"I used to think so too." Mo Shaocong looked at Wen Xiaobao seriously and said: "But this time, I really regard him as a brother."

"Why?" Wen Xiaobao asked suspiciously.

"When a person is willing to work for you time and time again, without money, without a picture..." Mo Shaocong felt guilty in his heart. To be honest, Xiao Han has been with himself for so long and has never tried to do anything about himself. Shi, never used his identity to slander him everywhere, let alone help him once. However, as long as he wants something, Xiao Han will certainly respond. Such a person is rare in my life, so why not cherish it? When Mo Shaocong thought of this, his eyes couldn't help but moist, and said, "So, he is really my brother."

Wen Xiaobao is still puzzled: "He is with you, nothing more than to be able to use you one day."

"If Xiao Han is to be able to take advantage of me one day, what happened to him when he stayed alone last night?" Mo Shaocong asked Wen Xiaobao rationally, and said, "Why should he do something irrelevant? Did a person ruin his own life? There is only one life for a person. If you lose your life, you lose everything, money, beauty, reputation, prestige..."

"This..." Wen Xiaobao didn't know how to explain for a while, so he had to laugh: "Let's... don't waste time."

"If you want to go, I will stay and wait for him." Mo Shaocong said.

In fact, Xiao Han was more leisurely along the way. The reason why he was not hurried all the way, and that he also had a good time for a good breakfast. Moreover, I haven't kept in touch with Mo Shaocong from last night until now because he has an idea in his heart.

Xiao Han glanced at the phone, it was already half past nine.

The airport is about one kilometer away.

According to the agreement, if there is no call, meet at the airport before ten o'clock. The remaining half an hour is enough to get to the airport. However, Xiao Han was not in a hurry. Instead, he got out of a taxi at a distance of about one kilometer and walked to the airport.

In the airport.

Wen Xiaobao and his party have not yet passed through customs, but are waiting for Xiao Han outside the airport. This place is the only way to enter the airport.

"Well, I said that kid won't come." Wen Xiaobao sighed and said: "Wen Shao, I really want to thank him this time, but he must have been shot to death by the opponent last night. The character of the other party, Xiao Han must be more fierce than good."

Mo Shaocong's eyes were also full of despair. It was already 9:50. In the last ten minutes, time was lost every minute, and hope gradually became despair.

"There are still ten minutes." Mo Shaocong looked at the watch on his wrist.


IWC Portuguese series, the movement belongs to the observatory level. The price of this watch is around RMB 150,000. The price is very expensive.

"Don't wait for the last ten minutes?" Wen Xiaobao asked.

"I have been waiting all morning, do you still care about the last ten minutes?" Mo Shaocong smiled bitterly.

"Okay, okay!" Wen Xiaobao nodded helplessly, and said: "Then wait for the last ten minutes. When ten o'clock arrives, we will leave immediately!"

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded.

Seeing that the time is approaching ten o'clock.

Mo Shaocong found a familiar figure at the entrance.

"Xiao Han!" Mo Shaocong saw Xiao Han from a distance.

"Brother Mo!" Xiao Han's indifferent expression suddenly turned into a surprise.

The reason why Xiao Han is so slow, not rushed or slow along the way, and didn't contact Mo Shaocong when he came back last night, because he wanted to see if he was a brother to Mo Shaocong.

If the other party really regards himself as a brother, he will never leave himself alone, and will definitely wait for himself to come back at the agreed time.

If the other party leaves him alone, it means that Mo Shaocong does not regard himself as a brother at all, but is using himself.

Although a lot of time was wasted, Xiao Han verified at least one thing. In Mo Shaocong's heart, he really regarded himself as a brother. He did not lie to himself. No wonder Xiao Han seemed so excited, so excited.

"You are here." Mo Shaocong's eyes were red with excitement. He hurriedly asked, "You...what's the matter with you? Why didn't you contact me?"

"The phone is dead." Xiao Han shook his head helplessly, and said, "I don't know where you live, so I can only wait for you at the airport. I waited for you outside for a long time, but I didn't see you coming. , I thought you had already returned home, so I decided to leave after the agreed time. I didn't expect you to be here!"

"We have been waiting for you for a long time." Wen Xiaobao hurriedly interrupted.

"Yes, we have been waiting for you for a long time." Mo Shaocong nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work." Xiao Han smiled.

