"I...I'm fine!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"I said it's okay." Liu Bin glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "You kid doesn't know how to look at the road. Where did you go?"

Xiao Han looked back, and he actually walked in the opposite direction of the dormitory.

"Haha..." Xiao Han gave a wry smile, and said awkwardly: "Sorry, sorry."

"Are you losing your soul?" Liu Bin leaned forward curiously.

"It's you, you lost your soul!" Xiao Han immediately put away his bad mood, and then said: "Walk, I have to eat too."

"Why did you just go?" Liu Bin carried the lunch box.

"The oath of the championship." Xiao Han laughed.

"The National University Games?" Liu Bin asked.

"No!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Can you call it a higher-end? That's the National University Sports Championship."

"Pump..." Liu Bin spouted rice all over the floor.

Back to the dormitory, Xiao Han took the lunch box and walked towards the cafeteria.

As soon as Xiao Han left, Liu Bin immediately said in the dormitory: "Brothers, Xiao Han, this kid is a bit wrong today."

"What's wrong!" Zhang Feng asked from the side.

"I feel lost!" Liu Bin said.

Zhang Feng froze for a moment, and said, "Really?"

"Right!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "This kid went to the wrong dormitory today. He doesn't look at the way when he walks. He is too distracted."

"Did something happen?" Zhang Dagu asked.

"Did you break up with Lan Yudie?" Zhang Feng was shocked.

"Go, go, talk nonsense, can't you say something good?" Liu Bin glanced at a few people irritably.

Several people immediately put away their tongues and continued to talk in a low voice.

Xiao Han felt bad. He didn't return to the dormitory after he had a meal. Instead, he sat down to eat in the cafeteria.

"Xiao Han?!" A voice came from behind.

Xiao Han lowered his head to eat, but did not respond. The man walked over, and after confirming that it was Xiao Han, he sat down directly opposite Xiao Han without asking. Xiao Han raised his head and glanced at each other, then smiled: "It's you!"

Li Ruobing looked at Xiao Han curiously, blinking his eyes, and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you worried today?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head, then smiled and asked: "What have you been up to lately?"

"I..." Li Ruobing's face turned red when he heard it.

"Talking about boyfriend?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Li Ruobing nodded hurriedly, and said, "I talked about one, and he is better than seniors."

"That's good!" Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

Li Ruobing is very beautiful, and there are countless suitors in the school. She had always admired herself very much at the beginning, but it was a pity that Luo Hua deliberately flowed ruthlessly, and Xiao Han didn't feel much about her. At that time, Xiao Han was very worried that Li Ruobing would hang himself on a tree, but now that she found her boyfriend, her guilt disappeared.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "By the way, what do girls hate men most?"

"Which way?" Li Ruobing asked curiously.

"In pursuit." Xiao Han replied.

"I hate going straight to the goal." Li Ruobing blinked, and then said: "Going straight to the goal will make people feel that you are not romantic. Women like romance and an atmosphere, instead of going straight to the subject, let alone going straight to the subject. Sheets."

"Haha..." Xiao Han was obviously amused by Li Ruobing's words.

Li Ruobing raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm telling the truth."

"I understand." Xiao Han nodded and said, "Thank you."

After that, Xiao Han broke his lunch box and left.

"Why did you leave?" Li Ruobing was anxious.

"I have something to do." Xiao Han laughed. Before leaving, Xiao Han turned to look at Li Ruobing and said, "By the way, May 15th is the National University Sports Championship. If you have time, take your boyfriend to Come to the gym, I have a game."

"Okay." Li Ruobing nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Han was eating while walking.

When I walked to the dormitory, the meal was finished. He washed the lunch box clean, and then hurried out.

No words at all.

Seeing Xiao Han leaving behind, the three people in the dormitory were once again dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"It's broken, this kid must be wicked." Liu Bin hurriedly stood up and said: "Brothers, Xiao Han is our brother, we can't just sit idly by. You said, what can we do?"

"Maybe Xiao Han has something to do!" Zhang Dagu on the side said.

"If you have something, you can't just say a word?" Liu Bin frowned.

"I think too." Zhang Feng looked very calm.

The three fell silent again.

After a long time, Zhang Feng said: "We don't know where Xiao Han has gone now. Why don't we have a good talk with him when he comes back?"

"It can only do this now." Liu Bin nodded.

"Okay." Zhang Dagu shrugged and continued to play with the phone.

