The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 669: Assessment of the Red House

Xiao Han felt that he was full of comfort, and most importantly, his vanity was unprecedentedly satisfied. What kind of pride is it to be able to sleep with a hot actress like Xiaomu? At least Xiao Han feels very cool.

This evening, Xiao Han had been venting almost all night, and Xiao Mu had no choice but to bear Xiao Han's lust. Continue to accept Xiao Han's crazy impact.

One toss is one night.

Fortunately, this evening passed quickly.

Xiaomu probably had a shadow in his heart. This evening, Xiao Han attacked himself like a beast. In the Red Mansion for so many years, she had never met such a perverted person, and she was able to come four or five times a night. Most importantly, each time is a long time. And Xiaomu had no choice but to stay with each other without sleeping.

Until 8 o'clock the next morning.

Xiao Han stretched his waist and saw the drowsy little Mu.

"Xiao Mu, got up." Xiao Han said.

"Xiao Han, I...I really don't want it anymore." Xiaomu hurriedly opened his eyes.

"No more." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "Just to get you up and get ready to eat breakfast!"

When Xiao Mu heard this, he let out a sigh of relief and revealed a bright smile, saying: "Xiao Han, you are really a loving boy. However, if you are looking for a girlfriend in the future, you must feel sorry for your girlfriend. To her."

"Why?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I don't think anyone can withstand the size and strength of yours." Xiao Mu Xin glanced at Xiao Han's crotch with lingering fear.

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed when he heard it.

"So..." Xiaomu said awkwardly, "I suggest you find more girlfriends!"

"That's okay?" Xiao Han looked at her in surprise.

"What's wrong with this?" Xiaomu smiled, and then said: "Don't say it's you, some very ordinary, very normal men, small in size, short lasting men, looking for four or five women in the entertainment industry My friend, let alone you, really need to find a few girlfriends to bear your strength."

"The entertainment circle is really messy." Xiao Han smiled.

"Xiao Han, don't find a girlfriend in the entertainment industry." Xiaomu looked at Xiao Han seriously and said: "I would rather be ordinary, as long as you look beautiful. But don't find a woman in the entertainment industry. Because... …"

"Because of what?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Because...because the entertainment industry is much messier than you think." Xiaomu smiled.

"Can you give me an example?" Xiao Han asked.

"A certain well-known director, how many actresses sleep in one night, do you know?" Xiaomu sneered and said, "And it's on the same bed."

"Huh?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Xiaomu nodded, and said: "This kind of thing is nothing. What is really disgusting is that a few men and a few women are in the same room**...that is the real disgusting thing."

"Have you participated?" Xiao Han asked.

"No, I have never participated in this!" Xiaomu shook his head and said: "No matter who it is, no matter how much money I give, I don't want to, I also have my own bottom line."

Xiao Han hugged her, talked on the bed for a while, and got up.

After going downstairs, I saw Mo Shaocong and Xiaozao in the restaurant.

The two looked like a small couple.

After eating, Xiaozao and Xiaomu left the capital directly with the assistance of their assistants and flew to Shanghai.

"How do you feel?" Mo Shaocong asked with a smile.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's okay."

"Your kid pretended to be upright with me yesterday. Are you satisfied now?" Mo Shaocong laughed.

"I'm just curious." Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong awkwardly, and said, "I really didn't expect them to be so famous and make money so much that they still need to sell their bodies in this way."

"No one can't live with fame, and no one can't live with money." Mo Shaocong smiled.

"By the way, how much did it cost this time?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"The two of us spent 1.8 million together." Mo Shaocong showed a weird smile.


Xiao Han was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Eighteen million in one night, which is too exaggerated.

"No wonder there is no business in this ghost place." Xiao Han said awkwardly.

"Don't say that there is no business here." Mo Shaocong smiled and said: "On the contrary, business here is pretty good. There are several businesses every month. This means that there are hundreds of millions of income in a month. You think about it……"

"My God." Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong in astonishment.

"In addition, not everyone is here in the Red Mansion. Some people contact the Red Mansion directly through encrypted phones, and the girl will fly directly to the capital and go to the other party's home." Mo Shaocong smiled and said: "People who can afford to spend in the Red Mansion They are all powerful and powerful. They live in luxury houses in the capital, and the security measures are many times stronger than those in ordinary places."

"That's true." Xiao Han suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't meet anyone else in the Red Mansion.

