Xiao Han glanced at this map, and then said: "The location of the icon is no longer in this place!"

"Huh?" Kato was taken aback, and asked, "Where?"

"Come with me!" Xiao Han is so smart. Although this map is still a long time ago, it is basically not much different from the current map. The only difference is that this place has been mined by mining. Up. However, fortunately, this place has completely changed. Everything has been changed. However, according to the map in Kato's hand, it should not be here anymore.

Xiao Han led the way, and Kato and others followed.

Even if Kato is in his fifties, he is still more vigorous when he walks. It seems that there is no twilightness that an old man should have.

The two female secretaries and assistants in the back also walked quickly, and they followed very quickly.

From the copper mine, they followed a small road uphill. Walked out of the copper mining area about 500 meters away. Not far away, a huge number appeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Han pointed to the tree and said, "If there is no wrong mark, it should be there."

Kato saw the big pine tree at a glance, and he said excitedly: "Yes, that's it, that's it!"

Everyone looked at the huge pine tree from a distance, very tall and mighty, very sturdy. From a distance, the tree looked like a huge umbrella-shaped object. It seemed particularly shocking.

Kato walked fast all the way, he said excitedly: "Yes, it's here."

"Why are you so sure?" Xiao Han had some second-hand monks confused.

Kato tremblingly took out a white photo from his arms and said, "This...this is the evidence!"

A few people leaned over and took a look. It was a black and white photo, the surroundings had been decolorized, but there was indeed a pine tree in this photo. Moreover, this pine tree is very conspicuous. Unexpectedly, after decades, this pine tree has grown a lot. However, it still did not change his shape.

"Yes, this is it!"


Everyone looked a little excited.

Especially the people from Zhushishe, they cried with excitement. The man posing as Kato knelt down and kowtowed his head frantically. It seemed very excited. It's just like my father and mother died.

Kato was very excited and said: "Okay, good, great, I finally found it."

"Mr. Kato." At this time, Xiao Han smiled, and said, "I found it probably, but it's not easy to find your grandfather's remains here, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Kato frowned.

"The place here is so big, and I think the markings on your map don't seem to be very clear!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Unless you can give a specific place."

"I have a photo!" Kato said hurriedly.

"What if there is a photo?" Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said: "A photo alone cannot prove anything. Besides, can you determine the position on the photo?"

Kato hesitated, then said, "Oh, okay. Then... Mr. Xiao, what can you do?"

Xiao Han thought for a while, and then said, "We must excavate in a targeted manner. You can't come casually!"

"Yeah!" Kato nodded.

"Since this pine tree is shown in the photo, let's start with this pine tree!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "This pine tree may have some representative significance. I suspect that your grandfather's remains may be under this pine tree."

"Ah?!" When Kato heard this, he was overjoyed and said: "Then...what are you still hesitating about, dig!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I'll let someone prepare."

At this moment, Zhao Lizhong immediately started calling, and not long after, more than a dozen workers carrying shovel and hoes came over here. A group of people is mighty.

"Mr. Zhao, what are your orders?" This group of people still respect Zhao Lizhong very much.

"Let you dig treasures!" Zhao Lizhong smiled and said: "Hurry up, start digging under this tree. Dig down!"

"Sure!" Several people nodded immediately.

Subsequently, everyone began to dig frantically. A group of people seemed extremely excited.

When I heard about digging treasures, even though they did not own them, they would be very happy if they had the opportunity to participate in digging treasures in this life, or even see what the treasures looked like.

The guys started digging wildly.

The strength of more than a dozen people is very strong, and they have not stopped since the beginning.

Xiao Han and Kato and his group watched from the sidelines. At this time, the sun was not big and the climate on the mountain was very cool. They stood under the shade of the trees, watching the group of workers start to dig.

The red soil was shoveled out, and it didn't take long for them to dug a big hole. The power of more than a dozen people was so powerful that they dug a one-meter deep pit in one hour.

"Mr. Zhao, why haven't you found it yet?" the leading worker asked curiously.

