The **** said awkwardly: "Or... do you want to send someone in to arrest him?"

"No need." The emperor shook his head and said, "Just let the guard go. If the guard doesn't work, let me come."

"Ah?" When the **** heard it, he said: "The emperor, you can't help it, you are a dragon, how can you fight this assassin?"

"How can he be my opponent?" The emperor snorted coldly.

"But..." the **** said awkwardly: "He...he is a human!"

"Me too!" The emperor glared at him.

"Yes, yes!" The **** nodded hurriedly, not daring to touch the emperor's brow easily. Once the emperor turned his face, he would be miserable, he was afraid, he was also terrified, and even more panicked.

The guards are constantly attacking Xiao Han, no matter what, they have no way to win Xiao Han's fortress.

The other party took various measures but still couldn't win Xiao Han.

Seeing that more than 20 people could not beat a mere mortal, the emperor was also anxious.


Suddenly, the emperor jumped down from Longhu. He quickly rushed towards Xiao Han.

"Broken!" Chen Xiaowu was shocked.


Xiao Han didn't realize that someone would sneak attack. Of course, he didn't expect the other party to have such a blow. At that time, that slap hit Xiao Han's chest.


Suddenly, Xiao Han spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood.

That bit of blood spilled on the faces of the two guards on the spot.

what! ! !

The two guards suddenly screamed, and the two of them fell down immediately. Their pale complexion suddenly looked incredibly hideous, but most of their faces were corroded, and suddenly they became extremely hideous and hideous. Miserable and terrifying.

The eyeballs in the eye sockets are gone, only a black hole is left, and only half of the eyeballs remain.

"Asshole, ruined my appearance!" The two guards were furious, very angry.

"Kill!" the guards shouted.

More than two dozen people attacked again.

Although Xiao Han is not afraid of them, there are many people on the other side. The most important thing is that behind these people, there is a monster of the ** level. That guy turned out to be the emperor on Long Margin. The opponent's strength is very strong, as can be seen from the attack just now, this guy's strength is definitely above the Yinling, that is to say, a Yinling is not the opponent of the opponent at all, and it must be all Yinlings. Released.

Whoosh whoosh...

Xiao Han didn't care about revealing his secrets, he simply released all the Yin Ling.

The twelve ghosts floated in the air, and everyone seemed to be a murderous **** wearing a black cloak. They were like black shadows, the cloaks still dancing in the wind. It seems very domineering.

"Wow!" Chen Xiaowu was stunned again, she said in astonishment: "Oh my god, then...what is that?"

"It's... it's a ghost..." Wan Yingying was dumbfounded, and said: "That...that's the ghost released by Xiao Han!"

"Xiao Han... Xiao Han is also... a ghost?" Chen Xiaowu was almost paralyzed in fright.

"No!" Wan Yingying hurriedly shook her head and said: "Those ghosts must have been raised by him. I heard that some powerful Taoist priests in Maoshan can raise ghosts by themselves. These ghosts will be his right-hand men in the future. I didn't expect... Xiao Han is so mysterious!"

"It's amazing!" Chen Xiaowu suddenly exclaimed when he heard it: "He...he is not afraid of ghosts, and he raised ghosts by himself. How can he be so powerful?"

"Hmm!" Wan Yingying nodded.

Chen Xiaowu smiled, and then said: "No matter what, as long as Xiao Han wins, we can get out of here smoothly."

"Hmm!" Chen Xiaowu nodded.

Carrying twelve yin spirits, Xiao Han was instantly majestic and stunned.

"Hey..." Xiao Han grinned.

"The emperor, it's not good." The **** was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted: "Let's run."

None of the more than twenty guards dared to move, one by one shivered. Yin Ling means death to them. The strength of the Yinling is above the thumping ghost. Ghosts belong to the lowest of the three, six or nine classes. The emperor is at best the one above the Yin Ling. He can deal with one or two ghosts, but he can't deal with twelve. Even if all the guards go together, I am afraid it is not an opponent of the ghost.

The emperor was standing at a distance of no more than meters from Xiao Han. He looked at Xiao Han coldly and asked: "Where are you holy? You want to take my life."

"Humph!" Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said: "I didn't intend to harm you, you must rob these two girls!"

"Is it a king's soil in the whole world? It's a princely minister." The emperor snorted coldly, and said: "These two girls are my harem girls. I want to marry them. It is their honor. You dare to stop them. ?"

"Then you are wrong." Xiao Lian Lun laughed and said: "They are humans, you are ghosts, there is a difference between humans and ghosts."