"Hurry up." Wen Xiaobao said hurriedly: "The plane is about to take off, Xiao Han, you should have a flight with us."

"Yes." Xiao Han nodded.

"Then why are you still hesitating?" Wen Xiaobao hurriedly pulled Xiao Han and left when he heard it.

The beautiful girl named Xiao Wu was always by her side, and she looked at Xiao Han with a pair of beautiful eyes. He seemed to admire Xiao Han very much along the way. It is also true that beautiful women love heroes, and a family girl like Xiao Wu, who is not short of money and power, naturally worships heroes very much.

This time, Wen Xiaobao gambled with red eyes and even mortgaged herself to the other party. Therefore, Xiao Wu was very disappointed with Wen Xiaobao. This time, when she returned to China, the first thing she did was to break up with the other party. Such a man, If you can mortgage you once, there will be a second time.

The group passed the customs and security check immediately.

As long as you pass the customs, there will be no major problems in returning home.

Xiao Han seemed very calm.

Wen Xiaobao was very anxious. He glanced at the notice board, and it actually informed the plane that it was late.

"Oh, **** it, it was late." Wen Xiaobao slammed his fist on the chair, and said very angrily: "It's really life-threatening."

"Wait patiently." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Anyway, I have passed customs, so I'm not afraid that I won't be able to return to China."

"Yes." Wen Xiaobao nodded.

A group of people waited patiently at the scene.

Wen Xiaobao and Mo Shaocong were afraid that an episode would happen before boarding the plane, but fortunately all of this was safe. Until the time of boarding, nothing happened. There was no episode.

One hour later, the boarding announcement was announced.

A few people got up immediately. They all bought first-class cabins, so they had priority boarding permissions, and Wen Xiaobao eagerly walked toward the cabin.

Xiao Han and Mo Shaocong walked inward side by side. The two were not in a hurry, and were not as rushed as Wen Xiaobao. On the contrary, he was calm and unhurried. It seemed that he did not escape, but came to travel.

After getting on the plane, everything calmed down completely. Just wait quietly for returning home.

Soon, the plane took off.

The plane flew directly from Naypyidaw to the capital.

Xiao Han has never been to Beijing in the future. This time Mo Shaocong bought Xiao Han a plane to Beijing. Just take advantage of this opportunity to travel around in the great capital. You can take this opportunity to wander around the capital.

Xiao Han sat in the last row of the first-class cabin. Loose location.

In the past, Xiao Han did not have the habit of flying in first class, but instead used to fly in economy class. After all, a few hours passed in a flash, without any discomfort at all. However, after taking first class this time, Xiao Han found that first class was much more comfortable than economy class. Not only the seat can be put down, but also a full set of entertainment facilities, sitting in it is simply a pleasure.

The first class has two seats in a row, with an aisle in the middle.

After the plane took off, Wen Xiaobao put on his blindfold and fell asleep soon. He hasn't closed his eyes in the past few days. The mental tension and physical pressure made him unable to fall asleep at all. Now that he can sleep well, he will naturally not give up this opportunity to sleep well.

But Xiao Wu beside Wen Xiaobao did not fall asleep.

Seeing that the seat next to Xiao Han was empty, she leaned forward curiously.

"It's you?" Xiao Han looked at Xiao Wu.

"My name is Chen Xiaowu." Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly, and showed a charming smile.

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Thank you for saving me this time." Chen Xiaowu looked at Xiao Han gratefully.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "If you really want to thank you, thank Mo Shaocong. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to go to Myanmar to save you."

"Indeed." Chen Xiaowu nodded and said: "Big Brother Mo should also be grateful, and you should also be grateful."

"Um..." Xiao Han nodded slightly, but did not continue.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly cooled down, but Chen Xiaowu didn't care. She immediately changed the subject and said, "Have you been to the capital?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Then when you get to the capital, I can be a tour guide for you and show you around." Chen Xiaowu smiled.

"This..." When Xiao Han heard it, he was immediately worried. After all, Chen Xiaowu is Wen Xiaobao's girlfriend. If Chen Xiaowu is asked to act as a tour guide for herself, what if it causes unnecessary misunderstandings? do? The second generation of officials like Wen Xiaobao have always been irritable, and they are also the masters of murder. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to keep a distance with Chen Xiaowu. Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "It's not necessary, I still have a few friends in Beijing."

"I grew up in Beijing, where is fun and delicious, I am definitely more familiar than anyone." Chen Xiaowu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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