"If you don't believe it, then you go and walk this small road." Wan Yingying sneered.

When Xiao Han heard it, he smiled, and then said, "Just leave, what are you afraid of?"

After speaking, Xiao Han took Chen Xiaowu and ran straight towards Xiaojiadao.

Wan Yingying looked at Xiao Han's back, with a weird smile on her lips.

Walking into the Xiaojiadao, Xiao Han immediately felt a yin air rushing over his face. It feels like walking into a low-temperature air-conditioned room all at once. However, this time is just after three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is shining, and it is reasonable to say that the temperature is very high at this time.

"It's so cold!" Chen Xiaowu shivered.

"The palace here is an ancient building, so it's cool inside, and the cold wind blows out." Xiao Han smiled.

"Oh!" Chen Xiaowu nodded. She had no choice but to follow Xiao Han honestly.

The lane was very clean, as if it had been swept by someone. However, this place is deserted, and there are no managers from the Forbidden City. It is obviously impossible for anyone to come here. Therefore, it is obviously impossible to have such a clean time on the ground.

Xiao Han frowned, which was a little weird.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind.

Whoosh whoosh...

Suddenly, the yin spirits in the soul orb came out uncontrollably, and more than a dozen yin spirits quickly disappeared into the air. Xiao Han could feel these yin spirits very excited.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han muttered.

Chen Xiaowu felt even more uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling became stronger and stronger.

"I...I'm so scared!" Chen Xiaowu grabbed Xiao Han's arm tightly and said: "Let's... let's go back!"

"Can't go back." At this moment, Wan Yingying behind her back replied.

"Why?" Chen Xiaowu asked in astonishment.

"This West Gate Road, once you come in, you can't go back." Wan Yingying said hurriedly: "Go forward to get out. Once you go back, you can see dirty things. So, we better Don't look back, lest you have trouble seeing something unclean!"

When Chen Xiaowu heard it, she trembled all over. She held Xiao Han's arm tightly, wherever she dared to turn her head to look at the scene behind her.

However, Xiao Han was a little curious.

He turned his head and looked behind him. Behind him, a dark cloud was pressing down, and there was a sunny world in front of him, but behind him was a clouded ghost gate. As if to see the black shadows moving slowly under the cloud, as long as you dare to walk back, I am afraid they will pounce on them. If it is forced to go back, it is estimated that he will walk into the ghost gate.


Xiao Han took a deep breath, and his whole body was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Then don't look back, let's continue walking forward."

Xiao Han's Yin Ling rushed into the ghost gate. Behind him, there were bursts of tragic screams and howling ghosts.

These bursts of screams made Chen Xiaowu goose bumps all over, while Wan Yingying on the side nervously followed Xiao Han forward. Yin Ling is fighting and fighting in the ghost gate. At this time, the Yin Ling is constantly devouring those dead souls, devouring those unjust souls wandering in the small road to the west, the dead souls of all dynasties.

Yin spirit itself is the attribute of Zhi Yin, so it needs to swallow these dead souls to enhance its strength.

Soon, more than a dozen Yinlings were full, and soon turned into black qi and returned to the soul orb.

When these Yin spirits returned, Xiao Han suddenly felt their strength soared. Xiao Han's heart was immediately ecstatic, but he didn't expect that this Yin Ling could even swallow these dead souls and then increase his strength. If you continue to feed them in the future, wouldn't you be able to become your own good helper?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

Going all the way, after coming out of the Xiaojiao Road, he turned directly into the Dongtongzi Road.

The East Tube Road is located on the left side of the Ningshou Palace. It is a long, long road. On the left is a tall wall with red paint. On the right, there is also a tall wall. wall.

When I got here, I immediately felt that the yin in this place was heavier, more vigorous than that caused by the small lane to the west.

When he came here, Yin Ling didn't seem to have the will to come out. It was estimated that he had eaten enough in the small road to the west, so he didn't have much interest in the dense Yin Ling here. Xiao Han walked to this frequently-used lane, looked at the endless corridor, and felt a little hairy in his heart. This feeling makes people very scared.

"It's horrible!" Chen Xiaowu said in horror: "I...I seem to see something!"

"What?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I feel...a shadow just swayed past." Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

"Don't scare yourself in broad daylight." Xiao Han smiled and said, "There can be no ghosts here."

