The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 670: Listen to cross talk

"Good!" Mo Shaocong nodded.

After the man gave the ticket to Mo Shaocong, he turned around and left.

Xiao Han looked very cheerful: "Is it so easy to get it?"

"Of course!" Mo Shaocong looked at Xiao Han triumphantly, and said: "Let's go, we should also go in, everyone is in."

"Go." Xiao Han nodded.

The two quickly entered the arena, crowded with people inside. The Deyun Club is divided into two floors, and the two floors can accommodate more than 1,000 spectators. The scene was almost full. Those empty positions are rarely seen. Even if the place is empty, it is someone who came late like Xiao Han and Mo Shaocong, or someone who was delayed because of things.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He grinned and said, "Heh, there are so many people here!"

"No, Lao Guo's cross talk is very popular!" Mo Shaocong laughed.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "He was not so popular before, but now he is gaining attention because of his popularity."

"This is so popular, people are easy to get overwhelmed!" Mo Shaocong grinned, and then said: "Lao Guo has been a little overwhelmed over the years."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "This guy has a lot of negative influences."

Mo Shaocong listened, smiled, and said, "Let's go!"

The two walked forward, came to the front, and then took their seats.

"Xiao Han!" Suddenly, a voice came.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked, it turned out to be Chen Xiaowu.

"It's you?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Xiaowu not far away with a look of surprise.

"What a coincidence, do you guys come to listen to Guo Degang's cross talk?" Chen Xiaowu said in surprise.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Mo Shaocong smiled on the side and said, "Yes, I came as soon as I received the news. What a coincidence."

It was not Wen Xiaobao who accompanied Chen Xiaowu, but a beautiful girl. Sure enough, people are gathered in groups, Chen Xiaowu is such a beautiful girl, and the friends around him are also so beautiful.

"It's really a coincidence." Chen Xiaowu's eyes released light.

Xiao Han's cursing in his heart really saw a ghost, and he didn't expect to see Chen Xiaowu in a cross talk. Xiao Han felt a little surprised and puzzled. However, when you see it, you have to smile. Unless you don’t see it, then naturally there is nothing to say.

Soon, the cross talk began.

The simple and honest Guo Degang brought his old partner Yu Qian to the stage. The two talked and sang for a while, making the audience laugh. Everyone laughed so that their jaws were almost dislocated. Xiao Han also kept laughing.

Chen Xiaowu wanted to talk to Xiao Han several times, but Xiao Han kept laughing to himself, completely ignoring himself. This made Chen Xiaowu a little depressed. Xiao Han is so disgusting that he ignores himself.

Until the cross talk was over, Chen Xiaowu said excitedly: "Xiao Han, will you eat together later?"

"No, I have to visit the Forbidden City." Xiao Han said.

"What's so fun?" Chen Xiaowu shook his head when he heard it, and said: "There are so many fun places in the capital than the Forbidden City, or... I'll take you to play. I will definitely let you play the most authentic. Beijing attractions."

"No." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I still want to go to the Forbidden City. After all, it is a cultural treasure of our country for thousands of years. When you come to Beijing, you must go to the Forbidden City."

"That's fine, I'll take you there. I'll be your free tour guide." Chen Xiaowu smiled.

Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong helplessly.

Mo Shaocong was shocked, and then said embarrassingly: "Xiao Wu, since you are going to take Xiao Han, then you go. It just so happens that I still have things to do!"

"Okay!" Chen Xiaowu was instantly happy when he heard it.

Just as Mo Shaocong was about to turn around and escape, Xiao Han grabbed his arm.

"Xiao Han, have fun, Xiao Wu will definitely entertain you warmly." Mo Shaocong smiled, and then said: "Believe me, Xiao Wu must be a qualified tour guide, definitely more qualified than me."

After speaking, Mo Shaocong turned around and left.

Looking at Mo Shaocong's back, Xiao Han felt like crying without tears.

Beside, two beautiful girls stared at them, as if waiting for them to give orders. However, Xiao Han has a bitter face.

At the door of Deyun Club, many men's eyes swept around Chen Xiaowu and her friends. Finally, he looked at Xiao Han with a look of disgust. If the average man can be accompanied by Chen Xiaowu, he will probably be happy. However, this guy Xiao Han is dissatisfied and complains.

Xiao Han seemed extremely troubled.

Actually, it's not that he doesn't like Chen Xiaowu. On the contrary, everyone will like beautiful girls. However, Chen Xiaowu is Wen Xiaobao's girlfriend. If I have excessive contact with her, once a certain misunderstanding arises, I am afraid I will suffer. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to keep a distance from Chen Xiaowu.

"Xiao Han, let's go!" Chen Xiaowu reached out and enthusiastically took Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han was startled, and hurriedly pushed away Chen Xiaowu's hand, and said awkwardly, "Go... let's go."

