
The boxing field was shocked.

"Gosh, he defeated the lion?"

"Not only did he defeat the lion, but he also rode the lion under his crotch!"

"Too great, he... is he a lion riding boy?"

Lion riding boy!

The name spread wildly in northern Myanmar. Although no one knows Xiao Han's name, the reputation of the lion riding boy has spread throughout northern Myanmar and even in Myanmar.

For anyone, if he can go out on a lion, it is definitely the greatest pride of his life.

Even for trainers who have been working on beasts for a lifetime, they dare not ride on the backs of lions. Lions and tigers are the kings of beasts. Even if you train them from childhood to adulthood, you will never dare to ride them. Riding on their backs. Because they are very ferocious animals. Maybe they will eat you if they are upset.

However, Xiao Han only took half an hour to tame an adult lion easily, and even rode it on the back of the adult lion. Even the trainer on the side was so startled that his eyes fell.

"My God, what the **** is going on?" The trainer supported the hat on his head.

The Scarface on the side was also dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"Damn, this is Lao Tzu's pet, why did you ride it for others?" Scarface roared.

"I... I'll give the order!" The trainer said again and again in fright: "Let...let the lion attack him."

However, the trainer's instructions no longer work.

Xiao Han rode a lion and walked to Scar Man and asked, "Excuse me, did I win this game?"

"You!" Scarface glared at Xiao Han.

Ho Ho Ho...

At this time, the lion under Xiao Han's crotch suddenly roared at Scarface.

Scarface was so scared that he hugged his head and squatted down. He hurriedly said, "Forget it...forget it!"

"Why don't you let go?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Let them go, let them go." Scarface said immediately.

The little brother on the side hurriedly stepped forward to untie the ropes on Wen Xiaobao and Xiao Wu. The two embraced in excitement, Xiao Wu almost got fucked, such a beautiful girl, it would be a shame if she was raped by bandits in this ravine.

Of course, this also has to blame Wen Xiaobao, and the country does not wait for it to go to such a ghost place to seek excitement.

The two were released, Xiao Han smiled and said, "We can go now."

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded and said, "Let them arrange a car for us. We must hurry to the territory controlled by the Burmese government forces. Otherwise, once we leave this door, he will immediately start chasing and intercepting us."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Later, Xiao Han asked the other party to prepare an off-road vehicle and fill it up.

The other party obediently obeyed, and soon Mo Shaocong and others got into the car immediately. Xiao Han still rode a lion out of the boxing ring swaggeringly. Everyone retreated in shock.

Everything about tonight, as long as the audience who sees it, I am afraid that they will have the capital to brag after going out. Because they have seen young lion riding.

As soon as he was leaving, Xiao Han jumped off the lion’s back. He patted the lion’s head with his hand and said, "Go, return to your jungle, don’t be a pet anymore!"


The lion yelled for a while.

Xiao Han patted his ass, and the lion quickly ran towards the jungle.

Northern Myanmar is full of jungles, and there are many uninhabited forests. This kind of place is a paradise for lions. Once you enter, it will immediately become a paradise for lions. No one can catch him anymore.

Xiao Han jumped into the car, and the driver drove madly.

"Boss, chase or not?" Many people behind shouted.

"Chasing, of course you must chase!" The Scar Man gritted his teeth: "But, that...boy seems to be very good."

The Scar Man obviously still had lingering fears for Xiao Han. Xiao Han defeated Shrek and surrendered his pet lion with weird tactics. All this showed that the guy was extraordinary.

"Brother, we have guns, what are we afraid of!" The younger brother hurriedly shouted.

"Then what are you hesitating about, chase it for me!" The Scar Man reacted instantly.

Subsequently, several cars galloped away.

Along the street, crazy pursuit.

The driver of Wen Xiaobao was born as a veteran, and he started driving like the wind. The car was very crazy. Along this street, he drove like an airplane. Fortunately, it was in the middle of the night. If it were put in the daytime, it would definitely kill people.

Xiao Han turned his head and glanced, he shouted: "Fuck, they are chasing."

"Sure enough, he refused to let us go easily." Wen Xiaobao gritted his teeth.

"It's hard to catch a powerful young man like you. Of course he won't let you go easily." Xiao Han glanced at Wen Xiaobao and said: "He can't wait to make more money from you."

Wen Xiaobao lowered his head in shame, if it weren't for himself, he wouldn't have everything today.

