"I don't know either!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Zhao Lizhong looked embarrassed and said, "You said that they are not far away, even at the expense of money, just to find this thing?"

"Maybe this thing is of extraordinary significance to them?" Xiao Han smiled.

Zhao Lizhong frowned, then said: "Maybe, but what should we do now?"

"You want this thing, it shows that this thing is not simple!" Xiao Han frowned, and said: "If this is the case, then we can't easily return things to them, right?"

"Then you plan?" Zhao Lizhong asked.

"Let's start with a set of words from their mouths." Xiao Han smiled and said: "I feel that this bead is not simple, so I think we must first figure out the origin and function of this bead."

"Yeah!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

The voice just fell.

Zhao Lizhong's phone rang.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know where you are now?" It was Kato's secretary who called.

"Ah..." Zhao Lizhong said awkwardly when he heard it, "Miss Yingzi, I...I'm in the hotel!"

After getting Xiao Han's approval, Zhao Lizhong immediately stated his position.

"Then..." Yingzi hesitated, then said: "Since we are in the hotel, I wonder if we can talk to each other?"

"Okay..." Zhao Lizhong nodded and said, "I will come to your room before Xiao Han and I go up!"

"Okay!" Yingzi nodded immediately.

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Lizhong looked up at Xiao Han and asked, "Shall we go to their room and talk?"

"Let's go!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "If you don't talk about it, how do you know the origin and use of this bead?"

Zhao Lizhong thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's OK, let's go."

After speaking, the two walked towards each other's room.

Before they knocked on the door, Yingzi immediately opened the door.

When she opened the door, Yingzi had changed her outfit. Before it was a smart little suit. A pair of small black leather shoes. But now it's different. Yingzi put on a beautiful long dress, very feminine, with maroon waves, very charming. When Xiao Han looked at her, Yingzi folded her hands on her lower abdomen, with a smile on her face, and slightly bent over: "Thank you for coming!"

"You're welcome!" Zhao Lizhong smiled, and then said: "This is our job."

After entering, the other party and his party were all there.

Kato hurriedly stood up, then smiled, and said, "Have you put everything away?"

"Yes!" Zhao Lizhong nodded, and said, "Mr. Kato, don't worry, we have put everything away. However, if you call me at this late hour, is there anything else? Can't you talk about it tomorrow?"

When Kato heard this, his heart went wild. However, he still resisted his inner mania.

"You know, this time we are here for this purpose." Standing in front of Xiao Han and Zhao Lizhong, Kato spoke earnestly and said: "If I don't take this back, I am ashamed of my ancestors and ancestors. To me the Emperor of Japan."

At this time, Xiao Han said: "Mr. Kato, let's sit down and talk."

"Good, good!" Kato nodded immediately.

Afterwards, both parties sat down on the sofa. The room was dry and cool and very comfortable.

Both parties sat down, and Xiao Han spoke first: "Mr. Kato, I have taken the box back, and I have opened it."

"Huh?" Kato heard this and asked, "Then...inside...is there a white luminous bead in it?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "A luminous bead the size of a baby's fist, you can see that this thing should be a valuable thing, right?"

"Hey..." Kato nodded heavily, feeling like he had lost his beloved thing.

Xiao Han asked again: "It's just...I don't know what is the use of this thing?"

"No, nothing came out!" Kato shook his head hurriedly. He seemed to realize that his words were a bit too impatient. He hurriedly eased his tone and said: "This thing is just a luminous bead, except for the price. In addition to a lot of money, this thing was once His Majesty’s favorite thing. During World War II, His Majesty ordered people to transport this thing to India, hoping to negotiate with the British. I did not expect to encounter a war here. A powerful blocking force, so they had to bury the sacrificed comrade-in-arms and this luminous pearl on the spot!"

"Oh?" Xiao Han heard that there shouldn't be much problem with what the other party said.

This is because when Xiao Han learned of this, he specifically read the modern history and the information about the Japanese invasion of China. Because the provincial capital was not in a war zone at that time, there were very few Japanese invasions, but the only thing recorded in modern history is such a thing. And it's similar to what he said.

