The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 598: Waiting for you at home

As for the poor restaurant, the income this month is fairly objective. Today, Hanmen Restaurant has grown to 13 chain restaurants, and there are five in Linjiang City alone. In the provincial capital, eight restaurants were expanded at once because of the injection of funds. Moreover, these eight restaurants are already open for business.

This month, the net income of 13 restaurants has reached a million.

Annual net income exceeds 10 million. Moreover, the expansion of the Hanmen restaurant has continued. By the end of this year, it is estimated that there will be more than 30 chain restaurants. The prefecture-level cities in the province will bloom everywhere. Shoot out the image of the poor restaurant and go out.

As for Hanmen Mining, its net profit in the first month has exceeded 5 million. Monthly sales reached tens of millions. With such a huge profit, it's no wonder that many people are eager to get a mine. Copper mines are like this, let alone gold mines?

It is no wonder that Mo Shaocong has been so busy recently, that the gold mine in the northwest is enough for him to toss, and the output value of a gold mine cannot be several hundred million a year?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt drooling.

A copper mine in a mere district has a net profit of more than 5 million yuan a month. Let alone a gold mine? Xiao Han has been wondering, when can he make a gold mine? It's a pity that things like gold mines can be met but not sought.

This time, everyone was cheered up.

In one month, nearly 7 million of net profits were created. These 7 million have a great relationship with them. Although their shares are not many, the base of 7 million is very large, even if it is 1%. It's only seventy thousand yuan. This is equivalent to the annual income of ordinary white-collar workers.

"It's really making money!" Li Dafang said in astonishment.

"No!" Zhao Lizhong nodded excitedly, and said: "When our output comes up, sales will be even bigger. There is a huge demand in Japan. They have personally visited our mines, and they have also sampled and investigated. The copper ore is relatively pure."

"We want to expand the market!" Xiao Han said.

"Yes." Zhao Lizhong nodded and said: "We need to expand the market, not only need to expand the market, we also need to expand our influence in the market."

"That's right." Xiao Han nodded.

If you make money, you can't lose your reputation.

Da Pang Li said, "Xiao Han, why should we sell copper mines to the Japanese?"

Da Pang Li is an angry youth, he is very incomprehensible about these things. Especially for the Japanese massacre of the Chinese, it is even more difficult to understand. China used to be a big country, but I didn't expect to be bullied by people from a small place. What do Japanese lack most? Nature is a resource. Because Japan is an island country, it has great demand for various resources.

Moreover, this time the copper ore purchased by the Japanese was basically useless, but directly used for reclamation. These resources are dug away from China's land, and then these rich resources are buried on the bottom of the sea to create a continent. In the future, when China's resources are exhausted, they will dig up these resources and sell them to China at ten or even a hundred times the price, or turn these resources into weapons to invade China again.

For these, Da Pang Li couldn't understand.

"Why don't you sell it to the Japanese?" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "The hatred between us and the Japanese is the hatred between nations. And we and them are nothing more than transactions between merchants and merchants. There is a conflict."

"I know." Li Da Pang smiled bitterly.

"Even if we don't sell to them, others will sell to them." Xiao Han patted Li Dapang on the shoulder and said, "So, don't think too much about it. Some things, just let the flow go. The hatred between us and the Japanese is not insoluble, but we and the bears in the north are the real insoluble contradictions. They swallow our territory, trample on our nation, and bully our country. It’s a hatred that cannot be resolved, understand?"

"Yes!" Li Da Pang nodded.

Xiao Han's hatred of the northern bears is far greater than that of the Japanese.

"If our things are to be sold to bears in the north, then the price must be increased countless times." Xiao Han smiled.

A meeting even discussed national hatred from the strategic layout. In this meeting, everyone was very happy. The company can make money, which means that everyone can make money. If the company can't make any money, I'm afraid it won't even be able to send out wages.

"Speaking of bears in the north, there are still many people coming to buy our mines." Zhao Lizhong smiled and said: "There is a Russian businessman who seems to be very interested in our high-purity copper mines. It seems that they will come to investigate this month. If the inspection passes, it is estimated that they will establish cooperation with us soon."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "Just turn around and increase the offer. We are not stupid. Can we make money if we have money?"

"This... isn't it?" Zhao Lizhong said embarrassingly: "Should we give a quotation to the Japanese and another quotation to the Russian?"