Xiao Han's words were nothing more than to comfort Chen Xiaowu.

However, the ghost here doesn't seem to buy it. The sun, which was shining brightly, suddenly turned into a clouded cloud. The tops of several people were suddenly covered by a large cloud of black clouds. They looked up at the sky and seemed to be extra cautious.

"It's scary." Chen Xiaowu said in astonishment.

"Broken." Wan Yingying exclaimed: "The dirt is coming out."

As Wan Yingying said, it is only half an hour before the Palace Museum is cleared at 4:30 in the afternoon. Why should the Palace Museum be cleared before five o'clock? That's because five o'clock is the most prosperous time for the Forbidden City Noon Museum, so visitors must be cleared before five o'clock, otherwise, once the trapped ghosts appear here, they will definitely frighten the tourists here. Therefore, they can only clear the field before five o'clock.

However, it was only half past four, and I did not expect these ghosts to appear.

Not far away, palace ladies in palace costumes lined up slowly towards this side.

"Damn!" Chen Xiaowu screamed in fright.

Xiao Han hurriedly covered her mouth and said, "Don't scream, it will be troublesome if you disturb them."

Chen Xiaowu nodded vigorously, his eyes widened, his body was completely weak, and the whole person was leaning on Xiao Han. She had never seen such a horrible side in her life, she was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Wan Yingying was not afraid. Although she was trembling, she still stood on the spot, tremblingly watching the four or five palace ladies walking slowly.

Ten meters...eight meters...five meters...

A few people stood on the left side, and watched the court ladies walking towards each other.

"Mom!" Chen Xiaowu was very nervous and shivered, she closed her eyes hurriedly.

This **** sound shocked the ladies of the palace, and the few people looked up at Xiao Han, showing unhappy expressions. However, they did not move much, paused for a while, and continued to walk forward. Their bodies were light and fluttering. The shoes they were stepping on did not touch the ground, but completely floated at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the ground. It wasn't until they walked away that Xiao Han and the others let out a sigh of relief.

Several people took a deep breath.

"I was scared to death." Wan Yingying patted her chest lightly, and said: "It's scary."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "It's the first time I have seen this ghost."

"Let's... let's go quickly." Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Subsequently, several people accelerated to move forward.

At this time, several eunuch-like ghosts appeared, and they quickly passed by Xiao Han. Soon it disappeared at the end of the road in the east tube. It didn't take long before they disappeared.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Although it is haunted, as long as you don't disturb them, it will be fine."

"Hmm!" Wan Yingying nodded.

At this time, Chen Xiaowu seemed to be a little bolder. Seeing that the ghosts did not conflict with her, she boldly moved forward.

However, this place seemed to be full of some kind of evil, clouded sky, and in that imperial city, a hideous ghost came out from it, looking extremely terrifying and terrifying. It makes people feel creepy.

Xiao Han didn't feel any fear at all. On the contrary, when he saw so many ghosts here, he seemed very happy. Because for him, the more ghosts, the more souls his own ghosts can absorb naturally.

"It's terrible!" Chen Xiaowu pulled Xiao Han's arm tightly.

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Han quietly soothed.

"Yeah!" Chen Xiaowu nodded, then looked at Xiao Han, and said: "Xiao Han, we... do we have to go forward?"

The road ahead seemed endless, it looked terrifying. Not only Chen Xiaowu was scared, but Wan Yingying beside her was also very scared. She trembled and took Xiao Han's other arm, and said: "Xiao Han, I...how do I feel something is happening here? What?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"When I came here before, I could only see one or two occasionally, how come I could see so many this time?" Wan Yingying said embarrassedly.

"Have you been here before?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Right!" Wan Yingying nodded hurriedly and said: "Otherwise, how can I lead you?"

Xiao Han thought for a while, and felt that what Wan Yingying said seemed reasonable.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Maybe it was a big luck this time?"

Xiao Han's voice just fell.


Suddenly, the sound of a gong came.

Then, the eunuch's high-pitched voice was like the voice of the ghost of hell.

"The emperor is driving the study..."

The three of them were dumbfounded.

Everyone stared not far away. In the thick black fog, two rows of people walked out from the inside. Walking in the front was a man wearing Qing Dynasty **** costume. He carried a whisk in his hand. Looking ahead, it seemed that Xiao Han and others were directly ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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