Xiao Han dumbly heard someone knocking on the door.

"Xiaohan, get up." Mo Shaocong shouted at the door.

Xiao Han hurriedly got up and said, "I'm up."

"I'll wait for you downstairs, you wash up." Mo Shaocong smiled.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

I simply took a shower, then put on my clothes and went downstairs.

Mo Shaocong was waiting for him downstairs, while the cheongsam girl was by the side.

"Mr. Xiao, are you awake?" The cheongsam girl smiled.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"The restaurant has already prepared dinner for the two of you." The cheongsam girl smiled: "In addition, the two actresses will be here soon. Do you want to wait for them to dine together or eat first?"

"Let's go together." Xiao Han replied.

"That's OK!" The cheongsam girl nodded.

After staying in the downstairs room for about half an hour, the cheongsam girl knocked on the door again and said: "Mo Shao, they are here."

"Then let them in." Mo Shaocong pinched out the cigarette butt.

Before long, two girls came in.

One of them, Xiao Han, recognized it at a glance, and it was the one he ordered, as beautiful as on TV. The appearance looks pure and lovely, and the figure is perfect. Wearing a white Chanel dress, carrying a Chanel handbag in his hand, with pigtails, it is full of sporty atmosphere like the TV show. When he laughs, it is very sweet, half of his face, but very plump.

"Xiao Han, have you waited for a long time?" She saw Xiao Han at a glance, and hurriedly came over, holding Xiao Han's arm.

A scent came from the opponent. They have already done their homework on the road, and the Red Chamber will send the customer's information to the other party in advance, so that the other party can read some basic information about the other party, including photos. Therefore, it will not appear so awkward when meeting.

"I..." Xiao Han was slightly embarrassed.

"You call me Xiaomu." Xiaomu smiled slightly.

"Xiao Mu?!" Xiao Han was startled, which was completely different from her own name.

"Yes, Xiaomu!" She nodded.

"Okay!" Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "Anyway, the name is just a code name."

"Yes!" Xiaomu nodded and said, "This name is my stage name in the Red Chamber."

"Understood." Xiao Han nodded immediately.

Although the girl Mo Shaocong ordered is not as famous as Xiao Mu, she is now one of the most popular actresses. Several TV series have been staged, and they were born in a peasant family, with a cute baby face, very delicate and beautiful. After entering, he got into Mo Shaocong's arms. Not as reserved as Xiaomu. Her stage name in the Red Chamber is Xiaozao.

"Let's go eat." Mo Shaocong said.

"Okay, I'm hungry." Xiao Zao said.

Afterwards, the group of people rushed straight to the restaurant.

The restaurant is on the second floor, very magnificent and magnificent. The entire restaurant seems to be immersed in a golden world.

There are retro golden floor tiles on the ground, golden wall tiles, golden crystal lamps, golden tableware, and even the dining table are golden.

"The tableware is all gold." Mo Shaocong smiled.

Xiao Han lowered his head and glanced, this set of tableware is not a few catties of gold? A set of tableware can't reach millions? Is this too exaggerated?

Xiaomu on the side helps Xiao Han wipe the tableware with wet wipes, which is also considered a secondary disinfection. Although it is not necessary, it is a good habit.

"Thank you!" Xiao Han expressed his thanks.

"You're welcome!" Xiaomu smiled politely.

The dinner is very rich, authentic French cuisine. This was all arranged by Mo Shaocong.

French food has steak, foie gras, French snails...

There are many varieties and rich styles. It tastes very refreshing, but...not full.

When eating, Xiao Mu had been waiting for Xiao Han, without having to move his chopsticks. Mo Shaocong and Xiaozao appeared to be much more open. They drank a cup of wine and ate a piece of my beef at the same time. They kissed them as they ate.

Xiao Han is much more honest.

After dinner. Mo Shaocong took Xiaozao to the room. But Xiao Han said: "Xiao Mu, let's go for a walk."

"Huh?" Xiaomu said awkwardly when he heard it, "No... OK?"

"Why?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Let's go back to the room." Xiaomu's face was slightly red, and said: "I can satisfy you with whatever needs you have, but...just go out for a walk!"

Xiao Han soon knew what was going on.

Xiaomu is a first-line celebrity after all, so you must pay attention to your influence at any time, and she now has a husband. If you go out rashly, you will definitely be recognized. Once discovered, it is estimated that the media will be bombarded, and the husband will find out that the family will be ruined. Your own popularity will collapse completely. Therefore, she definitely didn't want to go for a walk with Xiao Han. She would rather wait on Xiao Han in the room, and leave as soon as possible.