"Yingying, go and drive the car!" Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Yingying nodded immediately.

Yingying obviously saw Chen Xiaowu just pulling Xiao Han's hand. Therefore, she looked at Xiao Han very curiously. She didn't understand the relationship between Chen Xiaowu and Xiao Han? Is it just a friendship between two people? This makes Yingying a little curious.

Not long after, Yingying drove the car over.

A fiery red Tesla sports car. The appearance is very cool, but also very domineering. The whole car looks extremely cool. A person’s personality can be seen from a car. The owner of this car must be a wild man.

"Xiao Han, get in the car." Chen Xiaowu smiled.

Xiao Han was forced to get into the car helplessly.

After getting in the car, Chen Xiaowu smiled and said, "Yingying, your car is very handsome."

"Hehe..." Yingying heard it, covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "I only bought it for two months."

"Let's go, let's go to the Forbidden City." Chen Xiaowu said.

"Sister Xiaowu, the place in the Forbidden City has no meaning at all." Yingying pursed her mouth, and said, "Why are you going to the Forbidden City? Why not find a place to play games."

Yingying is a full game fan, from League of Legends to Glory of Kings, but she is basically very proficient in all popular games. Moreover, Yingying has many game fans around her. People like Chen Xiaowu grab a lot. However, Chen Xiaowu's performance level is not very good.

The car raced all the way.

Don't look at Yingying's gentle and lovely appearance, but she has an uncontrollable ambition in her heart. Moreover, this ambition is like a wild horse running away. Moreover, it may break out at any time.

At this time, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and suddenly it rushed. The speed is very fast, and very fast.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Han felt the strong sensation of pushing his back. This feeling made him feel dizzy.

"Slow down!" Chen Xiaowu hurriedly reminded.

Xiao Han sat in the back, but looked at the front of the car earnestly. He was afraid that this little girl might have an accident, but fortunately, this girl's skills were not bad. Several accidents turned out to be a disaster.

After arriving at the Forbidden City, the car stopped in a nearby parking lot.

The three got out of the car, Yingying flicked her long flowing hair, and said triumphantly: "Sister Xiaowu, how are my driving skills?"

"Alright!" Chen Xiaowu nodded.

"Brother Xiao Han, what do you think?" Yingying looked at Xiao Han with a smile.

"Not bad." Chen Xiaowu nodded immediately.

"Hehe..." Yingying smiled.

"Xiao Han, Yingying is a member of the racing club." Chen Xiaowu said with a smile: "This girl has also won the domestic racing award."

"Really?" Xiao Han looked at Yingying in surprise.

This girl seemed to win and win and was weak, and she was a childlike giant. Unexpectedly, this weak-looking girl is still a handsome racer, which is simply incredible.

Seeing Xiao Han's unbelievable look, Wan Yingying seemed even more proud.

"Let's go." Chen Xiaowu smiled.

Wan Yingying hurried to buy a ticket, but the Forbidden City needs a ticket.

After buying the tickets, several people immediately passed the gate and entered the Forbidden City.

The magnificent building is very domineering. Entering from the Meridian Gate, you can see a straight and straight road, surrounded by an open space. Moreover, this large square is very domineering. Xiao Han seemed to see the grand scene of ancient kings slowly entering the court from here.

Chen Xiaowu smiled and explained to Xiao Han the history of the Forbidden City and everything about the Forbidden City.

Wan Yingying also occasionally added a few words.

Going from the Meridian Gate to the inside, I walked to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the most magnificent hall in the Forbidden City, because this is the place where the emperor went to court.

Chen Xiaowu said earnestly: "The Hall of Supreme Harmony, commonly known as the Jinluan Hall, is the essence of ancient Chinese palace architecture and one of the three major halls in the East. The largest existing wooden hall in China. It is located at a prominent position on the north-south axis of the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was built in the year and was called Fengtian Temple. It was renamed Huangji Temple in the 41st year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, and was renamed in the 2nd year of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty. After its completion, it was repeatedly burnt down and rebuilt many times. This hall is the shape after the rebuilding of Kangxi in the 34th year of Qing Dynasty. "

Xiao Han listened very carefully, and Wan Yingying occasionally added.

Chen Xiaowu said again: "The Hall of Supreme Harmony was built in the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty and was called Fengtian Hall. It was renamed Huangji Hall in 41st year of Jiajing. It was renamed in the second year of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty. It was repeatedly burned and rebuilt many times. On the top of the eaves hall, there are three white marble steps sitting on the top of the palace. Golden dragon and seal paintings are used. There are as many as eleven immortals and beasts on the roof. The eleven rooms are all of the highest form. It is one of the largest existing wooden frame buildings in China, Taihe The plaque "Jianji Suiyou" in the hall is the imperial pen of Emperor Qianlong. The existing plaque is a copy."

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