The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 655: Important task

Although the price was expensive, it was barely within the tolerance of Xiao Han and Yang Lu. After many negotiations with each other, the price was finally settled, and the entire first floor was rented out at a price of 1.2 million yuan a year. It can be regarded as determining the foothold of the Hanmen Group.

Soon, the decoration company settled in, and Da Pang Li sent people to the scene almost every day.

The people in the decoration company are always relatively watery. If no one is watching, the people are not serious in their work, and the specified materials will be replaced with some inferior materials. Da Pang Li specifically asked Liu Shengtao to find a few young brothers who looked fierce and evil to go to the town.

Sure enough, when the decoration company saw that a few fierce-looking people had arrived, they were naturally out of fright. Not only work overtime to decorate, but the materials are absolutely not cut corners. All materials are done in accordance with the contract. Of course, they are also afraid, afraid that there will be a problem with the decoration, and eventually they will be unlucky.

In the end, the people of the decoration company seriously finished the whole floor in a week. The remaining details are left for them to integrate.

Liu Xiaolei also started to get busy.

The tasks of human resources and public relations fell on her shoulders. This is not a light task. On the contrary, it is a heavy task.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

The Hanmen Group is now in its infancy and urgently needs talents.

For example, in terms of catering for the poor family, it is preparing to consider opening 30 chain restaurants in ten prefecture-level cities across the province. This is the first huge investment of Hanmen Group since its establishment. Thirty chain restaurants have an investment of about 20 million yuan. It can be described as a huge investment. Therefore, we have to be cautious. And to open 30 chain restaurants in one go, this requires manpower to help. Relying on these poor people is far from enough.

The most important thing is that now the Hanmen Group has a very large stall, and everyone performs their own duties. Zhao Lizhong used to help in the Hanmen restaurant, but now all his thoughts are on the Hanmen Mining Company. As for the foreign trade company, it was handed over to a friend of Zhao Lizhong. Therefore, the Hanmen restaurant must not continue to trouble Zhao Lizhong.

As for Yang Lu, she is even busier.

Yang Lu is almost always busy in the financial work of the poor company. Moreover, many of the plans and plans of the poor company are Yang Lu busy. Even as large as the corporate direction, as small as the personnel appointments, almost all Yang Lu is in charge of. It can be said to be hands-on. Therefore, Xiao Han felt that he couldn't be too selfish and couldn't put all the tasks on Yang Lu.

"Xiao Han!" Yang Lu saw Xiao Han appearing downstairs in the Twin Towers from a distance.

"Sister Yang..." Xiao Han smiled, and said: "I have a special look at our new home."

"I just have something to tell you." Yang Lu hurriedly smiled.

"Say!" Xiao Han nodded.

"The listing ceremony is next week. I have already told several leaders of the municipal party committee that they will come and tailor it." Yang Lu smiled and said, "Look... Do you have any other requirements?"

"What's the requirement?" Xiao Han looked puzzled and said: "Well, the leadership of the municipal party committee can take the time to tailor it in vain. I think this is a good thing."

"I mean, do you want to cut with the leaders of the municipal party committee?" Yang Lu simply clicked. Xiao Han is a little bit ignorant of the world and doesn't understand the key.

"Don't!" Xiao Han waved his hand hurriedly, and then said, "You will cut on behalf of the top person in charge of the Hanmen Group. At that time, if a media reporter comes, you will speak as the top person in charge of the Hanmen Group!"

"Huh?" Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, and said, "That...that..."

"Okay, so be it." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sister Yang, I'm very relieved of you."

"Okay." Yang Lu nodded helplessly, and said: "Since you are so assured of me, then I will not humiliate my mission."

Liu Xiaolei is also in the Twin Towers. The office area on the 30th floor has been demarcated, and each department has it. The entire floor area is large, more than 1,000 square meters. In a small place like Linjiang City, A rent of over 1.2 million yuan a year is almost the same.

Liu Xiaolei already knows where her department is. The human resources and public relations department are in the same area. The desks and chairs are already equipped. As the head of the logistics department, Li Da Pang is taking people around to purchase office supplies. Computer, printer...

There are about three days before everything will be in place.

"Xiao Han..." Liu Xiaolei ran over with a big smile.

"So happy?" Xiao Han looked at Liu Xiaolei with a smile.

"Yes, the company is well decorated and beautiful." Liu Xiaolei smiled: "I have my own office."

