The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 654: Celebration feast

Xiao Han looked at Liu Xiaolei, with a gentle smile on his face, with a hint of apology in his smile. Seems to apologize for not explaining why.

Liu Xiaolei hurriedly calmed down her inner shock, she said embarrassingly: "But, I don't have any shares."

"Now I have it." Xiao Han took out a share transfer contract like magic. Everyone didn't see how he got it out. In short, a contract appeared in Xiao Han's hand so magically. in.

Xiao Han pushed the contract to Liu Xiaolei and said, "This is one percent of the shares of the Hanmen Group. If you sign your name, it belongs to you."

"I..." Liu Xiaolei was stunned, and she hurriedly said: "I didn't make any contribution to the poor, I... how am I embarrassed to take shares for no reason?"

"You will contribute to the Hanmen Group in the future." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I plan to make you the vice president of the Hanmen Group."

"Huh?" Liu Xiaolei was shocked. Became a vice president for no reason, this... is this really good?

"Hurry up and sign it." Big Fatty Li said with a smile: "I only have 5% of the shares."

Liu Xiaolei's face blushed. Somehow she was doing her best for the poor family, but as an outsider, she just took 1% of the shares for nothing. Based on the market value of the Hanmen Group of 600 million, his 1% share is also 6 million. what.

Liu Xiaolei embarrassedly signed her name.


There was a warm applause.

"Xiao Lei, congratulations on becoming a shareholder of Hanmen Group." Yang Lu smiled.

"Thank you, thank you!" Liu Xiaolei nodded hurriedly.

"Then... Do you agree to let Yang Lu be the general manager of the Hanmen Group?" Xiao Han asked.

"Agree!" Liu Xiaolei said firmly.

"Since everyone agrees, then I agree." Liu Siba played with his bracelet and said with a smile: "As long as you can make money for me, it doesn't matter who is the general manager. I can't be anyway."

Liu Si's shares only enjoy the right to distribute dividends, not the right to govern.

"Okay, Sister Yang, you passed the vote unanimously." Xiao Han smiled.

"Thank you all!" Yang Lu's face was reddened. Compared to when she met Xiao Han, Yang Lu is now more mature and more capable. Obviously, he has become a business veteran from a new urban white-collar worker.

"Then Brother Zhao and Xiao Lei are the company's vice presidents." Xiao Han smiled.

"What about me?" Li Dafang hurriedly asked.

"You are also the vice president." Xiao Han glanced at Li Dapang and said: "However, now you must clarify your responsibilities. Brother Zhao, you are in charge of the group's market operations. This is the top priority."

"Yeah!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

In fact, Zhao Lizhong has been in charge of the market of the Hanmen Group. Of course, the business of the Hanmen Group is still relatively single. Only Hanmen minerals are pure, and Hanmen mining accounts for more than 70% of the profits of the Hanmen Group. Therefore, the Hanmen Group must realize the transformation as soon as possible. The specific aspects of the transformation require Xiao Han's ability. And Zhao Lizhong is responsible for market expansion.

"Xiao Lei, I will leave the public relations and human resources of the Hanmen Group to you in the future." Xiao Han looked at Liu Xiaolei thoughtfully, and said: "Now the group company has just been established, it needs a lot of talents, of course, it also needs to get through a lot. In terms of public relations, you need Sister Yang to take you with you. So, Sister Yang, you have to work hard."

"This is no problem!" Yang Lu nodded and said, "I will take her with this."

"What about me? Can't make soy sauce?" Li Da Pang asked hurriedly.

"You have a lot of things." Xiao Han smiled: "The logistics department has handed it over to you. Logistics is the most cumbersome piece."

"Haha..." Li Dafang said when he heard: "When I look back, I will ask Liu Shengtao for help. There are so many young men at the Leopard Gate, and the logistics is right to me. Hey...Xiao Han, are you early? Is it calculated?"

"Does this still need to be said?" Xiao Han smiled calmly and said: "Brothers of the Leopard Gate can't be messing around, they must be bleached quickly. The country has strict control of the underworld. You see Liu Si always takes his people. It's whitewashed, should the brothers of the Leopard Gate continue to be in the underworld?"

"Hehe..." Liu Si smirked with a pipe in his mouth.

"That's true." Big Fatty Li nodded and said, "By the way, I have a proposal."

"Say!" Xiao Han nodded.

"We can set up a low-level security company." Li Dapang said hurriedly: "The more than one hundred brothers of the Leopard Gate can be regarded as a bright identity. Moreover, this does not affect their willingness to continue to be in the road. ."

"Hey, a good way!" Liu Siyi listened and said, "Why didn't I think of such a good way?"

"Yes." Xiao Han thought for a while, and immediately nodded and agreed.

