Tang Daguo clicked to open Cloud Space. There is a recycling bin in Cloud Space. All the things deleted just now are in the recycling bin. Tang Daguo restores the data with one click. Those things were restored all at once.

In order to prevent the cloud space data from being officially deleted, he downloaded all these data to the phone.

After doing all this, Tang Daguo stood up contentedly, and stretched out. One night's madness, in exchange for today's soft body. He felt like he almost fell.

"Oh, I'm getting old and old, I need to exercise my body well in the future, and I will grow longer in Japan!" Tang Daguo showed an evil smile on his face.

After speaking, Tang Daguo also left wearing clothes. Before I left, I didn't forget to take a look at the video in the phone.


Mizuki University is getting closer and closer to the time for the National University Student Championships.

The domestic atmosphere is getting heavier. The Championship Organizing Committee has officially moved to Junru Hotel in Z Province. The demand continued, and other domestic participating groups gradually came to the provincial capital and stayed at the Junru Hotel.

Because it is a national event, the work this time seems to be extremely important, and it also seems to be very important. The provincial party committee personally issued instructions, and all units in the province and city must cooperate to coordinate the scheduled and smooth holding of the championship.

Only one week before the championship, Mizuki University held a swearing ceremony. Principal Chen Aiguo personally went to the scene to encourage students. Almost all students in the physical education department participated.

Xiao Han is not a student of the Department of Physical Education, but Xiao Han is a player in this tournament. As the only student who did not participate in the championship sports as a student of the physical education department, Xiao Han never participated in the training camp of the physical education department from beginning to end.

For this matter, the deputy director of the Department of Physical Education has repeatedly approached Chen Aiguo to discuss this matter. Even at this oath meeting, he found Chen Aiguo again.

"Principal Chen, we can't have a special presence!" The deputy director said helplessly: "Many students have already told me that Xiao Han is offering special treatment. Why does he not participate in the training camp?"

"He doesn't want to accept the family and he won't participate." Chen Aiguo laughed: "This matter can't be forced, right?"

"However, this is not conducive to the improvement of performance." The deputy director said: "I know that Xiao Han's sprint is very strong, but this is a national event. His ability is the first in Shuimu University. The whole country, who knows what will happen? Maybe by participating in the training camp, the strength can be improved."

"Don't worry about that!" Chen Aiguo waved his hand and continued: "Xiao Han is more industrious recently. He has morning exercises every morning and physical training at night. I see all of this!"

"What's all this?" The deputy director smiled bitterly: "This can only be a general exercise. What we need is to stimulate the human body's potential. To burst out the hidden power. Xiao Han is a good seedling and cannot be allowed to develop. The result of free-range breeding will only become waste material!"

"You also know that Xiao Han is a good seedling." Chen Aiguo said earnestly: "So, I can't force him to participate in your training camp. Otherwise, this seedling will probably be destroyed by you!"

When the deputy director heard this, he was speechless and said: "Well, President Chen, sooner or later you will know what regret is!"

"Haha..." Chen Aiguo laughed blankly when he heard it.

The oath meeting is over.

Chen Aiguo found Xiao Han. In fact, Xiao Han was there only symbolically at the ceremony. He didn't listen at all, because he had been looking for Liu Yiyi's whereabouts recently. Unfortunately, I haven't found it.

When Xiao Han saw Chen Aiguo, he suddenly had a plan.

"Principal Chen, I'm looking for you!" Xiao Han hurriedly greeted him.

"Are you looking for me?" Chen Aiguo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What can you do if you are looking for me?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han grinned and said, "I want to find out a person's address through you."

"Who?" Chen Aiguo was obviously surprised.

"Liu Yiyi from the Department of Business!" Xiao Han smiled.

"What are you looking for her for?!" Chen Aiguo frowned, seemingly unhappy.

"Don't get me wrong." Xiao Han laughed and said, "I just want to apologize to her, because I misunderstood her for one thing and scolded her, so... I want to apologize to her. But I have not been able to find her."

"Boy, don't fool me!" Chen Aiguo obviously didn't believe it. Xiao Han, this kid, was looking for Liu Yiyi, and he was very fond of others' appearance, so he looked at Xiao Han very contemptuously.

"Principal Chen, are you looking at my face, is it a righteous face!" Xiao Han pointed his eyes seriously and said: "Look at my eyes. What do you see in my eyes? "

"The face is quite a righteous face." Chen Aiguo smiled, and said: "However, I only saw feces in your eyes, nothing else!"

