"Of course it's true!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Although all this is just my guess, I think the top ten is right. Tonight, I doubt that they will do everything possible to do this. A bead was stolen."

"Ah!" Zhao Lizhong was anxious when he heard this, "What should I do?"

"Hey, listen to me." Xiao Han smiled and said, "You take this bead first."

"Ah?" Zhao Lizhong said awkwardly when he heard it, "Xiao Han, you...you trust me so much? Are you not afraid that I will take this bead away and fly away?"

"Brother Zhao, what are you talking about?" Xiao Han smiled, and said, "Can I still trust you as a person?"

"Well, since you trust me so well, I will take care of it for you." Zhao Lizhong nodded.

Xiao Han turned around and took the bead out of the hidden compartment from the box, then wrapped it in a black cloth and placed it in a very inconspicuous bag. Said: "You just carry it like this."

"Success!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

"Go early, it is not easy to cause suspicion!" Xiao Han exclaimed.

"What about you?" Zhao Lizhong asked when he was about to leave, carrying the bag and was about to leave.

"Don't worry, they won't do anything to me!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "They dare not attack me. Especially when they didn't get the beads!"

"Well, I know!" Zhao Lizhong immediately understood the meaning. He decisively left the scene carrying the bag.

Xiao Han lay down on the sofa.

He knew that tonight must be a sleepless night, and the other party would definitely do everything possible to take this bead away. However, how could they know that they had already completed the evacuation of Jin Chan. Even if they came, I'm afraid it would be empty.

Xiao Han lay on the sofa and turned on the phone.

More than eleven o'clock in the evening.


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Xiao Han got up to open the door.

When opening the door, Yingzi turned out to be standing at the door. She bowed to Xiao Han and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm so sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night!"

"Miss Yingzi, I don't know what's up with you?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Can... let me go in and talk?" Yingzi asked.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

After that, Xiao Hanli could let Yingzi in.

After entering the room, Yingzi sat upright on the sofa, and Xiao Han sat down opposite her. The two looked at each other. Xiao Han was the first to speak: "Miss Yingzi, just say anything if you want."

"Yeah!" Yingzi nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, to tell you, President Kato asked me to come."

"For the beads?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes!" Sakurako nodded. She blushed and said, "President Kato asked me to take care of you tonight!"

"How to serve?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

When Yingzi heard this, her face turned redder, and she stood up and unbuttoned her skirt with both hands. Flick your hands gently. The long skirt immediately slipped off her silky delicate body.

Xiao Han's eyes widened. It was a very attractive body, and most importantly, it was naked inside.


Looking at that very attractive body, Xiao Han couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He looked at Yingzi awkwardly, his face flushed. The body was a little hot, and the most terrible thing was that the guy in the crotch was a little reluctant.

Yingzi slowly kneeled and sat in front of Xiao Han, bending over and said, "Xiao Han, please let me serve you!"

"I'll go!" Xiao Han said awkwardly when he heard it, "You... are you Japanese women so open?"

"No, no!" Yingzi shook her head hurriedly and said, "Xiao Han, don't get me wrong. Actually...I...I never had a boyfriend. You...you may become my first man!"

When Xiao Han heard this, his body became even hotter.

For any man, there seems to be a virgin complex in his body. Nowadays, such a beautiful young child is in front of you, and he also said that he will take the initiative to serve you, which makes Xiao Han's blood boil even more.

"Don't... don't..." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I...I don't want to be like this."

"Mr. Xiao Han!" Yingzi bent over and said, "President Kato said, whether you are willing to return the beads to him, you must let me serve you tonight, otherwise, I will never be able to return home. "

"So, if I **** you tonight, is that equivalent to saving you?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" Yingzi nodded.

"Well, in that case, my inner guilt will be much easier." Xiao Han smiled.

When Yingzi heard it, her face turned red. She walked over slowly, and then unbuttoned Xiao Han's clothes and pants. Soon he began to take care of Xiao Han seriously. She worked hard to serve Xiao Han. Although she was very unfamiliar for the first time, she had received training in this area after all, so she was not ignorant.

Xiao Han was refreshed by Yingzi, and a certain part of his body was hard as iron. Yingzi's little mouth belongs to the little cherry mouth. Where can she hold such a behemoth, she can only find a way to satisfy Xiao Han's various needs.

