A Long Huo slowly walked out of the dark clouds, and eight eunuchs carried a Long Hu, and slowly walked out of it, a dense crowd.

It also allowed them to witness one thing. When the emperor traveled, he hugged and shouted, he was very grand and domineering. Everyone seemed extremely shocked.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, then glanced at the other person.

"Be careful!" Xiao Han hurriedly pulled the two of them and stood against the wall.

Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying leaned against the wall in a hurry, frightened.

Long Hu is very magnificent, that huge Long Hu is holding a golden umbrella. A man wearing a dragon robe sat on Long Huo, lying slanting, his eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting. It looks calm and calm.

Long Hu walked to the three of them. Suddenly, the man on Long Hu opened his eyes, and he turned his head and glanced at the three strangely. The man suddenly stretched out his hand to signal Long Hu to stop.

The **** on the side saw it and shouted in a sharp voice: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped in unison.

Everyone looked at the emperor curiously. The **** hurriedly said: "My lord, may I ask you..."

Long Hu landed, and the man in the dragon robe walked down from Long Hu.

"It's over, he is walking towards us!" Chen Xiaowu said nervously.

"What to do?" Wan Yingying asked hurriedly.

"Don't panic!" Xiao Han pulled the two of them and said, "He shouldn't see us!"

"Impossible!" Wan Yingying hurriedly shook her head, and then said: "He must be able to see us. However, according to common sense, ghosts will not easily attack humans. After all, these are people from two worlds. Will easily interfere in the human world."

"So? Really there are ghosts in this world?" Chen Xiaowu was dumbfounded.

"Otherwise, what do you think you saw?" Wan Yingying said hurriedly.

"My God, you...you just lied to me!" Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

"I didn't lie to you!" Wan Yingying shook her head and said, "We all said, these are ghosts, they are souls."

"What to do? What to do, he...He is coming!" Chen Xiaowu was stunned.

Wan Yingying raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then said: "It's nothing, he doesn't dare to do anything to us. We are humans, and there are things he fears."

"What is it?" Chen Xiaowu was nervous, trying to find some comfort from Wan Yingying.

"Yang Qi." Wan Yingying sneered, and said: "Ghosts are things of yin and yang. Human beings are the product of the harmony of yin and yang. People die like a lamp, and when the yang qi dissipates, there is only a mass of immortality left. The ghost. And the ghost is most afraid of the sun, so they dare not approach us!"

At this moment, the man in the dragon robe walked in front of Xiao Han, his eyes ignored Xiao Han directly, and fell on Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying who were aside.

"When did these two girls enter the palace?" the emperor asked.

"The emperor, I don't know yet." The **** on the side bowed his waist and said respectfully: "Well, I need to ask the people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check."

"No need to check." The emperor shook his head, and then said: "These two girls are good, I am going to take them as concubines. Let the people in the Internal Affairs Office prepare."

"Yes!" The **** nodded hurriedly when he heard it.

After speaking, the emperor turned around and was ready to leave.

At this time, the **** glared at Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying, and said, "You two, don't you hurry up to thank Lord Longen?"

"Huh?" The two were dumbfounded.

Just when the two of them were dumbfounded, at this moment, someone came over and prepared to take them away.

"Stop!" Upon seeing Xiao Han, he hurriedly jumped out. It won't work if you don't jump out at this time.

A group of eunuchs looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, and said angrily: "Asshole thing, where is this, is it your turn to speak?"

When Xiao Han heard this, he immediately sneered, and then said: "The **** raises the **** to death, you are a thing that lacks roots and sprouts."

"You...who are you scolding." When the **** heard this, he was suddenly angry.

"Whoever has nothing in the crotch, I will scold someone." Xiao Han replied.

"You!" When the **** heard this, he was furious and said: "Guard, take it for me!"


At this time, the two guards who were planning to take Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying away immediately turned to Xiao Han.

The two guards immediately pointed their spears at Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Wan Yingying said hurriedly: "The strength of the ghost is stronger than ordinary people!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The man in the Long Robe obviously ignored the chaotic situation at the scene. He turned to Long Hu and sat on Long Hu.

"Are you going to grab it with your hands, or are you going to be hacked to death?" The **** on the side asked with his sharp voice.

Xiao Han glanced at him with disdain, and said, "It's a pity that your father and mother gave you a stick, but you were cruel. Don't you know that the greatest filial piety of the Chinese nation is no queen?"