"Is it big?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's quite big, one person has an office of more than ten square meters." Liu Xiaolei was very proud, and then said: "I plan to go to the talent market. Would you like to recruit people with me?"

"Recruitment?" Xiao Han was happy when he heard it, "Okay, let's go together."

The company wants to recruit people. This is for sure. Xiao Han has never worked in human resources, so he is very interested in recruiting people.

The two immediately bid farewell to Yang Lu and drove to the talent market.

"Hey, the chairman of the dignified Hanmen Group went to the talent market to do recruitment?" Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han's back and couldn't help laughing.

This guy Xiao Han is indeed a hand-off shopkeeper, leaving everything to be done by others, and he also trusts others in particular. If you are yourself, you will definitely not give that core thing to others. For example, Xiao Han handed over the financial work to himself, and the company account and all the seals were in his own hands. If you want to run away with the money, it is simply a matter of ease, I am afraid that they would not know if they ran away.

However, with Yang Lu's character, she would definitely not do such a thing.

Xiao Han has a life-saving grace to Yang Lu, and a kindness of understanding. Therefore, Yang Lu definitely couldn't do such a thing.


Linjiang City Talent Market.

This is a mixed world, where fresh graduates are looking for jobs, and there are also people who are not satisfied with their current job and want to change jobs. Of course, there are also some so-called ‘great gods’ in the talent market. These so-called great gods are people who have no pursuit of life. They like to do day-to-day work, the kind of work that can be done for three days, or even one day that can be managed for a week.

These people huddled around the talent market, staying in hotels that cost eight yuan a night. There are dozens of beds in the hotel, and you can sleep for eight yuan a night. Of course, there are some people who disdain to live in such a place, they would rather spend five yuan to go to an Internet cafe to play all night. You can play on the computer in the Internet cafe, and lie down on the sofa all night when you are tired. Such black Internet cafes are generally not called Internet cafes, but are called online rental houses.

Came to the talent market, and soon joined the talent market management committee. After paying the rent, immediately began to set up a recruitment desk in the talent market, and then began to recruit talents.

There are all kinds of people here, talented, and of course liars. Human resources work is not very good. You need to find the talents you need from thousands of people. This is not a good job.

The recruitment desk came out.

Many people rushed to the mountain immediately.

"What kind of people are you recruiting?"

"Can I? I can adapt to any kind of job!"

Many people immediately rushed to submit resumes.

Liu Xiaolei was a little panicked, but Xiao Han hurriedly stood up to support the scene. He hurriedly stood up and said, "Go away, don't surround yourself. We are going to put out the recruitment notice."


Everyone backed away.

Xiao Han then pulled out a pair of display racks from the back and hung up a piece of hanging paper. The people who needed to be recruited wrote clearly.

Although the Hanmen Group had to recruit many people, Liu Xiaolei did not list many people this time. She needed two senior human resources veterans. The most important thing is that they have enough contacts on hand. This is the most important.

Human resources are all about networking. In human resources, you must have some friends in this area more or less. In the future, if the Hanmen Group urgently needs to recruit people, the human resources personnel can find relevant contacts in the first time and find suitable talents through headhunting companies.

As soon as the recruitment notice came out, many people dispersed.

Although the door-to-door salary is attractive enough, although the position is very attractive, the recruitment conditions are extremely demanding and extremely rare.

There are two conditions for Liu Xiaolei to recruit human resources cadres. The first is a person who has graduated from a major in human resources. Second, you must have worked in a human resources position for more than five years. There is no requirement for age, of course, this indirectly already has an age requirement. There are no requirements for academic qualifications.

The dense crowd suddenly became bustling.

Some people came over with a common-sense resume. Unfortunately, Liu Xiaolei glanced at it and smiled: "Wait for our reply."

So back and forth, I received more than ten resumes, but there was still no news.

"Xiao Lei, are your requirements too high?" Xiao Han asked.

"Not high." Liu Xiaolei shook her head.

"People who have such conditions shouldn't come to the talent market to find a job, right?" Xiao Han smiled bitterly: "Generally, people at this age will definitely find a job beforehand, and will not quit their job to find a job here. ."

"There will be." Liu Xiaolei smiled: "However, it shouldn't be there now. When I get off work, some old fried dough sticks will come here to take a glance. If there is a suitable position, they will leave a business card. Not a resume. ."

"Oh..." Xiao Han heard it and said, "How do you know?"

"Of course I know!" Liu Xiaolei smiled.

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