Xiao Han was taken aback, almost out of breath.

"Then how can you tell me Liu Yiyi's address!" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Hey, unless you promise me a condition!" Chen Aiguo raised his brows.

"Old treacherous and cunning!" Xiao Han retorted unceremoniously, and said, "Let's talk about it, what conditions!"

"One hundred-meter dash, you have to bring me a top three!" Chen Aiguo smiled and said, "How about? If you can take a top three, I will tell you right away!"

"Principal Chen, most things like running are based on luck." Xiao Han said helplessly, "You let me promise you now!"

"I believe you can!" Chen Aiguo said confidently.

"I..." Xiao Han looked helpless, and said, "Go and go, I promise you, I will try my best to get the top three!"

"Okay." Chen Aiguo nodded and said, "Come on, give a high five!"


Xiao Han stretched out his hand and patted Chen Aiguo's slap.

Around, many physical education students have seen this scene. In their eyes, Chen Aiguo has always been a majestic elder, unsmiling. Unexpectedly, he would talk and laugh with Xiao Han.

"Fuck, am I blind?"

"Yes. Principal Chen actually laughed."

"I finally understood. Xiao Han must have something to do with Chen Aiguo. Otherwise, how could Chen Aiguo appoint Xiao Han to participate in the tournament?!"

The students of the physical education department whispered and discussed in private.

Chen Aiguo quickly gave Liu Yiyi's address to Xiao Han. Xiao Han was very happy and excited when he got the address. He hurriedly said: "Principal Chen, I'm leaving now!"

"Wait!" Chen Aiguo hurriedly held Xiao Han.

"What else do you have?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"What the **** are you looking for her?" Chen Aiguo frowned.

"Really just apologize." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Do you know her?" Chen Aiguo asked.

"I understand." Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I know he is the fiancée of the second son of the Qin family, and I also know that she should have some physical problems."

"Is this what you know?" Chen Aiguo glanced at Xiao Han and said: "Then I tell you, she lost her mother since she was a child, and later his father married a stepmother. The stepmother was not good to her. Betroth her to her. Qin Xiaotian was the ghost of her stepmother. In addition, two years ago, she had leukemia. Now she is only relying on chemotherapy to maintain her life. However, this girl is strong, even if she is sick, she occasionally comes to school. Many people actually I don't know her background. In fact, her fate is really pitiful. So, if you can not disturb her, try not to disturb her."

Hearing Chen Aiguo's words, Xiao Han was shocked.

Xiao Han really didn't expect Liu Yiyi's fate to be so bad. This was indeed what shocked him, and it was also the place he was shocked.

"My God, this... isn't it true?" Xiao Han was shocked.

"It's really true." Chen Aiguo sighed and said, "Although the Liu family is not short of money, the child Yiyi has lacked maternal love since he was a child."

"I understand." After Xiao Han heard this, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

That kind of feeling is like being stimulated by something deep in my heart. He felt very uncomfortable. Also very sad. My heart seemed to be touched by something all at once.

"Okay, I have something else. Let's go first." Chen Aiguo patted Xiao Han on the shoulder and said: "Liu Yiyi's disease is terminally ill. He changed his bone marrow once, but the condition relapsed again, so unless you find a higher matching index People, otherwise, she can only watch her slowly leave the world. If you just go to her with compassion, then I don’t think you need it."

"I see!" Xiao Han nodded.

"In addition, you must work hard for the tournament." Chen Aiguo smiled.

"I will!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

I don't know why, after hearing about Liu Yiyi's life experience, Xiao Han felt very sad and very tingling inside. This feeling is very unpleasant. He did not expect that this girl who looked so beautiful and looked so glamorous would be so sad behind her back.

Xiao Han stumbled all the way and didn't know how to walk back to the dormitory.

The address of Liu Yiyi's home is deeply imprinted in Xiao Han's heart, and he will probably never forget it for a lifetime. However, he didn't know whether he should go to Liu Yiyi. Chen Aiguo was right. If he just went to her with compassion, it would only interfere with her life and it would be very unfair to her.

Liu Yiyi's fate is already very miserable, and if she wants to interfere with her life, it might be a very inappropriate thing.

"Hey, what's wrong with your kid?" Liu Bin was holding the lunch box, and he and Xiao Han passed by outside the dormitory.

On weekdays, Xiao Han is gentle and gentle, and he always greets enthusiastically when he meets people. Therefore, Xiao Han's desperate appearance made Liu Bin a little surprised and surprised. He hurriedly blocked Xiao Han's way.

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