The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 597: Secret union

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "But you have to keep a low profile in the future."

"I know!" Big Fatty Li nodded and said, "You see I am so rich now, I still ride a motorcycle, is it low-key?"

"Well, low-key!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han was still very uneasy about Li Da Pang, he specifically told Liu Shengtao that he must look at Li Da Pang well. Don't let anything happen to this kid.

Now Linjiang City is full of resentment. If Li Da Pang still offends those people, maybe these people will find a way to turn Leopard back. After all, in their opinion, Leopard Gate is much better than Liu Si.

In fact, those who were driven away are indeed planning a counterattack.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. These people were driven away by the Leopard Gate and Liu Si. They wandered in the fringe of urban and rural areas. They hid in a residential building. They rented a residential building with hundreds of people hiding in it, planning the next action.

"Damn, do we hide here like mice every day?"

"Otherwise, what should I do? The Baozimen and Liu Si are now booming. If you start with them at this time, you will be sent to the door to abuse them."

A gang of people was making noisy inside.

At this time, someone said: "Don’t make trouble, we should think about it now. There are 13 gang members here, which means there are 13 bosses. We should abandon the door-to-door dispute now, and we should hurry up. Pick someone who can command us to win the battle."

"I think our elder brother is pretty good."

"Fuck, our big brother is also good."

"Our brother Niu is the best!"

When it comes to choosing a big brother, this group of people is immediately excited, and one by one they choose their own boss or big brother. The scene fell into chaos once again.

At this moment, a voice shouted: "What is the noise, what is the noise? Do you want revenge!"

The scene fell silent immediately.

Then, the voice said: "All the little brothers are not qualified to speak, the eldest brothers of thirteen gangs stand up."

Soon, thirteen people came out and formed a circle around the table.

Thirteen people got together.

"You are all big brothers, now, it is up to you to choose a suitable candidate to lead us!" The speaker was an elderly middle-aged man.

Thirteen people got together, you looked at me, I looked at you, and they all seemed a little dissatisfied.

At this time, the middle-aged man said: "If you want me to say, it's better to let Lu Sheng come. In terms of strength, he is worse than you, and he is slightly better than you by strategy. How about?"

They seem to be a little dissatisfied, but compared to others, Lu Sheng seems to be better.

"I'm OK!"

"I agree!"

They nodded and agreed.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he was ecstatic in his heart that he was able to become the general leader. He was almost happy in his heart. He said excitedly: "Don't worry, I will take you back to the previous turf."

"Good!" everyone shouted.

Everyone hopes to regain the previous territory, and everyone hopes to live a comfortable life again, instead of becoming a rat crossing the street like now, everyone shouts and beats. They don't want to be chased.

Lu Sheng became the general leader, and he immediately gained the right to command hundreds of people. In the opposition alliance, Lu Sheng is the general leader, and there are twelve deputy leaders below. Lu Sheng said to these people: "Everyone must work together in the future, and must obey my command, so that I can take back our territory and live the life of the past!"

"Lu Sheng, tell me, what should we do now?" someone asked.

"Don't worry." Lu Sheng shook his head and said, "Now that the other party is vigorous, we can't head-to-head with each other. I think we should develop the market in the urban-rural fringe area now. Open the bar here. Now we need money. What is the fastest to get money, one is a bar, the other is an entertainment club. Once these two places are placed in the urban-rural fringe, we can probably make a lot of money.

"Fuck, we have to quickly regain the site now." A man became anxious when he heard this: "Who has time to fix these things for you?"

"What do you know?" Lu Sheng said dismissively: "Now let us people deal with Baozimen and Liu Si, that is to die. Especially since their morale is booming, if we act rashly, we will definitely suffer."

The man frowned, and then said, "Your sister. What can I do?"

"Shaoan, don't be impatient, first set up the bar and the entertainment club." Lu Sheng smiled: "Even if we regain the site in the future, this place will still be ours. Even if we can't regain the site, then we need an emergency source, no ?"

"I agree."

"I agree."

Everyone showed their hands to vote. Soon, half of Lu Sheng's opinions passed.

After the meeting ended, Lu Sheng and his people returned to their residence.

"Boss, now you are majestic." The little brother said with a smile.

"Hey, when I become the leader, I won't give up easily." Lu Sheng smiled and said: "First stabilize them, and then open a few bars and entertainment clubs. After a long time, they naturally forget that. One thing. Haha..."

