The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 628: Mysterious box

Xiao Han frowned when he was about to walk over. Kato rushed up quickly. Excitedly said: "I found it, I finally found it!"

Zhao Lizhong looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han said, "Don't let him open it!"

When Zhao Lizhong heard this, he immediately waved and said, "Protect the box!"

More than a dozen workers approaching the box immediately blocked in front of the box. Kato couldn't help but approached the box. He was immediately anxious: "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean? Why don't you let me open the box?!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Mr. Kato, you didn't keep your promise."

"What promise?" Kato looked at Xiao Han suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han frowned.

"I..." Kato hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"You promised me, you are just looking for the remains of your grandfather." Xiao Han smiled and said, "So, you can take these bones away, but all the things dug up here belong to my country! "

"You!" Kato was immediately annoyed when he heard this: "You are nonsense, nonsense!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Don't get excited. I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask your person. You promised me that way. You said you I just want to retrieve your grandfather's remains."

"These are the relics of my grandfather!" Kato was angry.

"There are so many people buried here, who knows which is your grandfather?" Xiao Han shook his head disdainfully, and said, "I'm talking, who knows if this thing belongs to your grandfather. Right?"

"You!" Kato suddenly felt that he had met a rogue.

At this moment, the man behind Kato immediately said: "Mr. Xiao, you can't be like this. These things belong to my country anyway."

"Unfortunately he was buried in my Chinese territory." Xiao Han smiled.

The man hurriedly said, "So what, but it can't change the nature of his belonging to my country!"

"There are so many antiquities in Japan that belong to me and China. Are you planning to return them to us?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

A word immediately choked the other party speechless.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "Are you not going to give it to us?"

"Things in the territory of my greater China are not worthy of others!" Xiao Han said loudly.

"Okay, well said!"

At the scene, dozens of workers actually gave Xiao Han's hands and shouted for Xiao Han.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly stalemate.

Everyone in Kato seemed extremely angry, and the group was very angry. The two female secretaries are going forward to teach Xiao Han some lessons. Unexpectedly, Kato immediately stopped the two, and the two women muttered in Kato's ear for a while. However, Kato shook his head.

Kato smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, no matter what, these things do belong to me. I hope you can see them back to me for the sake of cooperation between us. Okay?"

"Are you threatening me with cooperation?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Hehe, how come?" The old fox Kato smiled slightly, and then said: "You have to know that we will also cooperate in the future. Moreover, we will increase your price by one third. In the next few years, you You can earn millions of dollars a year. Why bother with money for these things?"

When Xiao Han heard this, he was happy: "Do you think I will sell my bones and dignity for money? Then you are wrong!"

"Xiao Han, what do you want?" Kato frowned, and said: "You can make a price, how much will you be willing to return the things to me!"

Xiao Han was not in a hurry. He smiled, and then said, "Mr. Kato, why not do this. Let's first excavate the remains of your grandfather and his compatriots, and then ask the Taoist priests to do something for them. As for these things, we will Get it back first and negotiate slowly. What do you think?"

"Okay." Kato saw that the sky was already dark, so he nodded in agreement.

After all, it seems that there is no benefit to continuing such a stalemate. You can only get these things out first, and then think of other ways.

"President, do we really want to leave?" the man on the side asked.

"What can I do?" Kato smiled.

"With the strength of Sakurako and Miss Sagi, we can **** things away now, and then we will leave China quickly." The man said hurriedly.

"I think too!" Kato took a deep breath and said, "But, I feel Xiao Han's strength is very strong."

"Huh?" The man was stunned.

"Samu told me just now." Kato sighed and said: "She said that with Sakurako and her strength, there is no foolproof certainty. So, I don't want to have any chance of regret. Go back first, Chinese. They are all very greedy. I believe that the reason they do this is just to ask us a price. Then, we will find a way to redeem things with money."

"Yes!" The man nodded immediately.

Subsequently, the group returned.