After some discussion, the three people in the dormitory fell into their own world again. Xiao Han was left behind all at once.


Xiao Han came out of the dormitory and headed straight for the staff parking lot.

Xiao Han quickly jumped into the BMW off-road vehicle, and then drove straight towards the Wanglong River.

Wanglong River is a very nice villa area here. There are a lot of villas inside, and all the rich and powerful people live. This villa area is not far from Li Xiaoya's villa. Closely separated by a river. Both villa areas have introduced water from the Wanglong River, passing through the villas. Almost every household has a swimming pool, and the water is introduced from the Wanglong River.

Xiao Han galloped all the way and soon reached the Wanglong River. After arriving at the Wanglong River, the security on the Wanglong River is very strict. All foreign vehicles are prohibited from entering unless the owner's permission is obtained.

After arriving, Xiao Han hurriedly said to the security guard: "Hello, I'm looking for Miss Liu Yiyi in Building A2. Just talk to me and say Xiao Han is looking for her."

"Good!" The security guard was very polite.

The security immediately called into the villa area through the doorbell. The Liu family servant answered the phone and immediately found Liu Yiyi. Liu Yiyi was a little surprised when he heard that Xiao Han was here.

"Miss, look..." The servant stood aside.

"Let him in." Liu Yiyi replied.

"Yes!" The servant immediately withdrew from the room.

The security guard at the door got the news and immediately opened the door, and then politely invited Xiao Han in.

Xiao Han drove in slowly, and when he arrived at the door of the villa, Xiao Han saw a maid in white clothes standing at the door. She smiled politely at Xiao Han and said, "Mr. Xiao, our young lady is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." Xiao Han thanked him.

Under the guidance of the maid, Xiao Han entered the villa. When we first arrived at the door, the maid immediately said: "Mr. Xiao, we...Our young lady is obsessed with cleanliness, so... I have a special request. I hope you can change to our specific clothes. In addition, I hope you can use disinfectant. handwashing."

"Okay!" Xiao Han was very cooperative.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" The maid was very happy, and there were few guests who took the initiative to cooperate. Most people will ask a question or two curiously. Only Xiao Han changed his clothes without saying a word.

After changing clothes, wash your hands carefully with disinfectant. everything's ready.

The maid led Xiao Han up the stairs and arrived at the door of a room on the second floor.

"Our lady is inside." The maid smiled lightly.

"Okay, thank you!" Xiao Han nodded.

The maid turned and left. Xiao Han brewed his emotions at the door, trying to avoid embarrassment or violating his inner thoughts.

After more than ten seconds, Xiao Han pushed the door and entered.

It was empty inside, and across from it was a large floor-to-ceiling window with excellent lighting. Light came in from outside, and the room was bright. Liu Yiyi turned her back, she was sitting in front of a huge drawing board. Paints of various colors are placed on the side.

On the drawing board, a huge abstract painting.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of abstract painting gives people a very empty and incomprehensible feeling.

Liu Yiyi was wearing a clean white long dress and stepped on the ground with bare feet.

"Yiyi, it's me!" Xiao Han walked over.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yiyi asked without looking back, "Is it to come to see me joke? Or to sympathize with me? If so, please go back. Because I don't need sympathy. If it's you Come to see the jokes, you should laugh enough too."

"No, no, you misunderstood." Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head.

"Then what are you doing?" Liu Yiyi frowned, and she turned to look at Xiao Han. She was still wearing that beautiful wig, and it could be seen that Liu Yiyi should be more beautiful before she fell ill, so she was jealous of her beauty. Liu Yiyi is so beautiful, so even God would be jealous. That led to the current sadness.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I'm here to invite you."

"Invite me?" Liu Yiyi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Xiao Han suspiciously, and said, "What are you inviting me to do?"

"Invite you to come and cheer for me." Xiao Han walked over and said, "May 15th is the National University Games. I signed up for the 100-meter and 200-meter events. I hope you can come and watch!"

"Really?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han in surprise, and then said: "I remember you don't seem to be a student of the Department of Physical Education. How can you participate in the National University Games?"

"The school signed up for me." Xiao Han shrugged and said, "It has nothing to do with me!"


Seeing Xiao Han's innocent look made Liu Yiyi's eyes funny. Liu Yiyi laughed and said: "The school will definitely not send you to participate for no reason. Besides, this is the home court of Mizuki University. If you don't come back with a ranking, Mizuki University should be very shameless, right?"

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