"If they die, they will be ghosts." The emperor smiled: "Anyone who dares to enter our palace, I have the right to control their life and death. Including you!"

"You can try!" Xiao Han replied with disdain.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want with the twelve ghosts?" The emperor sneered.

"If I want to kill you, it's easy!" Xiao Han also has a killer's skill, and his killer's skill is the soul orb. Although Xiao Han didn't understand the purpose of this soul orb, he could feel that this soul orb could suppress this most yin thing. No ghost ghost can escape the suppression of the soul orb. I'm afraid that Cixi didn't think of this. After death, her soul ascended into bliss with the assistance of soul beads.

"Really?" The emperor snorted coldly and said: "Then I will let you try my best!"

After speaking, his arms shook.


Suddenly, the dragon robe on the opponent shattered, revealing the red armor inside, and the red armor exuded waves of gloomy aura, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Even the twelve Yin spirits behind Xiao Han were a little scared.

The nails of the opponent's hands became longer one by one, and the teeth in his mouth turned into white fangs. Grim-faced.

"Oh my God!" Chen Xiaowu exclaimed.

"It's so scary!" Wan Yingying said in astonishment: "This...what the **** is this?"

"Ghost King!" Xiao Han blurted out.

The king of ghosts was found from some historical materials, especially in the ancient mythology novel "Sou Shen Ji". The ghost king is a **** demon with very powerful abilities. The most important thing is that he is not afraid of any magical artifacts and some gossip and other things full of yang. Moreover, only one ghost king can be produced among 10,000 ghosts. As soon as the King of Ghosts came out, it was powerful.

The twelve ghosts were terrified.

However, Xiao Han appeared extremely excited. If he could win this ghost king, then his invisible strength would not know how much he would improve. He seemed extremely excited. Xiao Han was inexplicably excited.

"Good, good, good." Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

The ghost king showed his true body, and his strength skyrocketed countless times. The armor on the Ghost King looked extremely dazzling, and his fangs were like that evil ghost.


Suddenly, the King of Ghosts caught the **** on the side, opened his blood basin and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"Ah..." The **** screamed, and soon disappeared into the belly of the ghost king. The ghosts of the eunuchs were swallowed by the ghost king, which enhanced the strength of the ghost king and made his armor more dazzling.

When a ghost is caught by the ghost king, he will quickly turn into a cloud of black energy and then be directly swallowed by the ghost king. Swallow it directly into his stomach.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. He snorted and said, "Do you think this will scare me?"

"No!" Ghost King shook his head and said: "I want to swallow you too!"

After that, the ghost dynasty rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han dismissed it and said, "Kill me!"

The twelve ghosts quickly surrounded the past. There was a frantic entanglement between the two sides.

The twelve yin spirits were fighting against the ghost king, and it was still a bit difficult and even a disadvantage. The ghost king grabbed one of the ghosts with one hand, and swallowed the other with Qi Tun. However, the eleven ghosts at the back quickly surrounded them, as if moths were fighting the fire.

Upon seeing this, the ghost king hurriedly let go.

Unexpectedly, with the assistance of other Yinlings, the ghost king did not succeed. This annoyed the ghost king.


Suddenly, the ghost king yelled and thumped his chest and feet with anger.

The King of Ghosts snorted coldly, and then said: "I am so mad, I want to swallow all of you!"

After speaking, the ghost king quickly rushed over.

With this flutter, the twelve Yin Spirits instantly dispersed. The king of ghosts rushed to the air.

The ghost king did not let him go, but continued to bite wildly. Yin Ling is not stupid, although they are several levels behind the ghost king, but at least they have a sense of self-protection and know how to dodge fatal attacks.

The ghost king is getting more and more fierce and crazy.

Yin Ling completely lost the ability to attack and could only dodge constantly.

Seeing that the yin spirit that he had worked so hard to **** from the old Qingfeng Dao was about to be swallowed by the ghost king, he was immediately anxious. He rushed over, and the wishful stick in his hand hit the ghost king's fiercely. On the back.


There was a loud noise.

The King of Ghosts flew out at the time, and immediately hit the red wall on the side.

The masonry shattered and the soil scattered.

Half of the ghost king slammed into the wall. Ruyi stick belongs to pure yang, while ghost king belongs to yin. If you use pure yang weapons to attack the yin thing, the opponent will definitely be hurt. Moreover, the attack index has also risen linearly. It can be seen that the other party must be injured.

The ghost king struggled to get up.

"Eat me a stick!" Xiao Han roared, and he fell from mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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