Lu Sheng is indeed smart. Although he has lost his previous turf, his power is now greater than before. Even more than several times before. How can he let go easily? If you really regain the territory, then the opposition alliance will collapse, and then your own leader will be unlucky.

Therefore, Lu Sheng must not take them back easily. He decided to adopt a silent method to slowly stabilize the power in his hands. It is best to kill these twelve people one by one, and then change their own people to control.

You can't act too hastily now, you need to stay calm.

Lu Sheng had a huge chessboard in his mind, and he needed to implement his plan slowly.

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth raised a sneer.


Xiao Han did not leave Linjiang City that day, but went to the second shop of Hanmen Restaurant.

Since Liu Xiaolei left, Yang Lu's work has been very busy. Not only does she have to take full control of the Hanmen restaurant, she has to handle everything with one hand. She is also the person in charge of the poor company and is responsible for all affairs of the entire poor company.

Zhao Lizhong has already flourished in the provincial capital, and Japan's supply and marketing channels have been established. Almost all the poor companies are operating at a fast speed and are busy fast. The production and sales of copper mines are on the right track. The profit in the first month has exceeded 5 million. Sales broke tens of millions. Under the frenzied profit, everyone was struck up.

The headquarters of Hanmen Company is located in Linjiang City. Yang Lu works at the head office.

Every month, the giants of several companies will meet and exchange some company opinions with each other. However, the company's first giant meeting has not yet been completed. This time, when Yang Lu learned that Xiao Han had returned, she immediately decided to call Zhao Lizhong back and decided to hold a company meeting.

"Sister Yang, you have worked hard!" Xiao Han looked at Yang Lu.

Yang Lu is now even more charming and enchanting. Time flies and moisturizes Yang Lu, and her busy work makes her figure slimmer. However, the places that should be thin are lost, but the places that should not be thin are not.

"I didn't work hard, you worked hard." Yang Lu smiled.

"I don't care about things every day." Xiao Han laughed. Said: "You are the person who really works hard."

"That's right." Yang Lu's expression changed slightly and said: "Xiao Lei has been away for so long, and there is no news. Are you really not planning to go to Shenzhen to get him back?"

"I..." Xiao Han hesitated and said, "What qualifications do I have to find her? What kind of identity should I use to find her?"

"But, after all, she has you in her heart." Yang Lu exasperated and said: "If you don't find her, maybe she won't come back in this life."

Xiao Han nodded slightly, and said, "It depends on the situation. When the school is off, I will go to Shenzhen."

"Go early, it's not easy for a girl to be outside." Yang Lu nodded.

Hanmen company headquarters.

As the general manager of the company, Yang Lu personally presided over this meeting.

Zhao Lizhong also rushed back from the provincial capital. This meeting is particularly important because it is the company's first meeting. Although the number is small. There are only a few people. In addition to Xiao Han, Yang Lu, Zhao Lizhong and Li Dapang, there are two others. One of them is the person in charge of the catering sector, and the other is the person in charge of the copper ore trading. The person in charge of the copper ore trading was found by Zhao Lizhong, named Li Cheng. It is said that he is still a Ph.D. returned from the United Kingdom with very good ability.

"Mr. Li, hello!" Xiao Han took the initiative to greet him.

"Oh, Dong Xiao is too polite." Li Cheng already knew Xiao Han's identity, Xiao Han was so polite, but he was a little embarrassed.

"Sit down," Xiao Han greeted enthusiastically.


Everyone took their seats.

Logically speaking, Xiao Han is the boss of the company, and he should sit in the position of chief. However, Xiao Han did not do this, instead let Yang Lu sit in the position of chief. Yang Lu sat in the most eye-catching position of the conference table, and then smiled: "Thank Xiao Dong for his approval. Today I will chair this meeting for everyone."

In the meeting room, all the important people are present.

Li Da Pang sat beside Xiao Han, and he smiled and said, "Xiao Han, this month, the poor company should have made a lot of money, right?"

"Then you need to talk about it?" Xiao Han smiled.

Da Pang Li nodded slightly, and then said, "Okay, guy. It's okay to make more money."

Soon, Yang Lu recounted the situation this month. The net income of the poor school training class is only tens of thousands of yuan, and the money is almost negligible for the poor company. Moreover, Xiao Han has not planned to expand the training course for the poor. Because this is not good for the quality of teaching. Although the poor school education is very famous in Province Z, Xiao Han can take this opportunity to make the poor school education bigger and stronger.

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