fang Miao's mind, campus loan.

Campus loan is the most popular loan method in schools and the most convenient loan method. As long as one student ID and one **, you can get a loan amount ranging from one thousand to ten thousand in the campus loan.

Although a lot of negative news about campus loans has been exposed recently, Fang Miao is now driven to a dead end. He has to do this. Once the other party announces the facts that he has spread rumors, he may not be able to keep his position as the chairman of the student union. , Accidentally it is very likely that you will even be expelled from school. This is a serious bribe.

Fang Miao was silent for a long time, then gritted his teeth and opened a campus loan call.

Then began to negotiate the loan with the other party.

"I will give you a loan of 8,000 at most." The other party should also consider risk assessment. After all, giving an ordinary student a loan of 10,000 yuan is already a bit beyond the risk assessment standard.

"I am Fang Miao, chairman of the Shuimu University Student Union." Fang Miao gritted his teeth and said, "Is this identity enough for a loan of 10,000 yuan?"

"If you are really the chairman of the student union, don't say ten thousand, twenty thousand will be loaned to you!" The other party said immediately.

"Yes!" Fang Miao nodded.

Afterwards, he immediately followed the address provided by the other party to find someone.


The Hanmen Public Welfare Fund can be regarded as a public welfare department under the Hanmen Group. Yang Chen is in charge, and Lan Yudie supervises. The number is small, and there are only five employees in this department. Of course, this is the only non-profitable department of the Hanmen Group. However, this department is a business card for the Hanmen Group to publicize. Spend five million on an advertisement, and it is a charity advertisement, a public service advertisement. This plays a very important role in enhancing the image of Hanmen Group.

The vice president personally shook Yang Chen's hand and said, "President Yang, there are many poor students in Shuimu University, I hope you can help me a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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