The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 599: Qin family retired

It can be seen that Liu Yiyi has regarded Xiao Han as his intimate friend. Otherwise, he would never be so passionate about him. Liu Yiyi didn't have a friend around him. Even if former friends learned that Liu Yiyi was terminally ill, they were unwilling to continue to associate with her. Maybe they would come to see her at the beginning, and then gradually forget him. From then on, Liu Yiyi seemed to no longer exist in their world.

Liu Yiyi raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and kindly took Xiao Han's hand, and said: "Xiao Han, you are here!"

"Sorry, I was too busy a while ago." Xiao Han apologized repeatedly.

"I know you are very busy!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "However, today is Saturday. You can spare a little time to accompany me."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Although the two of them had only been missing for a few days, in Liu Yiyi's mind, they could not see each other like three autumns. The yearning for Xiao Han is increasing day by day. After finally seeing Xiao Han, he was naturally not enthusiastic.

Entered the house.

Liu Yiyi couldn't wait to take out his paintings, and said excitedly: "Look, this is what I painted these days, what do you think?"

That is a huge sunrise picture of Mount Tai. It took Liu Yiyi three days to complete this painting. Although this painting is not an excellent work, it has indeed improved a lot compared to Liu Yiyi's previous level.

"Not bad!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Your oil painting level has improved a lot. It seems that you have not practiced less these days."

"Hehe..." Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "That's not how your teacher teaches well."

"I didn't teach anything." Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head.

"No?" Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "The painting you left me gave me a lot of inspiration. I looked at your painting and thought about it for a long time. I think , It is not just a painting, but a spirit, the spirit of sunrise, warns me not to give up hope. I must have the spirit of sunrise. As long as I live in this world, I can never give up any hope. Yes. ?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han immediately let out a sigh of relief when he heard it, and said: "You can understand it this way, it's not a waste of my pains."

The two discussed painting skills in the studio.

Suddenly, Liu Yiyi turned to look at Xiao Han and said: "A few days ago, there was one thing that I never told you."

"What?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"The Qin family has publicly retired." Liu Yiyi's face showed a touch of loneliness.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Xiao Han replied, "You don't want to marry a cynical dude, do you?"

"That being said, it was so openly proposed to divorce..." Liu Yiyi sighed and said: "My dad is very dissatisfied lately. Every time I come to see me, I'm drunk. I ran to cry. After a while, I left. I felt uncomfortable looking at it."

"Hey..." Xiao Han sighed and said, "Maybe, this is the cruelty in the market."

"Actually, I feel sorry for my dad." Liu Yiyi sighed.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "You don't have to feel sorry for him."

"Why?" Liu Yiyi frowned.

"Because..." Xiao Han hesitated for a while, and then said: "He is willing to marry you to an irresponsible playboy, do you think you need to feel sorry for him? His current fate may be deserved. "

"But, he is my dad after all." Liu Yiyi said helplessly.

"In this world, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "It is a fact that he has nurturing you. However, he arbitrarily married you to someone who did not The conscientious dude aimed at this, he is not a real man, he is just a qualified businessman."

Facing Xiao Han's words, Liu Yiyi had no room for refutation.

"I don't know what to say." Liu Yiyi lowered her head, and she sat opposite Xiao Han.

"There are some things, don't think about it too complicated." Xiao Han smiled and said: "The best thing you should do now is to raise your body. You must raise your body well before the matching bone marrow arrives and meet the standards for surgery."

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said, "Or, take you out for a drive today?"

"I..." Liu Yiyi hesitated, she couldn't go out easily, a little carelessness would bring deadly germs. It is easy to cause fatal infection.

"Put on a simple isolation suit." Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi finally failed to resist the temptation and agreed to go out with Xiao Han.

Although the maid wanted to persuade, she knew she couldn't stop Liu Yiyi. I can only think of a way to put on her isolation gown and then put on a mask.

In this way, Liu Yiyi and Xiao Han went out.

Liu Yiyi hasn't been out for a long time, let alone shopping. She walked on the street, watching the pedestrians coming and going. Seeing the people walking on the street, she had a look of envy in her eyes.

Indeed, for a terminally ill girl, how envious of those healthy people, who can go shopping freely, can eat whatever they want, and drink whatever they want. But he can't.

