The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 595: Kill without mercy

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han sat at the door, holding a beer in his hand, and said: "Our actions must be unified. We wait for Liu Shengtao's signal. Once Liu Shengtao acts, then we can also act."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

More than one hundred people waited patiently in this empty factory. As long as the other party is sure, then they can act quickly.

Until ten o'clock at night.

Didi di...

At this time, Liu Shengtao's phone rang, and Xiao Han immediately answered the phone.

"Action?" Xiao Han asked.

"No!" Liu Shengtao shook his head, and then said: "Why are Liu Si's people not moving? Will they act tonight?"

"Since I have said it, I will definitely act!" Xiao Han said immediately.

"That's OK, since you said so, we can't continue to delay, let's act!" Liu Shengtao said immediately.

Afterwards, the two sides immediately began to act.

Xiao Han took more than one hundred people. Their primary goal was a Rolling Stone Bar in the West District. The director of this bar was a person named Lu Sheng. There were dozens of people under Lu Sheng in this site in the West District. Shang is still number one. It's a pity that after tonight, Lu Sheng's number one person will probably disappear from now on. There is only one person in the west area of ​​the city, that is Xiao Han, that is Leopard Gate. Nothing else.

Act quickly.

In Rolling Stone Bar, ten o'clock is the peak of the flow of people. Every night, many white-collar workers in cities and many people gather in the bar. They enjoy the stimulation and numbness of alcohol, and then search for all kinds of things in the bar. Such girls, I hope that the hunt tonight can be successful, and it is best to take them back to the hotel and do it hard.

In the bar, they are pregnant with ghosts, some are purely to buy drunk, some are purely to consume, and some are purely to entertain and pick up girls.

Kuang Dang...

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and two huge glass doors at the entrance of the bar were broken.

At the door, dozens of people holding a machete, roared: "If you don't care, please get out of here, otherwise you will kill you!"

"Ah, help..."


The bar suddenly became a mess. Everyone fled quickly toward the front door or the back door in a swarm.

The original lively bar suddenly quieted down. The inside was messy, the sofas were all messed up, the wine bottles were rolling on the ground, and some people were rolling while they were coming out of the mouth. Less drinks. People are particularly surprised.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a sneer.

At this time, dozens of people rushed out of the bar. The leading man in white is Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng is wearing a white shirt. He looks at Xiao Han coldly, and then asks: "Who are you guys who dare to be wild in our Linjiang City!"

Lu Sheng thought these guys were some kind of ghost gang from outside. Because he is very astute towards Xiao Han, besides, Liu Shengtao and others are usually low-key, and Leopard Gate never causes trouble. Therefore, he did not know the people at the Leopard Gate.

"If you are acquainted, hand over the site honestly." Xiao Han said, "Otherwise, there will be some physical pain!"

"Fuck, so arrogant!" Lu Sheng heard this and said angrily: "Lao Tzu is a descendant of Lu Bu, and my ancestor is the God of War. Today I want to be the God of War as well."

After finishing speaking, Lu Sheng led someone to rush forward quickly.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth twitched, he waved his hand and said, "Give it to me!"

The people at the Leopard Gate have always been very swift, and they rushed up with lightning speed. Then, this group of people quickly showed extremely excited emotions. Lu Sheng took more than 30 people, and he was immediately forced into the corner by the people of the Leopard Gate before he held it for ten minutes.

"Stop...Stop!" Lu Sheng hurriedly shouted.

"Hehe, are you going to surrender now?" Liu Shengtao asked with a smile.

"Who are you guys on earth?" Lu Sheng asked hurriedly. He didn't expect the opponent's combat effectiveness to be so powerful. It's incredibly powerful. The opponent fighting was only a few dozen people, but in just a few minutes, he beat himself into a bereaved dog.

"We are from the Leopard Gate." Liu Shengtao replied.

"Ah!" When Lu Sheng heard this, he stared at Xiao Han and the others in amazement, and said, "Brother Leopard just died, are you going to risk the world?"

"Hey, the rise of the Leopard Gate will happen sooner or later!" Xiao Han replied, "How about it? If you want to follow suit, it is still too late!"

"Don't think about it!" Lu Sheng roared and said, "Today we will never submit to you. We are going to fight you!"

Lu Sheng led a stubborn resistance. It's a pity that after several times, they were all captured.

"How to deal with it?" Liu Shengtao asked.

"Tie them all up and imprison them." Xiao Han replied, saying: "We are dealing with them when we take down the site."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.


The Rolling Stone Bar fell.