"Xiao Han, thank you today." Wen Xiaobao gratefully looked at Xiao Han and said: "When you return to China, if you have any trouble, just ask me and I will help you to the end."

"You are welcome, if it weren't for Big Brother Mo, I wouldn't come." Xiao Han didn't appreciate it, but gave Mo Shaocong a big face.

Mo Shaocong's face flushed, and he said, "Wen Shao, it's polite to say this. What's the relationship between us? Right?"

"Yeah!" Wen Xiaobao nodded and said, "Shao Cong, I remember your kindness today."

From a distance, you can see the other side's car lights. This shows that the opponent is not close to him.

"Hurry up!" Wen Xiaobao took Xiao Wu's hand and kept urging the driver.

"Yes, master!" The driver nodded hurriedly. The throttle is heavier again. Speed ​​increased again.

Unfortunately, after leaving the town, most of northern Myanmar is mountainous, and some roads are even built along cliffs, and it is in the middle of the night. Excessive speed can easily lead to car crashes.

Xiao Han said, "Go to the turning intersection ahead and put me down, I'll stop them."

"Huh?" When Mo Shaocong heard this, he was shocked and said, "Xiaohan, don't do stupid things. They have guns."

Wen Xiaobao did not speak.

If the opponent really has a gun, it's best for someone to come down and intercept it. Even if the opponent's pursuit cannot be blocked, then you can buy time for yourself to escape. Therefore, Wen Xiaobao very much hopes that Xiao Han will get off to intercept.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Brother, I don't want to deal with the other party at this time. Once the other party catches up, we probably have no hope of escape. Besides, there are so many people in our car. Catching up with us is just a matter of time."

"Shao Cong, Xiao Han is strong, let him go." Wen Xiaobao finally said.

Mo Shaocong was still reluctant to bear the brother Xiao Han, he hesitated, and said: "Xiaohan, why don't you do this, let me go with you. At least there is a company, and more than I am, there is more protection!"

"That won't work!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "My eldest brother's identity is not ordinary. I am just an ordinary person, and I don't want to die. It doesn't matter."

"Crap, you are my brother!" Mo Shaocong was suddenly excited. He grabbed Xiao Han's shoulder and said, "Since he is a brother, I don't want to be born in the same year and the same day, but I want to die in the same year and the same day."

"Big brother, staying here will only drag me down!" Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Okay." When Mo Shaocong heard this, he had to sigh and said: "Then we won't go far, we will wait for you in front!"

"Don't!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "You drive directly to Naypyidaw and wait for me. If I come back alive, I will come to you. If I die, you will go back to your country directly. Don't wait for me."

Mo Shaocong's eyes were red, and his eyes soon became wet.

"Brother, don't say that!" Mo Shaocong took a deep breath and said, "If you have any accidents, I will honor your mother for you. I will be his son!"

"Good!" Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong gratefully.

If Mo Shaocong could say such a thing, it was enough to prove that he was indeed a brother in his mind. Xiao Han was also satisfied that he could have such a brother.

Brothers are more expensive, not more expensive.

Mo Shaocong took a deep breath. He smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Xiaohan, you are careful!"

The car stopped and Xiao Han quickly jumped out of the car.

"You guys go!" Xiao Han waved.

The driver knew that time was precious, so he stepped on the accelerator and left frantically. The speed was so fast that he disappeared without a trace. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. After they left, they could play at will without worrying about their supernatural ability being discovered.

More than a dozen yin spirits appeared quickly, and the black qi gathered one by one, floating in the air, like the dead soul of that hell.

Xiao Han thought for a while, and if they were to equip them with a sickle one by one, it would definitely scare people, and if they had a sickle, they could also increase their attack power to a great extent.

Before long, two chasing cars drove up. The car lights are very bright, shining brightly around.

Xiao Han stood in the middle of the road with a wishful stick.


The two cars stopped, and more than ten people from the other side got out of the car, each holding a rifle.

"Come?" Xiao Lian laughed.

People in northern Myanmar can speak Chinese, and they can speak very quietly. The leading man sneered: "Are you staying to die?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I'm here to see you off."

"See you off?" The other party looked puzzled.

"Just sent you to hell." Xiao Han's mouth raised a weird smile.

"Fuck!" When the man heard this, he was furious and said: "Go to hell!"

After speaking, the other party raised the gun in his hand.

Just when he was about to shoot, he suddenly noticed something weird around his neck from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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