Although these procedures are very lock-ups, these should be done.


When Xiao Han returned home, he fell asleep on the head of the bed alone.

This sleep means the sky is dark, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten.

This guy slept more than three o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock the next morning.

Seeing that Xiao's mother got up early the next morning, she found that Xiao Han was still asleep, and her heart suddenly throbbed. She hurried into Xiao Han's room.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan..." Xiao's mother shouted.

Xiao Han rubbed his eyes, and a lot of bloodshot appeared in his eyes. He looked up at his mother and said, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"You...what's wrong with you?" Mother Xiao looked at Xiao Han's haggard look, anxiously: "Are you...are you all right? What's wrong, is this?"

"I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Just a little sleepy!"

Xiao's mother hurriedly put her hand on Xiao Han's forehead and found that her body temperature was normal. She let out a sigh of relief and said: "Get up and move around, you don't look at how long you sleep!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han hurriedly got up, his body appeared tired.

Because I slept for too long, I felt tired. The legs were a little weak. Xiao Han stood up and walked out. The air outside is fresh. Especially standing under that huge old locust tree, it was extremely cool. Not far away, the sun was shining sharply on the ground and it was a bit dazzling. At eight o'clock in the morning, the sun is so big.

Xiao Han yawned and sat down lazily on the rock under the tree.

These stones were all bought by Xiao Han's father before in order to be able to enjoy the coolness under the old locust tree.

At this time, Li Da Pang came galloping on a motorcycle.

"Xiao Han!" Li Da Pang was excited.

"Your kid was so excited early in the morning, what stimulants did you take?" Xiao Han asked.

"Big news, good news!" Li Da Pang was excited.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Han also appeared very curious.

"Hehehe..." Li Dafang hurriedly leaned his motorcycle against the wall, ran to Xiao Han's side, and then said: "The municipal party committee and the municipal government adhere to the concept of investment promotion. Give us the Hanmen Group special It’s a special case, so the Hanmen Group obtained all the certificates two months in advance. In other words, the Hanmen Group was established today."

"Really?" Xiao Han was also very excited when he heard it.

"Couldn't it?" Li Dafang was very excited.

Didi di...

At this time, Yang Lu called.

"Look at it, is the call for the news coming?" Li Da Pang laughed.

As soon as I answered the phone, it turned out that the Hanmen Group was established. Xiao Han said excitedly: "Okay, okay, Sister Yang, thank you, thank you for your hard work!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Yang Lu said over the phone.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Since all the relevant documents have been processed, then we should also get everyone together and meet, and implement the responsibilities of the Hanmen Group. Now the world is defeated and the throne has been obtained. It’s also time to discuss merits and rewards."

"Haha..." Li Da Pang laughed aside.

Yang Lu smiled and said, "Okay, I will contact everyone and let everyone have a meeting."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The establishment of the Hanmen Group is naturally no small matter. The establishment of a group company is a major event for many people.

Of course, Linjiang City, the municipal party committee and the municipal government are also wise. Knowing that the special affairs are specially handled, let a group company settle in Linjiang City, which is a good thing for Linjiang City. It can not only increase fiscal revenue, but also increase employment. Why not? It's no wonder that the city secretary made the decision on the spot and gave all departments the green light. I got my credentials soon.

Yang Lu quickly called everyone.

Zhao Lizhong received the news and immediately returned to Linjiang City. In addition to Xiao Han, Zhao Lizhong, Yang Lu, and Li Dapang, there was also Liu Xiaolei. Of course, there is a more important person, and that is Liu Si.

Liu Si is the bearer of Linjiang City. Although there are some industries under his hand, he can earn tens of millions a year. He has no worries about food and clothes. However, Liu Si found that one of the most wise things in his life was to invest 20 million in Hanmen Technology. The 20 million was later diluted by Hanmen Group, and finally became 10% of the shares. However, This does not affect Liu Si getting more and more money from the Hanmen Group.

The 20 million investment principal has long been recovered. Now, the 20 million principal has become a hen laying eggs, constantly giving Liu four cents to more and more money.

Yang Lu called Liu Si and told Liu Si to go to the meeting room of the Sheraton Hotel in the afternoon to hold the Hanmen Group shareholders meeting.

The current shareholders of Hanmen Group are just a few. Xiao Han, Liu Si, Yang Lu, Zhao Lizhong, and Li Dapang. Now, Xiao Han decided to allocate some shares to Liu Xiaolei. This is the first time she owns shares in her career contract.