Xiao Han stayed at the scene, and Zhao Lizhong took them back to the hotel.

On the way back, Kato and his party looked very upset and very annoyed. Along the way, these people were silent. All the way to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Zhao Lizhong sent them into the room.

in the room.

Sakurako, a beautiful Japanese woman with maroon wavy heads, said, "President Kato, why don't we use a strong one, just grab things back."

"No!" Samu shook his head and said: "The opponent also has a master."

"Samu, you are too cautious." Sakurako frowned and said: "It's me, I have already started. I grabbed things on the spot and left."

"It's easy to say." Samu sneered, and said: "Even if you grab something, what about? You can fly away? Even if you can fly away, then... what about the president? What about the president? Are you going to leave the president alone?"

Yingzi was speechless, she lowered her head, at a loss.

Kato sighed and said, "Okay, don't make trouble. There is always a way."

"What if they don't agree with the money?" the man on the side asked.

"Chinese people are always greedy, they will definitely ask us for a price." Kato smiled coldly and said: "If they really don't want money, they can only use other methods!"

"What way?" Sagi asked.

At this moment, Kato looked up at the beautiful Sakurako, with an evil smile on his lips.

Yingzi trembled all over, and said: "President, you... don't you!"

"Sakurako, it should be done for the president!" Sagi said.

"Sakurako, if the other party really doesn't want money, then I can only ask you!" Kato bowed to Sakurako.

Yingzi bit her red lips and said, "I..."

"Please!" Kato has been bending over, not daring to stand up straight.

"President, I know!" Yingzi nodded.

Men are nothing more than two things, the first is money, the second is sex. These two things are the goals of men's lifelong struggle. In any case, these two things are things that no man can resist. If Xiao Han doesn't like money, then he can't refuse women. Otherwise, this man actually has no desirelessness.


At the foot of the mountain, several large boxes were transported down from above.

Xiao Han led people to retreat decisively from that mountain. The bones of the Japanese soldiers were packed in woven bags and were carried down from the mountain by the workers. As for the wooden box, Xiao Han personally supervised the work and got it down. A group of people seemed extremely excited and extremely happy.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a sneer.

Although I don't know what it is, it can be seen from this wooden box that it is definitely not easy, nor simple. First of all, the logo of the Japanese royal family is printed on the box. Moreover, the material of this box is golden nanmu. This kind of wood was only used by the royal family in ancient times. The value of this box is already very expensive, let alone the contents of this box?

Although Xiao Han didn't understand what was in it, the things in it were definitely valuable.

The box is not big, and the length, width and height are only about 50 cents. Moreover, the door was wrapped in a layer of black. Xiao Han touched it, guessing that it was caused by something like cloth wrapped in the door, which was buried in the ground all the year round and corroded.

Soon, things were transferred out.

Xiao Han put this huge box in his car. Then quickly transferred.

He drove back to the hotel alone.

Packed with a suitcase, and then entered the room just ordered from the elevator.

Xiao Han immediately called Zhao Lizhong. It didn't take long before Zhao Lizhong found Xiao Han's room.

Looking at the wooden box on the table, both of them stared at the box. After a long time, Zhao Lizhong said: "Xiao Han, you...what are you going to do?"

"I..." Xiao Han hesitated, then said: "What else can I do, open it and see what it is!"

"Okay!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

Afterwards, he immediately opened the box.

There are layers of yellow cloth inside. However, because it is buried in the ground all the year round, the layer of cloth changes color immediately after encountering the air, which is considered normal air oxidation.

Zhao Lizhong leaned in immediately. His eyes lit up suddenly.

In the box, a huge bead shone brightly. Even in this brightly-lit room, one can still see bursts of light from that bead. Xiao Han also leaned forward curiously. When he saw the bead, he was amazed.


It's almost like a transparent bead!

Both of them looked extremely surprised and surprised. Especially Zhao Lizhong, he swallowed a spit, and then said: "This...what is this?"

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