"Why not?" Xiao Han shrugged.

"Yes, you have the final say!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

After the meeting ended, Yang Lu found Xiao Han again.

"Xiao Han, I heard that you have taken over Leopard Gate now?" Yang Lu asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Sister Yang, why are you paying attention to things on the road?"

"I have reached this position, so I can't help but not pay attention to things on the road." Yang Lu smiled slightly, and then said: "You are now the sect master of the Leopard Gate. Congratulations. However, you have to stand on both feet. Be careful of Liu Si."

"Don't worry." Xiao Han nodded and said: "I know the severity."

Xiao Han is now not only a student, but also a business person, and also the big brother of a gang. With multiple identities, he needs to consider different issues from different positions. Therefore, Xiao Han still appears to be relatively mature.

That night, Xiao Han drove to the provincial capital, along with Zhao Lizhong and the returned doctor named Li Cheng. Zhao Lizhong drove, Xiao Han sat in the back seat and Li Cheng sat in the co-pilot. Xiao Han sat in the back seat alone, looking out the window, the green trees retreated, the shade of the trees turned into a forest, Xiao Han suddenly thought of Liu Xiaolei in his head. The girl went down to Shenzhen in anger, and now she doesn't know what the situation is like.

In fact, Xiao Han felt a little guilty about Liu Xiaolei. Xiao Han wanted to find Liu Xiaolei very much, but he didn't know what kind of identity he should use to find Liu Xiaolei. Even if I found Liu Xiaolei, I should tell her something.

Although I don't know where Liu Xiaolei is, it shouldn't be difficult to find Liu Xiaolei. Liu Xiaolei's eldest brother, Liu Dajun, and her father, Uncle Liu, should know where Liu Xiaolei is in Shenzhen. However, Xiao Han has been reluctant to touch this point. He didn't know what kind of attitude and identity he should use to get along with Liu Xiaolei.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Han's miss for Liu Xiaolei increased day by day. Especially in the dark night.

"Xiao Han, we are here." Zhao Lizhong turned to look at Xiao Han.

"Oh, good." Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

Zhao Lizhong smiled and said, "What? Thinking about things?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han stretched out and got out of the car.

"If you have any thoughts, you can tell me." Zhao Lizhong patted Xiao Han on the shoulder and said, "Let's go first."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded.

Subsequently, the two left the scene. Seeing them leaving behind, if Xiao Han felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. In addition to women, there are also a group of people who have been helping themselves. They are unknown, they never pursue anything.

Thinking of this, the depressed emotion on Xiao Han's face finally relaxed.

Return to school.

Lan Yudie saw Xiao Han and asked, "How's it going? Has everything been dealt with?"

"Well, it's handled." Xiao Han nodded and said: "It didn't have much to do with me, but I also helped a lot!"

"Why does it have nothing to do with you?" Lan Yudie frowned and said, "Is it your cousin anyway?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie glanced at Xiao Han and said, "The final exam is about to come, don't run around recently."

"Yes!" Xiao Han smiled.

It was the end of May in this blink of an eye, and June was the last month of the semester. I didn't expect the final exam to be in a blink of an eye. The time comes really fast.

Didi di...

Back to the dormitory, a phone call came in.

"Hello." Xiao Han answered the phone.

"Xiao Han, how are you doing recently?" Liu Yiyi's voice came from the microphone.

"Ah, it's you!" Xiao Han was surprised.

The two have not seen each other for a while since the last National University Games. Because of the many affairs, Xiao Han suddenly forgot about Liu Yiyi. Now that's all right, Liu Yiyi personally called.

"Yeah." Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "You have promised me to teach me to paint oil painting. You never came once."

"I...I will come tomorrow." Xiao Han said embarrassingly.

"Really?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Of course it's true!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

"This is what you said." Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "Then I will wait for you at home."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Yiyi hung up the phone excitedly, waiting at home for Xiao Han's arrival.


the next day.

Xiao Han drove to Liu's house.

Before reaching the door, I saw a girl in a white dress standing at the door of the house eagerly waiting. Looks very much looking forward to it. Especially after seeing Xiao Han's car, he became even more excited. She excitedly waved to Xiao Han's car.

Shouted: "Xiao Han, I am here."

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Silly girl."

Getting off the car, Liu Yiyi ran up excitedly.

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