Xiao Han could never be satisfied with this, he stood up and immediately pressed Yingzi under him.

"Ah!" Yingzi screamed. She closed her eyes, put her hands tightly on her chest, and then accepted Xiao Han's storm.

Xiao Han wouldn't have any kindness, after all, he didn't have any feelings for this woman. Since it was delivered to the door and it was still a Japanese woman, he would not be polite. Especially when he learned that Yingzi was a young child, he was even more separated.


The huge guy disappeared instantly.

"Ah!!" Yingzi screamed again and again.

The first pain is self-evident. Especially Xiao Han's guy is huge. Yingzi seemed to feel that she was receiving brutal abuse, but after the pain, it seemed that spring was coming. Yingzi felt a different taste and a different comfort.

Yingzi actually took the initiative to cater to Xiao Han's actions, and used what she had learned vividly.

Xiao Han felt the scorching heat of Yingzi, especially being wrapped in that warm place, which made him feel that his body was tight all the time, and he had been working hard to suppress his inner emotions.


I don't know how long it took, Xiao Han was sweating profusely. Yingzi also screamed again and again.

Yingzi's figure is relatively petite, with a height of one meter and six meters, and all parts of her body are very attractive. Xiao Han is a tall man, a height of 1.8 meters, strong muscles, and a certain place with extraordinary talent. Therefore, Yingzi was almost tortured to death by Xiao Han.

Fortunately, after half an hour, Xiao Han finally ended the battle.

All the life and essence were poured into Yingzi's body at once.

Yingzi felt hot for a while.

Her hands clung to Xiao Han's arms tightly, and his nails almost disappeared into his muscles. After a trembling, Yingzi finally recovered her clarity. She took a deep breath, opened her blurred eyes and looked at Xiao Han: "Mr. Xiao Han, you are so amazing!"

This is the first time Yingzi has used her honorific name.

In the eyes of the Japanese, only people who are worthy of their respect will use honorific titles. Obviously, Xiao Han conquered Yingzi with his strength, which made Yingzi respect him from the heart.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Really? I am your first man. How do you know that there is no better than me?"

"Although I don't know if there is any, but I think you are already very powerful." Yingzi said seriously: "I think I am almost tortured to death by you."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled and slowly backed out.

"Ah!" Yingzi screamed, and she hurriedly jumped up, and then swiftly ran straight to the bathroom.

Xiao Han looked at Yingzi's back and couldn't help but smile. He smiled triumphantly, wondering if his behavior today is considered honoring the country?

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a smug smile, looking down at the dazzling bright red on the snow-white bed sheet. The bright red means that Yingzi is no longer a young child, she will be her own woman from now on.

However, Xiao Han could not bear this pot. Moreover, Yingzi was not necessarily willing to let herself carry this pot.

Before long, Yingzi walked out of the bathroom.

She was wrapped in a bath towel, and her two long slender legs were exposed. He seemed a little bit painful when walking. After finally getting to the bed, she immediately lay down and said in pain: "It hurts... it hurts me to death."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sakurako, in this case, Mr. Kato will let you go back to China, right?"

"Yeah!" Yingzi nodded, she looked at Xiao Han pitifully, and said: "Mr Xiao Han, then..."

"I don't need to talk about the beads." Xiao Han smiled and said, "You let Kato die too."

"Huh?" Yingzi lowered her head when she heard it, her expression depressed.

However, Yingzi has completed her mission. She remembered that Kato let herself be with Xiao Han tonight, and could only go back tomorrow morning. She honestly lay down beside Xiao Han, and then crawled into Xiao Han's arms.

This guy Xiao Han is very strong and he soon became interested.

Yingzi did not honestly cooperate with Xiao Han, and then worked hard to serve him.

This evening, Xiao Han came four times in total. Every time she made Yingzi die alive. Yingzi screamed again and again all night. I hardly slept well this night. The whole person seemed extremely painful.

Although she felt every time, it was the first time after all, so every time she felt painful.

At four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Han was finally sleepy.

After Yingzi finished washing, she came back to see Xiao Han asleep, and she suddenly trembled. Because after she entered the door, she saw the box that Kato wanted. It was lying quietly on a table in the corner.

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