The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 664: Escape all the way

"Ah!" the man screamed, because he felt that his breathing seemed a little difficult.

He never expected that things would change so much.

When the men screamed again and again, the men behind saw this and immediately rushed up to check the situation. Although there was moonlight, they couldn't see clearly at all. However, as soon as they looked up, they couldn't see anything at all, and they didn't understand why this guy made such a terrible cry.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, this... is this a **** of a life?"

Several men with guns were a little puzzled, and they looked inexplicable.

At this moment, a man said: "Kill this kid first, maybe this kid is the ghost of this kid, as long as you kill him, everything is over!"

"Yes!" others responded.

Seeing this, the people behind immediately rushed up.

The few people were planning to catch Xiao Han alive. After all, they relied on their large numbers and guns in their hands. However, they soon discovered that their thoughts were a bit too simple, and this simple thought made them suffer.

Several people immediately surrounded them.


Xiao Han shot very quickly. He moved in the crowd like a loach, his fists fell like raindrops, and the other people fell one after another. Screams broke out again on the scene.

"Damn, this kid is too cunning."

"Yes, kill him."

"You must kill him, otherwise, the task assigned to us by the boss cannot be completed!"

A group of people clamored.

After that, the opponent immediately raised the rifle in his hand.

"Boy, take it to death." The other party roared.

However, before they waited for the other to shoot, they immediately felt that their necks seemed to be strangled by something. Xiao Lengren smiled coldly and said, "I will let you see and see today, what is a godlike existence!"

When speaking, Xiao Han floated slowly in the air, and under his feet, a cloud of black air gathered. This is Xiao Han's Yin Ling, relying on the power of Yin Ling, Xiao Han can overcome the influence of gravity. Xiao Han found out that Yin Ling became more and more important to him, and as he understood Yin Ling, he found that his strength could become stronger and stronger.

The other party was dumbfounded when he saw Xiao Han floating in the air.


A group of people knelt down.

"The gods have mercy, the gods have mercy!"

This group of people has no culture, and they worship religion very much. Now, they suddenly saw a god-like figure appear, and they did not hesitate to regard Xiao Han as a figure in the myth world, and firmly believed that he was the **** in their faith.

"Go and die!" Xiao Han roared.

He waved his hand.

Afterwards, those Yin Ling strangled their necks unceremoniously. One by one suddenly vomited blood and died, and all fell to the ground. With his eyes wide open, he died suddenly. There was no more breath.

Xiao Han smiled at the corner of his mouth, he sneered, and then said: "It's really interesting."

Two cars, ten people, no one lives.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, then jumped down from the midair and quickly got into one of the cars.


Xiao Han started the car, and then drove the car over the dead bodies. The yin spirit floating in the air immediately turned into black air and dissipated in the air. And got into Xiao Han's soul orb.

Driving the car, all the way towards the capital of Burma headed straight.

Since there were no chasing soldiers, Xiao Han would naturally not drive fast. Xiao Han also knew that no matter how fast he drove, he couldn't catch up with Mo Shaocong and the others. Mo Shaocong and the others now have an escape mentality, so they don't know how fast they are. In the middle of the night, if you drive too fast, it will be very dangerous for you. Therefore, he simply drove slowly, as long as he could reach the destination.

At three o'clock in the morning, Xiao Han arrived in Naypyidaw.

Naypyidaw’s night is very prosperous and the lighting is very beautiful. Especially those temples are decorated in magnificent and perfect decoration. There were not many people on the streets in the early morning, so Xiao Han was able to enjoy the beautiful scenery in a leisurely manner. A smile appeared on Xiao Han's face when he looked at the beautiful scenery.

In this foreign world, Xiao Han was walking on the street alone for the first time.

Myanmar is a very chaotic country, especially the northern Myanmar region, which is even more chaotic, with various strengths intertwined, and armed forces will fight from time to time. So when playing in Myanmar, always be careful.

Xiao Han found a hotel and checked in.

Soon, the check-in procedure is completed.

Under the leadership of the service staff, he entered the guest room. Xiao Han gave him a tip of ten yuan.

The waiter smiled and thanked him, and mysteriously leaned in Xiao Han's ear, and said, "Sir, do you need special service?"

"Special?" Xiao Han was taken aback, and said, "What special service?"

"We have the most beautiful and youngest university students in Myanmar. You can choose whatever you want. If you need, I will let them come up to serve you now." The waiter said with a smile.

When Xiao Han heard this, he shook his head hurriedly and said, "I'm sorry, no need!"

