The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 594: Rush back to Linjiang

"These gangsters of the **** nature have all entered the school, isn't it a big deal?" Chen Aiguo's face was pale.

"Yes!" Li Aibin looked at Chen Aiguo awkwardly.

"This matter is not over yet." Chen Aiguo took a deep breath and said, "Go, call Xiao Han to my office!"

"Yes!" Li Aibin nodded hurriedly.

Li Aibin shrank his head and left Chen Aiguo's office in a desperate manner.

Xiao Han is in the classroom.

Suddenly, Lan Yudie broke into the classroom: "Mr. Liu, interrupt a little bit."

The English teacher who was in class immediately stopped teaching.

"Xiao Han, come out!" Lan Yudie's expression was cold.

Xiao Han immediately had a bad feeling. He hurried out, looked at Lan Yudie awkwardly, and said, "Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Call me Teacher Lan!" Lan Yudie glared at him.

"What the **** is going on?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Follow me!" Lan Yudie paled with anger.

Xiao Han could only follow Lan Yudie forward honestly.

Along the way, Lan Yudie did not speak, but walked towards the complex on high heels. Xiao Han asked a few questions. Seeing that Lan Yudie ignored him, he closed his mouth with interest. However, from the perspective of the path, Xiao Han could determine that this should be the way to the principal's office. Because Xiao Han has walked this way many times.

Sure enough, he walked to the door of the principal's office.


Blue Rain Butterfly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Chen Aiguo's voice seemed rough. It is estimated to be angry.

Blue Yudie pushed in.

Chen Aiguo sat on the chair, his eyes kept falling on Xiao Han since Xiao Han came in.

"Principal Chen!" Xiao Han said hello with a smile.

Chen Aiguo ignored it. He glanced at Lan Yudie and said, "Teacher Lan, you can go ahead. I'll just talk to Xiao Han."

"Principal, I..." Lan Yudie didn't seem to want to leave, but wanted to listen to the conversation between the two.

"Go!" Chen Aiguo replied again.

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded, she did not dare to disobey the principal.

After speaking, Lan Yudie turned and left. Looking at the back of Lan Yudie leaving, Xiao Han didn't speak until she left, and said, "Principal, didn't you look for me because of what happened last night?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Aiguo looked at Xiao Han seriously, and said: "I already know what happened yesterday, Xiao Han, are you in contact with these ** organizations? If so, I urge you to terminate as soon as possible. Contact them, otherwise..."

"Principal, it's not as serious as you said!" Xiao Han heard it and said embarrassingly: "I have nothing to do with them. I'm just a student. Whether they are ** has nothing to do with me."

"Really?" Chen Aiguo frowned.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Then I ask you, why did they come to school to trouble you?" Chen Aiguo asked.

"Because someone wants to frame me!" Xiao Han replied.

"Why didn't anyone frame me?" Chen Aiguo sneered: "To put it bluntly, you are related to them. Moreover, there is an interest connection. Otherwise, who would frame you with a human life? These people are really cruel. You actually used human life as bait. It is someone else today, and it may be you tomorrow. Xiao Han, you better be vigilant!"

"Principal, I know!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

"Maybe I don't like what I said today, but faithful words are good for action, and good medicine is good for disease." Chen Aiguo looked at Xiao Han with solemn expression.

He had never treated Xiao Han so seriously. This was the first time he treated Xiao Han with such a serious attitude. Because he was alert.

"I understand!" Xiao Han nodded.

"You understand." Chen Aiguo nodded, and then said: "In addition, you must handle this matter. I will hold it down for you temporarily and will not report it to the Education Bureau. You must not get caught up in the fire."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Okay, go back to class." Chen Aiguo replied.

Xiao Han turned and left.

Xiao Han thinks he can handle these relationships well. After all, I am already an adult, not a minor. This is university society, not middle school students. For these things, Xiao Han still thinks that there is no big problem.

Just came out of the complex.

A man in a white T-shirt came up to meet him.

"Classmate, do you know Xiao Han?" The man smiled, and he didn't seem to be a bad person.

"What can you do with Xiao Han?" Xiao Han looked at him suspiciously. A person who didn't know himself came to find himself, which inevitably made Xiao Han a little alert.

"Oh, I have something to find him." The man smiled, slightly embarrassed.

"I am!" Xiao Han admitted frankly. He thought he had done nothing bad and didn't need to cover up.

"You... you are?" The man looked astonished. Would this world be such a coincidence? Xiao Han was found all at once, and the third person who entered the school met him. The man obviously didn't believe it. He hurriedly said: "Are you...Are you the champion of the college entrance examination in Linjiang City?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It's me!"

