"No." Li Kaishan nodded.

Liu Si smiled, and then said: "That's it. Let's set off now!"

"Yes." Li Kaishan nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Liu Si voluntarily went to the Leopard Gate.

The entire Linjiang City roads are very curious. Now, Brother Leopard is dead, and a newcomer takes over the Leopard Gate. I don’t know how this Leopard Gate will develop in the future. Although the Leopard Gate is not as powerful as Liu Si. However, Brother Leopard also has many industries, casinos, bars, entertainment clubs, everything, these are all profitable businesses. If anyone can swallow these, then he will have nothing to worry about.

Many small gangs on the road are playing their ideas, and they all seem to be particularly concerned about this. If there are no new trends in the Leopard Gate, I am afraid that someone will be tempted to do it.

Liu Si personally rushed to the Leopard Gate to worship the leopard.

At the news, there was an uproar on the road. Originally, some people were ready to move. After hearing the news, they immediately stopped moving. Everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and continued to wait and see how things changed.

Leopard door.

In the lobby, there is a circle of wreaths. Leopard's body is placed in the center. Many people who came to see off went to worship.

There is an emcee at the door.

"Someone is coming to worship." The emcee yelled and said: "The guests bowed once, bowed twice, bowed three times, and offered incense. The family members returned the gift..."

Brother Leopard has no family members, so his closest friends, Liu Shengtao and Xiao Han, became family members and replaced him with the gift.

There was sorrow and music playing on the scene, which seemed very desolate and sad.

At this time, the master of ceremonies shouted: "Guests are visiting, bow down..."

"Oh, isn't that Fourth Master?"

"Oh my God, it's really Liu Si. He... why did he come?"

Everyone was shocked. In the crowd, there was a wave of movement, and many people were staring at Liu Si at the door. Everyone thought that Liu Si was here to make trouble, and even Liu Shengtao clenched his fists, ready to pounce at any time.

At this time, if the other party dared to make trouble in the mourning hall, the brothers of the Leopard Gate would definitely not let them go, there was no doubt.

Xiao Han stared at Liu Si without any emotions.

Liu Si was wearing a white gown, black cloth shoes, and a string of pendants hanging around his neck. He walked in slowly, and he took three sticks of incense from the master of ceremonies. Staring at the portrait of the leopard on the mourning hall. He walked over, bowed three times, and put on incense.

"Four Lord, thank you." Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"You're welcome!" Liu Si smiled and said, "We are good friends. I am very pleased that you can take over the Leopard Gate."

"Really?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Liu Si nodded and said, "The relationship between us is better than that between me and Leopard. Therefore, I trust you very much. I am very happy that you can become the master of Leopard Gate. At least I will not use it in the future. Guard against you, right?"

"Thank you Fourth Master for your trust." Xiao Han smiled.

Liu Si nodded, and then said, "You are very busy these days, so I won't bother you. When these days are over, we can relive the past."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "When I have dealt with Brother Leopard's funeral, I will visit it myself."

"Also!" Liu Si nodded, then turned to leave.

Liu Si's visit undoubtedly gave the brothers of the Leopard Door a booster. Although they have always felt resentment towards Liu Si, they can get Liu Si's support at this point. It is estimated that no other gang would dare to attack Leopard.

Sure enough, the news spread.

There was an uproar on the road, and the gangs that were already ready to move unexpectedly gave up on the leopard door at this time.

Xiao Han completely became the owner of the Leopard Gate.

The next day, Leopard's body was cremated, and his ashes were buried on the top of the cemetery.

During the period, Lan Yudie called Xiao Han. Xiao Han found a reason to ask for leave, saying that his cousin had passed away and he needed to help the family deal with the funeral. In order to make Lan Yudie believe in herself, Xiao Han specially took a picture of herself in the mourning hall for her. The originally skeptical Blue Raindie immediately believed this matter. And personally called Xiao Han to make him feel sorry.

Xiao Han was very happy to win the trust of Lan Yudie.

After dealing with Leopard Brother's matter, Xiao Han drove to the Five Thousand Years Entertainment Club.

Under Li Kaishan's leadership, Xiao Han entered Liu Si's office.

In the office, the incense is lit, and the light sandalwood is very comfortable. It smells refreshing and refreshing.

Xiao Han walked over and sat down opposite Liu Si.

"Si Ye, it was really thanks to you that day." Xiao Han smiled and said, "If you hadn't come to the town hall, it is estimated that someone would stand up and fight with Leopard Sect that day."

