Xiao Han was taken aback, then looked at Chen Xiaowu and asked, "No."

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately closed his eyes to sleep.

Chen Xiaowu suddenly felt boring to ask herself, pursed her mouth, and said, "Do you hate me so much?"

"Is it there yet." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "However, you should go back to your seat, I want to rest."

When Chen Xiaowu heard it, she was even more wronged. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever disliked herself, and there were a large group of suitors who followed her behind her **** and pursued herself persistently, but she did not expect this. The guy ignored himself. Chen Xiaowu felt that her self-esteem was hit.

"You!" Chen Xiaowu bit her red lips and her eyes were red. As soon as she turned her head, she returned to her seat and muttered, "Do you think I like you very much?"

When Chen Xiaowu left, Xiao Han immediately calmed down.

At this time, Mo Shaocong walked over from his seat, and then sat down in Xiao Han's position.

"What are you talking about?" Mo Shaocong asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, just say some words of thanks!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Xiaohan, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't touch this woman indiscriminately." Mo Shaocong reminded.

"I don't need you to remind me." Xiao Han nodded.

"Yeah." Mo Shaocong smiled slightly, and said: "When you arrive in the capital, your attitude and tone of speech must be reduced. In the capital, a minister who can grab a hand is a handy minister. In the capital, maybe an unremarkable old man walking on the road is The country is great. So, be careful now."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

However, he was very disdainful in his heart. In his opinion, those so-called rich second generations and official second generations are nothing more than a group of moths, a group of wine bags and rice bags. If such people are not relying on the shadow of their ancestors, how do they come from?

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a smile, and the whole person appeared very calm.

After a few hours of flying, the plane quickly landed at the T2 terminal of the Capital International Airport.

When he returned to the capital, Wen Xiaopu suddenly became enraged.

"Mo Shaocong, I must entertain you tonight!" Wen Xiaobao patted Mo Shaocong on the shoulder, and said: "This time it's all up to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to come back safe and sound today!"

"You're welcome!" Mo Shaocong shook his head.

"Then...you do your own activities. I have to go home first and report to the old man." Wen Xiaobao smiled.

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded.

As for Xiao Han, Wen Xiaobao really ignored him. In Wen Xiaobao's view, Xiao Han didn't even have the qualifications to lift shoes for himself. Only Mo Shaocong is qualified to be a small attendant for himself.

Now that he has returned to the capital, Wen Xiaobao immediately felt that he had returned to his territory, and he didn't have to fear anyone at all. Yesterday when he was still in Myanmar, Wen Xiaobao was a Xiao Han brother, and the right one was Xiao Han brother. That was because he needed to rely on Xiao Han. Now, Xiao Han is useless to him. So just ignore it.

The Wen family's car drove directly into the apron and took Wen Xiaobao and Chen Xiaowu away directly from the airport apron.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaowu said to Xiao Han: "I can take you to the capital when I have time."

"Thank you!" Xiao Han nodded politely.

Watching the two get on the Mercedes-Benz and leave, the front of the license plate is the beginning of Jingag6. This license plate is an extraordinary one.

In Jingcheng, the current car license plates in use are Jinga, Jingb, Jingc, Jinge, Jingf, Jingg, Jingh, Jingj and Jingk. Among them, Jing b is a taxi; Jing g is a suburban county car. The car license plates in Beijing are not divided into number segments according to administrative regions, but in chronological order. Starting from Jing a, a new letter is used after the serial number in this letter is used up. Since d and i are easy to confuse with other letters, they are not used and skip to the next letter. Now l has been used. Of course, o is a police car license plate, which is common to all provinces, and Beijing is no exception.

Jing a is the license plate of a government agency (except those with black letters on a white background are for foreign companies). In the Jing a license plate, Jing ag6 is a well-deserved cattle license plate, the license plate of this number section only issued less than 200 yuan.

Jing a81 is owned by the Zhongzhi State Administration Bureau, and Beijing GA is owned by the State Council Administration Bureau. Some leaders’ cars are hung here, and ordinary police do not care.

It can be seen from the license plate of a car that the owner is extraordinary.

Xiao Han glanced at the license plate and asked curiously: "Who is this Wen Xiaobao?"

"Don't ask!" Mo Shaocong reminded quietly, "Knowing too much is not good for you."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han replied.

Indeed, the capital is at the feet of the emperor and the root of the imperial city. There is a mixture of fish and dragons, high-ranking officials and cadres, from the head of state to the common people. No one knows if the person you meet on the road will be a cadre of the authority.

Moreover, in the capital, the factions are complex and the root system is entrenched. Standing in line is a very important thing. If you stand in the wrong team, you will end up hating it forever. Standing on the right team, you will be promoted to the third rank in no time.