This method is really good. Li Da Pang's suggestion was put forward. As a result, the entire Leopard Gate suddenly became a security company under the Hanmen Group. Not only can the brothers of the Leopard Gate have a sense of belonging, but it can also institutionalize them. It does not affect their own existence problems.

The first general meeting of shareholders in the history of Hanmen Group lasted from three o'clock to six o'clock and it was not over yet.

They are arguing about the corporate system, corporate culture, and many things about the company.

It is a good thing to have disputes, at least it shows that this enterprise is democratic, and not one person, one word.

It was finally over until seven o'clock in the evening.

"It's so late, let's have a meal together." Liu Si suggested.

"Yes!" Li Dafang said hurriedly, "I'm almost hungry."

"Let's go together." Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, a group of six people headed towards the nearby Hanmen restaurant. As the six major shareholders of the Hanmen Group, I must go to my own restaurant to eat. Hanmen Restaurant is also considered a mid-to-high-end restaurant in Linjiang Pedestrian Street.

A group of six people entered, and the waiter directly arranged a best box.

A table has been ordered and everyone is seated.

"I asked Li Huaishan to bring me a good wine." Liu Si said, "We have to celebrate when we look back."

"Success!" Everyone nodded.

It didn't take long for Li Huaishan to send a mouthful of Moutai.

"It's still the old Maotai?" Li Da Pang said in surprise.

"No, I have treasured it myself for ten years." Liu Si smiled and said: "This wine, I can't bear to drink it myself. Now that the Hanmen Group is established, it can be considered a great event. Therefore, this Moutai I'll celebrate it."

"President Liu is really polite." Yang Lu smiled.

"You're welcome, I am also very happy when the Hanmen Group was established." Liu Si laughed.

"We are very happy." Xiao Han said.

Yang Lu smiled, and then said: "Yes, we are all very happy!"

"Come on, raise your glass!" Liu Si said hurriedly.

Xiao Han and Liu Si talked freely, focusing on the future development goals of the Hanmen Group.

There is a cup in front of everyone. Liu Xiaolei sat beside Xiao Han, and she looked at Xiao Han from time to time.

Obviously, she felt that she was so strange to Xiao Han, so puzzled. Xiao Han in front of him, talking elegantly, talking and laughing are millions of businesses and projects. Had it not been known that Xiao Han was the chairman of the Hanmen Group, I am afraid she would directly think that shouting was bragging. Indeed, who would dare to believe that all this will be real?

The dinner was very enjoyable.

One** baijiu for six people is obviously not enough to make everyone drunk, at most just a little drunk.

After dinner, everyone returned to their residences, everyone needs to be busy with tomorrow's work.

Xiao Han drove Liu Xiaolei back to the Fuxing community.

Both people in the car were silent.

Seeing that the car was about to reach the Fuxing community, Liu Xiaolei said, "Xiao Han, shall we get off the car and walk?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han parked the car at the door of Fuxing Community, then got out of the car and walked with Liu Xiaolei.

Opposite is the Hanmen Restaurant No.1, the business is booming, and there are many cars parked at the door. During the day, I have dinner and I have to be busy with supper at night. Therefore, the money in the poor restaurant can be said to be a lot of money.

"Xiao Han, are you still the Xiao Han I know?" Liu Xiaolei looked at Xiao Han.

"Of course, it has always been." Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

"But, I feel you are so strange today, yet so familiar." Liu Xiaolei showed a wry smile.

"Is it to blame for not telling you the truth?" Xiao Han asked.

"No!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said, "It's just...I think the Xiao Han I know has grown up. When I was a kid, I ran behind my **** and would show me that the *** Xiao Han is no longer the same Xiao Han. ."

"People want to grow up." Xiao Han smiled.

"Yes, people do want to grow up, but you all of a sudden I almost don't know each other." Liu Xiaolei smiled and looked at Xiao Han, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Once, that ignorant boy has now become his boss and the head of a group company. What a shocking thing this is, I am afraid Liu Xiaolei will find it difficult to digest this matter in the next few days or even months.

"Xiao Lei, no matter how the world changes, no matter how the world changes, I will always be the Xiao Han you know." Xiao Han looked at Liu Xiaolei seriously, and said: "I don't know how to do it, and I can't change, otherwise, I am not. Xiao Han is now."

"Yes!" Liu Xiaolei nodded, and said: "You can't change, don't change, otherwise, where can I find the Xiao Han I know?"

Perhaps because of the establishment of the Hanmen Group, Xiao Han's grief was diluted.

In the next few days, everyone in the Hanmen Group was constantly busy.

Yang Lu is looking for a suitable office location.

I have found several places, but have not been able to determine it. Finally, after many consultations with Xiao Han, Yang Lu finally selected a prosperous place in Linjiang City, where there is a twin tower. The entire 30th floor of the Twin Towers is open for lease.

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