"Haha..." Liu Si laughed and said, "I know you will be in trouble, so I went to the scene to help you."

"Si Ye, if you have any instructions in the future, just speak up." Xiao Han said, "Although the Leopard Gate is not as good as you, it will definitely be effective wherever you can help."

"You look down on Leopard Gate too much." Liu Si smiled and said, "You know, in Linjiang City, except for me, Liu Si, that is his leopard world. However, leopards are always relatively low-key. So, most people I don’t even know the style of the leopard. But I know it very well!"

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Yes. But since I took over the Leopard Gate, I will never let the Leopard Gate be bullied."

"So, we only have two plans!" Liu Si glanced at Xiao Han and said: "Either we cooperate; or we turn our heads into enemies. So you figure it out."

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Really?"

"Yes!" Liu Si nodded and said: "They are all in a circle, and there will definitely be conflicts in interests. The two methods I mentioned are the only solutions. Which one do you think is more suitable for us!"

"Four Lord, don't scare me." Xiao Han smiled lightly.

"Xiao Han, I definitely didn't scare you." Liu Si smiled calmly and said: "It's already where it is today, I'm already telling the truth."

Xiao Han frowned, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "In this case, then we can only cooperate."

"I also think cooperation is our only way out!" Liu Si said.

"Um!" Xiao Han hesitated, then asked, "How are we going to cooperate?"

"Our cooperation is very simple. Linjiang City has so many sites. The two of us add up to no more than half of the sites." Liu Si smiled and said: "If we merge, we will definitely be able to bring Linjiang City. All the sites are taken down. What do you think?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han heard it and said, "It's not a problem at all. It's just that, how to distribute the benefits?"

"I don't take advantage of you either. We are five to five points for all the sites." Liu Si said.

"No problem!" Xiao Han nodded immediately.

The two parties have reached an agreement.

No one knew the news that Liu Si wanted to cooperate with the Leopard Gate. However, Liu Si asked Li Kaishan to prepare his team, contact all the little brothers, and be ready to act at any time. But Xiao Han found Liu Shengtao.

Liu Shengtao knows the situation of the Leopard Gate very well, so Xiao Han needs to find out some information from him.

"There are a total of three hundred and twenty-eight brothers registered at the Leopard Gate." Liu Shengtao said, "Everyone is an elite. Don't think we are inferior to Liu Si, but if we really want to fight, Liu Si is not necessarily the same. Our opponent in the Leopard Gate. Brother Leopard has never failed to train the brothers, but our Leopard Gate has always been relatively low-key. Xiao Han, if we really want to cooperate with Liu Si, then, this time we can take the opportunity to become famous Let Liu Si also see how good we are."

Xiao Han understands the meaning of Liu Shengtao's words very well.

Leopard Gate used to be very forbearing and relatively low-key. Now that I want to share the world with Liu Si, it's much simpler. He simply showed his hidden strength, and let Liu Si see that the brothers of the Leopard Gate were definitely not that easy to mess with.

Therefore, Liu Shengtao decided to show his trick.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"When do you act?" Liu Shengtao asked questioningly.

"Start to act tomorrow night." Xiao Han said.

"That's it!" Liu Shengtao nodded and said: "Tomorrow night, we will each lead a team of troops and separate troops from the east and the west of the city. At that time, we will move towards those who are not influential. The gang launched an offensive. Quickly occupied the territory. Let Liu Si see how good we are!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "You are right. It's time for the Leopard Gate to shine the sword."

There is only one day left for Liu Si and Leopard Gate. This day requires a lot of people to be gathered and a strategy is needed. Xiao Han took more than a hundred people to hide in an empty factory in the west of the city. The brothers are hiding in the factory, where Lazarus is all eating and drinking. They bought the cards, made some frozen beer, cold simmered them, and simply played cards in the factory, and finished eating and drinking. Have been waiting for the sky to turn dark.

"How are you preparing?" someone asked.

"about there."

"Are you afraid?"

"Fear of a ball, do we still need to talk about our strength?"

A group of people got together, talking in twos and threes. They are not afraid, on the contrary, they look forward to such a fight. Only by fighting can you show your strength. Only fighting can make oneself behave more fiercely.

As the saying goes, war produces heroes. Without war, where are the opportunities and platforms?

Everyone was extremely calm and excited. Especially under the influence of alcohol, this group of people seem more aggressive and more excited.

Unconsciously, the sun went down. The setting sun to the west is particularly beautiful.

Before long, the setting sun disappeared, and the street lights were gradually lit.

"Xiao Han, when shall we act?" the brothers asked one after another.

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