"Do you know Brother Leopard?" the man said hurriedly.

"Brother Leopard?" Xiao Han hesitated and said, "Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Leopard Brother's little brother." The man looked at Xiao Han awkwardly, and said, "If you are really Xiao Han, please come back with me. Leopard Brother... Leopard Brother has something wrong with him."

"What happened?" Xiao Han's heart tightened. Because he suddenly remembered something, Brother Leopard once said to himself that those people would find him sooner or later, so Xiao Han immediately felt that something must have happened to Xiao Han.

"I was killed." The man's face sank and said, "Brother Leopard is dying, let us come to you."

"What?!" Xiao Han's eyes flashed with astonishment. Although he was ready in his heart, Xiao Han couldn't help but tremble violently when he really learned the news.

"I didn't lie to you." The man hurriedly said: "Brother Leopard was killed yesterday."

"Go!" Xiao Han waved his hand when he heard it.

Xiao Han led the man quickly toward the teacher's parking shed. He quickly started the BMW.

Xiao Han quickly drove to Linjiang City.

He didn't expect that Brother Leopard would be killed so quickly. At first I thought that Brother Leopard was a bit serious, but he didn't expect that what he said turned out to be true. Along the way, Xiao Han couldn't believe it was true. Until the car arrived in Linjiang City, arrived at Yanzishan Market. And I saw the body of Leopard in the mourning hall on the fifth floor. At that moment, Xiao Han realized the seriousness of the situation.

"This..." Xiao Han looked at Brother Leopard's body with a look of guilt.

"Xiao Han, although we don't understand why Brother Leopard asked us to find you before he died, we know that you must be a very important person to Brother Leopard and for us." Deputy leader Liu Shengtao said: "Besides, you were taken away by Liu Si before, and Brother Leopard will take you away from Liu Si's site at all costs. For this, you should take over for Brother Leopard."

Xiao Han stood above Leopard's mourning hall, looking at the smiling picture of Leopard. At this moment, Xiao Han's heart was extremely heavy, and he felt a heavy heart. As if being pressed by a boulder, he was almost out of breath.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "Let me consider it!"

"What are you still considering?" Liu Shengtao hurriedly said, "If you continue to consider, Liu Si will definitely annex us."

"Impossible." Xiao Han shook his head.

"What's impossible." Liu Shengtao shook his head and said: "Now Liu Si doesn't know the news of Brother Leopard's death. Once he knows, he will definitely not let go of our territory!"

Xiao Han didn't understand the things on the road, let alone the rules on the road. He thought for a long time whether he should take over this seat himself.

In the ear, I faintly heard Brother Leopard calling himself Young Master. This title is so unfamiliar, yet so kind.

After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded and said: "Okay, I will kick Leopard brother to take over his business for the time being!"

"Okay!" Liu Shengtao heard it and said, "From today, Xiao Han will be the new master of our Leopard Gate."

"The master is mighty, the master is mighty." Everyone shouted.

In the mourning hall of Brother Leopard, Xiao Han took over his business in front of Brother Leopard. Starting today, Xiao Han has added another identity to his student status, that is, the master of the Leopard Gate. There are hundreds of people under his hands.

Xiao Han soon began to take over the funeral of Brother Leopard. And organized Leopard's younger brother to see him off.

Xiao Han became the owner of the Leopard Gate, and the news was soon publicized by Leopard Brother's younger brother.

Suddenly, Linjiang City was greatly shaken.

Of course, Liu Si was the first to be hit. Liu Si is the handle of Linjiang City and the eldest brother of Linjiang City. Now suddenly news came out that Brother Leopard was dead. Before he could react, he got another news that Xiao Han took over and became the master of the Leopard Gate.

"This...what the **** is going on?" Liu Si was surprised, and then said, "Can anyone explain it to me?"

"Si Ye, this Xiao Han has become the master of the Leopard Gate, we are also baffled!" Li Kaishan smiled bitterly.

"Fuck, this news is amazing." Liu Si frowned.

"I also think it's incredible!" Li Kaishan shook his head and said, "Xiao Han is just a student. Where is he qualified to take over the Leopard Gate?"

"I think so too." Liu Si frowned.

"What to do then?" Li Kaishan asked hurriedly. As the number one thug by Liu Si, he naturally wants to kick Liu Sifen to relieve his sorrow. If Liu Si gave an order to attack the Leopard Gate, then he would definitely take the lead.

"Hehe..." Liu Si smiled slightly and said, "So, let's go to the Leopard Gate to take a look. Anyway, we are also Leopard's friends now. He is dead. Let's have a stick of incense. It should be nothing. problem."

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