As for the Five Thousand Years Entertainment Club, Liu Si is waiting for news from Xiao Han and the others. I have been waiting all night without seeing any news from Xiao Han.

"Si Ye, do you think Xiao Han wouldn't stop acting?" Li Kaishan asked curiously.

"Probably not?" Liu Si shook his head.

"That's weird." Li Kaishan frowned and said: "What time is this, they haven't even started to act, our people can't stand it anymore."

"Wait!" Liu Si smiled.

At this time, Li Kaishan's phone rang, and the news came soon.

"Great, Xiao Han finally took action." Li Kaishan said excitedly.

"Haha, then act." Liu Si laughed and said, "Tonight, don't let Xiao Han and the others occupy the big head."

"Yes!" Li Kaishan nodded immediately.

Later, Liu Si's people also started to act.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night, and it was also destined to be an extraordinary night. A **** baptism, a crazy baptism is happening on the roads of Linjiang City. Perhaps, only after this baptism, the roads of Linjiang City will appear more peaceful and more prosperous.

Xiao Han took more than a hundred people from the Leopard Gate, and carried out crazy baptisms on the two places of Chengxi District and Chengdong District with lightning speed. Xiao Han's speed is extremely fast. Very fast.

Xiao Han baptized the entire Linjiang City with a crazy speed.

That night, everyone in Linjiang City was in danger. Especially the people on the road, all the bars and entertainment clubs were swept away by the Leopard Gate and Liu Si's people. The site was robbed, and all the money was washed away.

"Fuck, what's the matter with this leopard door?"

"More than that, there are Liu Si people, are they crazy?"

"You haven't seen it yet? They are crazy, it's just a premeditated robbery."

Many people escaped and got together in twos and threes. They dared not go to bars, night venues, and even gatherings in crowded places. Instead, they found a residential building and gathered together. Negotiating what to do next.

However, the two largest gangs in Linjiang City actually joined forces, which simply did not give anyone any chance.

That night, other gangs in Linjiang City were almost quickly removed from Linjiang City.

Its daybreak.

Five thousand years entertainment club.

Liu Si sat in his office, waiting for the good news to come.

Li Kaishan hurried in from outside. His face is solemn. Seeing his solemn expression, Liu Si asked curiously: "Kaishan, your expression doesn't seem right!"

"Hey..." Li Kaishan sighed and said, "Shameful."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Liu Si asked in confusion.

"The people at Leopard Gate almost robbed two-thirds of Linjiang City's site, but we were so crowded that we only took less than one-third." Li Kaishan lowered his head and looked frustrated. The action last night was very dissatisfied.

"Oh?" Liu Si was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Is there anything like this?"

"No!" Li Kaishan nodded and said, "Xiao Han and the others divided their forces and marched from the east and west at the same time. Moreover, they almost adopted the method of capturing the thieves first, and arresting all their important figures. Get up and force them to withdraw from the scene. If they refuse, they will break their boss's arm. In this way, they took most of the site."

"This guy!" Liu Siyi's face was slightly uncomfortable.

"Four Lord, what should I do?" Li Kaishan asked.

"At the beginning, we negotiated, and the benefits were five to five points." Liu Si smiled and said, "Xiao Han has exerted so much power, and in the end he is not going to honestly send it back to me!"

"Si Ye, how do I think this Leopard Gate is not easy!" Li Kaishan took a deep breath and said: "Although the opponent has adopted a strategy, the people of the Leopard Gate are quite strong in combat, and they can all fight each one. Good at fighting and very sturdy in fights. There is no need for our people to be worse, even stronger than ours!"

"Really?" Liu Si frowned and said, "Why haven't you heard of this before?"

"Yes!" Li Kaishan nodded and said: "It's just because I have never heard of it before, so I feel a little scary. The Leopard Gate suddenly showed such a powerful strength, which made us a little panic!"

"Don't care so much." Liu Si shook his head and said: "Now we are cooperating, so we don't need to be dissatisfied with our allies. I'm here waiting for Xiao Han to come and negotiate with me."

"Yes!" Li Kaishan nodded.

Subsequently, Li Kaishan left the office.

The brothers at Leopard’s Gate were tired all night and were very choking. They finally fell asleep in the lounge.

Xiao Han and Liu Shengtao sat down in the office, and Liu Shengtao made tea for Xiao Han. Last night, Liu Shengtao admired the ability Xiao Han showed. Moreover, the brothers who originally had opinions on Xiao Han's control of the Leopard Gate had no opinion anymore. Last night, Xiao Han also showed great abilities, and Xiao Han had taken several hard bones by himself. There is no doubt about Xiao Han's strength.

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