"Mr. Xiao, I very much hope that you can return this thing to my country." Kato said seriously: "The reason why I came to look for this is not only because I want to fulfill my grandfather's last wish, but also because I can help His Majesty the Emperor does something."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Mr. Kato, you should have lied, right?"

When speaking, Xiao Han's eyes were fixed on Kato's.

A person's judgment for the first time in a sentence is true. Just like what Xiao Han said just now, in fact, he was just saying what he wanted. He didn't have any evidence, it was just a test. He wanted to see how the other party would react.

Obviously, Kato's reaction was just as he expected. He really hid things in his heart. Moreover, this bead should be more than just an antique.

"No, no!" Kato immediately shook his head, and then said: "This thing is just a luminous bead. I hope Mr. Xiao can return it to me."

"As for whether to return it, I can't make the final decision." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "I have to give this thing to the government. As for you, don't ask me for it. You can ask the government for it."

The reason why Xiao Han said this was that he wanted to shift the responsibility to the country. He didn't want Kato to impose all the hatred on him.

Unexpectedly, Kato suddenly became anxious: "Don't... don't. You must not give this thing to the government. Once it falls into the hands of your country, I am afraid I will never get it back in this life. I hope Mr. Xiao can Complete!"


After speaking, Kato knelt down.

"President!" The man behind him hurriedly rushed over, then helped Kato and said, "You...how can you..."

"Shut up!" Kato glared at the other person and said, "What if I can recover the ancestor's relic and let me kneel all night?"

Xiao looked on in the cold.

Whether the other party kneels or does not kneel has nothing to do with his own determination. Because he is not uncommon for him to kneel in front of him. On the contrary, let a Japanese, and a descendant of a Japanese soldier who had invaded China kneel before him, Xiao Han felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

"Then what if I don't give it?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, we can negotiate terms!" Kato said hurriedly, "I know you are a motivated young man. You must want to open your company to Japan and to the United States, right? I can help. You. I can invest for you, help you level the local power, and make your company one of the world's top 500 companies in five years. How?"

Temptation, this is definitely the temptation to be naked. Unfortunately, Xiao Han didn't have any interest in such shortcuts. He likes the journey of starting a business and likes to work hard by himself. As for other people's help, he has no such idea at all.

"Not interested!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Kato was stunned at once, this is already his greatest ability. With the capacity of the company to build a global imperial business, there shouldn't be much problem. As long as Xiao Han doesn't die, there is basically no pressure. However, Xiao Han was not interested.

Yingzi stared at Xiao Han fiercely from the side, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Xiao Han's unkind way.

Xiao Han looked at Yingzi with a smile, as if provoking him.

When Kato saw Xiao Han's smile, he immediately understood. He immediately laughed and said, "Well, since Mr. Xiao is unwilling, then I can't force it. I don't want things. I will return to Japan early tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Kato stood up from the ground.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Brother Zhao, let's go!"

"Huh?" Zhao Lizhong was taken aback for a moment.

"Let's go!" Xiao Han smiled.

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately pulled Zhao Lizhong out of the room.

Zhao Lizhong followed Xiao Han back to the room.

"Xiao Han, is this really so important?" Zhao Lizhong asked suspiciously.

"It stands to reason that I didn't believe it at first." Xiao Han smiled and said: "However, at the moment Kato kneeled to me, I understood that this thing is really important to them. A Japanese People, and still a Japanese upper class person. But kneel down to me? Don’t you think this is a bit absurd? In addition, he said that we can build our company into a global top 500 company in five years. What do you think? ?"

"With the ability of the company, there is no problem at all!" Zhao Lizhong heard it and said hurriedly: "In the name of the company, there are too many Fortune 500 companies."

"Of course I know!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "But, who would pay so much for an irrelevant person?"

"That's true!" Zhao Lizhong nodded and said: "A Fortune 500 company must have an annual profit of at least tens of billions. With all this money, can you make money for yourself? Do you have to make money for others?"

"This further illustrates a problem. I am afraid that the value of this bead will always be above tens of billions, right?" Xiao Han smiled.


When Zhao Lizhong heard this, he took a breath. He stared at Xiao Han dumbfounded, and said, "This...isn't it true?"

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