"Want to eat ice cream?" Xiao Han asked.

"I... can I?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han.

"Why not?" Xiao Han nodded and said, "As long as you like it, you can eat it!"

"Of course I like it!" Liu Yiyi nodded immediately.

"I'll buy it for you!" Xiao Han smiled.

Xiao Han has done enough homework. Liu Yiyi is terminally ill, so he should eat whatever he wants. As for ice cream, there is nothing you can't eat. You can eat as long as you want.

Xiao Han quickly bought a box of Haagen-Dazs.

"I used to like to eat!" Liu Yiyi smiled at the tomato, and then said: "However, since I was sick, I never eat it again."

"Why?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Since I fell ill, my outlook on life has changed a lot." Liu Yiyi took the ice cream, glanced at Xiao Han, and said: "I don't like things I liked before. I like shopping before. Shopping, like eating ice cream, I don’t like it anymore."

"Then what do you like?" Xiao Han asked.

"I like walking alone, and I like being alone." Liu Yiyi smiled and said, "I don't care about eating. I can eat everything I can. I told me once, avoid cold and spicy... …"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "However, this is only occasionally eaten, not every day."

"I know!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

She opened the ice cream and began to taste it carefully. The ice cream that was my favorite in the past has now become a luxury item. It feels sad to think about it. Liu Yiyi ate very vigorously. She ate while looking at Xiao Han.

The two had just arrived at the door of Wanda Mall.

But I met a person, a familiar face. That person is Qin Xiaotian. Qin Xiaotian hugged a girl, a tall, very beautiful girl. The two of them had a lot of things in their hands. It could be seen that the two of them had just left the mall for shopping.

"Oh, isn't this Liu Yiyi?" Qin Xiaotian looked at Liu Yiyi with a smile.

"Qin Xiaotian?" Liu Yiyi frowned.

"Aren't you suffering from leukemia?" Qin Xiaotian smiled and said, "Why are you not afraid of being infected by germs? I advise you to go home honestly. Don't go out and wander around!"

"Qin Xiaotian, can't you accumulate a little morality?" Xiao Han frowned.

"Xiao Han, don't you know that this woman will die soon?" Qin Xiaotian said hurriedly, "Are you not afraid of bad luck? Would you dare to be with her?"

"You are really interesting." Xiao Lian laughed, and said, "I don't know that when people are sick, they follow behind them like a courting male dog. Now that you know that they are sick, you will dislike it like something. ."

"Xiao Han, no matter what, this woman was abandoned by me." Qin Xiaotian grinned and said: "Your kid is with her, then picking up worn shoes and wearing them. Tsk tsk, why are you willing?"

"Shut up!" Xiao Han became angry when he heard it.

"I'm not!" Qin Xiaotian smiled.

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!" Xiao Han squinted.

"If you have the ability, you can try it!" Qin Xiaotian said angrily.


Xiao Han dashed forward, and slammed Qin Xiaotian's face with a fist.


Qin Xiaotian fell in response, how could his rich young master compete with Xiao Han. Xiao Han fisted over and he basically had no room for resistance.

"Ah!" The **** the side exclaimed: "Xiaotian, you... are you okay?"

"Fuck, you dare to move me, do you dare to understand me?" Qin Xiaotian roared. Scolded: "I must kill you today!"

After speaking, Qin Xiaotian rushed towards Xiao Han frantically like an angry lion.

Xiao Lengren snorted and squeezed the opponent's neck with his hands.

Although Qin Xiaotian was angry, he was not as good as Xiao Han, and he was not as capable as Xiao Han. After several times, he couldn't even touch Xiao Han's hair. Xiao Han squeezed his neck with one hand, and lifted him from the ground with one hand, as if he was a chicken.

"Well, aren't you going to kill me?" Xiao Han looked at Qin Xiaotian dismissively.

"Don't give me a chance!" Qin Xiaotian was born fearlessly. He grew up in a pampering family, so he didn't fear those powerful opponents at all. He always felt that he had a strong family and a strong background, so he was qualified to be fearless. Even if he meets Xiao Han, he will not be afraid. His face flushed, he gritted his teeth, and then said: "Don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will kill you."

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