The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 652: Prepare for surgery

"That won't work." Chen Zihan hurriedly shook his head and said: "At least you have to wait until your illness is cured. I want my mother to participate in my wedding in good health!"

When Mother Chen heard this, she sighed and said, "Then what if my disease is not cured?"

"No." Chen Zihan shook his head and said: "Mom, your illness is not serious. As long as an expert comes, you will be saved."

Mother Chen lowered her head, and the chopsticks in her hand gently picked rice.

In fact, she has no appetite at all, but in order to maintain her life and to get better from her illness, she can only put rice in her mouth.

Seeing her mother eating feebly, Chen Zihan looked a little helpless. She didn't want her mother to live so depressed, and she didn't want her mother to be so sad. However, in the clutches of the disease, who can be truly free and easy?

Chen Zihan looked at her mother, and suddenly she felt that her choice was correct. If you don’t choose to lower your head, if you still look up arrogantly, then your mother’s illness will never get better, and there won’t be such a superior treatment environment.

The best ward was obtained by the Jiang family after looking for a relationship. Otherwise, with their own ability, there would be no way to get such a good independent ward. It is to be crowded in a room with other patients. In that case, the environment will be polluted and pessimism will spread.

Chen Zihan does not regret his choice. She thinks her choice is correct. Maybe Xiao Han was burdened, but at least he saved the whole family by himself, so that his father did not have to bear such a heavy pressure, so that the mother's illness could get the best help.

While Mother Chen was eating, Director Liu, the attending doctor, walked into the ward.

"Zihan, are you here?" Director Liu and the Jiang family have a good relationship, so he knows that Chen Zihan is Jiang Xiaoliang's fiancé, and his attitude is much better. He smiled and said, "Bringing food to your mother?"

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "Director Liu, are you here to check the ward?"

"Oh, yes!" Director Liu nodded, and then said: "By the way, you come to my office."

"Okay!" Chen Zihan got up immediately.

Chen Zihan followed Director Liu to the office.

No one else in the office. Only Director Liu and Chen Zihan are the two.

"It has been hard to take care of your mother during this period." During this period of time, Chen Zihan took care of his mother, and Director Liu was also in his eyes and heart. Staying in the ward day and night. It's really rare, and it can be seen that Chen Zihan is a very good child.

"This is what I should do." Chen Zihan smiled and said: "Director Liu, you are looking for me... Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah!" Director Liu nodded, and then said: "We have just finished the consultation with experts from Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Our recommendation is to operate as soon as possible, and to remove the lesion as soon as possible, that is, the patient's right chest should be removed. Of course, If family members strongly demand conservative treatment, it is okay. We respect the opinions of family members."

"Huh?" Chen Zihan was stunned. For any woman, **** is her dignity and pride, which is also a symbol of herself as a woman. If all the **** is cut off, this is unacceptable for any woman, let alone a proud woman like her mother.

"Director Liu, can't we perform radiotherapy and chemotherapy?" Chen Zihan hurriedly said: "I checked some information on the Internet and consulted some doctors in the United States. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy seem to control the spread of cancer cells, and it can also control the spread of cancer cells. Illness."

"However, your mother's situation is not very optimistic, and it is not allowed." Director Liu sighed, and said: "We also finally came up with the best plan after various arguments and investigations. Of course, If the patient feels that it is unnecessary, we can also seek the opinions of the patient. Do not perform surgery, and carry out conservative radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

"This..." Chen Zihan seemed to be aware of the danger of the disease, and he hurriedly said: "The conservative treatment will not cause any problems?"

"Problem?" Director Liu was stunned. He didn't seem to understand it all at once. He quickly smiled and said: "The worst plan for conservative treatment is that cancer cells metastasize from the breast. Once the cancer cells metastasize, then, If you want surgery, you must use radiotherapy and chemotherapy to control the metastasis of cancer cells. In fact, the best way is to remove the lesion. You can try to convince your mother."

"I..." Chen Zihan lowered his head and said: "I work hard!"

After speaking, Chen Zihan came out of Director Liu's office.

When I returned to the ward, my mother had already put down the lunch box. The meal in the lunch box was not eaten much at all.

"Mom, why didn't you eat it?" Chen Zihan asked hurriedly.

"I don't want to eat." Mother Chen shook her head.

"By the way, Director Liu just talked to me." Chen Zihan smiled and said: "The consultation has already produced results. They said there is a once and for all solution. I hope you can accept it!"