"Since it is a treasure, where is it so easy?" Zhao Lizhong glanced at him and said, "Keep digging, don't stop."

"Yes!" The worker nodded helplessly.

Subsequently, they continued to dig. Crazy digging all the way down. It seemed extremely excited, but also very excited. This group of people seemed very excited. A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

With the urge to dig treasure.

The excavation continued all day.

At first there were more than a dozen people, and then Zhao Lizhong called more than 20 people. More than 30 people were digging wildly at the scene. Around this pine tree, the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters has been dug up. I dug a deep hole more than one meter long.

There was no response from continued digging, which made everyone want to give up. However, if the boss didn't speak, how could they give up easily.

"Continue digging. Dig down!" Zhao Lizhong waved.

After finishing talking, Zhao Lizhong ran to Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, are you sure there is nothing wrong with this excavation? Are the bones really buried under a pine tree?"

"It should be correct!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Otherwise, why would there be a picture of a pine tree?"

Everyone thought about it, and felt right.

The sky is getting dark.

Kato has been watching from the sidelines, staring at the excavation site, as if he might be dug out at any time. It's a pity that he watched it for a day and didn't see anything being dug up. They seemed extremely excited. It also seemed extremely excited.

"President, you can rest aside!" At this moment, the man on the side said.

"No!" Kato immediately shook his head and said: "I have waited for this day for a long time. I must watch it dug out from the ground today."

More than a dozen workers have been digging, everyone is sweating like rain. However, how can they easily relax the work ordered by the boss? They must complete the work honestly, otherwise, their work will not be able to keep it.

Kuang Dang...

Suddenly, with a loud noise, I don't know whose **** hit a metal object.

"Digged something!" At this time, a worker shouted.


The crowd quickly surrounded the past.

Xiao Han also leaned forward curiously. The worker stood in the pit he had dug and said excitedly: "There is something underneath!"

"Quickly, dig!" Kato said excitedly.

He even jumped down eagerly, then took the shovel from another worker, and dig crazy.

It didn't take long before that metal object finally revealed the true face of Lushan. It was a green iron kettle with a Japanese flag on the door. The cyan appearance seemed a bit of vicissitudes.

Kato held the iron kettle and said excitedly: "Yes, that's right, right here, hurry... dig!"

Subsequently, more than 30 people concentrated on the place and began to dig crazy here.

After a kettle, another rifle was unearthed soon. The rifle was completely rusted, and the wooden support was somewhat corroded. There was an unfired bullet in the barrel.

"Found it!" At this time, someone dug up a white skeleton.

The crowd gathered around, and the workers started digging one after another, using small shovels to conduct protective excavations. Not long after, the skeleton was unearthed. However, what people did not expect was that Kato actually shouted: "Keep digging, keep digging, and more!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked up at Zhao Lizhong.

"Let you dig, you dig quickly!" Zhao Lizhong said.

When everyone heard it, they arched their waists and continued to dig. A group of people seemed very excited and excited.

They began to dig frantically. The bullet box was not affected by the detonation, and some German-made equipment were dug out from the ground. Even boxes of bullets were dug out from underneath. Bones of Japanese soldiers were excavated.

However, Kato doesn't seem to have much interest in these bones. But very interested in those boxes. He checked the boxes one by one. See what is going on with those boxes.

Unfortunately, every time he opens a box, he is a little disappointed. Obviously, those things were not what he was looking for.

"Mr. Kato, what are you looking for?" Xiao Han walked over.

"I..." Kato hesitated for a while, and said embarrassingly: "Let's tell you, my grandfather left a last word, and I must find something that belongs to him!"

"What?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Mr. Xiao, this is our family affair, so please stop asking." Kato looked at Xiao Han awkwardly.

Xiao Han frowned, then said, "Don't forget, this is our land in China."

Kato was stunned.

At this moment, someone shouted: "I dug another one, dug another one!"

Xiao Han turned his head and took a look. This box was different from the others. It was a wooden box. Moreover, there is a paint package outside. So it can be buried in the ground for decades without corruption. This made Xiao Han a little surprised and puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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