The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 596: A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers

"We really want to send the site we got to Liu Si?" Liu Shengtao asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Since the negotiation was done at the beginning, then we naturally have to follow the agreement. We must not leave them a handle of infidelity."

"Hehe..." Liu Shengtao smiled and said, "Now, we are the Leopard Gate and Liu Si in the entire Linjiang. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. It will be a matter of time for our two gangs to clash. Right?"

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "That said, but some things are not as simple as imagined."

"How do you say?" Liu Shengtao asked.

"Trust me, Linjiang City can accommodate the Leopard Gate and Liu Si. As long as I am here, then the two gangs will be able to live in harmony." Xiao Han smiled, and said, "You don't have to worry about this."

"Okay!" Liu Shengtao heard it, nodded, and said: "Now the Leopard Gate is up to you, and we all listen to you."

"Uncle Liu, you can't say that." Xiao Han said hurriedly, "I don't always stay in Linjiang. I will return to the provincial capital today. Therefore, you still have to decide the affairs of Linjiang City. In addition, I will Arrange for someone to assist you."

"That's good!" Liu Shengtao laughed blankly when he heard it.

"Don't worry, I'm just arranging someone to assist you, I am definitely not supervising you." Xiao Han explained embarrassingly, "You don't need to think too much. Besides, Leopard Gate shouldn't have me speak, and rank according to qualification , That's also your takeover."

"Xiao Han, you are serious." Liu Shengtao hurriedly shook his head.

Before long, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Liu Shengtao shouted at the door.

Da Pang Li pushed the door and walked in. He looked at the two people in the office with a look of confusion. A face is inexplicable.

"You..." Da Pang Li looked puzzled and said, "Xiao"

"Come in." Xiao Han replied.

"This...what the **** is going on?" Da Pang Li looked curious.

"Come in and talk." Xiao Han looked at him.

Big Fat Li walked in, he was completely confused by the sight in front of him, Xiao Han called himself early in the morning and asked him to come to Brother Leopard's office. Da Pang Li thought for a while. It doesn't seem to be April Fool's Day anymore. Besides, Xiao Han said it so seriously, so he came with the attitude of giving it a try. He didn't expect to actually meet Xiao Han here.

Da Pang Li sat down in front of Xiao Han, and then asked, "What's going on? What is going on?"

"Listen to me..." Xiao Han smiled, and then told Li Dapang the causes and consequences of the matter without reservation.

Da Pang Li's expression was very complicated, worried, pleased, excited... He said excitedly: "It means, you...your kid is now the big brother?"

"Right!" Xiao Han shrugged.

"Fuck!" When Li Dafang heard this, he was overjoyed and said: "That's great, I can walk sideways in Linjiang City in the future."

"I asked you to come, not to let you go sideways, but to entrust you with work." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Tell me, see what I can do for you!" Li Da Pang smoked a cigarette excitedly, and then said: "I like this job so much."

"There is no special job, just let you help Uncle Liu's work." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Now there is a lack of people in Leopard's door, and there is a lack of trustworthy and capable people. Therefore, I thought of you. Besides, your kid is still idle in Linjiang City now. Why don't you help manage the Leopard Gate?"

"Okay, no problem at all!" Da Pang Li nodded excitedly.

"That's all right." Xiao Han smiled slightly: "From today, you are the deputy leader of the Leopard Gate. You have to assist Liu Shu's work. You can ask him if you don't understand. Understand?"

"Yes, yes!" Li Da Pang nodded.

"Uncle Liu, do you have any problems here?" Xiao Han asked.

"This..." Liu Shengtao hesitated and said, "I don't know if I should say something."

"Say!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I don't know much about Big Fat Li." Liu Shengtao smiled and said, "Besides, the brothers in the gang don't know him. You suddenly gave him a deputy gang leader. Wouldn't it be too...too haste?"

"That's true for what you said." Xiao Han nodded when he heard it, and said, "Then start with the team leader."

"No problem!" Li Da Pang didn't care about these false names. Besides, if you want to be the deputy leader, isn't that sooner or later?

After making arrangements with Da Pang Li.

Xiao Han went to the Five Thousand Years Entertainment Club that morning.


In Liu Si's office.

When Liu Si saw Xiao Han's arrival, there was a joyful expression on his face. He underestimated Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, your kid is here."

"Let Si Ye wait a long time." Xiao Han walked over, and Da Pang Li followed Xiao Han.

Liu Si looked at Big Fat Li and said, "This..."