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Well then, go upstairs."

For any man, being able to sleep with a female star is definitely the biggest dream of his life. This is why so many local tyrants spend a lot of money to sleep a female star.

Isn’t there a girl prettier than a female star? Have! Of course there is! Moreover, various nightclubs and clubs have a lot of searches.

However, female stars are more conquering for men.

Xiao Han is also a man, and Xiao Mu is a well-known actress in China, and her popularity is still rising. It can be described as a goddess in the minds of many men. If you can sleep with such an actress, it is also a dream for Xiao Han since puberty. Now, the opportunity to realize his dream is in front of him, can he not grasp it?

Entering the room, Xiaomu took off his clothes very skillfully, revealing his perfect figure. The front arch is curved back, which makes people look extremely alluring.

Looking at Xiaomu's figure, Xiao Han couldn't help but feel the primitive impulse of some men. This impulse made him want to jump up immediately.

To be honest, Xiaomu's figure is definitely not as good as Li Xiaoya's figure, but he has a strong idea of ​​conquering Xiaomu.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han jumped up decisively. Then he rushed towards Xiaomu.

"Ah!" Xiaomu exclaimed and said: "Xiao Han, don't worry, take your time."

"I can't wait." Xiao Han's consciousness can no longer control his body. At this moment, he is no different from a beast.

Before Xiao Mu resisted, Xiao Han could not wait to enter her body.

Xiaomu suddenly felt his whole person swelled.

"Ah, good...it's big." Xiaomu exclaimed, and she bit her red lips tightly, which was almost bleeding from the bite. However, she could only endure this feeling hard, she endured hard, greeted Xiao Han's impact.

In the room, Xiao Han began to vent his primitive instincts.

This instinct allows Xiaomu to withstand an unprecedented impact, and of course, it is also a sense of fulfillment that has never been seen before. This feeling made her excited and painful at the same time. She wanted to break free from this feeling, but she found that Xiao Han was holding her hands firmly, it was like a very hungry wolf. Lived like a weak lamb.

Xiao Han seemed to be transformed into a fierce beast, constantly impacting Xiaomu's body.

Bang bang ......

In the room, there were waves of crashing sounds.

There were also Xiaomu's screams and screams, all filling the room. The soundproofing of the room is good, and the sound inside cannot be heard at all. People outside can never hear any sound.

Under Xiao Han's crazy impact, Xiaomu's voice became more and more loud and excited.

This is the sleeping female celebrity in Xiao Han's life. He naturally wished to use his whole body's power, wishing to punish the other party to death.

It's not just Xiao Han, I am afraid that any man will have this idea. In this era, men like entertainers, and everyone has the dream of a sleeping star. Once someone realizes it, they will inevitably kill the other person.

Now, Xiao Han is killing the other party.

Xiaomu's figure is very good, and his **** is very warped. Every time he hits, Xiao Han works so hard that Xiaomu's **** is all red.

Until the end, Xiaomu lay weakly on the head of the bed, and Xiao Han pressed her down.

Xiaomu's whole body was almost weak, and her breath drifted away. Finally, when Xiao Han was over, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. This may be the most exciting day in her life. After being hit so hard by Xiao Han, he almost passed out.

"Xiao Han, you...you are amazing." Xiaomu said breathlessly.

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled.

"No..." Xiaomu gave him a white look and said, "I almost fainted."

Xiao Han grinned and said, "Then you tried it today."

"You are amazing." Xiaomu smiled.

In fact, Xiaomu doesn't like this feeling, she prefers to be gentle. Although her husband is not as powerful as Xiao Han, she has a feeling of being loved and loved by others. But Xiao Han is different, this guy is wealthy. And it was very brave and violent. Almost all of his power was used by him, and he used the power of feeding. How can Xiaomu feel that his weaker body can withstand the impact of such a force?

Fortunately, this time is over. Therefore, she smiled heartily.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smirked.

Xiaomu hurriedly said: "You come out quickly, I'm going to take a shower!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Xiao Han hurriedly backed out.

Xiaomu hurriedly covered his place, and then hurriedly headed for the bathroom.

In the bathroom, there was a sound of water.

Xiao Han felt very comfortable and very good. He lay on the bedside, looking at a figure looming in the bathroom. Xiao Han couldn't think of how he could sleep with such a beautiful and well-known actress in his entire life. Of course, all of this depends on Mo Shaocong.

(End of this chapter)

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