"Furthermore, the Red House is not for anyone." Mo Shaocong said with a cigarette in his mouth, "I was almost turned away."

"Huh?" Xiao Han said in astonishment when he heard this: "Just because of your background...even?"

"What am I?" Mo Shaocong pointed out a puff of white smoke, and then said: "In the capital, I really can't rank."

"Ah..." Xiao Han felt a little frightened inexplicably.

"I did Li Shao a favor last time, so I asked Li Shao to give me a guarantee." Mo Shaocong smiled bitterly and said, "Otherwise, with my qualifications, I wouldn't be able to pass the red building assessment."

"There is still an assessment in the Red Mansion?" Xiao Han asked in surprise.

"No!" Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "It is always customers who are picky and appraisal of stores. But Honglou is different. He is picky and appraisal of customers. If you want to become a VIP customer of Honglou, you must have it. A position above the department level. Of course, if your dad is a minister or deputy minister of Beijing, that's okay. However, if you are an official in a foreign area, no relatives are eligible except for yourself.

"Heh, the conditions are really high." Xiao Han looked shocked. Counting down, there are a few people across the country who can meet the standard. Is it possible that these people are all customers of Honglou?

"That's quite high." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "It is said that there are less than a hundred VIP customers in the Red Chamber."

"Only these hundred people can afford a big red mansion?" Xiao Han asked in shock.

"Hehe..." Mo Shaocong smiled and said: "You are stupid, the real money-making customers are not like you and me. They are on the higher level. They are generous and don't lack money at all. Besides, you know Honglou's Who is the owner?"

"Who?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Hey, this person can't say it." Mo Shaocong smiled mysteriously, and said: "Knowing it is no good for you. I can only tell you that if this person stomped his foot, the earth would shake three times."


Xiao Han took a breath. Although I don't know who this person is, the person who has the power of the palm of the sky in China and can make the earth shake three times, I am afraid that he can count it with his fingers?

Xiao Han didn't dare to think deeper.

"I really shouldn't know." Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

"Well, we should also withdraw." Mo Shaocong smiled.

"Where to go?" Xiao Han asked.

"Take you to visit the mountains and rivers of the capital." Mo Shaocong laughed.

Mo Shaocong made a phone call and found someone to send a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle, and then drove the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle with Xiao Han around the streets and alleys in Beijing. Xiao Han is very fond of the historic sites and culture of the capital.

In the capital, there are well-known big alleys, as well as the quintessence of Beijing opera.

Mo Shaocong took Xiao Han around the street for a while, and after enjoying the scenery of Dajingcheng, he immediately took Xiao Han to Deyun Society.

"Go, I'll take you to listen to Lao Guo's cross talk." Mo Shaocong laughed.

"Success!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I have been watching Guo Degang on TV, and now I can finally go to Deyun to see himself."

Deyun Society is very famous in Beijing.

Deyun Society is one of the most famous large-scale professional cross talk societies in China. Its full name is Beijing Deyun Society Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. It was established in 1995 and was once called Beijing Cross Talk Conference. Deyun Club takes "returning cross talk to the theater" and making "real cross talk" as its main theme. On July 3, 2011, Deyun Club opened up a new form in the Beizhan Theater, using dialects of slurs and a mix of drama and cross talk, to interpret the cross talk of various styles from the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China to the founding of New China.

Guo Degang is the pillar of Deyun Club and the boss of Deyun Club.

However, Guo Degang does not talk about cross talk in Deyun Club every day. In other words, it is not so easy to hear Guo Degang's cross talk in Deyun Club. Must hit a good time. Today, Guo Degang has a cross talk in Deyun Society. So Xiao Han happened to be in good time.

However, when Guo Degang comes on stage, the audience is almost full. It is not easy to get a ticket. However, with Mo Shaocong, it is not a big problem to get two seats in the front row.

Mo Shaocong made a phone call and quickly got the tickets.

When I arrived at the gate of Deyun Society, I looked at the huge sign.

Deyun Society is located near Wangfujing. The decoration here is very retro. The houses on the street are also made of wood, with ancient Chinese style structures and colorful decorations. It looks like it was in ancient times.

There was a younger brother at the door responding to Mo Shaocong.

"Mo Shao." The man in the flowered shirt saw Mo Shaocong from a distance. He ran over and said with a smile: "These are the two tickets you want!"

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