Of course, before arriving in the conference room and making a decision, Liu Xiaolei was completely kept in the dark.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Han found Liu Xiaolei.

"Xiao Lei, go to a meeting with me." Xiao Han pulled Liu Xiaolei.

In the past few days, Liu Xiaolei has been immersed in the pain of losing her mother. Moreover, she has not been out of the house these days, as the saying goes.

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei put away her emotions, she knew she should work.

"Is it better?" Xiao Han asked with concern.

"Much better." Liu Xiaolei's red and swollen eyes clearly betrayed her.

"Cheer up." Xiao Han gently hugged her. Then he said: "There is a very important meeting in the afternoon, not only for me, but also for you, understand?"

"Then I will change my clothes!" Liu Xiaolei heard this and immediately knew that this meeting was very important. Since it is a very important meeting, I must dress up to attend.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I'll wait for you!"

After speaking, Xiao Han waited for Liu Xiaolei at the door.

Soon, Liu Xiaolei changed her clothes and came out with symptoms, a small black suit and a short black skirt. The small suit outlines her slender waist, and the short skirt wraps her upright butt, which looks particularly attractive. At this time, Xiao Han finally understood what uniform temptation was. It turns out that this is the temptation to subdue.

Xiao Han put away his evil emotions and said, "Let's go."

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Afterwards, the two immediately rushed towards the Sheraton Hotel.

When he arrived in the conference room, Xiao Han realized that everyone was there.

"Are you all waiting for me?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"No!" Big Fatty Li was anxious: "Your kid is the most daunting."

"Isn't it agreed at three o'clock in the afternoon?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Who can wait for that long?" Da Pang Li frowned, and then said: "For such a heavy matter, we must have arrived early. Who knew that your kid would come here with time."

Liu Xiaolei was a little puzzled. She looked at the people in the conference room curiously, they were all familiar faces. Of course, there is one person she doesn't know, and that is Liu Si.

"Xiao Lei, let me introduce it to you. This is Liu Si, the chairman of Founder Group." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I will be a shareholder of our company in the future."

"Our company?" Liu Xiaolei frowned.

"You'll understand later." Li Da Pang smiled.

"What are you hiding from me?" Liu Xiaolei asked.

"It can't be said to be hiding from you." Li Dapang shook his head.

"Okay, let's have a meeting." Yang Lu cleared her throat.

Liu Si smiled and said, "Then I'll start by offering some ideas. Now that the Hanmen Group has been established, I think, should the company's position be clarified?"

"Of course!" Yang Lu nodded and said: "We are holding the shareholders meeting now, isn't it to elect the general manager of the Hanmen Group?"

"I think Xiao Han is pretty good." Liu Si laughed.

This flattering.

Of course, Xiao Han made a lot of money for Liu Si, which is beyond doubt. Although Liu Si is a bastard, his family has gone white after so many years of ups and downs. Although his **** is clean, he will naturally support whoever benefits him.

Today, Hanmen Group's annual income has exceeded that of Founder Group. Liu Si seemed shocked in his heart, and was very sure about Xiao Han's ability. Therefore, if the Hanmen Group wants to elect the general manager, he is definitely the first choice Xiao Han.

"I don't care." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Let Sister Yang come to the position of the general manager. Her work ability is obvious to all. The most important thing is that no one in the Hanmen Group knows better than her. ."

"I agree." Zhao Lizhong nodded.

"I agree too." Li Dapang hurriedly raised his hand.

Everyone looked at Liu Xiaolei.

Liu Xiaolei looked dumbfounded, and she asked in astonishment: "I...what's going on?"

"Xiao Lei, Hanmen Training Class, Hanmen Technology, Hanmen Catering, Hanmen Mining Company, Hanmen Foreign Trade Company, these five companies are all Xiao Han's industries. Today, these five companies have optimized their resources and established Hanmen Group. Hanmen Group is currently The market value is around 600 million. Once listed, the market value will immediately expand to 6 billion." Yang Luxiao looked at Liu Xiaolei, and then said: "Now we need to clarify the position of the Hanmen Group. Since Xiao Han asked you to come, then Explain that you are also one of the shareholders of the company and you also have the right to vote."

"Ah..." Liu Xiaolei was stunned. She looked at Xiao Han in astonishment. This young man, the young man who used to be inexperienced in her own eyes, was already strong enough to let her I look forward to it.

A shocking color flashed in Liu Xiaolei's eyes.

She didn't expect that the ignorant boy, who had always been regarded as his younger brother, had now become an oss worth hundreds of millions. It's really hard to suffocate.

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