"This is my brother, Big Fatty Li!" Xiao Han replied, "He will assist in the work of Leopard Gate in the future, so he will bring you to know Si Ye!"

"Haha..." Liu Siyi laughed and said, "Sit down."

Li Dapang and Xiao Han sat together. He had imagined since he was a child that he could become a boss. Now, he seems to have achieved half of his goal. He is very envious of a big brother like Liu Si. Sitting in the office every day, the people below make money for themselves. They want to play with women, play with women, and do whatever they want. Don't care about what others think.


Da Pang Li's eyes have been staring at the delicate beauty next to Liu Si, wearing pink tulle, showing her perfect figure. It looks very beautiful. Li Da Pang is still hard to control female sex.


Xiao Han coughed dryly. Immediately let Li Da Pang pull out from the boundless fantasy. Big Fatty Li smiled and said, "Xiao Han, don't you have something to find Si Ye?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Four Lord, this time I came to you to talk about the distribution of benefits!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Han put a stack of documents on the table and said: "The property rights of the site we have taken from Leopard Gate are here. Please take a look."

Liu Si glanced at it and said, "Oh, it's all your credit, why give it to me?"

"At the beginning, we had already made a verbal agreement." Xiao Han smiled and said, "So, I will come to my door and have a talk with Fourth Master."

"Or, what you win will belong to you. What we win will belong to us!" Liu Si asked, trying.

"That won't work. Since the agreement is agreed, then follow the agreement." Xiao Han glanced at Liu Si and said, "Si Ye, I really don't believe it. Can you not eat the fat delivered to the door?"

"Haha..." Liu Siyi laughed, and said: "Open the mountain, come and take a look!"

Li Kaishan leaned aside, and after hearing the order, he immediately walked over and opened the file inside.

After reading it, he said: "Four Lord, yes, that's all."

"Good!" Liu Si nodded and said, "Let's take a look at how to divide these sites?"

"Si Ye, you have the final say!" Xiao Han gave Liu Si a lot of face.

Liu Si naturally wouldn't let Xiao Han suffer. Some sites with good geographical locations were given to Xiao Han, and the rest belonged to him. Although Xiao Han has a slight advantage, he has a greater risk of becoming bigger. Although Liu Si suffers, Liu Si does not seem to care about these industries. If the strength of a gang is not highlighted by the size of the chassis, it is estimated that Liu Si would not want these sites.

Soon, the two sides divided their forces. Basically, Liu Si's sites are in the south and north areas of the city. The power of the Leopard Gate is the east and west areas of the city. Although they are intertwined with each other, this does not affect anything.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Si Ye, thank you."

"You're welcome!" Liu Si shook his head and said, "Do you want me to let you arrange two girls?"

"No need." Xiao Han shook his head.

Da Pang Li nodded his head again and again, and their different attitudes made people hilarious. Big Fat Li seemed to react quickly, and he shook his head again and again.

"Xiao Han, you brother really need it." Liu Si laughed and said, "If you want me to see, you might as well let him try, how about?"

"Big fat, do you need it?" Xiao Han asked.

"I..." Li Dafang looked at Xiao Han awkwardly.

Xiao Han stared at Li Da Pang solemnly, Li Da Pang hurriedly shook his head and said: "No need."

"Si Ye, my brother doesn't need it, then we will leave first." Xiao Han got up and left.

"Okay, open the mountain, see off for me!" Liu Si nodded.

Coming out of Liu Si's office, Xiao Han remained silent. But Li Da Pang looked very guilty.

"Xiao Han, I'm sorry, I just..." Li Dapang said awkwardly.

"I'm not against you being close to women, but you have to separate occasions." Xiao Han sighed and said: "If you really want to be a big brother, then you can't easily expose your shortcomings in front of others. In the future, others will use your shortcomings to deal with you. Just like you are lustful. If in the future I and Liu Si turn against each other and he uses female **** to **** you, do you think you can resist it?"

"I...I can!" Li Da Pang said hurriedly.

"You can fart." Xiao Han replied in an angry tone, then turned and left.

Da Pang Li hurried to follow.

Although Brother Leopard was dead, this trace remained in Xiao Han's heart forever. Xiao Han knew that those people would find themselves sooner or later. Since they can find the leopard, they will definitely find a way to find themselves. What they need is the information they have. But those materials are very precious.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

Back to the Leopard Gate, Li Da Pang looked extremely excited and excited.

"Xiao Han, I will be from the Leopard Gate from now on?" Li Da Pang asked.

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