"Then...then don't bother you to rest." The waiter smiled.

Then, the waiter immediately closed the door of the room.

Xiao Han smiled. He didn't expect to encounter this kind of service in this foreign country. It's quite interesting, but unfortunately, I don't have much interest in this kind of woman.

After a brief wash, he jumped into the bathtub and took a quiet bath. Before I knew it, I fell asleep in the bathtub.

When I woke up again, it was already past seven in the morning.

The summer morning is very bright, and the sun has risen at 7 o'clock. The dazzling sun is particularly bright.

Xiao Han hurriedly crawled out of the bathtub, his skin turned pale. He hurriedly wiped the drops of water off his body, and then lay on the bed. Looking at the ceiling panting.

At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that the white wrinkles on his body were quickly disappearing. He quickly returned to his normal physique.

"It's amazing." Xiao Han couldn't help exclaiming.

Unexpectedly, the white wrinkles on his body were removed so quickly, which made Xiao Han feel very magical. However, he didn't care too much. After all, some people have such a physique, maybe their physique is a little special?

Xiao Han has never seen himself as an ordinary person. From the time he was thrown into the school flower pond by Liao Zhijie, he found that he was different from an ordinary person.

Take a break at the hotel. Xiao Han went to the hotel’s buffet restaurant to dine.

Naypyidaw is a famous scenic spot in Myanmar. Many people who visit Myanmar almost come here for sightseeing. Therefore, the hotel service here is very good, and the breakfast here is also very rich. Xiao Han is leisurely and leisurely. Since he has spent money, he will naturally enjoy it.

The breakfast variety is very rich, with all kinds of cuisines.

There are Chinese Yangzhou fried rice and fried rice cakes. Xiao Han likes to eat Chinese-style breakfast. As for other countries, he really has no love.

After eating breakfast.

Xiao Han stood on the hotel platform and looked at the scenery not far away. The scenery here is charming and very beautiful.

Who would have thought that in the end of the hardships and dangers, one could see such a beautiful scenery? Isn't it a worthwhile trip?

According to the agreed time, at 10 o'clock this morning, Mo Shaocong and Mo Shaocong will gather at Nay Pyi Taw Airport. There is still plenty of time now, Xiao Han simply cleared up his mood, and then left the room.

There was no way for the boxing brother's car to continue driving. Xiao Han walked out of the room with bare hands and empty hands, then stopped a car on the street and hurried towards the airport.

At this time, a five-star hotel near Nay Pyi Taw International Airport is called Baiyun Hotel.

Baiyun Hotel is a relatively high-end hotel in Nay Pyi Taw, and it is close to the airport, so there are more guests. Also very good.

In a luxurious room in Baiyun Hotel.

"It's already past eight o'clock, let's go." Wen Xiaobao said hurriedly.

"Wen Shao, we have made an appointment with Xiao Han at ten o'clock at the latest, but it's only past eight o'clock now." Mo Shaocong hurriedly explained, "Isn't it wrong for us to leave at this time? Anyway, We must wait until ten o'clock before leaving."

"If he was still alive, he would have arrived long ago." Wen Xiaobao said helplessly: "It's past eight o'clock now, it must mean that he hasn't come yet."

"He didn't call me, he may not be alive, he may not want to expose himself." Mo Shaocong said hurriedly.

"Don't wait." Wen Xiaobao said hurriedly: "If the other party finds our whereabouts, we can't leave if we want to go. Although this is the government army's control area, if the other party wants to arrest us, It's still easy."

Mo Shaocong thought for a while and felt that Wen Xiaobao was right. Although this is the scope of government forces, no one can guarantee that there is an armed force of the other side stationed here, or that there are underground informants of the other side.

"How about this?" Mo Shaocong glanced at Wen Xiaobao and said: "You go back with your people first, and I will stay and wait for Xiao Han."

"Mo Shao, that kid must be dead." Wen Xiaobao hurriedly looked at Mo Shaocong, and said: "Change to the thinking of an ordinary person. If you come back alive, you must be contacted the first time. Besides, the other party must have something wrong. A few people have caught up with him, and he has a gun in his hand. How could that kid Xiao Han be the opponent's opponent alone?"

When Mo Shaocong heard this, his face was heavy, and he said, "No matter what, Xiao Han is my brother. I must wait for him."

"Don't make trouble." Wen Xiaobao smiled bitterly: "You can really treat him as a brother? How can such a person be a brother with you? You are the son of the provincial secretary. What kind of thing is he? Do you call it a brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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