When the **** heard this, his face turned green with anger. He gritted his teeth, staring at Xiao Han, and said angrily: "You...you bastard. You...what are you guys doing? Immediately...Kill him immediately."

Xiao Han sneered when he heard it, and said, "I don't know the current affairs."

Without hesitation, the two guards grabbed the spear and stabbed towards Xiao Han fiercely.

Xiao Han hurriedly pushed the two girls away. He kicked his legs. Then, the whole person rose into the air, his right foot was a little on the wall, and he turned back.


The legs kicked out fiercely.

The two armed guards were immediately kicked off by Xiao Han.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, the **** suddenly screamed: "It's not good. Someone intends to assassinate. Come on."

When the guard at the back heard it, it was worth it!


More than a dozen guards armed with guns rushed up quickly, and a group of people rushed up quickly.

Xiao Han is not afraid at all. On the contrary, he is very interested in these people. Instead, he was enthusiastic about them. I hope I can use them to exercise my strength. Xiao Han believes that as time goes by, he will come into contact with these things sooner or later, so he feels that he must deal with these things very much.

Besides, even if you can't win, you can release the Yin Ling and swallow all these guys. In this way, but also can enhance Yin Ling's strength.

Xiao Han shook it smoothly, and a wishful stick came out of Qiankun's bag.


With a few sticks down, one of the guards was beaten to death on the spot.

One of the guards instantly turned into a cloud of black smoke, and then dissipated into the air. In that moment, the other party disappeared.

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said, "These ghosts are not my opponents at all!"

"It's broken, this is a human!" Upon seeing this, the **** yelled, "Quick...Kill him."

More than a dozen guards with swords rushed out from behind.

The guards with knives are obviously much stronger than the guards with guns. Each of these guards with knives seems very domineering, and also very awkward. Obviously, this group of people are practicing knives one by one, with very precise knives, and one by one seems to be flying over the wall. How could Xiao Han handle it alone?


Accidentally, Xiao Han was kicked over by a guard with a knife.

"Damn it!" Xiao Han was in pain.

At this moment, the guard with a knife rushed over quickly. This guy moved much faster than ordinary people. Moreover, this guy flew over the wall and attacked Xiao Han from a very strange angle. This frightened both Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" The hearts of the two men raised their throats.


Xiao Han hurriedly held the Wishful Stick and pushed hard towards the opponent.

The opponent's knife smashed down Xiao Han's wishful stick, and then fell to the ground, and the guard with a knife quickly landed. After the opponent landed, more than ten people from behind swarmed.

"Damn!" Xiao Han couldn't help but yelled, "Damn it, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!"

After speaking, Xiao Han rushed up quickly.

The long stick in his hand slashed at the opponent fiercely.

Although the opponent was crowded, Xiao Han's strength was not weak. However, Xiao Han is obviously struggling to deal with so many people by himself. Therefore, he can only honestly fight the opponent with his back to the wall. As long as he is leaning against the wall, the other party can't sneak attack from behind. One person can deal with the attack of the other party. Xiao Han looked calm and composed.

"So handsome!" Wan Yingying immediately admired Xiao Han's posture.

"Yes!" Chen Xiaowu also felt Xiao Han was handsome.

Wan Yingying raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "If you can marry Xiao Han, that would be great!"

When Chen Xiaowu heard it, she grinned and said, "How about...you marry him?"

"I don't want it!" Wan Yingying flushed, and hurriedly said, "I already have a boyfriend."

Chen Xiaowu sighed and said, "Yes, you and I have boyfriends. It's a pity that such a good boy is abducted by another girl. Would you be willing?"

"I..." Wan Yingying said awkwardly when she heard: "Of course I am not reconciled, but... what can I do? There are many good men in this world. Maybe, after Xiao Han, you can still touch To a better boy!"

Chen Xiaowu nodded slightly and said, "Well, what you said makes sense."

Xiao Han is indeed very handsome, holding a club, punching in all directions and kicking in all directions. With just one stick, he can deal with so many people on the other side. Moreover, these ghosts are obviously more powerful than ordinary people.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he realized that this method seemed to be quite effective against the opponent.

Ten guards armed with guns and ten guards with swords were unable to break Xiao Han's defense. This makes them a little anxious. Most importantly, there was even death on the side of the guards. The number of people is constantly decreasing. This makes them extremely anxious.

"The emperor, is this... an assassin?" the **** said shivering.

"So what is it, what is it not?" the emperor asked.

(End of this chapter)

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