Therefore, as an ordinary person, Xiao Han should not be too involved with the second generation of officials, especially people like Wen Xiaobao.

"Let's go." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "Take you to be cool."

"Where to go?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hey, you'll know when you go!" Mo Shaocong's mouth raised a weird smile.

"Uh..." Xiao Han looked puzzled.

Mo Shaocong took Xiao Han out of the airport, and the two stopped a taxi and went straight to the city.

Although Mo Shaocong is the elder brother of a provincial senior official, he has no influence in the capital. If in Z province, Mo Shaocong's influence would be stronger, but here is the capital. Mo Shaocong didn't have any privileges, he could only take a taxi like ordinary people.

In fact, Xiao Han has always had a question in his heart.

"Big Brother." Xiao Han said.

"What's the matter?" Mo Shaocong turned to look at Xiao Han.

"You said... No matter what, you also saved Wen Xiaobao. Now, when you personally sent him to the capital, he left you here alone like this. You can't justify it. Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong suspiciously.

"So I told you not to ask about his identity, background, and his origin." Mo Shaocong smiled and said, "I can't afford to offend, you can't offend even more. Even if I went to the provincial city to fight gangsters with me that day. Those brothers who fist can't afford it either."


When Xiao Han heard this, he took a breath.

At first, Xiao Han thought that Wen Xiaobao was just the son of a ministerial or deputy ministerial cadre, but now it seems that it is much more than that. On going up, Xiao Han couldn't think about it. Is Wen Xiaobao's family background from the military region? Or a commander or lieutenant general, or the grandson of the general?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't think about it.

Indeed, as Mo Shaocong said, such a person cannot afford to provoke himself, nor can he provoke it. If it wasn't for the background of the military region, then at least there would be a deputy state-level cadre in the family, and Xiao Han wouldn't even dare to think about it.

"Forget it." Xiao Han shook his head when he heard it, and said: "This is all between you, and it has nothing to do with me. This time, I have the right to help Big Brother once."

"You are right to think so." Mo Shaocong nodded, and said: "What Wen Xiaobao treats me, that is his business. I helped him, at least he owes me a favor."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Sooner or later this kind of favor will be used." Mo Shaocong smiled and said: "In these years, money and debts are easy to pay, but favors are hard to pay."

The taxi arrived at the second ring road soon.

The housing prices on the second ring road in the capital have soared to more than 100,000 square meters. If it is linked to the school district, it is even more expensive. Compared with the average price of Linjiang City, which is less than 10,000 yuan, the room in Beijing is almost like a car with a rocket engine, which can't be stopped.

"Where is this?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Red Mansion." Mo Shaocong smiled, mysterious and yearning.

"Red House?" Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

"Yes." Mo Shaocong nodded and said mysteriously: "Follow me, you'll know later."

After speaking, Mo Shaocong walked towards the building opposite that looked like an ancient building.

It was a house similar to an ancient brothel, with a golden plaque hanging at the door, and two words: Red House.

The door was deserted and deserted, and no one could see anyone coming and going.

However, two security guards in black shirts and sunglasses stood at the door. With his hands folded on his abdomen, he stood straight, like a sentry at the gate of the Provincial Party Committee compound. It is very surprising.

Xiao Han followed Mo Shaocong.

At the door, Mo Shaocong took out a black card from his pocket and handed it over.

The other party took the card, and then took a card reader from the belt.


With a crisp sound, the card reader immediately displayed the data.

Afterwards, the security immediately bowed and said, "Mo Shao, please inside!"

"Go!" Xiao Han walked in with Xiao Han.

The two security guards kept arching their bodies until Mo Shaocong and Xiao Han went upstairs, then stood up straight and restored their stiff posture, as if they had never experienced anything just now.

The two walked up the stairs to the second floor. The gate on the second floor was a large gate, a golden gate, and a huge wool carpet was laid at the door, a purely artificial wool carpet imported from Australia.

At the door, a girl in a blue and white porcelain cheongsam greeted her. He took Mo Shaocong's arm very naturally and said, "Mo Shao, you haven't been here for a long time."

"Haha..." Mo Shaocong laughed and said, "Take my brother to open my eyes today."

"Okay!" The girl nodded hurriedly, giving Xiao Han a charming look in her eyes.

Xiao Han suddenly felt a shock all over.

This woman is not simple. It can be seen from the eyes of the other person that this charming skill is definitely not something that can be done overnight. An ordinary man will be addicted to her when she looks at it. The other party is not only beautiful, but also has a very good figure. Wearing that cheongsam, she outlines her figure vividly and perfectly. The front arched backwards, and the opening of the cheongsam could see her perfect thighs just right.

(End of this chapter)

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