"What way?" Mother Chen looked at her daughter in confusion, and said excitedly: "Am I saved?"

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "Director Liu said you can be saved."

"It's great, great." Mother Chen said excitedly: "Say, what do you want to do?"

"They said they hope to be able to operate as soon as possible." Chen Zihan looked at her mother seriously, and said: "Because the lesion is on your right side, they hope to be able to perform surgery on your right side as soon as possible to prevent the lesion from being transferred. Once the cancer cells have metastasized, it will be troublesome."

"Excision?!" Mother Chen was stunned and said: "Crazy, are they crazy?"

"Mom, calm down." Chen Zihan said helplessly when he heard it, "If you don't remove it, it will endanger your life."

"I would rather die than cut off a breast." Mother Chen is willing. I was in a hurry.

Chen Zihan guessed that it would end like this, so she could only persuade her with all her heart. It's a pity that my mother is like a piece of wood that does not contain oil and salt. No matter what Chen Zihan says, she is not willing to undergo surgery.

In desperation, Chen Zihan had to call his father.

Chen Qiao heard that the results of the consultation had already come out. As soon as he heard that as long as the right breast was removed, he would never be invaded by cancer cells. He was immediately happy: "Okay, then tell the doctor to operate quickly, why are you hesitating?"

"Dad, my mom doesn't want to." Chen Zihan shook his head helplessly, and then said: "She refuses to live or die. I can't help it."

"Why not?" Chen Qiao asked doubtfully: "Why is she not willing to have such a good opportunity for surgery?"

"She..." Chen Zihan couldn't say it.

"I see." Chen Qiao is also a professor anyway, how can he not understand what his wife is thinking? He hurriedly said: "I will come to the hospital right away."

After speaking, Chen Qiao immediately hung up the phone and went downstairs to stop the car to the hospital.

It's a pity that Chen Qiao is here, and Chen's mother is still indifferent. She is unwilling to cut off her right chest.

"Don't tell me you two." Mother Chen shook her head and said, "I won't agree."

"You don't agree?" Chen Qiao was anxious: "You are irresponsible to your family, to me, and to your daughter. If you don't agree, cancer cells will spread throughout the body. It spreads, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, you will not be saved."

"So what?" Mother Chen shook her head and said, "I don't want to be a disabled person."

"One less chest is a handicapped person, then I am now a lame, how do you say?" Chen Qiao was a little angry and a little excited.

"Your leg can heal, but if my chest is cut off, I won't have it for the rest of my life." Mother Chen lowered her head, like a naughty child who refused to admit defeat.

"Now that the beauty technology is so advanced, I can take you to South Korea to make one again." Chen Qiao said excitedly.

Mother Chen still refused, stubbornly like an old naughty boy.

Chen Zihan and Chen Qiao's father and daughter took turns to play, but she just refused. The two talked dryly, but they still couldn't make her surrender. In the end, the two could only shut their mouths.

"Wife, if you insist on conservative treatment, I promise you." Chen Qiao nodded and said: "But if you have any accidents, what do you think of Zihan's future wedding? How do you watch your daughter marry out vigorously ?"

"I..." Mother Chen was at a loss.

"Don't you always want to watch your daughter marry beautifully?" Chen Qiao looked at his wife, and then said: "Now God has given you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. You are this again. Why bother?"

"I..." Mother Chen lowered her head and gritted her teeth: "You guys let me think about it."

"Okay, then you think about it!" Chen Qiao looked at Mother Chen seriously, and then said: "I hope you can figure it out and strive for an earlier operation. The current beauty technology is so good, it will not be troublesome to reshape a breast. Right?"

After speaking, Chen Qiao took Chen Zihan away and let her consider it in the ward alone.

No one can persuade such things.

Chen Qiao sighed.

"Dad, what should I do if my mother doesn't agree?" Chen Zihan asked.

"Then only conservative treatment can be done." Chen Qiao sighed and said: "If it is not life-threatening, the hospital would not let her remove her right chest."

How did Chen Qiao not know that the hospital also has its difficulties.

"Yes!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "The same is what Director Liu said."

Fortunately, Chen's mother quickly agreed to the operation, which made Chen Qiao and Chen Zihan very happy.

In the hospital, Director Liu arranged the operation three days later. A lot of things need to be prepared in these three days, including Chen Zihan's mother who also needs some cooperation, dietary cooperation, and medication cooperation. The patient should take surgery-related drugs three days in advance, and the focus must be controlled. The focus must not be allowed to spread suddenly during these three days. If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

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